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Posts Tagged ‘Police State’

Political Masters Think They Know Better Than Stupid Parents: CA Vaccine Bill Passes Health Committee, Heads to Full Assembly for Final Vote

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 12, 2015

SOURCE: The Daily Sheeple

By Lily Dane
The Daily Sheeple
June 10th, 2015

California is going full totalitarian, but is anyone surprised?

forced vaccination

The state’s controversial and tyrannical mandatory vaccine bill has jumped another hurdle on its path to becoming law.

Yesterday, California lawmakers approved the bill, which requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated before being permitted to attend public or PRIVATE schools unless they have a MEDICAL exemption.

That’s right: they are not going to allow religious or philosophical/personal belief exemptions to vaccinations any longer if this passes the full Assembly.

From the text of the bill:

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As If We Hadn’t Noticed: Only “Blue Lives” Really Matter

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 6, 2015


My Photo

Originally Posted: Sunday, May 31, 2015

A weeping Brelo reacts to his acquittal.

When Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo mounted the hood of a Chevy Malibu and fired fifteen shots through the windshield, killing Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams, he behaved in an “unreasonable” and “unconstitutional” fashion. This was the testimony offered by W. Ken Katsaris, a nationally renowned expert witness on use-of-force issues, during Brelo’s bench trial for two counts of voluntary manslaughter

Brelo’s actions amounted to the execution-style murder of a terrified, unarmed couple whose vehicle had been immobilized following a 22-minute high-speed pursuit and a 137-round onslaught by police. This isn’t why Katsaris found Brelo’s behavior to be “unreasonable” or “unconstitutional.” 

The lives of the victims were not consequential in Katsaris’s constitutional calculations: Once the decision had been made to kill the Mundanes, the only relevant consideration was the safety of Officer Breloand his comrades on the scene.

By leaping on top of the hood of the car, Brelo was “taking action that is not trained, not recognized, not safe, and put all of the other officers in the vicinity of his becoming a victim and their [the other officers] having to attempt to now engage to save his life,” Katsaris testified before trial judge John P. O’Donnell. 

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Eye’s Wide Open: Is Martial Law Justified If ISIS Attacks?

Posted by Xaniel777 on May 21, 2015

SOURCE: Alt-Market

By Brandon Smith – Wednesday, 20 May 2015 02:15

A group of foreign militants infiltrates the U.S. using student visas, weak borders, bribery and cooperation with drug cartels. Secret cells integrate within metropolitan areas and blend with the populace. At the precise moment, they activate, unleashing small attacks across the country in coordinated blitzkrieg-style terror campaigns against everything from suburban neighborhoods to public schools to shopping malls, striking fear into the citizenry, which now believes no one is safe, even in the heartland. With normal law enforcement overwhelmed, the economy on the brink and the populace ready to riot, the military is deployed domestically; curfews, price controls and rationing are initiated; and special operations agents act as infiltrators in order to subdue the terrorist factions. The loss of common liberties is welcomed by most as safety and security become the paramount motivator.

A glimpse into the future? Well, perhaps. Actually, it’s the plot narrative to a Chuck Norris movie called “Invasion U.S.A.” The terrorists in that movie were communists from places like Cuba and Venezuela (hey, it was the 80s, and we had no idea that the communists were elitists that had already taken over from within), but the premise is strangely not far from what the government is trying to sell to us as a potential real-life scenario today.

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BE INFORMED: How to Start and Run a Militia

Posted by Xaniel777 on February 28, 2015

SOURCE: HubPages

 Last updated on January 20, 2010

Run A Private Army

Have you ever thought of running your own private “army”? Whether it’s to brush up on your survival skills, protect your community, or just get out and have some fun learning new things, running a militia can be a great way to socialize and improve yourself, both physically and mentally.

This lens sets out the basic requirements for starting and running a militia, including where to get training materials, how to find and train fellow members of your militia, what kind of things your militia can do, and important things you have to keep in mind. I hope that when you’re done reading this lens you’ll have a new found appreciation for the militia and will want to form one!

