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Posts Tagged ‘News & Politics’

REALITY SHIFT: You Are a Sovereign Being – Start Acting Like One!

Posted by Xaniel777 on January 4, 2018

Originally Posted By:  By Jeff Street, Guest author, HumansAreFree.com   

One of the key changes that needs to happen to enable the transformation of our humanity is to reclaim our personal power to think for ourselves, to discern truth from disinformation, and to stand firm for what we know is right. 

The Source that created us endowed us with free-will and the power to create with our thoughts, words, and deeds. Yet many of us are squandering these endowments, squandering them so badly that the probable future of humanity is not looking very bright.

Humanity is at a critical junction in its history — one road leads to a very bleak future, and the other has the potential to be a new golden age.  

The outcome depends on us, each one of us, starting right now and it starts by freeing your mind! The key to reclaiming our freedom and creating a better world is for each of us to reclaim our sovereignty.

What is Sovereignty?

The word “Sovereign” refers to the power or right that a nation/state or individual has to determine its own destiny — to not be controlled by others. The ability to determine one’s own destiny has been termed SELF-DETERMINATION and it is one aspect of the timeless ideal called FREEDOM.  

Self-determination and freedom are said to be intrinsic rights bestowed on us by Source/God. The American founding fathers firmly thought so and called these “inalienable” rights. Personal sovereignty refers to the intrinsic right of an INDIVIDUAL to self-determination. 

But having the right of sovereignty is not the same as BEING sovereign. One must assert a right through one’s thoughts and actions, or the right is essentially lost.  

Ultimately your sovereignty has to be demonstrated. The classic saying “Freedom is not free” echoes this idea — rights must be claimed by the constant application of attention, thought, and engagement.

An important part of being truly free is the responsibility to be highly discerning about the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that we choose to accept from society.  

In fact, we must be independent minded and confident enough to form our own ideas, beliefs, and attitudes — despite the pressure that society puts on us to conform. 

We must not just blindly accept everything our government, religions, teachers, and so called “experts” want us to believe. Doing so gives away our power and allows the “powers that be” to create a world that serves their agenda — a world that might not be in our best interest.

Why Personal Sovereignty is Important

If we don’t start forming our own beliefs, trusting our inner knowledge, and standing for what we know in our hearts is right, the future of our world will be defined and created by a very few with a very self-serving agenda.  

In this world that worships the almighty dollar commercial interests are steering the ship. We have allowed them to hijack our government, our religions, our media, and our beliefs and attitudes — materialism, consumerism, separatism, and fear serve their interests.

Giving Away Our Power

But the “powers that be” only steer the ship because we’ve bought into all the beliefs and attitudes and have let ourselves become apathetic and disengaged. So let’s not point fingers and blame those that we perceive are manipulating us.  

Realize the we are ALLOWING ourselves to be manipulated, allowing ourselves to be taken to a future not of our design.  We are fully responsible for everything about our lives including what we let happen to us, and we are letting a lot happen to us.  

Don’t fall into the “victim mentality” trap and get caught up in the blame and complain game — that only gives away your power.

Far too many of us are just are letting our beliefs and values be determined by others. Far too many of us are just going along with what we are told, following what our government, church, teachers, or idols have told us to believe, or do, or be, explicitly or implicitly.

Far too many of us are deferring to the opinions and ideas of the “AUTHORITIES”. This gives away our power and allows others to control us. And often times the “authorities”, or those that control/influence them, have hidden agendas that are not in our best interest.

“Mass beliefs in the power of outside authorities are firmly entrenched in your psyche… raising many questions about the truth of who you are and why you place your trust outside yourself.” — Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

To reclaim our power we need to start forming OUR OWN beliefs, trust our inner truth, and do what WE KNOW is right, not what others tell us, or society expects. We need to engage our hearts and minds and stand firm in what we know is true and right.  

If we don’t do this soon, we might find ourselves living in a dystopian future like the ones explored in numerous fiction novels. 

The Erosion of Freedom in The Age of Distraction, Obsession, and Fear

In this era dominated by consumerism, materialism, and the pursuit of the almighty dollar many of us are so busy and distracted by chasing the money, and the possessions, and the thrills that we are failing to see that we are gradually giving away more and more of our power and freedom. This slow erosion is going on all around us, subtly and not so subtly, on many levels.

Our obsession with the accumulation of possessions — materialism and consumerism — keeps us distracted from what really matters.  

Our fixation on all the dangerous, bad, fearful things happening in the world keeps us distracted from what’s important.  All the wars including the “war on terrorism” and the “war on drugs” keep us mesmerized in fear. 

“Your power ends where your fear begins.” — Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

And who does this all serve?  It serves shadowy commercial and political interests and the military-industrial complex and keeps them in the power and in the money.  For them it’s all about the money, nothing else seems to matter, no higher purpose than to serve themselves.  

And they are masters of manipulation and are capitalizing on our weaknesses and our fears. Isn’t it obvious? Haven’t we had enough of this?

Reclaiming Our Power

It’s our divine right and responsibility to own our beliefs, ideas, principles, and values.  It’s time we reclaim our confidence in our inner knowledge and have the courage to stand for truth and justice despite what our institutions, the media, and others may be telling us.  

We need to stop blaming the system and wake-up from our laziness, distractions, and dependencies to reclaim our power so we can create a better world!

It’s time to remember who you really are, not who others or society says you are or can be. It is time to stand in your own personal truths, not what others have told you is true.  

It is time to form your own beliefs, rather than just adopt what others believe.  It is time to stand for what you know in your heart is right, rather than what society tells you is right, even if it means standing alone.

You are a slice of the powerful infinite being that we call the Universe, the source of “All That Is”. Stand in that power confidently! BE TRUE TO YOURSELF and STOP being a FOLLOWER!

You don’t need teachers, experts, professors, gurus, priests, pastors, church leaders, or heroes/idols to tell you what to believe, or what the truth is, or to show you how to connect with God.  

You don’t need THEIR beliefs, ideologies, or specific practices that they swear are the one and only way to reach the truth.

It is all within you, all the knowledge of the universe is deep within you. You are connected to all of it, to Source or God or whatever you choose to call it, just go within and become quiet and trust what you find, what you feel, what you know. 

A bright future for humanity is still very much possible, but we’re going to have wake up out of our haze of consumption, distraction, laziness, apathy, and fear and start paying attention and getting engaged.  

