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Posts Tagged ‘Education’

REALITY SHIFT: You Are a Sovereign Being – Start Acting Like One!

Posted by Xaniel777 on January 4, 2018

Originally Posted By:  By Jeff Street, Guest author, HumansAreFree.com   

One of the key changes that needs to happen to enable the transformation of our humanity is to reclaim our personal power to think for ourselves, to discern truth from disinformation, and to stand firm for what we know is right. 

The Source that created us endowed us with free-will and the power to create with our thoughts, words, and deeds. Yet many of us are squandering these endowments, squandering them so badly that the probable future of humanity is not looking very bright.

Humanity is at a critical junction in its history — one road leads to a very bleak future, and the other has the potential to be a new golden age.  

The outcome depends on us, each one of us, starting right now and it starts by freeing your mind! The key to reclaiming our freedom and creating a better world is for each of us to reclaim our sovereignty.

What is Sovereignty?

The word “Sovereign” refers to the power or right that a nation/state or individual has to determine its own destiny — to not be controlled by others. The ability to determine one’s own destiny has been termed SELF-DETERMINATION and it is one aspect of the timeless ideal called FREEDOM.  

Self-determination and freedom are said to be intrinsic rights bestowed on us by Source/God. The American founding fathers firmly thought so and called these “inalienable” rights. Personal sovereignty refers to the intrinsic right of an INDIVIDUAL to self-determination. 

But having the right of sovereignty is not the same as BEING sovereign. One must assert a right through one’s thoughts and actions, or the right is essentially lost.  

Ultimately your sovereignty has to be demonstrated. The classic saying “Freedom is not free” echoes this idea — rights must be claimed by the constant application of attention, thought, and engagement.

An important part of being truly free is the responsibility to be highly discerning about the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that we choose to accept from society.  

In fact, we must be independent minded and confident enough to form our own ideas, beliefs, and attitudes — despite the pressure that society puts on us to conform. 

We must not just blindly accept everything our government, religions, teachers, and so called “experts” want us to believe. Doing so gives away our power and allows the “powers that be” to create a world that serves their agenda — a world that might not be in our best interest.

Why Personal Sovereignty is Important

If we don’t start forming our own beliefs, trusting our inner knowledge, and standing for what we know in our hearts is right, the future of our world will be defined and created by a very few with a very self-serving agenda.  

In this world that worships the almighty dollar commercial interests are steering the ship. We have allowed them to hijack our government, our religions, our media, and our beliefs and attitudes — materialism, consumerism, separatism, and fear serve their interests.

Giving Away Our Power

But the “powers that be” only steer the ship because we’ve bought into all the beliefs and attitudes and have let ourselves become apathetic and disengaged. So let’s not point fingers and blame those that we perceive are manipulating us.  

Realize the we are ALLOWING ourselves to be manipulated, allowing ourselves to be taken to a future not of our design.  We are fully responsible for everything about our lives including what we let happen to us, and we are letting a lot happen to us.  

Don’t fall into the “victim mentality” trap and get caught up in the blame and complain game — that only gives away your power.

Far too many of us are just are letting our beliefs and values be determined by others. Far too many of us are just going along with what we are told, following what our government, church, teachers, or idols have told us to believe, or do, or be, explicitly or implicitly.

Far too many of us are deferring to the opinions and ideas of the “AUTHORITIES”. This gives away our power and allows others to control us. And often times the “authorities”, or those that control/influence them, have hidden agendas that are not in our best interest.

“Mass beliefs in the power of outside authorities are firmly entrenched in your psyche… raising many questions about the truth of who you are and why you place your trust outside yourself.” — Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

To reclaim our power we need to start forming OUR OWN beliefs, trust our inner truth, and do what WE KNOW is right, not what others tell us, or society expects. We need to engage our hearts and minds and stand firm in what we know is true and right.  

If we don’t do this soon, we might find ourselves living in a dystopian future like the ones explored in numerous fiction novels. 

The Erosion of Freedom in The Age of Distraction, Obsession, and Fear

In this era dominated by consumerism, materialism, and the pursuit of the almighty dollar many of us are so busy and distracted by chasing the money, and the possessions, and the thrills that we are failing to see that we are gradually giving away more and more of our power and freedom. This slow erosion is going on all around us, subtly and not so subtly, on many levels.

Our obsession with the accumulation of possessions — materialism and consumerism — keeps us distracted from what really matters.  

Our fixation on all the dangerous, bad, fearful things happening in the world keeps us distracted from what’s important.  All the wars including the “war on terrorism” and the “war on drugs” keep us mesmerized in fear. 

“Your power ends where your fear begins.” — Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

And who does this all serve?  It serves shadowy commercial and political interests and the military-industrial complex and keeps them in the power and in the money.  For them it’s all about the money, nothing else seems to matter, no higher purpose than to serve themselves.  

And they are masters of manipulation and are capitalizing on our weaknesses and our fears. Isn’t it obvious? Haven’t we had enough of this?

Reclaiming Our Power

It’s our divine right and responsibility to own our beliefs, ideas, principles, and values.  It’s time we reclaim our confidence in our inner knowledge and have the courage to stand for truth and justice despite what our institutions, the media, and others may be telling us.  

We need to stop blaming the system and wake-up from our laziness, distractions, and dependencies to reclaim our power so we can create a better world!

It’s time to remember who you really are, not who others or society says you are or can be. It is time to stand in your own personal truths, not what others have told you is true.  

It is time to form your own beliefs, rather than just adopt what others believe.  It is time to stand for what you know in your heart is right, rather than what society tells you is right, even if it means standing alone.

You are a slice of the powerful infinite being that we call the Universe, the source of “All That Is”. Stand in that power confidently! BE TRUE TO YOURSELF and STOP being a FOLLOWER!

You don’t need teachers, experts, professors, gurus, priests, pastors, church leaders, or heroes/idols to tell you what to believe, or what the truth is, or to show you how to connect with God.  

You don’t need THEIR beliefs, ideologies, or specific practices that they swear are the one and only way to reach the truth.

It is all within you, all the knowledge of the universe is deep within you. You are connected to all of it, to Source or God or whatever you choose to call it, just go within and become quiet and trust what you find, what you feel, what you know. 