Establishing an Identity

The first part of establishing a militia is figuring out why it is that you want to have one. Part of this process is developing an identity. To do that, you should come up with:

a) A name

b) A logo

c) A slogan (optional)

For instance, one militia out of New York I found while Google-searching chose the name “Fort Eagle Militia”, and had a picture of an eagle as their logo. While they had no slogan, they did have a several line quote as their mantra.

Deciding on a name and logo can be difficult. I recommend you take some time and choose something that will be meaningful to you, and memorable.

Your Identity

Make sure you pick a name that’s meaningful to you, and easy to remember.

Finding Members

Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult, depending on the social and political climate at the time, and your group’s mission. For instance, if you’re starting a neighborhood watch after some high-profile break-ins or vandalism, it might be very easy to find members. On the other hand, if you’re starting a group to overthrow the government (which I’m sure is illegal), it will probably be much harder to find members.

Here’s some tips to help you:

a) Be honest about your group’s intentions. Nobody will stay if you tell them they’ll be tracking child predators and you have them following the delivery truck of a new video game you want.

b) Work around people’s schedules. Everyone has a life, and if your meetings or missions are too frequent or incompatible with their schedules you’ll get no where.

c) Take advantage of social networking. If you have friends who might be interested in starting a group, start with them. They all know people, so let in people who have been vetted by them. And those people know people.

Eventually, you’ll have enough people to begin running missions or operations. But first, you’ll need to get some training.

Your friends are your best choice for your starting membership base.

Militia Training Montage

This is a video montage of several militias training.

Declaring Goals

At this stage it is also important that you determine your goals. Are you going to be running a Civil Defense Organization, a revolutionary group, an armed militia, or a neighborhood watch? Each of these groups has different methods, training, goals and purposes.

A civil defense organization is primarily concerned with things such as war (both conventional and nuclear), natural disasters, and other emergency situations that might affect a country. Learning how to prepare and deal with these situations is the primary focus of a civil defense organization.

A revolutionary group is looking for just that — a revolution. In this context, they’re not armed, but they do things such as produce newsletters, hold rallies and demonstrations, and otherwise try to sway popular opinion towards their cause.

An armed militia is a group who trains with the express purpose of engaging an enemy in combat. They have a clear and defined goal and prepare to ensure that when their country, city, or home is under attack they’ll be able to respond properly.

And finally, a neighborhood watch is a group of citizens who patrol neighborhood to ensure that suspicious activity is reported to law enforcement, with the aim of preventing crimes.

Never lose sight of your goal. It can change, but your missions should always focus on it.

How To Train

Training can be simple or complex. Depending on the type of group you’re trying to start, you’ll need different skill sets. A civil defense group is going to need emergency preparedness information, while an armed militia will probably need hand-to-hand combat, and a neighborhood watch needs to develop observation and patrolling skills.

One of the best places to get training is the US Army field manuals, and Canadian military documents. These teach a variety of military subjects in simple language, and can be excellent for subjects of relevance. The US Army manuals are in the public domain, and while the Canadian manuals are under Copyright, they are released freely on the Internet.

Here are some examples of useful manuals for each type of organization. Depending on your group, you may find that some from each group are relevant to your interests and goals:

FM 3-9 Potential Military Chemical-Biological Agents and Compounds

FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers

FM 21-76 Survival

B-GL-323-003 Basic Cold Weather Training

FM 3-05-30 Psychological Operations

FM 2-22-9 Open Source Intelligence

FM 6-22 Leadership

B-GL-300-005 Land Force Information Operations

B-GL-357-002-FP-001 Human Intelligence Operations

FM 3-05-130 Special Operations Forces – Unconventional Warfare

FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier

FM 21-150 Combatives

FM 5-33 Terrain Analysis

B-GL-382-001 Army Fitness Manual

FM 31-21 Special Forces Operations

B-GL-364-001-FP-001 – Land Force Countersurveillance

B-GL-382-003 PT-Z01 Combat Fitness Program

B-GL-392-004 Patrolling

FM 19-10 Law Enforcement Operations

As these documents are designed for those in the military, it would be wise for someone with military experience or someone willing to do a lot of research go through the documents, and to either write a condensed version with just the important details, or to create a reading list of just the pages and documents that they feel will be relevant for the group.