Even thou all our experiences expand Sources understanding of itself and the nature of its existence and, therefore, are all valuable, surely we’ve had enough of the many less than desirable themes repeating in our experiences.  

Surely we’ve had enough of wage and debt slavery, of going to a job every day that we hate or bores us to tears, of all the competition and conflict, of all the pain and suffering — have we not? 

I think it is safe to say that our Source would encourage us choose a higher and grander vision of what we could be. I think it’s safe to say that our Source would prefer the experience of joy, abundance, and freedom — for all.

Let’s make it happen!



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyper link is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School.

This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House. ~~~ Xaniel777


©2009 – 2018 DaniMartExtras,too

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Posted by Xaniel777 on May 16, 2015

SOURCE: UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network

Published on Apr 28, 2015

UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!)

Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years.

Written by Michael Rivero, this film will truly change your views on how our banking system uses War to affect our daily lives.

Recommended for all ages.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Another ‘ What the…’ moment: Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 9, 2014


Today, (December 04, 2014), the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”

In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.

These are the kinds of resolutions I have always watched closely in Congress, as what are billed as “harmless” statements of opinion often lead to sanctions and war. I remember in 1998 arguing strongly against the Iraq Liberation Act because, as I said at the time, I knew it would lead to war. I did not oppose the Act because I was an admirer of Saddam Hussein – just as now I am not an admirer of Putin or any foreign political leader – but rather because I knew then that another war against Iraq would not solve the problems and would probably make things worse. We all know what happened next.

That is why I can hardly believe they are getting away with it again, and this time with even higher stakes: provoking a war with Russia that could result in total destruction!

If anyone thinks I am exaggerating about how bad this resolution really is, let me just offer a few examples from the legislation itself:

The resolution (paragraph 3) accuses Russia of an invasion of Ukraine and condemns Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. The statement is offered without any proof of such a thing. Surely with our sophisticated satellites that can read a license plate from space we should have video and pictures of this Russian invasion. None have been offered. As to Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, why isn’t it a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty for the US to participate in the overthrow of that country’s elected government as it did in February? We have all heard the tapes of State Department officials plotting with the US Ambassador in Ukraine to overthrow the government. We heard US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland bragging that the US spent $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine. Why is that OK?

The resolution (paragraph 11) accuses the people in east Ukraine of holding “fraudulent and illegal elections” in November. Why is it that every time elections do not produce the results desired by the US government they are called “illegal” and “fraudulent”? Aren’t the people of eastern Ukraine allowed self-determination? Isn’t that a basic human right?

The resolution (paragraph 13) demands a withdrawal of Russia forces from Ukraine even though the US government has provided no evidence the Russian army was ever in Ukraine. This paragraph also urges the government in Kiev to resume military operations against the eastern regions seeking independence.

The resolution (paragraph 14) states with certainty that the Malaysia Airlines flight 17 that crashed in Ukraine was brought down by a missile “fired by Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.” This is simply incorrect, as the final report on the investigation of this tragedy will not even be released until next year and the preliminary report did not state that a missile brought down the plane. Neither did the preliminary report – conducted with the participation of all countries involved – assign blame to any side.

Paragraph 16 of the resolution condemns Russia for selling arms to the Assad government in Syria. It does not mention, of course, that those weapons are going to fight ISIS – which we claim is the enemy — while the US weapons supplied to the rebels in Syria have actually found their way into the hands of ISIS!

Paragraph 17 of the resolution condemns Russia for what the US claims are economic sanctions (“coercive economic measures”) against Ukraine. This even though the US has repeatedly hit Russia with economic sanctions and is considering even more!

The resolution (paragraph 22) states that Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia in 2008. This is simply untrue. Even the European Union – no friend of Russia – concluded in its investigation of the events in 2008 that it was Georgia that “started an unjustified war” against Russia not the other way around! How does Congress get away with such blatant falsehoods? Do Members not even bother to read these resolutions before voting?

In paragraph 34 the resolution begins to even become comical, condemning the Russians for what it claims are attacks on computer networks of the United States and “illicitly acquiring information” about the US government. In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations about the level of US spying on the rest of the world, how can the US claim the moral authority to condemn such actions in others?

Chillingly, the resolution singles out Russian state-funded media outlets for attack, claiming that they “distort public opinion.” The US government, of course, spends billions of dollars worldwide to finance and sponsor media outlets including Voice of America and RFE/RL, as well as to subsidize “independent” media in countless counties overseas. How long before alternative information sources like RT are banned in the United States? This legislation brings us closer to that unhappy day when the government decides the kind of programming we can and cannot consume – and calls such a violation “freedom.”

The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to re-start his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.

To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?

There are too many more ridiculous and horrific statements in this legislation to completely discuss. Probably the single most troubling part of this resolution, however, is the statement that “military intervention” by the Russian Federation in Ukraine “poses a threat to international peace and security.” Such terminology is not an accident: this phrase is the poison pill planted in this legislation from which future, more aggressive resolutions will follow. After all, if we accept that Russia is posing a “threat” to international peace how can such a thing be ignored? These are the slippery slopes that lead to war.

This dangerous legislation passed today, December 4, with only ten (!) votes against! Only ten legislators are concerned over the use of blatant propaganda and falsehoods to push such reckless saber-rattling toward Russia.

Here are the Members who voted “NO” on this legislation. If you do not see your own Representative on this list call and ask why they are voting to bring us closer to war with Russia! If you do see your Representative on the below list, call and thank him or her for standing up to the warmongers.

Voting “NO” on H. Res. 758:

1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

833 W. Plantation Drive • Clute, TX 77531

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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  ©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 DaniMartExtras,too

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WHAT THE…?? Pssst! Is Israel going crazy?

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 4, 2014

SOURCE:  Veterans News Now (VNN)

Veterans News Now

Fabricated images of Israeli politicians in Nazi uniforms, captured by Times of Israel

(Fabricated images of Israeli politicians in Nazi uniforms, captured by Times of Israel)

By Phil Weiss,  Mondoweiss
The War of Ideas in the Middle East

Is Israel cracking up? There have been more and more reports in recent days that suggest the political culture is going crazy; and that there’s nothing to hold that craziness down.