A bright future for humanity is still very much possible, but we’re going to have wake up out of our haze of consumption, distraction, laziness, apathy, and fear and start paying attention and getting engaged.  

Even thou all our experiences expand Sources understanding of itself and the nature of its existence and, therefore, are all valuable, surely we’ve had enough of the many less than desirable themes repeating in our experiences.  

Surely we’ve had enough of wage and debt slavery, of going to a job every day that we hate or bores us to tears, of all the competition and conflict, of all the pain and suffering — have we not? 

I think it is safe to say that our Source would encourage us choose a higher and grander vision of what we could be. I think it’s safe to say that our Source would prefer the experience of joy, abundance, and freedom — for all.

Let’s make it happen!



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyper link is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School.

This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777


©2009 – 2018 DaniMartExtras,too

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REALITY SHIFT: The American masses are oblivious to how they’re being manipulated – Mike Adams

Posted by Xaniel777 on April 10, 2017

Sleepwalking toward World War III… like clockwork, the next 25-year cycle of mass human suffering and death begins NOW

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Image: Sleepwalking toward World War III… like clockwork, the next 25-year cycle of mass human suffering and death begins NOW

(Natural News) America has become a zombie nation of hypnotized, socially-obedient conformist who are so disconnected from reality that when the bombs start falling, they won’t have any idea how they’ve been programmed to celebrate it all. Heavily dosed with medication, fluoride and heavy metals in vaccines, the American masses have become sleepwalking automatons… conformist consumers of hilariously fictional propaganda parading around as “real news” on CNN, which has now resorted to displaying staged photos of maimed children to invoke the necessary reactionary emotional support to demand WAR.

Yet the snowflake zombies who pretend to be interested in global justice for children have no idea how they’re being insidiously manipulated. They don’t even really know what war looks like. They’ve never lived through war, witnessed war or dealt with the aftermath of war. And they’ve never, of course, been bombed with nukes or blown to pieces by a Tomahawk missile, so the physical reality of all this seems hopelessly remote to them all. “War” is something that happens to other people in far away lands, they believe, not here at home among the snowflake social justice Zombiellenials at UC Berkeley.

It is with this sense of sheer oblivion that the American masses are sleepwalking toward World War III. Even as Russia has mastered the development of Mach-nine cruise missile “ship destroyer” missiles while China is deploying satellite killing ground-based laser systems that can take out most of the military logistics infrastructure in mere hours, the American people live out their days under the delusional impression that nothing bad can ever happen here. This is America, after all. Nobody bombs us! WE do the bombing to THEM, not the other way around.

The American masses are oblivious to how they’re being manipulated

America is a deluded nation obsessed with celebrity fashion, sports, food, entertainment and recreational drugs. Almost nothing that passes through the minds of most Americans is rooted in reality. It’s all twisted narrative, social conformity and sheer delusion pretending to be “fact-checked” news. So as the world marches toward a global nuclear conflict with very real consequences, the average American “consumer” — that’s the most accurate term at this point for the mindlessness of the masses — is far more easily swayed by the photo of a chemical weapons-damaged child than by the physical facts involving hydrogen bombs and the half-life of radionuclides. The idea that America’s present actions could lead us to a nuclear conflict that might make vast regions of America uninhabitable for three centuries has never occurred to the common person.

The rest of us — that’s you and me — therefore find ourselves living among a global suicide cult called “humanity,” where the delusional mob celebrates the very actions that are leading us toward global nuclear disaster. “Washington’s military attack on Syria is unambiguously a war crime,” writes Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan administration official. “It occurred without any UN authorization or even the fake cover of a ‘coalition of the willing.’ Washington’s attack on Syria occurred in advance of an investigation of the alleged event that Washington is trying to use as its justification. Indeed, Washington’s story of Syrian use of chemical weapons is totally implausible. All chemical weapons were removed from Syria by Russia and turned over to the US and its European allies. Syria has no such weapons and has no reason to use them and every reason not to.”

The provocation has already thrust America into an escalation that risks an outbreak of global nuclear war. Via Zero Hedge:

A statement issued on Sunday by a joint command centre consisting of forces of Russian, Iran and allied militia alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad said that Friday’s US strike on the Syrian air base crossed “red lines” and it would “respond with force” to any new aggression while increasing their level of support to their ally.

Meanwhile, tech giants like Facebook are so committed to the total destruction of the human race that they’re now banning sharing of most posts across the entire independent media, banishing any ideas that question the laughably fake narratives of the status quo. What’s left on the table for online consumers to swallow is nothing more than mainstream fake news, the purpose of which is to keep the zombies spoon fed with enough emotionally-charged propaganda so that when war is unleashed, they’ll cheer.

WAR as the ultimate cover story for the coming financial collapse

But why would a nation’s leaders want the outbreak of war that might bring harm to their own citizens? One answer is found in the realization that the financial deep state is engineering a global debt collapse to be blamed on President Trump. The trigger has already been pulled with the raising of interest rates, and this will be continued (or even accelerated) until the desired tipping point is reached that pops the world’s obscene financial bubbles (bomb market bubble, real estate bubble, stock market bubble, derivatives debt bubble, etc.).

As former president George Bush demonstrated years ago, the only sure way to get the public behind you with near universal support is to insert the nation into a global military conflict where America can be positioned as occupying the moral high ground while America’s enemies are depicted as vile, child-murdering bastards who unleash chemical weapons onto innocent children. Once the bombs start flying, the zombies begin cheering (and the polls start rising). The corporate-run media cheers you, too, as ratings explode while Americans pop beer cans and open bags of Cheetos to sit on their couches, cheering the “reality TV” war unfolding on their screens with missile-tip video feeds of entertaining mayhem (carefully sanitized to avoid any on-screen blood from civilian casualties in enemy territory, of course).

Only during a war can a corrupt, dishonest regime stay in power while suffering a systemic financial collapse that strips the masses of their savings and pensions. The best way to prevent people from marching in the streets is to paint anti-government resistance protesters as “unpatriotic.” If you don’t support the war, the narrative goes, you’re anti-American. And besides, your protests might even be a threat to national security, so cracking down on such protests is easily justified when the nation is at war.