Once you’ve got the documents, you’ll need to come up with a time and place you can practice your new skills. Performing pop quizzes on the material can be helpful, but nothing replaces solid practice. Make sure to follow safety procedures and wear proper equipment when dealing with things such as hand-to-hand combat.

Military manuals are an excellent source of free training material.

Field Medicine Video

This is a video showing clips from a field medicine class.

Running Missions

Now that you’ve got yourself trained up, it’s time to begin running missions. It would be wise to start with simulated missions (especially if you’re in a civil defense organization or a militia where you won’t see a real emergency for a while.) These can be as simple as a patrol around the neighborhood in a bio-suit to simulate a chemical attack, or as complex as traveling from one side of your city to the other within a certain amount of time to simulate being attacked and needing to escape.

You should have three things when you go to plan a mission:

a) A goal of exactly what you’ll be doing

b) A “Plan A” and a “Plan B”, should things go wrong.

c) A “rehearsal” where everyone dictates exactly when, why, and how they’ll be contributing.

This final point is very important. People need to know what they’re supposed to do when things happen, and what to do is things go wrong. It’s no sense training for an earthquake if your members are unable to help once the communication lines are cut, for instance.

After each mission, go over what went right and what went wrong, and then make sure those mistakes are incorporated into your training. This is why militaries use Soldiers who have recently returned from combat as instructors, as they “know the enemy”, and what not to do.

Having a pre-mission rehearsal and an after-action report allows you to make the most of your mistakes.

Things to Keep in Mind

There are several things you’ll need to keep in mind when running your militia.

a) You can’t break the law. You have to follow all rules and regulations regarding your group. For instance, possessing handguns or rifles in Canada for self-defense is illegal, so you wouldn’t be able to have an “armed militia” that is armed with guns.

b) You have to be worried about people who don’t understand your group’s goals trying to break it up. Read up on counterintelligence, and how to compartmentalize information. A good introduction to the field of intelligence (which involves analyzing information for its value), and the field of counterintelligence (which involves preventing enemies from getting and undermining your intelligence) is my own lens, Intelligence.

c) Never lose sight of your goal. If you’re training for natural disasters or emergencies, train for that. Don’t let a romantic idea of being a “guerilla fighter” or a revolutionary sway you into potentially illegal goals.

d) Realize that the police will be placing you under surveillance if they believe you have negative goals. It’s your job to network with the police and make sure they understand you’re not out to hurt anyone.

e) Have fun, of course. There’s nothing more fun than training new skills, boosting your confidence, and knowing you’re prepared to deal with whatever might come your way.



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  ©2009 – 2015 DaniMartExtras,too

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WOW:The Domestic Terror Threat From Sovereign Citizen Groups?? If this were really true…

Posted by Xaniel777 on February 28, 2015



The safe Family gun guide 1


If this were really true :

Then the men and women on Law Enforcement and other government types should be sh#tting their pants.

 Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from   sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from 
foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.

Seems to me to be a whole bunch of nothing…..right now. These folks aren’t a danger….yet. Not unless you try to take their country from them. Steal too many of their freedoms? Yeah, then you can worry. 

They won’t be a danger to their fellow citizens, but to the government that tries to steal their freedoms?Your fear of right wing people is, at best, overblown….. For now.

You really have nothing to worry about.

Here’s the ​thing, Boys and Girls: If this were true, and the “Right Wing Extremists” were really a danger, then you folks had better get your worldly affairs in order….’Cause when they decide it is time (and I know and interact with a fair number of those folks you label “Right Wing Extremists”) then they are gonna come, and for you, they are gonna bring screaming bloody hell with ’em…..

See, right now, they are mad, but they aren’t doing anything. They are, for the most part, law abiding citizens who wish to hurt no one. But, like a hornet’s nest, don’t poke ’em either……Yes, you think the cops and DHS folks have all the good toys to keep them in line.

But Here Is The Thing:  Thanks to the (so far, functioning) Second Amendment, they have just as good tools as your boys. And they USE ’em…and practice with ’em. And know HOW to use them.  They do it for FUN. They practice and train a LOT.

Not like your boys, who practice once or twice a year. The difference between a Deer rifle and a Sniper rifle is mostly a can of black spray paint and the choice of target.