There was that argument in the Knesset in which a Palestinian parliamentarian was dragged out after calling Moshe Feiglin a “fascist.” There’s that Avigdor Lieberman “peace plan” that has just one idea: pay Palestinians to leave Israel. And that from the country’s Foreign Minister! There’s the prime minister’s bill to bar the Palestinian flag as an “enemy” flag at demonstrations and deport Palestinian Israelis accused of crimes to Gaza. There’s the new bill to declare Israel the “nation state of the Jewish people,” which would demote Arabic from being an official language so that the 20 percent non-Jewish population don’t get any ideas that this is their country, too. The bill would formally define Israel as “belonging to Jews around the world” and “make ‘Jewish tradition’ and ‘the prophets of Israel’ a primary source of legal and judicial authority” (per Jonathan Cook).

The bill has already borne fruit. There was a bookburning at a bilingual school in Jerusalem two nights ago. And warnings of more bookburnings from a leftwing graffiti artist: “In a place where nation-state laws are passed, books will be burned.”

The fascism allegations are going in both directions. Several leading politicians who oppose that bill were pictured on Facebook wearing Nazi outfits. The Times of Israel reports that the minister of public security has demanded an investigation of the satire, because it crosses a line:

Fabricated images of the president of Israel, top ministers and the police chief dressed in Nazi uniforms were published on the Internet on Sunday as a protest against their objection to a controversial bill that defines Israel as a Jewish state…

A caption accompanying the montage called them, “The anti-Semites who oppose a Jewish state in the land of Israel.”

According to information in the Facebook account profile, “Zoabi” is a resident of Tel Aviv and a graduate of Tel Aviv University, and claims to be employed by the IDF.

And here’s another fearful report. Singer Amir Benayoum released a shockingly racist song called Ahmed Loves Israel, which says that Palestinian Israelis are just waiting to stab Jews in the back. Rogel Alpher in Haaretz writes that Israelis shouldn’t be shocked by it: “A Racist Society Composes Racist Songs.” Here are some of the hateful lyrics, thanks to Uri Avnery.

Today I am moderate and smiling

Tomorrow I shall ascend to heaven

I shall send to hell a Jew or two

It’s true that I am just ungrateful scum

But I am not to blame, I grew up without love

The moment will come when you turn your back to me

And then I shall stick into you the sharpened axe.

When I was in Israel last month, I went to a demonstration at which 50 rightwing Jewish demonstrators shouted “B’Tselem is Hamas” — equating a human rights organization with the Palestinian Islamic political force — and at which a young man explained calmly/angrily to me that he is a Jew before he is a human being (minute 4 at the link). Being familiar with American political culture, I wanted to believe the demo was a bunch of knuckleheads; but it had ministerial support, as Angela Godfrey-Goldstein explained to me (she’s the blonde woman wearing glasses who’s in the video, a human rights worker), and a lot of folks trying to attend the B’Tselem exhibit were harassed/threatened. Dan Cohen reported from that event that the rightwingers accused the human-rights advocates of being Nazis and threatened to make “soap” out of them.

At another rightwing demonstration, I interviewed three Israeli-American Zionists with a bad case of Jerusalem syndrome: they want to destroy the Muslim sites in the Old City and replace them with a Jewish temple. Just a few knuckleheads? As Allison Deger has reported, they have the support of government ministers. “Netanyahu appears to have adopted a political strategy of intentionally aggravating relations between the state and the Palestinian minority, in part, it seems, to position himself as the true champion of an Israeli public moving ever further to the right,”  Jonathan Cook says.

Goliath Blumenthal

In short, Israel’s leaders are catering to knuckleheads and crazies because there’s a political payoff. Max Blumenthal saw/predicted a lot of this with his book of a year ago that the mainstream has done its best to ignore. Now at last the global community is frightened by this trend; the New York Times says Netanyahu’s initiative is “heartbreaking” for those who believe in Israeli democracy.

You don’t have to be such a romantic to recognize that the political culture in Israel is going nuts; and that a lot of this craziness is the natural result of enfranchising one ethnic/religious group and disenfranchising another.

About Philip Weiss

Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of Mondoweiss.net.

Other posts by 

Related article:

Imploding Myth of Israel — Chris Hedges
Also see:

About  Debbie Menon

Founder and General Manager at My Cat Bird Seat

Debbie Menon is an independent writer based in Dubai. She is Editor-in-Chief of two websites: MyCatBirdSeat.com and VeteransNewsNow.com

Her main focus are the US-Mid-East Conflicts. Her writing has been featured in several print and online publications in the Middle East. She is committed to exposing(AIPAC) the Israel Lobby’s control of American policy for the Middle East.

Control which amounts to treason by the Zionist Lobbies in America and its stooges in Congress, and that guarantees there can never be a peaceful resolution of the Middle East conflicts, only catastrophe for all, in the region and the world.

Her mission is to inform and educate the public on issues of the US/Middle East conflicts that are unreported, under reported, or distorted in the Zionist owned American Media.

Her writing reflects the incredible resilience, almost superhuman steadfastness of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians, who are now facing the prospect of a final round of ethnic cleansing.

Her mission is to inform and educate internet viewers seeking unfiltered information about real events on issues of the US/Middle East conflicts that are unreported, under reported, or distorted in the American media.

The purpose is to look at the current reality from a different and critical perspective, not to simply rehash the pro-US/Israel perspective, smoke and mirrors that has been allowed to utterly and completely dominate Mainstream discourse.

PS: For those of her detractors that think she is being selective and even “one sided,” tough, that is the point of her work, to present an alternative view and interpretation of the US-Israel-Middle East conflict, that has been completely ignored in mainstream discourse and denied the US public. Oh, and she is not Muslim or Palestinian and not married to one either! Sorry to disappoint you! She is practicing Roman catholic.

About Veterans News Now (VNN):

Veterans News Now is an independent online journal representing the positions and providing news for members of the military and veteran community in areas of national security, geopolitical stability and domestic policy.


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  ©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 Danimartextras,too

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Spreading the Truth: NSA Data On Illuminati Crimes Being Published On Internet! Exciting US Intel Report!

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 3, 2014

SOURCE:  Before It’s News.com

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:58

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By Glenn Canady

“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!”

www.project.nsearch.com – Join and get all my free ebooks – stay informed on the latest from US Intel!