The best way to start a war? Unleash a radiological false flag in a U.S. city

The best way to start a war is, of course, to attack your own people and blame it on the enemy. I have little doubt that right now, the military industrial wing of the deep state is planning nothing less than a radiological false flag attack to be staged in a major U.S. city. That doesn’t mean it has to be a nuclear detonation, by the way. It could involve a conventional explosive that disperses a radiological dirty bomb scrapped together from old medical imaging equipment, for example (with strontium-90).

Just as the totally faked “sarin gas chemical weapons” photos from Syria caused a wave of instant support across the mainstream media for retaliatory attacks, all it will take is a few photos of Americans dying from radiation poisoning to evoke the kind of national outrage that justifies endless war with whatever named enemy is said to be responsible.

Oh, you didn’t know the “sarin gas” chemical weapons photos from Syria were faked? Check out the photo below, which we are told shows a rescue worker handling a sarin gas victim child using his BARE HANDS.

If you know anything about sarin gas, you know the guy would have been dead in about two minutes. You don’t handle sarin gas residues with your bare heads and live to tell about it, even if the body was rinsed with water:

As usual, the propagandists pushing all the false flags and staged justifications for war don’t know anything about real science, and they forgot to properly stage the scene with protective gear that would be consistent with their fake news story.

The deep state may be manipulating President Trump

President Trump, by the way, may not be aware of any of this false flag fakery. It’s highly likely that Trump is being played by the same deep state that played President Bushover “weapons of mass destruction.” Same playbook, different administration.

Facts be damned, however, when there’s a WAR to be justified. War is the state’s ultimate expression of extreme anger, so it makes sense that anger must first be evoked in the minds of the masses. There’s no better way to accomplish that than to parade pictures of maimed children across TV screens, demanding the nation’s masses either join in the anger or be labeled unpatriotic. It’s almost as silly as North Korea’s government goons making their citizens cry at gunpoint following the death of Kim Jong-Il, the late father of the current lunatic in power, Kim Jong-Un.

Speaking of lunatics in power, the deep state military industrial complex that’s scripting everything you’re seeing right now in Syria is run by high-level lunatics who are willing to do anything to stay in power. If you thought the 9/11 attacks were suspiciously timed to unleash the Patriot Act surveillance state that led to the very kind of illegal surveillance that now targets us all, your Spidey sense has nailed it. Every war is exploited to expand the power of the State… and when wars don’t materialize on their own, events can be easily staged to hurry them along. The goal is always the expansion of state power combined with increased subservience of the obedient masses.

How the military industrial “deep state” tells itself false flags are necessary to protect the nation

In defense of the military industrial complex, the world really is full of dangerous geopolitical predators like Kim Jong-Un, communist China, the Russian government and so on. Protecting America from those dangerous regimes requires a powerful military. Yet the pacifist people of America won’t support anything even resembling national defense unless they are emotionally hijacked into it. Although I’m not defending this practice, the military industrial complex believes it is justified in setting up false flag theatrics because otherwise, the American people would never support a sufficient expansion of military power, leaving the United States vulnerable to attack.

Thus, in their minds, they are only staging false flag events as a way to wake people up to the very real larger threats that America faces on the global stage. To some degree, they have a point: Your average UC Berkeley college campus snowflake crybully pacifist has no clue about reality and probably isn’t even qualified to participate in a constitutional Republic. In the same way that clueless gun control proponents think that banning guns will stop “gun violence,” they also believe that if America eliminates its military, the world will suddenly turn to peace. Neither argument holds up under the slightest scrutiny.

The truth is that the world really is dangerous place, and most of the world’s population continues to live under tyranny rule in places like China, Venezuela, Iran, Russia and even parts of the European Union. A powerful military really is necessary for national defense, since the only thing countries like China really understand is the use of force. That’s how they keep their own citizens in line, after all. In China, domestic diplomacy is always carried out at gunpoint. America’s nuclear arsenal truly is the only thing preventing us from being invaded right now by the Communist Chinese or the Russians, as force is the only thing most governments understand. That’s why America’s nuclear submarines are, in a very real sense, the “guardian angels” of national defense. Without them, some lunatic communist regime like China might be tempted to try a first strike against America’s land-based ICBM launch sites.

Make no mistake: The military industrial deep state tells itself they are ultimately doing what’s right for America. But the American people are too dumbed down and pacifist to understand the real world around them, so they have to be manipulated into supporting a powerful, dominant military that polices the world. That’s why they see killing a few children as a “necessary evil” for what they tell themselves is the “greater good” of protecting the nation as a whole.

Pick your narrative and believe what you want… we’re still sleepwalking toward World War III

The conclusion in all this? Pick your favorite narrative and hope you’re right. Maybe you believe that really was sarin gas used on children in Syria by Assad. You’re probably incredibly gullible if you believe that, but then again most American are living in a delusional reality, so you’ll fit right in.

Or perhaps you believe it was a false flag operation run by the military industrial deep state. I would tend to agree with you on that analysis, but it doesn’t mean the march toward war can be stopped with any greater degree of success. Being right doesn’t mean we can do anything about it.

No matter what you make of current events, we’re all being marched toward World War III. It’s no accident, either. The powers that be have decided they need war right now to accomplish (or cover up) other political or economic goals. War is not the destination but rather the means to an end. To accomplish that end goal, the American people are about to be subjected to the most elaborate “news theater” any of us has ever witnessed. As all this unfolds, fictions will be broadcast across our screens that seduce us into expressing the emotional reactions desired by those running the theatrical performance across the world stage.

Rest assured that the bigger the emotional reaction, the larger the support for war. Almost by definition, this means that the next false flag event targeting an American city must achieve extreme emotional outrage across the national psyche, and this can only come from murdering innocent children.

Here’s a quiz for those of you who are old enough to know what’s really going on: Why do you think the Oklahoma City federal building was chosen for the staged bombing in 1995 under the Clinton regime? Because it had a day care center, of course, and photos of bloodied children carried the narrative across the entire media (which had no competition at the time, because there was no independent media to counter the fake news of CNN).