Men are a bit larger targets than Deer…..but they tend to be no harder to kill or injure. There are more “Assault Weapons” in the hands of those “Right Wing Extremists” and their acquaintances than there are DHS and other available “trained” armed forces….combined. 

I believe that there are more deer rifles in the hands of hunters in Minnesota and Wisconsin and Virginia than there are M-4’s in the *ENTIRE* US armed forces. Now, many citizens won’t fight. Many will….More will, once the balloon goes up. Lots will support them with food and logistics.  And if you try and stop their flow of ammo, they’ll get it from your boys once things start…..

They’ll have (or improvise) better armor, better explosives, and better weapons. They already have better tactics and they know their Areas of Operations better.

They will scour the battlefields and take the equipment you leave behind and use it against you. And they’ll have the sympathies of the rest of the citizens. 

The harder you try to stop them, the more converts you’ll make. These people are smarter and know more than your officers…

They work at other jobs and “Play” with weapons and such in their spare time…They can up-armor a truck in a few hours, create explosive devices and the means of delivery from things you wouldn’t believe….. and above all, they can SHOOT…..

If they choose to go after you, they will succeed. Think Afghanistan or Iraq was bad? Yeah, like that only with more material and wealth…..

And people just as motivated and just as resilient and better educated….and no less motivated. I’m not one of them, but I am on their side……

24 attacks in the past 5 years? Yeah, maybe that is true. Yet how many religiously motivated attacks came from Muslims?

How many have you hidden? How many have you mis-characterized to keep the number low?

24 attacks (that you claim are attacks) that you blame on “Right Wingers”…..

Hint: You only govern because you have the consent of the governed. You are rapidly reducing that consent.

If/when things change, it won’t be pretty and it won’t be fast and it won’t be bloodless. I’d hate to see that happen. I love my country too much.

 About B:


I am just striving towards mediocrity…. Just a normal middle American middle class guy. I own my own business, employ a few people, and try to make a buck. In my (slight) spare time, I read a few blogs, shoot a bit, and rest.



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  ©2009 – 2015 DaniMartExtras,too

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REALLY?? CA Cop is Being Fired for NOT Using Violence to Resolve a Situation

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 9, 2014

SOURCE: TheFreeThoughtProject.com


Seaside, CA — A 20 year veteran of the CSU Monterey Bay police force, was given a notice of termination this week for choosing NOT to immediately resort to violent escalation during a confrontation with a suicidal student.

The unidentified officer was the first one on the scene when responding to an incident involving a suicidal college student in his CSUMB dorm room in February of this year. The officer showed a heartening level of restraint when dealing with a student, who was in his room with a knife and hammer, and was also threatening to light himself on fire.

“He was clearly a danger to himself and he was in crisis,” Marina Police Chief Edmundo Rodriguez said. “We were trying to keep him from accessing the weapons or leave, to get him medical attention.”

Instead of immediately resorting to violence, this officer was talking the student down and de-escalating the situation. The officer was successful in calming the student down and was going to get him a glass of water when the Marina police department showed up, and immediately began tasering the student.

The campus officer refused to taser the student, as he did not perceive a threat. Subsequently Rodriguez’s department later issued a “failure to act” complaint against the campus officer, accusing him of not engaging in a “highly agitated situation.”

“It defies logic and is extremely disappointing that, at a time when law enforcement is under fire for using more force than necessary, an officer is being terminated for attempting to use civilized methods to resolve a situation,” the student’s father said.

“Our officer did not believe he was any threat at all,” said Jeff Solomon, the union’s president.

“The other officers started yelling and screaming to get down, Tased him multiple times, and from what we understand (told the university officer) to Tase him again,” Solomon said.

The officer has been on paid leave since April according to his attorney who said she will now file a lawsuit against the university.

“We believe the officer in this case exercised restraint and good judgment in not tasing a student that was suffering from mental health issues,” said the officer’s attorney Kathleen Storm.

This incident highlights the sick and twisted state of today’s police force. Darren Wilson shot and killed an unarmed teenager, and was not fired. Officer Daniel Pantaleo of the NYPD, placed Eric Garner in a chokehold, a maneuver which has been prohibited by the department since 1993, eventually killing the man. The entire incident was caught on video and Pantaleo was not fired.