Note by Glenn:  I recommend patriots around the world join iQLife now so you make money while spreading the truth in the future!  Please friend me on my Facebook if you spread massive truth and let’s work together!  The best way to reach me and get my daily emails about breaking stories is to Join Project Nsearch.  I will be announcing free home solar systems there soon and a way to make $1,00 to $3000 for each system given away!  When you join, login and go to the “Ebooks” menu option and you’ll get my free ebooks, “How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth” and “Suppressed Health Secrets” as well as getting the very latest news about free energy devices powering homes and vehicles right now!  Be sure to LIKE my “Glenn Canady” Facebook page too and the “Veterans Today Truth Wariors” page where we’re taking massive action against the NWO as a team!  Lastly, subscribe to my Youtube channel, new Twitter account and share all my BIN Articles!  We are being lied to by our fake news more each day!  Let’s wake up the planet by spreading more truth from VeteransToday (US Intel) than ever before!   If your alternative media outlet is not publishing the articles and interviews from VeteransToday (VT) then they are “controlled opposition” period!  VT doesn’t censor anything so why are you continuing to support the bad guys censoring VeteransToday, the largest private intelligence agency on the planet, that put out the real Snowden leaks on 9/11?  You came to BIN because they don’t censor anything, so never tolerate an alternative media outlet that censors VeteransToday

On December 1st, 2014 Veterans Today Radio had a blow out interview with Preston James and Stew Webb where some shocking bombshells were dropped.  In the first 35 Minutes Stew discussed the Illuminati satanic sacrifices and played his exclusive interview with Anton Lavey who names US Presidents attending these sacrifices of babies!   Be sure to listen to that if you have no already heard it!

But the really GOOD news came when Preston James came on and gave one of his best Intelligence briefings to the people around the world that stand against the Illuminati.  This all started at about the 35 minute mark in the video below.  Preston discusses the Bush crime family at the beginning but then moves into what I want everybody to listen to when he discusses the really good news!   US Intel and the good guys around the world now have the raw NSA feeds that detail all the crimes done by the Illuminati and their helpers and these will be released on the Internet!   It’s already started!   VeteransToday.com has already put out the Snowden leaks on 9/11 in many articles and Veterans Today Radio Shows and it started with this on the 6-4-14 episode.

All Intel files are being released to the public!   All the secret files are being downloaded.  The NSA raw files are now in the hands of the Russians and the French through Snowden and are being released one at a time!  The entire Illuminati system is going to be exposed and is beginning to crumble.  There will be no secrecy within a few years.  Everything is coming out: names, phone calls, videos, crimes of the US Congress and other world leaders, it’s all going to be on the Internet!  Once the American people fully wake up there is going to be hell to pay!

Will You Help US Intel Pound a Wooden Stake Into the Illuminati Vampire?

US Intel now calls on patriots around the world to spread this important update from Veterans Today along with their documentation of these crimes being released on VeteransToday weekly now.  They were the only ones in alternative media to release the Snowden Leaks on 9/11 and to this day the “tip of the spear” gatekeepers pretend it doesn’t exist!  I’ll say it once again.  If you listen to anybody that is not republishing the articles and interviews from US Intel (VeteransToday.com) then you are listening to Controlled Opposition and enemies of humanity.  Cut off all support of the gatekeepers and unite behind our vets and patriots putting out all the truth!  Send the good news in this interview around the world!   The Illuminati’s crimes are soon gong to be public on the Internet and this process has already started!   I’m asking patriots worldwide to begin carpet bombing Facebook, Twitter and all social media with more truth than ever.  Take over groups and pages of mainstream and alternative media gatekeepers with hardcore truth such as the Snowden Leak on 9/11 and watch the fireworks begin!

I have a free ebook called, “How Anybody Can Spread 1,000 Times More Truth!” that is teaching people how to take the fight to the next level!   This book teaches anybody how to reach 1,000 times more people than they are reaching right now.  If all patriots read and implement these tips then we would destroy all fake mainstream news in 6 months!   Please download it and contact me and I will help any of you that want do more!  It’s an honor to serve with all of you against the Illuminati.  Share this article on 100 groups on Facebook and bomb Twitter!  Fire all photon torpedoes of truth and let’s take out the Illuminati Death Star!  We will do it together!

Preston James’ Explosive Information Begins at the 35 Minute Mark But Listen to it all!


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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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Real News: Bundy Ranch: Fed Retreat was Psyop Next Wave Soon

Posted by Xaniel777 on April 13, 2014

                                                               TODAY’S NEWS : April 13, 2014



Published on Apr 13, 2014 by NextNewsNetwork

URGENT: New developments in the Bundy Ranch standoff. DHS insider reveals the Federal retreat was complete Psyop to study opposition to crush rebellion in next assault.

Source: Canadian Free Press

All of our lives are going to change in a drastic way, if this is true… From Doug Hagmann

At 1750 hours ET, I was contacted by my source within the Department of Homeland Security regarding the current situation at the Bundy Ranch. To put it bluntly, the people are being hoodwinked into believing that the situation is being resolved. It is not. It is a strategic de-escalation to fool the public. This source stated that the retreat of the BLM agents and the release of the cattle was actually crafted as a potential plan yesterday (Friday, 11 April 2014) based on the following:

1. A military assessment of satellite and drone surveillance imagery of the “patriot resistance. Drones under the control of the U.S. military were in use, taking real-time photographic images of not just the activity at the ranch, but “identifying the protesters, any arms and any supplies they might have or be carrying. “Mission accomplished.”

2. Real-time communication intercepts between patriots on-site and their off-site support;

3. Active monitoring of internet traffic regarding the coverage of events at ranch;

4. The monitoring of real-time video from the scene.

This source stated that a response by the patriot movement was anticipated, although exceeded their expectations. Although this was a real operation, they also ran this as a test case for future government operations once they saw the response. They were also actively managing the media, in some cases threatening to cut off White House access to anyone covering the event.

Despite this, the coverage by the alternative media began to create a public relations problem that was not easily managed. Note the lack of acknowledgment by the White House regarding this event. They are intentionally framing it as a state issue, despite the fact that all federal response has been and continues to be from the White House. There is a reason for this — a reason that has not been identified in any of the public reports to date. I will explain in further detail in a follow-up report on Sunday, after this source attends [redacted] to obtain more specific information about future federal operations. Regardless, according to this source, the government will take back ‘their land’ as they must to fulfill international obligations. It was never about grazing rights or anything other than (1) “securing clear title” to the land, and (2) further demonizing any patriotic resistance. It is my understanding, based on the information from this source, that it is a critical task to create a situation that will also advance their agenda of gun control and confiscation.