What happened to the children of Oklahoma City in 1995 and what happened to Syrian children in 2017 are exactly the same thing. Children were deliberately targeted so that pictures of dead children could be used for maximum emotional impact. Anyone who doesn’t recognize this is blind to the reality of how governments shape propaganda for maximum social impact. (Clinton used the Oklahoma City bombing, of course, to immediately demand nationwide gun control in an effort to disarm the citizenry, a tactic that was repeated by Obama with Sandy Hook.)

Here’s EXACTLY what’s going to unfold, step by step, with near perfect scripting

As a final note, the deep state doesn’t even care that I’m telling you all this. The emotional triggering of dead children is so powerful at a visceral level that it overpowers all rationality. Once dead children start being paraded across CNN, nobody even cares whether it was all scripted in advance. Images of dead children bypass all rationality in the human mind, creating precisely the response that’s desired (widespread emotional support for more war).

Recognizing this, I’m resigned to the fact that the American sheeple are so cognitively malleable that there’s nothing that I or any other independent media journalist can say to stop this unfolding of unfortunate events. Like clockwork, it’s already scripted and set in stone:

  • A huge false flag attack on U.S. soil (or a large U.S. military base) that’s blamed on a targeted foreign enemy

  • Photos of dead children paraded across the TV screens to invoke emotional reactions

  • A massive outcry and emotional reaction from the mindless public which abandons all reason

  • A denouncement of the selected “enemy” by the President and a commitment to defeat them

  • 90% approval rating of the President in the polls

  • The passing of more laws to surveil more Americans in order to “fight terrorism”

  • The rapid expansion of the police state and “martial law LITE”

  • The building up of the military for a retaliatory invasion

  • The rise of American patriotism, complete with flag waving and blind obedience to government

  • The highly entertaining, televised “war” – reality TV “entertainment” for the masses

  • The “victory” against the enemy as the invasion succeeds

  • The incessant reminder that you need government to protect you even while it’s enslaving you

And the cycle repeats about every 25 years or so, which is just long enough for the next generation to forget what happened a generation earlier. It all unfolds according to a roughly 25-year schedule:

  • Persian Gulf War: 1990 – 1991

  • Vietnam War: 1954 – 1975

  • World War II: 1939 – 1945

  • World War I: 1914 – 1919

And now, World War III is unfolding right on time, almost exactly 25 years after the Persian Gulf War, and just as the American empire desperately needs to remind its citizens how much they need a powerful, domineering, surveillance regime in order to be kept safe while the economy collapses all around them.

All we can do is prepare and survive this… we cannot halt the cycle of mass manipulation and human gullibility

Personally, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that you can never educate enough people about reality to stop these cycles. The sheeple are imminently predictable and easily manipulated by the emotional imagery of false flag theatrics. All we can really do as aware, informed and rational people is prepare for what’s coming and survive it.

The sheeple will always be suckers for every new generation of war. We cannot awaken them sufficiently to compete with the emotional power of staged events. All we can really do is prepare ourselves and our loved ones to survive World War III. The mindlessness of the human race knows no bounds, which is precisely why I’ve begun calling humanity a SUICIDE CULT.

Your job (and mine) is to simply survive the next round of mass suicide that’s about to be triggered by the insane governments that still rule over our planet. “Democide,” as its called, means “death by government,” and it exterminated 262 million lives over the last century of so. That number is about to get much, much larger. Your primary goal at this point should be to make sure you don’t join that statistic.

If you want to live through all this, bookmark this website right now. It’s one of the very few places where you’re going to connect with intelligent, informed and honest analysis about what’s really going down (and why).

Make Censored.news the first website you check every day, and use GoodGopher.com as your search engine for independent media news. With Google, Facebook, Twitter and other internet gatekeepers now censoring all REAL news in order to push their FAKE news narratives, these are websites of choice for staying informed as WWIII unfolds.


CHECK OUT MORE OF THE HEALTH RANGER HERE: http://www.naturalnews.com/



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This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777


©2009 – 2017 DaniMartExtras,too

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More B.S. From Main Stream Media As U.S. Pushes For WWIII…AGAIN!

Posted by Xaniel777 on April 15, 2016

SOURCE: 21st Century Wire

Breaking News! American Warship Sails “Dangerously Close” to Russia

21st Century Wire says…

The US and UK media have descended into pure parody with their reporting of the recent Russian jet “buzzing” of USS Donald Cook, American Navy missile destroyer that “strayed” into Russian waters in the Baltic Sea.

The USS Donald Cook was 43 miles from Russian Naval base in Kaliningrad when the Russian jets “buzzed” the US naval destroyer. A Russian display of aerial dexterity that has sent the US and UK into a tail spin.

The Guardian headline pushed the panic button:

“John Kerry:  We could have shot down the Russian Jet buzzing US warship.”

“We condemn this kind of behaviour. It is reckless. It is provocative. It is dangerous. And under the rules of engagement that could have been a shoot-down,” the US secretary of state said in an interview with CNN Español and the Miami Herald.

“People need to understand that this is serious business and the United States is not going to be intimidated on the high seas … We are communicating to the Russians how dangerous this is and our hope is that this will never be repeated.”

The BBC chimed in:

“Two Russian planes flew close to a US guided missile destroyer almost a dozen times, American officials have said.

The Sukhoi SU-24 warplanes, in international waters in the Baltic Sea, had no visible weaponry and the ship took no action.

One official called the events on Monday and Tuesday “one of the most aggressive acts in recent memory”.

The comedy element was further highlighted by Anissa Naouai of In the NOW (CNN is also ‘dangerously close’ to becoming one of the most ridiculous Vaudville news networks ever).

It seems the US and UK are breaking all logic and truth barriers to revitalise the “Cold War”.

The commander of the missile destroyer, the USS Donald Cook, described the flights as a “simulated attack”.

The passes were “unsafe, potentially provocative” and “could have caused an accident,” officials said in a release.”

USA Today nearly had apoplexy:

“Russian attack planes buzzed the guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook during the U.S.’s joint exercises in the Baltic Sea this week in what defense officials on Wednesday described as “aggressive” and “unsafe flight maneuvers.”