This campus officer chose to use non-violence to try and resolve a situation, instead of killing or maiming a person, and he is being fired for it.

Precedent set: Killing a person – all is well.  Not using violence to resolve a situation – fired. Let that sink in.

 “The State represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” -Mahatma Gandhi

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Real News: Operation American Spring

Posted by Xaniel777 on January 5, 2014

TODAY’S NEWS : January 05, 2014

From : Patriots for America 

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – Washington, D.C. in the cross-hairs –

The Out-of-Control Government Leadership Must Be Stopped




TO:  Patriots (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)

 Restoration of Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty “of the people, for the people, by the people” from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

Millions of Americans will participate.
American veterans and patriots are energized to end the tyranny, lawlessness, and shredding of the US Constitution.
Government is not the target, it is sound; corrupt and criminal leadership must be removed.
Those in power will not hesitate to use force against unarmed, peaceful patriots exercising their constitutional rights.
Patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated.
There is no hope given today’s technology of secrecy for the effort nor do we want it secret.

Concept of Operations:
Phase 1 – Field millions, as many as ten million, patriots who will assemble in a peaceful, non-violent, physically unarmed (Spiritually/Constitutionally armed), display of unswerving loyalty to the US Constitution and against the incumbent government leadership, in Washington, D.C., with the mission to bring down the existing leadership. Go full-bore, no looking back, steadfast in the mission.

Phase 2 – One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office. The senior republican in the US House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the US House of Representatives will elect a temporary President and Vice President of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.
As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. States will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.

Phase 3 – Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, will comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President.

*All actions in Phase 2 & 3 will be consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

Date of Operation: “OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning, May 16, 2014, completion to be determined

We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16 2014 in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C. to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.

…..the law of nature rules. A fluffy, cuddly lamb gets eaten by a mean old wolf is not an illegal or immoral event…the law of nature. When some greedy, self-serving occupant of the White House or Congress, or elements outside America, is threatening our existence, our freedom, our liberty, our Constitution, our life resources, our America, then we fight back to destroy the threat and there is nothing immoral or illegal about it. When the government becomes lawless, then “we the people” no longer are obligated to follow the government……there is no law when government picks and chooses for political purposes or personal agenda. At this time the government is performing as a lawless entity……

A duck cannot be turned into a fox; an elephant cannot be turned into a flea; the laws of nature will not permit.
Likewise, a nation ordained and principled by the laws of nature, sovereign, free, with liberty for all cannot naturally become a nation guided by royalty, decrees, tyranny, elitist, self-serving criminals. The former has proven desirable, the latter has proven human pain.
“We can become a nation guided by royalty IF “we the people” beguiled by the government in surrender to our lusts for that which we have not earned –for what is not natural –if we have become intoxicated by unbroken success” as Lincoln proclaimed in March 30 ,1863 call for fasting, humiliation, and prayer–we can very easily heap to ourselves leaders, and with itching ears, be turned from the Truth to become enslaved by the LIE.”
The United States of America (elephant) while embracing the “LIE” is teetering on the abyss of becoming a sniveling, blood sucking, undesirable nation (flea).

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING will be a gigantic step in removing the flea infestation that is sucking the blood out of America.

We see no reasonable, hopeful sign that indicates there are honorable, loyal, mature, critical thinking, experienced people in government that understands the chaos about to rain down on America, nor do they care….our only hope is that “we the people” call, organize, and draw a few million patriots to stay in D.C. for an “American Spring”. It would be the catalyst to draw the line and bring to a conclusion a decision on the out of control government, one way or the other. America will rise up or surrender………for me, I only go to my knees in the presence of God Almighty………..my knees will not touch the surface as a result of some piss ant occupant of the White House or a corrupt legislator, or outside element…I will fall to my death standing if necessary.




There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C. on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the US Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership. Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin. An AMERICAN SPRING can be avoided only if the above mentioned officials resign.

Will our national patriot leaders step forward and declare, “send me”, I’ll lead? There are millions of veterans and patriots ready to follow and have said “I will go”.

I urge all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees begin planning to visit Washington, D.C beginning May 16, 2014. Keep tuned to Constitutional Emergency/Patriots for America www.patriotsforamerica.ning.com for updates and guidance.