A more detailed report will follow on Sunday, 13 April 2014, with additional and much more specific information about their inside plans and future operations.




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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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The Unthinkable Begins! March 30, 2013

Posted by Xaniel777 on March 30, 2013

TODAY’S NEWS : March 30, 2013


The Three Stages of a Revolution


Posted on March 29, 2013 by Smilardog

Story picked up at From the Trenches

revolution 4The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Many believe that America is plunging head first into a civil war with the forces of the New World Order which have hijacked our government.

Trust me, nobody reading these words wants to live through the times that the globalists have planned for us and if you listen to people who advocate for a civil war, you need your head examined.  

Part one of this series detailed how the economy is collapsing due the failure of the Petrodollar.

The resulting instability will provide the pretext to institute a series of false flag attacks which will provide the federal government with a preemptive opportunity to impose one of the most draconian forms of martial law that the world has ever seen.

There is a chance that the American people will shed their shackles and finally rise up and that is exactly what the globalists desire.

If the globalists can draw us into a civil war and crush the opposition, they can end all pretenses and their full blown tyranny will be fully exposed for all to see and experience firsthand.  

How close is America to falling into a civil war?

 The Three Stages of a Revolution:

dhsMany believe that the revolution has already begun and I would agree with them. There are three distinct stages of revolution and we are moving down the path to civil war at a frightening pace.

You may not realize this fact, but your government certainly does!

When DHS purchases 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored vehicles, it is clear that they are preparing to kill millions of uncooperative Americans.

Stage One of the Revolution

revolucionThe first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth. This is what I am trying to accomplish on my website and on my talk show.

Where I see the enemy at the gate, most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the unfolding attack.

We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner.

There is indeed strength in numbers and if we are unable to wake up our fellow countrymen, we will negate the only true tactical advantage we have, solidarity from a numerically superior force.

It should now make sense to you as to why 98% of the media is controlled by globalist controlled business interests, who in turn are controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve.

In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows.

We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tyrannical government.

Our counter to the control of the MSM, is to exclusively support the alternative media.

If Obama is successful in taking down the alternative media, then it will become necessary to enact a type of Committees of Correspondence  apparatus similar to what our Founding Fathers did in the pre-Revolutionary War period in our history.

On the ground communication is timeless, effective and very difficult for a totalitarian government to negate.

Stage Two of the Revolution

Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience or nonviolent resistance.

Thanks to Obama, he has given Americans the perfect pretext to begin to resist our criminally controlled government and America is presently sitting on the edge of being immersed in stage two of a revolution.

I am speaking specifically about gun control.

gun confiscation 21No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, the people need to disobey.  Most readers already know what happens when a civilian population surrenders its guns.

When, not if, but when Obama comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies.

If this form of civil disobedience does not stem the tide of tyranny sweeping the country, then withhold your money from the globalist apparatus.

Stop paying taxes as much as possible. Do not shop in the corporate chain stores controlled by Federal Reserve members such as Walmart or any other well known globalist entity.

Shop local and begin to trade and barter with your neighbors and friends. Buy gold and silver and get of the corrupt Petrodollar as much as possible. In short, stop feeding the beast.

Practiced en masse, these financial practices are often enough to bring a criminal government to its knees.

However, you better store food and water because history shows the next step that a totalitarian regime would take would be to starve the people into submission.

Further, we all need to realize that  if stage two does not bring the criminal banksters to their knees, stage three is unavoidable and that means all out war.

If our resistance is forceful enough, we may force the globalist cowards to retreat and regroup. Their hesitation works to our advantage.

We can use the time to solidify our positions and will be in a new position to make demands of the government.

If our civil disobedience is forceful enough, we can make the globalists think twice about beginning a civil war.

With myself being a nonviolent person, I prefer this path of resistance.

Although I may have been born at night, I was not born last night. The retreating globalists will eventually return with new methods and strategies to enslave humanity.

We can only hope that we are united enough to resist being taken into stage three.

Stage Three: All Out War

Stage three is direct physical confrontation with the powers that be which involves a large number of citizens. In this case, our enemies will be comprised of whatever minions that the Federal Reserve can bring to the fight such as a well-armed DHS.

If Americans have done their due diligence in stage one, the majority of the military and the police will defend the people. However, they must know that the people will stand with them.

These objectives must be accomplished in Stage one.

A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages.

The first two stages are the necessary prerequisites that the globalists require to build the cohesiveness that they will need to begin the roundups, the murder, the mayhem and the total subjugation.

False flag attacks are prominent part of the transition between stage two and stage three rebellion.

False flag attacks also provide the justification and also galvanizes the pro-governmental forces to a point in which they begin to enslave the people.

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built.

The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution.

We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead.

Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not.

Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny. Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny. Again, this is accomplished in stage one.

If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. Start an email distribution list. Talk to everyone  you know.

Post short notices about the tyrannical government at your community mailboxes. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors. And by the way, buy guns and ammunition. Hide some of your guns.

If possible, buy the guns off the books so there is not a government list with your name on it.

When martial law is imposed, have a pre-designated meeting place for you and your family because cell phone communications may be down. 

Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers.

Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust.

Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to accept defeat and to embrace the plans of the New World Order. Build backup plans for your contingency plans.

Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does.


false flagI believe that Obama’s people will very soon begin to commence false flag attacks in order to hasten the implementation of martial law and force the real leadership of the opposition out in the open where they can be crushed in a brief civil war.

I think the first false flag event will transpire with the collapse of the Petrodollar and this will constitute the countdown to an all-out civil war.

If we can keep the globalists mired in stages one and two, through some of the suggested actions that I list, we might be able to force a lengthy stalemate.

Time is not on the globalists side because propaganda does not shield the truth from the masses forever.

This is why the globalists have to resort to collapsing the dollar and initiating false flag attacks as a means to force this issue into the third stage.

If a high percentage of the people were prepared to sit out the collapse of the dollar, through being prepared, and to “roll with the punch of the imposition of martial law” as a result of false flag attacks, the globalists would eventually run out of steam.

We also need to realize that individuals like George Soros would even go so far as to start revolutionary movements as a means to draw out public resistance that could be crushed.

Do you remember when the globalists got caught funding the Occupy Wall Street movement?