Two Russian SU-24 jets made “numerous, close-range and low-altitude passes” on the U.S. ship Tuesday as a helicopter refueled on the deck, according to a statement from U.S. European Command.

The Cook, which was holding a joint exercise with NATO ally Poland and operating in international waters, “encountered multiple, aggressive flight maneuvers by Russian aircraft that were performed within close proximity of the ship,” the statement said.

It said the aircraft “flew in a simulated attack profile and failed to respond to repeated safety advisories in both English and Russian.”

At one point, the ship’s commanding officer viewed a particularly close pass as “unsafe and unprofessional” and suspended flight operations until the aircraft left the area.”

Luckily Global Research redressed the NATO, US media provocative perspective:

“The US NAVY has complained that:

“Russian attack jets flew “dangerously close” to a U.S. Navy destroyer numerous times in the Baltic Sea this week, according to U.S. officials, continuing a pattern of behavior in the region that the Defense Department has previously decried.

The incidents occurred Monday and Tuesday, with the planes making multiple passes by theUSS Donald Cook, a destroyer, while it was traveling in international waters, U.S. European Command officials said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. The organization released videos that show the jets roaring by at a high rate of speed, seemingly no more than a few hundred feet away.” (WP, April 13, 2016)

The US destroyer was stationed at the Polish port of  Gdynia, within about 100 km of  Russia’s Kalingrad enclave according to news reports.

Nina Kouprianovo on her Facebook page says:

“There has been lot of complaining today about a Russian plane flying “dangerously close” to a US ship. So I’ve made a helpful diagram just for you.”

The USS Donald Cook, while navigating within international waters has the unspoken mandate to “police” those waters within proximity of Kalingrad, which is an enclave of the Russian Federation. Kalingrad is home to Russia’s Baltic Fleet.

US-NATO routinely conduct war games in the Baltic Sea off the Kalingrad  coastline.

Thank you to Global Research. 


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This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777

Mad Max The Road Warrior 1a


©2009 – 2016 DaniMartExtras,too

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Reality Shift: Beginning of the End and the Reset Begins

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 1, 2015

Judge Anna Update – “Dear Federal Agents” – November 28, 2015

SOURCE:  Ascension With Mother Earth


Anna Maria Riezinger  (Anna Von Reitz)


November 28, 2015
Big Lake, Alaska

Dear Federal Agents:

I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence.

Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and
evidence has come to light. We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of
Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation
doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of
“state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”.
Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in
our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of
the world around us.

It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”. The
“Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation

If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone. So are millions of other
Americans. These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring
meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal
workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees.

There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or
explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in
1868. Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those
born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was
no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively
using the labor and the private property assets of these “citizens” as collateral backing the
corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to
obscure this development. At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to
reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public
sector slave ownership.

You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other
Amendment to any constitution then or now. Instead, slavery was redefined as the
punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves. It remains
perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals
were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its
citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within
the District and the Washington, DC Municipalities.

A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and
enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of
Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation,
but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws—-which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.

The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of
America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their
government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of
America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”.

Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak
and double-dealing? And are you also beginning to catch the drift—the motivation—behind
Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”. This little gem was developed by the
bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business
as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”.

When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone
else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt — similar to co-
signing a car loan — and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser.

Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt
without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the
Conference of Governors did in March of 1933. They named all of us and all our property as
surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation
during bankruptcy reorganization—-and got away with it by claiming that they were our
“representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us.

The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our

In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and
therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the
District of Columbia and the Federal Territories. They did this by abusing the public trust
and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us. Under
their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”. So
they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation,
used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams—-and placed commercial liens against
our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts.

A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people
and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one
of us without us ever being aware of it.

They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us— that we conveniently didn’t know existed— and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via
the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us
and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals.

And so the fleecing of America began in earnest. The hirelings had our credit cards, had
stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.

They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we
“voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it—-when as
millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or
having to kill federal agents. They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of
metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats
responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and
wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their
identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title
to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.

According to them—that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public
trust— we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution
behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including
our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare
trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of
Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what?

Welfare that we paid for ourselves. Social Security that we paid for ourselves.
The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jaw-
droppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse.
They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized
fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it
without complaint. Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly
dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration
claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead.

We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political
status. We don’t have to serve as debt slaves. We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed
Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to—- but that requires
a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United
States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only
be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed. Everyone else has to remain
as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of
corporate “persona” named after us.

So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals—- does this sound like
something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like
something you want to end as expeditiously as possible?

The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s
have come to their final fruition. Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal
Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to
throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need
correction—- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named
and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”—continue to ignore the fact
that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom
from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.

We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental
services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and
mind its budget. These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse. They have spent money
and credit that was never theirs to spend. They have defrauded millions if not billions of
innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far
too long.

These people— the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous
“United States” corporations — have acted as criminals. They deserve to be recognized as

The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while
profiting from the situation and obstructing justice. They stand around shrugging and
saying, “Well, it’s a political choice. We don’t have anything to say about that.”—–yet at
the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of
political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them. They,
too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft,
credit fraud, and worse— which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar
commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar
Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.

All our assets— our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor—have been signed over
into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent us. Then, when
we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse
for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail. Enough is enough.
The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at
the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity. It’s
time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are
or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing
“sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely
calling itself the United States of Something or Other.

We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of
Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and
permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State
Citizens, nunc pro tunc.

As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about. For starters— who really
pays your paycheck? Is it the goons in Washington, DC? Or does it all come from the
American people you are supposed to be serving? Do you believe for one moment that
anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily? Do you believe that anyone
gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege”
of paying for Social Security? No?

Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs. If anyone complains—arrest
him. We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of
settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as
mandated by the Seventh Amendment.

We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the
Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress,
the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee
pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this
institutionalized fraud scheme. We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and
repudiated tout de suite.

Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just
described to you— such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled
like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY
ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS—-it is
your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were
actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular
States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and

Do you understand? Is it now completely clear who the criminals are? Your actual employers
and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their
elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this
fraud for profit. This has been happening right under your noses.

This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being
pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international
banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s
business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had
upon the people of this and many other countries.

Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become
our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the
treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust. The American Bar
Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as
private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent
conflict of interest. They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of
government. They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1,

The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally –
sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the
public office means rejection of all authority related to us. The same may be said of the FBI.
Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall
cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to
have any public authority or function.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Alaska State Superior Court





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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyper link is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School.

This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777

Mad Max The Road Warrior 1a


 ©2009 – 2015 DaniMartExtras,too

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EYE’S OPEN: 2 Weeks Later – Virginia Shooting Hoax Completely Vanished From Mainstream Media

Posted by Xaniel777 on September 15, 2015


[XANIEL’S NOTE: I have already shared this story through all of my Social Media sites but decided it was even more important to share through this website !! Spread the word and keep-up with updates at ACTIVIST POST linked above.~Xaniel777]

media liesBy Bernie Suarez

Throughout alternative media over the last few years many people have written about what to look for in a false flag. Many including yours truly have outlined steps to look for when trying to diagnose the next government false flag. Many of us have a good grasp on what to look for.

Let’s review some of these common trends:

1 – Police,  military or federal agency “drills” are almost always going on at about the same time of the staged event.

2 – The accused patsy is always followed by and/or in contact with FBI, police or other government agency for months or years prior.

3 – Accused patsy is often aided by the same federal agencies with the acquisition of weapons needed for the false flag event.

4 – Patsies almost always end up dead usually due to “suicide,” deadly “manhunt” or they are captured in a physical or mental state that ensures they won’t be speaking much.

5 – Patsies almost always leave behind one of those bizarre “manifestos” which conveniently outline all their intentions that seems to always fit perfectly into the scripted official story.

6 – Mainstream media jumps on the story with the usual over-the-top 24/7 coverage to make sure you are aware of the story, always thinking about it, and you are afraid.

7 – Damaging contradicting facts, video footage, audio, documents or social media/online revelations are always completely ignored by mainstream media.

8 – When applicable, conflicting information is almost always erased, blocked or closed out by Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, etc.

9 – The control system resorts to accusations of “conspiracy theories” very early on to discourage anyone from looking too deeply into the story being presented.

10 – Early on, we see strange-acting family members on TV crying without tears, displaying inappropriate affect and emotion, and quickly calling for gun control or some other political agenda in response to the event.

11 – Politicians are also always on TV immediately calling for new legislation in response to the event. The political “solution” always takes away more and more of our freedoms and gives more and more power to the federal government.

These 11 items are just a glimpse of the repeated script we’ve seen played out here in America every time the controllers orchestrate a false flag crisis-actor event.

After the recent Virginia TV Reporter staged shooting event at the end of August 2015, however, I want to add one more crucial item to look for only because we’re seeing it now so blatant and so obvious.

12 – If the false flag terror, shooting or bombing event is exposed convincingly, and it seems like too many people are figuring it out due to newly released evidence, then pull the story completely out of the public consciousness as a form of damage control by having the story vanish completely from the mainstream media news.

This is what we are now seeing. It’s been slightly over 2 weeks now and the media has said nothing about the Virginia TV Reporter shooting like it never happened. Could it be that this silence which began over a week ago is directly related to the overwhelming evidence of a second take in the staged shooting incident? This evidence did after all put a major crimp in the authenticity of the story. It was the death blow in a long list of entirely unbelievable coincidences. Some lies are difficult to recover from once too many people know; and, as we are seeing, sometimes it’s best to pull the whole story out of the media and hope it fades away for good.

Here’s something for everyone to consider. Perhaps the initial shock value and the reaction of the masses to the shooting was the whole point of the shooting. I’ve discussed another possibility recently which everyone should at least consider and that is – what if it was intended for truth seekers and alternative media to figure out that this latest shooting was fake? Sounds ridiculous? Not if you consider that we are still in the final days of operation Jade Helm where Jade 2 artificial intelligence software is still reading, absorbing and observing the reactions and actions of the human domain. That’s right. It is quite possible that humanity is being played with ridiculous false flag events just to observe and record the effect it has so that artificial intelligence software can use that information for future strategizing against the human domain. This is a primary stated purpose of operation Jade Helm and for that reason all truth seekers should be thinking on their feet and remaining highly vigilant.

So this lightning speed removal of the Virginia shooting story from mainstream media should also serve as a reminder that researching every item of a false flag and spreading the information early on is important and sometimes can change the course of how the story is being told as we are seeing here.

Ironically, I spoke about this topic briefly almost a year ago when few people noticed that the 2 year Sandy Hook shooting anniversary came and left while the mainstream media practically ignored the anniversary of the entire event. This no doubt was in response to all the information that became available about the Sandy Hook crisis actor shooting that many people didn’t know the year before. CIA’s mainstream media clearly made a strategic decision to tune the event out of people’s minds in December of 2014. Will they make the same decision this year or will they stage a new shooting to revive the Sandy Hook feelings again? Will they coach a new eyewitness analogous to the “I shot Bin Laden” psyop of Spring 2015?

As I mentioned in my article then regarding the Sandy Hook ignored anniversary phenomenon, if the Sandy Hook shooting was real and all those children died in a bloody massacre, think of how big of a deal it would be to ignore the second anniversary of the supposed largest mass shooting in the history of the United States involving children. That’s exactly what happened December of 2014 and again this seems to be another sign to look for with failed false flags.

Thanks to the Internet and the information and technology age we live in, we can now diagnose government false flags in nearly real-time. It’s exciting to dismantle government and mainstream media lies as fast as we’re able to do it today. Let’s just hope these skills humanity has developed for sharp discernment for false flags can be harnessed in a more meaningful way.

Despite the skills humanity has amassed at diagnosing false flag events we still lack the skills at ensuring proper and swift justice and punishment is carried out on the perpetrators. And we have also failed at forcing police and government agencies to be transparent with all records surrounding the investigation of these false flag events. They continue staging these events in part because they continue to operate both with immunity and in secret. All of the investigative records continue to be kept a secret from the general public.

So let’s hope truth seekers, activists, investigators and independent media can use the recent already-forgotten Virginia TV Reporter shooting to implement these necessary improvements when the next false flag event comes around. For if we cannot do this then we are just trading information with each other for the sake of information while nothing really gets done about the corruption behind these events.