Please bathe this effort in prayer as there is no personal agenda or gain save liberty, freedom, and restoration of constitutional government for “we the people”.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

(Please add the above title and some or all data from above  to your FB, Twitter, Blog, Email list)





Citizens plan mass gathering to restore constitutional foundation with prayer

From: WND

author-image BOB UNRUH  | Email Archive
January 04, 2014

Truckers rallied in Washington to restore America to its constitutional republic foundations. So did veterans. And bikers. They all assembled and then departed, leaving the Beltway insiders to continue running the nation into the ground, according to one man who says an event he hopes to hold this spring will be different.

U.S. Army Col. Harry G. Riley, retired, who runs the Patriots for America website, told WND his event planned for May 16 doesn’t really have an organized sponsor – it will be just be individual Americans assembling to demand a restoration of their nation.

One of the primary catalysts for the event he said, was the establishment of a prayer group.

Also, he vows that they won’t leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” Riley explains in a promotional email about his plan.

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader,” he declared.

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

Riley spent more than 34 years in the U.S. military, with tours of duty around the globe. He received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal and other honors.

He’s been active in several other efforts, such as the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, and has been effective enough so that leftists have come out to attack him.

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership,” Riley explained.

Read the definitive case for removing Barack Obama from office in “Impeachable Offenses” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

He urged “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

His plans seems to align mostly with what another retired military leader, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, has advocated.

As WND reported, Vallely said it’s time for millions of Americans to “stand up” to a federal government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.” He’s calling for marches, a legislative vote of “no confidence” in President Obama and congressional leaders, even citizen arrests – drawing inspiration from the 33 million Egyptians who stood up to their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office.

Vallely also said the radio interview in which he called for a new American uprising has struck a note with the millions of modern tea partiers who are looking for unifying leadership.

“It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead,” he explained. “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington.”

Sign the petition urging Congress to pursue impeachment right away!

Riley explains his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

The first step is for millions to assemble in a peaceful, nonviolent, physically unarmed display of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution.

The second step is have a large number of those people stay in Washington until changes are made. It calls for those changes to be made “consistent with the Constitution.”

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

Riley told WND in an interview that the “paper shuffle” of contacting Congress and petitioning has been unfruitful so far.

“The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff,” he said.

Riley said he never before has seen so much interest in such a move.

“This has to be done,” he said.

He said he was inspired by Georgetown Professor Jonathan Turley’s recent congressional testimony.

The liberal professor has represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war, represented workers at the secret Area 51 military base and served as counsel on national security cases. He now says Obama is a danger to the U.S. Constitution.

He was addressing a House Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 4. Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asked him: “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley replied: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

Turley explained that the “Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration.”

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Vallely has been immensely popular among tea party organizations that are seeking a way to restore the rule of law to Washington.

Among other things, they cite the Obamacare law, and the 15 or more times Obama has changed the law – without consulting Congress.

In a statement earlier to WND, Vallely said a vote of no confidence could be used.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization that provides education resources for leaders and activists based on the values of the Founding Fathers, said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

Congress already is addressing charges that Obama is violating the Constitution.

WND reported when Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.

“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited Obama’s decisions to ignore certain immigration laws, even though Congress did not approve the changes. He also cited arbitrary changes to the Obamacare law and Obama’s “recess appointments” of judges even though the U.S. Senate was not in recess.

His proposal is for Congress to take the White House to court over the president’s actions, through a resolution proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-Ga., that would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. It has 30 co-sponsors.

Rice said that because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president.”

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” he said.

A Fox News interviewer asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

WND reported that it was at the same hearing that Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” he said.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon said it is “very dangerous” for the president to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”

Former Reagan Justice Department lawyer Larry Klayman hopes the 19th of November will rank with the 4th of July, someday. He called the day the beginning of “The Second American Revolution.” Klayman organized a rally that day at Lafayette Park, across from the White House, by the “The Reclaim America Now” coalition.

The coalition is composed of about three-dozen conservative groups, including 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Accuracy in Media, Tea Party Patriots and the Western Center for Journalism.

About 200 people gathered to hear speakers call for two goals: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of establishing tyranny in America and called for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”




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