Same strategy, same result, and whatever happened to the Occupy Wall Street movement? 

The Occupy movement is dead on arrival. The same will happen with any “underground” revolutionary movement. Do not be deceived.

Prepare, pray and let the globalists run out of steam.

To paraphrase the Bible, in Romans 12:2, it essentially commands its followers to not be an integral part of the world.

Prepare to be outside the grid, outside the food supply system, outside the need for public services because they will be used to control the people in times of desperation.

One Caveat

fema camp workersOne caveat that every American needs to be aware of is to securely hide at least one gun that is off the books. Because if passive resistance fails, we will need a collective means to defend ourselves.

I believe we can forestall the globalists’ plans to such a degree that they will fall apart.

The longer we can delay total subjugation, the more the globalist minions will see through their evil agenda and come to realize that they are working towards their own enslavement.

This could lead to great attrition within the ranks of our captors.

The globalists are much like the boxer in that if he cannot knock out his opponent by the third round, he will lose because he will run out of steam.

However, if the globalist trump card is genocide and mass imprisonment, all bets are off. 

If genocide and mass detentions were to begin to take place, then you will have had direct war declared upon you and your family and you will have to act accordingly.

However, we would be very stupid to engage the enemy on the battlefield.

Instead, we will need to engage our enemies in an asymmetrical form of warfare and that will be the topic of the next part of this series.








“Declaration of Natural Rights”Understanding Confusion
Kirwan 1994

By Jim Kirwan
Human Societies are guided and held together by ideas and a shared sense of morality. When the people lose sight of those foundational principles corruption and dictatorial powers inevitability take root.

Once criminal elements have taken control of society it becomes harder and harder to unseat them. As this process of regression continues there comes a point of no return: Where real change can no longer be achieved within the existing system.

We’ve reached that point sometime ago. It’s time to come to terms with that, and adjust our actions accordingly. We face the situation right now where the electoral process has become little more than theater; and the political awareness of the population has been reduced to petty bickering, over emotionally charged wedge issues.

All the while those who are running the show lose our freedoms one by one and draw us ever-deeper into undeclared wars of aggression.

The only way that we can change course is by organizing a unified front outside the existing system. Not as a political party, not as a left-wing or right wing ideological faction but as a people: Unified not in protests of this broken and corrupt system but rather under a set of principles: Principles that will lay the foundation to rebuild on.

The Declaration of Natural Rights

Any right that is a true human right is inherent. Such rights are not granted by governments. They are not privileges bestowed by society or created by documents. Therefore such rights cannot be regulated limited or revoked, by any such power.

Any supposed authority that seeks to strip a natural right from the people is illegitimate, and should be dealt with accordingly.

The most common way that rights are subverted is through the assertion of ‘rights’ which are not rights at all. There was a time when it was accepted by all, that Kings had a right to kill at a whim and to take the freedom and the property of any of his subjects, at will. The Divine Right of Kings is a false right. This is obvious to us now: However each era is blind to its own darkness.

Before we can even begin to understand the true nature of ‘rights’ we must first answer one question honestly and follow the implications to their logical conclusions: ‘When is violence justified’? It’s a simple question, and there’s only one sane answer. The only morally acceptable context for violence is defense. That answer is often referred to as:

The Non-aggression Principle

It’s a fancy name for a simple and obvious truth. But simple truths carry devastating implications when applied to the real world. Let’s follow those implications and see what it tells us about rights.

The Right to Life

Each individual owns their own life. To claim the authority to control or terminate the life of another is inherently violent. It is a claim of human ownership and it is a fundamental violation of natural rights.

Up until very recently in history, the ownership of other humans was explicit. Slaves and vassals were considered the property of their lords and masters. Their labor was extracted without compensation. Their lives could be taken at any moment: And their freedom was strictly limited. Modern states exercise these same powers but they disguise their totalitarian nature by distributing the mechanisms of power and control, through elaborate bureaucracies. The ownership of humans is no longer acknowledged outwardly; but on every practical level it is very much ‘in force’.

Torture, assassination and wars of aggression are the most blatant expressions of the contempt for the right to life. These acts demonstrate the perverse belief that ‘the right’s of another person is theirs to destroy at will’. They are the ultimate assertion of human ownership.

The Right to Liberty

Since your life is your own and you are free to live as you so chose, so long as your actions do not infringe upon ‘the rights of others’ The right to Liberty, encompasses but does not limit it to, the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of thought. The key to maintaining these freedoms is the understanding that true freedom is to allow others to make choices that we do not agree with.

The Right to Property

Since your life is your own, and your time, and that which you produce with your time is also your own: To take the property of another by force, or the threat of force, through fraud is theft. To claim the authority to take the property of another or to claim ownership of their labor, their time and their life: Such claims are inherently illegitimate, regardless of whether they are made by an illegitimate dictator or the collective dictatorship of a ‘democracy’.

The right to property has very little to do with economics. It has everything to do with how force is used in a society. The movement of goods and services may, or may not involve money at all. But those exchanges must be voluntary and transparent.

The Right to Privacy

Non-essential searches of one’s home, transport or person, surveillance of communications and personal transactions outside the investigation of a specific crime; is an act of aggression. Barriers to travel, employment, healthcare and other necessary functions that force individuals to waive their rights to privacy are veiled forms of violence.

The Right to a Fair Trial

In all criminal prosecutions the accused have the right to a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of their peers. All juries have the right and the responsibility to deliver their verdict in accordance with their conscience: Regardless, whether that verdict contradicts written law or statutesNo legal ‘context’ shall be invented or construed which by-passes the right to a civilian trial.

Military detentions and assassinations of civilians, regardless of the nationality of the accused and regardless of the allegations are direct violations of this right.

The Right to Self-Defense

The right to ‘Defense’ is the boundary which makes all other rights possible. If you do not have the right to Defend Your Life, and the lives of those that you love, then any of your other rights can be taken from you, by anyone with the means to do so.

Somewhere between 190 million and 260 million people were murdered by their own governments in this past century alone.

This figure far outstrips the number killed by all international and civil wars during that same time period combined. It should therefore be abundantly clear that the state cannot be trusted with a monopoly on violence and it cannot be used for a substitute for the right of self-defense.