This latest false flag reminds us that as politicians use these events to call for more gun laws and less freedoms, we should be using these events to call for more and more transparency in investigations for the purposes of defending against staged events and false flags. We need a truth and transparency mass counter effort. Let’s support those who are putting their lives and reputations on the line to expose events like the Sandy Hook show, Boston bombing, Virginia shooting and other false flag politically driven events because important counter corruption and counter secrecy legislation could potentially gain traction.

Ultimately, as I mentioned earlier, we are seeing the result of information-sharing and that is why it’s important to share information and help spread the truth whichever way you can. With the Virginia shooting completely faded (for now) from the pubic mind, let’s consider this another small victory for truth. Remember that the controllers usually don’t let go stories so quickly. They usually want to get as much out of a story as possible. So let’s begin familiarizing ourselves with the psychology of the presentation of these stories. What drives these stories into the news and what drives them out? Let’s ask questions like – why does one story in the news last one day while another lasts for weeks? Observing these patterns and developing the skills to answer these questions will make all of us experts at diagnosing propaganda, staged news, and crisis actor false flags.

Image Credit

Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyper link is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School.

This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777

Mad Max The Road Warrior 1a


 ©2009 – 2015 DaniMartExtras,too

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…but I repeat myself: Obamacare Could be Heading to the Supreme Court (Again)

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 13, 2015

SOURCE: cnsnews.com

[XANIEL’S NOTE: This story explains in better detail, the rant I had in my last update. See story below this one.~~Xaniel777]

obamacare blunder 1

By Andrew Kloster | August 13, 2015 | 4:52 PM EDT

This past week, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, over the vigorous dissent of four judges on that court, denied rehearing en banc (legalese for an entire court rather than just a panel of three judges) in the case of Sissel v. United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Sissel is a case against Obamacare led by the Pacific Legal Foundation, arguing that Obamacare is invalid because it violated the Origination Clause.

Now, the challengers have ninety days to file a writ of certiorari (an appeal) before the U.S. Supreme Court.

This important case deals with the Origination Clause of the Constitution— which reads:

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

The Founders included this clause primarily to balance out the unique powers the Senate wields, and to ensure that the power of drawing revenue from the people by taxing them would be initiated by the branch that was closest to them (remember, at that time the Senate was elected by state legislatures, not by popular vote) and whose members would have to stand for re-election every two years.

In the first major Obamacare decision, NFIB v. Sibelius, the Court upheld the law as a tax—something that surprised many people.

But if it’s a tax, shouldn’t the bill have originated in the House?

As it happens, Obamacare “originated” in the House in only a very formalistic sense.

H.R. 3590, the bill that became Obamacare, was originally titled “Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009” and had nothing to do with health care.

But to secure passage of Obamacare, the Senate decided to take this bill, which had passed the House, and gut it entirely, replacing the entire text of that bill with the Obamacare title and text and keeping only the bill number.

After it passed the Senate, the House then approved the new Senate-drafted bill through a reconciliation bill.

The House made no changes to the text, which, because of the Senate’s obscure procedural rules, meant that when the bill went back to the Senate, it was not subject to a filibuster.

This was significant because, in the interim, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., had died and been replaced by Scott Brown, R-Mass., thereby depriving the Democrats of the 60 votes they would need to defeat an otherwise inevitable Republican filibuster.

And thus was Obamacare born.

The problem is that this doesn’t look like the bill “originated” in the House in any meaningful way.

It was as though the Senate bulldozed a house and erected an entirely new structure, but said it was the same house because it had the same address.

And so Pacific Legal Foundation has sued.

Recently, they lost their challenge before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

When this happens, plaintiffs have a chance to get the entire circuit to reassess the question.

But just last week, the D.C. Circuit, unsurprisingly, declined to rehear the case en banc.

Why unsurprisingly?

Because it takes a majority on the court to revisit a case and you might recall that then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., invoked the “nuclear option” to get more Obama appointees on the D.C. Circuit.

All three of the judges rammed through by Reid voted to deny rehearing en banc last week: more importantly, Judge Nina Pillard took the rare step of penning a supporting statement for denial of rehearing.

Her interesting statement was joined by the other two judges on the original panel including Judge Robert Wilkins, who was also one of the judges confirmed as part of Senator Reid’s court packing plan.

The decision is fundamentally flawed.

Some, including Justice Antonin Scalia in his concurring opinion in U.S. v. Munoz-Flores, have argued that the Origination Clause is a mere formalism and that, so long as a bill attests to having originated in the House, federal courts should not undertake an independent investigation to determine whether that billactually originated in the House.

This formalist reading is one reason James Madison opposed putting the Origination Clause in the Constitution.

The statement by Pillard, however, goes much further.

The Supreme Court, Pillard argues, has defined the Origination Clause as a “purposive” clause.

In other words, the original three-judge panel contends that since the main purpose of Obamacare was to expand health insurance coverage, rather to raise revenue for the general treasury—well, then the law is not a bill to raise revenue (even if, as the Supreme Court stated in its NFIB decision, the legislation has the potential to raise “considerable revenue”).

Under this precedent, the Senate could originate any tax bill, so long as some federal court was willing to hold that the “purpose” of the bill wasn’t primarily to raise tax revenue, but to do something else.

If that is the case, so much for the protections provided by the Origination Clause.

We will have to wait to see if the Supreme Court will hear this case.

At this point, however, after two trips to the Supreme Court already, the Court might be too invested in Obamacare to seriously consider taking a third case and ruling based upon the law.

As Scalia stated in his dissent in King v. Burwell, the second major Obamacare case:

“[T]his Court’s two decisions on the Act will surely be remembered through the years. The somersaults of statutory interpretation they have performed (“penalty” means tax … “established by the State” means not established by the State) will be cited by liti­gants endlessly, to the confusion of honest jurisprudence. And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

Andrew R. Kloster is a legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation, focusing on civil rights, the role of the federal courts and other constitutional issues.

cnsnews Editor’s Note: This piece was originally published by The Heritage Foundation.


