DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘Police brutality’

As If We Hadn’t Noticed: Only “Blue Lives” Really Matter

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 6, 2015


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Originally Posted: Sunday, May 31, 2015

A weeping Brelo reacts to his acquittal.

When Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo mounted the hood of a Chevy Malibu and fired fifteen shots through the windshield, killing Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams, he behaved in an “unreasonable” and “unconstitutional” fashion. This was the testimony offered by W. Ken Katsaris, a nationally renowned expert witness on use-of-force issues, during Brelo’s bench trial for two counts of voluntary manslaughter

Brelo’s actions amounted to the execution-style murder of a terrified, unarmed couple whose vehicle had been immobilized following a 22-minute high-speed pursuit and a 137-round onslaught by police. This isn’t why Katsaris found Brelo’s behavior to be “unreasonable” or “unconstitutional.” 

The lives of the victims were not consequential in Katsaris’s constitutional calculations: Once the decision had been made to kill the Mundanes, the only relevant consideration was the safety of Officer Breloand his comrades on the scene.

By leaping on top of the hood of the car, Brelo was “taking action that is not trained, not recognized, not safe, and put all of the other officers in the vicinity of his becoming a victim and their [the other officers] having to attempt to now engage to save his life,” Katsaris testified before trial judge John P. O’Donnell. 

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REALLY?? CA Cop is Being Fired for NOT Using Violence to Resolve a Situation

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 9, 2014

SOURCE: TheFreeThoughtProject.com


Seaside, CA — A 20 year veteran of the CSU Monterey Bay police force, was given a notice of termination this week for choosing NOT to immediately resort to violent escalation during a confrontation with a suicidal student.

The unidentified officer was the first one on the scene when responding to an incident involving a suicidal college student in his CSUMB dorm room in February of this year. The officer showed a heartening level of restraint when dealing with a student, who was in his room with a knife and hammer, and was also threatening to light himself on fire.

“He was clearly a danger to himself and he was in crisis,” Marina Police Chief Edmundo Rodriguez said. “We were trying to keep him from accessing the weapons or leave, to get him medical attention.”

Instead of immediately resorting to violence, this officer was talking the student down and de-escalating the situation. The officer was successful in calming the student down and was going to get him a glass of water when the Marina police department showed up, and immediately began tasering the student.

The campus officer refused to taser the student, as he did not perceive a threat. Subsequently Rodriguez’s department later issued a “failure to act” complaint against the campus officer, accusing him of not engaging in a “highly agitated situation.”

“It defies logic and is extremely disappointing that, at a time when law enforcement is under fire for using more force than necessary, an officer is being terminated for attempting to use civilized methods to resolve a situation,” the student’s father said.

“Our officer did not believe he was any threat at all,” said Jeff Solomon, the union’s president.

“The other officers started yelling and screaming to get down, Tased him multiple times, and from what we understand (told the university officer) to Tase him again,” Solomon said.

The officer has been on paid leave since April according to his attorney who said she will now file a lawsuit against the university.

“We believe the officer in this case exercised restraint and good judgment in not tasing a student that was suffering from mental health issues,” said the officer’s attorney Kathleen Storm.

This incident highlights the sick and twisted state of today’s police force. Darren Wilson shot and killed an unarmed teenager, and was not fired. Officer Daniel Pantaleo of the NYPD, placed Eric Garner in a chokehold, a maneuver which has been prohibited by the department since 1993, eventually killing the man. The entire incident was caught on video and Pantaleo was not fired.

This campus officer chose to use non-violence to try and resolve a situation, instead of killing or maiming a person, and he is being fired for it.

Precedent set: Killing a person – all is well.  Not using violence to resolve a situation – fired. Let that sink in.

 “The State represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” -Mahatma Gandhi

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REAL NEWS Sept 03 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on September 2, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : September 03, 2012


The Big Lie About Police Brutality is Claiming it’s Not Rampant

“The more Israel trains the U.S. police, the more the police treat us like the Palestinians!”~~Rivero of WRH.com



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From Nation of ChangeHUMAN RIGHTS

By Dave Lindorff – 2 September 2012
This Can’t be Happening/News Report

Police brutality is in the news, thanks to the widespread availability of amateur video and the omnipresence of security cameras.

We’ve seen scene after scene of police beating the crap out of, and even shooting and killing unarmed or minimally dangerous students, women, old men and crazy people, many of them after they have been handcuffed and checked for weapons.

The police brass, and leading politicians who oversee the departments involved, nearly always have the same answer: This is not the norm, these are isolated incidents, police violence is not on the rise.

The thing is, of course, it is on the rise.

Just as the exonerations of supposed murders and rapists are only those where there was DNA available to prove their innocence, while many more are also clearly wrongly facing death or long prison sentences, the scenes of brutality we’re seeing on the videos are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg too.

What is different is that we’re seeing these things at all.