The Right to Self-Determination

All people have the right to organize their communities as they so chose, in a voluntary manner. And they have the right to dissolve any political system placed over them; which relies on violence to enforce its directives. In a society which adheres to the non-aggression principles: The creation and distribution of organizational structures need not be violent. To dissolve a government is not an act of aggression. But the use of force to suppress such a movement is!

When a government initiates force against the people—the people may call upon the Right to Self-Defense.

When in the course of history a political system shows itself to be an enemy of the natural rights of the people: The people have the responsibility to dissolve that system.

To stand passively by without so much as raising one’s voice as the tide of tyranny rises, is a betrayal of our children and our grandchildren.

The first and most important step in changing the course of the culture is the spread and establishment of a new core philosophy. Each and every one of us can help make this happen by spreading these ideas.

The Natural Rights Foundation is organizing towards this goal: Visit them at NATURALRIGHTSFOUNDATION.ORG” (1)

1) The Death Throes of the United States

http://xrepublic.tv/node/1842 8min 25 sec VIDEO

NOTE: There are two videos at this same link. The link to the quotes above are reachable inside the 1st video @ 7min 56 sec: The Declaration of Natural Rights begins at the end of the first video at 8min 50sec and takes you to the VIDEO of the above statement… sorry for any confusion, but it’s worth the time. k

USA The Disposable People – 6min 36 sec VIDEO






The 7 elements of your psyche that serve as the gateway into the matrix


STORY PICKED UP AT NaturalNews.com

Friday, February 22, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) This article defines the psychic gateway into the matrix of illusion that we live in.

The illusion is a threat. From within it, we unconsciously seek out destruction and fool ourselves into believing it is OK. The destruction happens on an individual and global basis.

The bigger problem is, we actively hide the facts from ourselves through amazing feats of mental gymnastics.

This is why it is nearly impossible to convince anyone what it really going on in the world – or within the walls of their home – or inside their own mind. The illusion is pervasive and overwhelming.

The seven facts that follow are the result of months of work searching the lost archives of psychology and philosophy – obscure papers you’ve never seen in out-of-print volumes, written by people you have never heard of.

These heroes should be household names, but they have been deleted by modern mental health – but that is a longer story that predates World War II.

Below I use examples of how the illusion affects individuals, but you will see how it applies to the entire population. Please read slowly and carefully when you have time and space to absorb it.

Some people need to reread the facts and storyline several times before it begins to make sense. I have tried to distill it down as far as I can, write in layman’s terms and keep it as brief as possible.

By the way, you won’t see this until you realize it applies to you. I have had to work on myself consistently for months now, opening my own eyes so that I can pass this information along. It has been the most liberating experience of my life and I continue to work at it daily. I hope you see it, too.

See the gateway. See the exit. That’s how it works.

1. When you were born, you could not tell the difference between truth and falsehood

Children do not have truth/falsehood filters. Whatever parents tell children, they not only believe, but anticipate and act upon. It doesn’t matter how far from reality these “facts” are. This is how Santa Claus manages to stick around.

When kids believe in Santa, they behave accordingly. They write letters to Santa, wait up at night to get a glimpse, leave out cookies on Christmas Eve, try not to be on the naughty list and so on.

We act on what we experience as true.

2. In reality, you learned many things that were false – and you made those things pleasurable

Enter the first major, hard-to-believe glitch in the program.
 If you learned only helpful or harmless things as a child, you’d be set up for a lifetime of independence and success. Sadly, you were taught many things that are false.

Here’s the mind-blower: You turned these falsehoods into pleasures. I almost hate to be the one to put this to you, but it is true. Children cannot filter out falsehood and they make perceived truth pleasurable.

If you did not make truth pleasurable, then you would never act on it. When you are taught that a lie is true, then seeking the lie becomes right and familiar, even if the lie guides you into an early grave. 

This combination can turn your whole world upside down. It may be the number one human vulnerability; the key to our undoing.

On a personal level, perhaps you learned that you are not worth anyone’s time. Perhaps you discovered that there is no point in thinking for yourself. Maybe you learned that it is useless to try to succeed.

Perhaps you learned that you do not fit in.

Let’s say you were taught that you weren’t worth your parents’ time.

When you needed help, they were busy.

When you wanted to play, they weren’t interested.

When you were proud of yourself, they dismissed you.

3. You now live the lies as if they were true

Modern culture encourages older children to let go of their harmless belief in Santa Claus. Most parents are sensitive enough and comfortable guiding their children through the process.

Modern culture offers no encouragement or process to let go of the harmful lies you were told.

When you think about it, people might be better off believing in Santa for life than believing they are worthless as a person for life.

Still, there is no rite of passage, no method and virtually no mention that young adults should examine beliefs related to their upbringing.

Worse, extraordinarily few people exist on this planet who know how to help others identify and let go of the lies they are living.

So, as an adult, you are now living the lie that you are worthless (this is just one example).

You treat yourself the way your parents treated you. You don’t take care of yourself, respect yourself or give yourself the time and sacrifice necessary to create the life you want.

You act on the lie. You don’t care what you eat or what goes into your body. You don’t make time for yourself.

You find it hard to accept compliments. You don’t keep commitments to yourself. You are uncomfortable around people with high self-esteem, etc…

Worse, you find a strange, Unexplainable pleasure or personal familiarity in treating yourself this way. This only adds shame to the mix.

4. The lies you live are threatening, painful and embarrassing

Here’s why letting go of lies is so difficult. If you are living a lie, you probably don’t want to admit it. The lie you are living isn’t pretty. Who wants to face the perceived ugliness and pain at the core of their being?

No one wants to appear weak or worthless. Everyone is putting their best foot forward and burying the unmentionables. Your ego does not want to see the truth!

5. So, you hide the lies from yourself

Your campaign to hide the painful lie-you-believe-is-true is wholesale. You hide the lie by setting out to prove your worth to the world, as if you could deny the lie by worldly success.

You ignore your feelings. You look down on “weak” or “unimportant” people.

You avoid intimacy, unconsciously fearing that if someone were to get to know you, they’d disapprove. If someone suggests in any way that you might be mistaken or to blame for something, you get defensive.

You avoid at all costs any hint that you might be less than you portray yourself.

The bitter irony is that all this is totally unnecessary. You are not worthless. You never were.

You only believed the lie and now act upon it regularly, at times getting a strange satisfaction from it.

6. Now you are stuck doing things you hate for reasons you do not understand

All this leads to an incredible bind. You are strangely attracted to being less than – it is familiar territory for you.