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WTF: D.C. Circuit splits on Origination Clause in latest Obamacare challenge

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 8, 2015



FYI: I am neither Demo-crap or Repub-puck as I would not be able to handle the stench of myself

from being either one!
Consider me a “Constitutionalist”

Heres what one comment about this article had to say and it matches what I said when Harry Reid first pulled this crap –

Comment by – Bill Walker 12:18 PM PDT

“Although the original House bill was amended and its language replaced in the Senate, such Senate amendments are permissible under the Clause’s text and precedent.” This isn’t just a lie, it is a DAMN LIE. The original bill was not just amended. The whole damn thing was erased and replaced with Harry Reid and the Senate’s version of the ACA. The way this law was passed was despicable, from start to finish. And guess what… over 50% of the country still hates the damn law and wants it either replaced or repealed outright. To say anything else is a lie. But hey, that’s what people like this writer have been doing for years… Gotta cover for the Democrats.”

Bill Walker is someone who gets it!!

As another side note for your consideration: The only thing left of this House Bill when Reid gutted it, was the Original House Bill Number.

The original House Bill that was sent to the Senate and gutted by Reid had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH CARE!!!

WHAT WAS AMENDED?  NOTHING was amended because there was nothing left of it.

It was completely erased as Bill Walker stated.

Reid then REPLACED the entire thing with the ACA and then forced a quick vote in the Demo-crap controlled Senate

and instead of sending it back to the House for a vote as he was suppose to do by Law,

he illegally kicked it to the President who signed it into law!

If this President had had any kind of Honor at all, he, himself, would have refused to sign it until the House had voted for it.

This President is as corrupt as Reid is!

So what the hell is this joke of a Judge, (Judge Kavanaugh), even talking about??

If what this idiot says were really true, then what is to keep every bill going to the Senate from the House from being completely gutted, replaced, quickly voted on

and to the President it goes to be illegally signed into law.

There would be no accountability and the House would never have any say as it would be bypassed on every issue, making them irrelevant.
(I know, I know, most say they and the Senate are already irrelevant, but that’s another rant for another day)

As such our form of government would collapse as it is pretty much doing now.

Maybe it’s time to stop playing this game and start arresting ALL these corrupt fools before it’s too late!!

“NUFF SAID “~Xaniel777]




August 7, 2015

Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected a petition for rehearing en banc in Sissel v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, another constitutional challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).  The plaintiffs allege the ACA violates the Origination Clause of the U.S. Constitution because it is a bill for raising revenue and did not originate in the House of Representatives. The Origination Clause in Article I, Section 7, provides “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”

Last year, a three-judge panel rejected the challenge, concluding that although the ACA raises substantial revenue and the individual mandate was ultimately sustained by the Supreme Court as an exercise of the taxing power, the ACA was not properly considered a “Bill for raising Revenue” under the clause because any revenue-raising in the act is “incidental” to its primary purposes.

On review of a petition for rehearing en banc, the full D.C. Circuit was unanimous that the plaintiffs’ challenge must fail, but disagreed sharply on the rationale. Judge Kavanaugh, joined by Judges Henderson, Brown and Griffith, dissented from the denial of en banc on the grounds that the original three-judge panel erred in its Origination Clause challenge.  According to Kavanaugh, the ACA is a “Bill for raising Revenue,” but satisfied the Origination Clause because the bill formally originated in the House. (For what it’s worth, I suggested that this was the reason any such challenges would have a difficult time when commenting on another D.C. Circuit decision in a challenge involving the Origination Clause last year.)

Here is how Judge Kavanaugh’s 32-page dissent begins:

This case raises a serious constitutional question about the 2010 Affordable Care Act, one of the most consequential laws ever enacted by Congress. Did Congress’s enactment of the Act comport with the Origination Clause of the Constitution? The Origination Clause provides: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” U.S. Const. art. 1, § 7, cl. 1. The Origination Clause therefore requires that bills for “raising Revenue” originate in the House of Representatives. Revenue bills may be amended in the Senate “as on other Bills,” but they must originate in the House. If the Affordable Care Act did not meet the requirements of the Origination Clause, then the Act – or at least revenue-raising provisions such as the individual mandate – must be invalidated.

In my view, the Affordable Care Act complied with the Origination Clause, but not for the reason articulated by the three-judge panel opinion. The panel opinion concluded that the Affordable Care Act was not a revenue-raising bill for purposes of the Origination Clause and therefore did not have to originate in the House. In my respectful view, that conclusion is untenable. The Affordable Care Act established new subsidies for the purchase of health insurance and expanded the Medicaid program for low-income Americans. Those new subsidies and expanded entitlements cost an enormous amount of money. So as not to increase the annual budget deficit and the overall national debt, the Act imposed numerous taxes to raise revenue. Lots of revenue. $473 billion in revenue over 10 years. It is difficult to say with a straight face that a bill raising $473 billion in revenue is not a “Bill for raising Revenue.”

The Affordable Care Act therefore was a revenue-raising bill subject to the Origination Clause. That said, the Act did in fact originate in the House, as required by the Clause. Although the original House bill was amended and its language replaced in the Senate, such Senate amendments are permissible under the Clause’s text and precedent.

So in concluding that the Affordable Care Act complied with the Origination Clause, the panel opinion reached the right bottom line, but relied on what I see as a faulty rationale. Does such a case still warrant en banc review? Oftentimes no, but here yes. The panel opinion sets a constitutional precedent that is too important to let linger and metastasize. Although no doubt viewed by some today as a trivial or anachronistic annoyance, the Origination Clause was an integral part of the Framers’ blueprint for protecting the people from excessive federal taxation. It is true that the Framers’ decision to grant the Senate a broad amendment power gave the Origination Clause less bite than it otherwise might have had. But the Clause nonetheless has been important historically and remains vital in the modern legislative process. By newly exempting a substantial swath of tax legislation from the Origination Clause, the panel opinion degrades the House’s origination authority in a way contrary to the Constitution’s text and history, and contrary to congressional practice. As a result, the panel opinion upsets the longstanding balance of power between the House and the Senate regarding the initiation of tax legislation. Therefore, I would grant rehearing en banc. In my respectful view, the en banc Court should vacate the panel opinion and rule for the Government on the ground that the Affordable Care Act originated in the House and thereby complied with the Origination Clause.





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This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777

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