It used to be that getting videos of police brutality was very rare — like the taping of the notorious police assault on the prone body of Rodney King by Los Angeles cops during a traffic stop.

It just happened that someone with a video camera was at the scene when it occurred. Nowadays everyone with a cellphone is a potential videographer, so we’re seeing more of what really goes on when police make their arrests.

Just check out the latest video of LAPD officers body slamming a 5’4″ nurse (two times!) who had the audacity to get out of her car when they stopped her for talking on her cell phone while driving (this particular video was taken by a surveillance camera at a store focussed on the parking lot where police had followed the woman’s car).

Note that one of the burly cops slamming this small handcuffed woman to the ground and later fist-bumping to celebrate with his younger partner holds the rank of commander — he’s a 20-year veteran of the LAPD.

Or check out this video of four LAPD cops on top of a 19-year-old (black) student stopped for skateboarding on the wrong side of the street.

After he was down and handcuffed he was punched in the face by a cop, breaking his nose and cheekbone.

This for a very minor offense, not even warranting an arrest, but just a citation.

But it’s not just Los Angeles.

We also have videos like this one of a young woman stopped by a cop in Florida.

In this case the cop was fired and jailed after his supervisor viewed the video, taken by the camera on the cop’s own car.

This case was unusual.

The woman filed no complaint about the abuse, probably figuring it would be pointless.

But in a standard review of the officer’s video footage, the incident was spotted and referred up the chain to the department chief who was outraged at the treatment of a handcuffed woman.

Much worse was the killing, by six Saginaw, Michigan cops, of a troubled homeless man who had called 9-11 after an argument with a shop attendant.

Standing far from the cops, and holding a small knife, he was shot, apparently, judging from the video, as he was walking away from the officers, who hit him with a volley of 46 shots, killing him. 

This video was taken by someone in the parking lot who had a cell phone.

Two months later, the local DA is still allegedly claiming to still be “investigating” that tragic incident.

The thing we need to all recognize is that these videos are just the incidents that have been captured on video.

They clearly reflect something that is going on all the time, usually without any video to record it, or often even without any eye witnesses.

Police in too many departments are out of control.

Too many departments are allowing their uniformed and armed cops to act as though they are an occupying army.

Many of the younger cops may even have come from military duty in Iraq and Afghanistan where they actually were acting as an occupying army since in many jurisdictions there is a preference given to hiring such veterans.

That would be fine if those veterans were put through training programs to make clear to them that there is a fundamental difference between war and policing, and that the public here at home is not the enemy, but I sincerely doubt that that is being done in most police departments.

Indeed, given the mindless hanging of the appellation “hero” on everyone who wears or once wore a military uniform in our current war-obsessed culture, veterans who become cops are probably seen as ideal for the job.

The attitude of being occupiers and in a state of war with the people being “policed” is enhanced by politicians who call for tough policing, and by the Pentagon, which is handing out military equipment to police like candy to trick-or-treaters.

Police are routinely armed with M-16s in their squad cars.

We all saw the result of this kind of militarization of the police in the ease with which police in cities across the country, from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles to Portland and points in between became paramilitary goons in attacking peaceful Occupy Movement protesters with everything from tear gas canisters and rubber bullets to mace or pepper spray aimed point blank into faces.

Or look at what happened when a whacked and sacked employee in New York City staked out a spot near his former employer and executed a supervisor he felt had gotten him fired.

Two cops on the street, when he turned towards them still holding his gun, unloaded their service revolvers at him on the crowded street, killing him but also injuring nine innocent bystanders.

We can call that a panicky reaction to having a man with a gun point it at you, but we need to expect better of our police.

These were men who at least should have been wearing bullet-proof vests, making them much better protected than all the people on the sidewalk they were sworn to protect.

Even if they had felt the need to protect themselves by firing at the gunman, they were clearly out of line emptying their weapons at him.

What they did is a tactic called “spray and pray” by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It means firing off everything you’ve got if a bullet is fired your way.

It’s deadly, and it’s an inappropriate tactic in an urban setting even in war time.

It’s even more outrageous in the middle of midtown Manhattan at the morning rush hour.

What is happening to this country?

I’m sure all the Republican yahoos in the Tampa Convention Center who called out for the dotty old Clint Eastwood to reprise his famous and overused “Dirty Harry” line of “Go ahead, make my day!”,

and who shouted out the line enthusiastically as he offered it up for them at the end of his painfully embarrassing 12-minute ramble, think that all this police violence is just fine.

But it’s not. Police officers are not Dirty Harry.

They are supposed to be trained professionals tasked with protecting the public, not putting them in even worse jeopardy.

I keep coming back to firefighters, who are true heroes.

Would a firefighter pull down a house while people were inside, in order to put out a blaze? Of course not.

But police emptying their guns wildly at an armed man on a crowded street is the same thing as doing that, and they did it without hesitation.

That nobody was killed by police fire is simply a matter of dumb luck in this case.