All the ways you act upon this belief are troubling, but the illusion is so thick that you don’t know where to begin to figure it all out.

You set goals that should improve your life, then sabotage those goals because you lean heavily toward that attachment to being less than. You know you should not eat junk, smoke junk, drink junk, do junk, treat yourself like junk, but you do.

You understand the consequences of such behaviors, but do not seem to care. In fact, you are oddly invested in bringing more junk upon yourself.

7. You resist solutions to your problem

When real solutions present themselves, you reject them. When people try to help, you become offended and pretend you have no problem. You even judge others who have obvious problems to move attention away from your own (Reality TV is a good vehicle for this).

It is entirely possible for you to stare real solutions in the face, admit they are solutions, then proceed to do the opposite and resent anyone who calls you on your irresponsible behavior.

You live the lie, take pleasure in the lie, fear solutions to the lie, don’t know who you would be without the lie and keep all this from yourself with amazing agility.

Perfect prey for big pharma

Doesn’t this set up create perfect candidates for drugs? Corporate power structures love to prey upon our struggle by offering solutions that do not require us to dig deep. Take a pill.

You’ll feel better. Kick the can down the road. Just don’t leave the matrix and begin to think for yourself.

Living inside the matrix leaves us attached to what we hate – and sometimes we even enjoy it. It’s a twisted set up that leaves millions of people, each and every day, scratching their heads and wondering why they do what they do.

Digging deep is the only solution. Do not be afraid. The only dark secrets lurking there will transform into psychological enlightenment the moment you discover them.

This is only the beginning. Take the next step and watch this free video to learn more, then never stop learning until you are free.

About the author:
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development.

In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.






The Mechanics of Self Defense

The Right to Bear Arms – Shall NOT Be Infringed… Not Spelled GUN


Civillian National Security Forces (MILITIAS)


Civillian National Security Forces (Militias) For Over 300 Years Carrying On The National Defense ….. It’s an American Tradition … The Very Bulwark of PERSONAL FREEDOM ….. NOW WE W…

The Entirety of ALL  Militias of the American Revolution were  UNREGULATED ….  The  Second Amendment was  NOT  Adopted until 1791 …  Their ARMS included Grenades and Mortars and Cannons and Bombs even Grenade Launchers …..  REPEAT  They were  UNREGULATED   


“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.”– John Stockwell, former CIA official and author
Thomas Jefferson, a proud Anti-Federalist, once stated,  “I hold it 
that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary 
in the political world as storms in the physical.”


ARMS  it’s  just 4 letters









WRAM itself is NOT a Militia Group. This is simply a main networking site to help facilitate communications, coordination, and recruitment for the various Militia groups at the State and local levels throughout the United States. By joining WRAMhere on this site, you have NOTjoined a Militia Group. If you’re really serious about taking action, making a difference, and getting actively involved, then we encourage you to use the communication tools and information provided for you on this site to connect with your State or local Militia Group and find out what you can do to make a difference. Then use WRAM as a Networking tool to maintain communication with your group and the many other groups all across the US. We stand on three princaples here at WRAM, 1. Professionalism, 2. Safe structures for every American to join,, 3. Being a positive part of the securities of our communities
Thank you for joining us. – The Management.  

National Militia Standards, Article.1:

It is the duty of the citizen’s militia to protect and defend the unalienable Rights of all members of the community. Under no circumstances will the militia tolerate those who advocate acts of criminal violence, terrorism, racism or a changeaway from our republican form of government; nor will it support any specific political party or candidate, nor espouse any particular religious denomination or doctrine. All members must understand the duties and obligation of both citizens and government under the Constitution.



 The Well Regulated American Militias (WRAMis not a militia group,it is a web-based organization dedicated to the individual and collective exercise of Americans’ freedoms of speech, association, and petition under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States

The Well Regulated American Militia exists pursuant to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights for purposes of advancing and strengthening “the Militia of the several States” under the Second Amendment and other provisions of law.

We seek to facilitate channels of communication between individuals and organizations interested in the Militia, inform each other about legislative action affecting ownership of firearms, individual liberties, and other issues of law and culture.

We encourage political action and participation, particularly by exercising the franchise of informed voting.

We recognize as constitutional “Militia” only such groups as have been formed and operate under lawfully mandated statutes within particular states. We specifically reject any and all forms of illegal activity. The only use of firearms endorsed by this site is in defense of self or others.

We would like to clearly state that we are committed to a posture of defense, and do not advocate the unlawful targeting or overthrow of our form of government by any person or persons.

This site is a place for the independent militia groups to come together to share training techniques and teach the correct unvarnished history of our Republic, our States, the formation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and to teach & promote participatory citizenship based on professionalism, safe unit structures for every American to join and being a productive and positive part of the security of our communities.


  • I accept and understand that human predators exist. Criminal or terrorist, they take advantage of our civilized society to prey upon the weak. They represent evil and must be confronted and defeated.

  • I believe that self-defense is a moral imperative, and that illegitimate force and illegal violence must be met with righteous indignation and superior violence.

  • I will not rely on others for the security of myself, my family and my community.

  • I proudly proclaim that I run with a like-minded pack. I do not amble through life with the mind-numbed herd.

  • I will train with my chosen weapons, maintain them and carry them in a condition of readiness at all times.

  • I will be mentally prepared and physically equipped to effectively respond to an attack or emergency.

  • I will constantly test myself against realistic standards to discover my strengths and weaknesses. I will turn weakness into strength.

  • I will seek to learn new skills and techniques, and then teach what I have learned to other members of the pack.

  • Be it with firearm or blade, empty hand or blunt object, I will hit my enemies hard, fast and true.

  • I will live a quiet and unobtrusive life, but I will develop and retain the capacity for swift and decisive violence.

  • I recognize that I am the modern equivalent of the traditional Minuteman, and that I may be called to service at any time against heavily armed enemies. I will respond effectively.

  • I accept that I am a pariah among some of my countrymen, and a quaint anachronism to others. I will not hold their ignorance against them.

  • I will win, or die trying.

  • I swear this creed before God, my family and my fellow citizens.

“In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” – Mark Twain





Dedicated to the Preservation of our Freedom,the Security of our Rights, and the Restoration of our Constitution to its rightful place as the LAW of our great Republic.


The Second Amendment






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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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