As I just wrote this past week, I was recently threatened with arrest and jail by a bullying cop from the town of Horsham, Pennsylvania for standing legally on the grass beside the road trying to hitchhike.

I was lied to by the officer, who claimed that hitchhiking is illegal in the state (it’s only illegal if you stand on the road and the officer should have known, and surely did know this),

which is bad enough, but to be threatened with arrest and jail for something that, even had I been in violation, gets you a citation and which carries a $35 fine (it’s just a summary offense), is simply outrageous.

And suppose I had argued with this officer? He might well have cuffed me and then slammed me into the ground or into the side of his SUV before hauling me in on a charge of resisting arrest, and would anyone have been surprised?

Sadly no. This is law enforcement today in America.

There are plenty of good cops who take their work seriously, and do their job properly, but as some of those cops have told me themselves, there are also way too many who are just thugs in uniforms, and there are precious few chiefs of police, few district attorneys,

and few mayors who have the political courage (exhibited by the chief in the Florida case above) to take them on, to punish abusive behavior and to demand that policing be about “protecting and serving,” and not about brutalizing those who are being confronted for alleged law-breaking.

The advent of cameras in the hands of the masses is a good thing (there’s a reason why so many cops illegally harass and even arrest or confiscate the cameras or cell phones of those who try to videotape or photograph their activities, as cops just doing their job should have no fear of cameras), but it won’t end the problem of rampant police brutality in America.

Only a broad public demand for more civil and appropriate, constitutional and humane behavior by our police will accomplish that.

If we don’t come together and make that demand, we continue a drift towards becoming a police state, a path along which the United State is already dangerously well advanced.



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(Original title : The Party of Lincoln Shows its True Colors)


From The Charleston Voice

Posted on September 2, 2012

By Al Benson Jr.

You thought the Republican Party was conservative, right?

After all you heard all those folks at this recent convention making all those “conservative” noises, right?

Problem is that noise is all it is—no substance, just noise, but some of the noises you don’t hear in public are fascist noises.

You have to remember that this is the “Party of Lincoln” and Mr. Lincoln had a socialist worldview.

Those in both his administration and his armies amply proved that.

And after all, fascism is just another facet of the total socialist worldview.

The Republican National Committee is tightening up its rules so as to be able to exclude any future “grassroots” candidates.

Ron Paul really scared them this time and they could see his popularity with voters, especially young voters.

They will now make sure that no future Ron Paul’s ever get as far as he did this year.

Naturally there had to be a little chicanery involved, but, hey, if you want an omelet you have to break some eggs don’t you?

If you don’t want Ron Paul to have a chance then you have to break and change some of your own rules.

That shouldn’t bother anyone—after all the agenda is what’s important and the ends justify the means, or so the RNC believes.

According to http://chasvoice.blogspot.com  “Six states filed to put Ron Paul into nomination while the rules said it only took five states. Realizing this the RNC met early Tuesday morning to change the rules in order to make the minimum needed as eight states, which Ron also would have had if the RNC had not decided to take the Ron Paul delegates away from Louisiana and Maine.”

Charleston Voice continued: “Rather than taking proper vote counts or listening to objections, several votes were clearly not unanimous, but this didn’t stop the RNC “leaders” from ignoring the dissent. Video surfaced…but a link is in the video showing that the teleprompter already had pre-approved results before the public vote was taken”.

In other words, someone running this show was dishonest.

The “conservative” Republican agenda called for Romney to be nominated no matter what and nothing and no one, no matter how legitimate, was going to get in the way of that.

I would seriously hope that Ron Paul supporters and independent voters around the country would start to consider third party alternatives, even to forming a new party, which they would then have to work constantly to make sure was not co-opted by the Republican and Democratic establishment—if we have an election.

It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that both major parties are controlled by the same CFR/Trilateral group and that you have about as much chance of working from within to reform the Republican Party as you have of reforming the public school system.

Image & Story courtesy of Oath Keepers

Karen Kwiatkowski, writing on http://lewrockwell.com  for 9/1 observed that: “As Doug Wead so delightfully put it, the party has been reduced to ‘ten fat men sitting in a room.’ One of the fat men was John Sununu.”

Kwiatkowski said that what he did on Tuesday afternoon was to “…steamroll the wishes of half of the delegate floor, and destroy what was left of the integrity of the GOP…John Sununu’s totalitarianism was on display, and his goal seemed obvious: the literal and figurative lobotomy of the constitutional and liberty movement within the party.”

The Tea Party folks had better figure this out.

There is no place in the Republican Party for them unless they are willing to sell their souls.

Lest we think it’s only the Republicans an article on http://www.newsmax.com has commented about the upcoming convention for socialist party B (the Democrats).

It states in part: “But the sweeping security already in place throughout Charlotte’s central business district could find protesters running afoul of the law by carrying water bottles, hair spray, socks or magic markers.

It would take a strict reading of the rules for someone to be arrested simply for possessing one of these items, but the possibility exists—which worries protesters and free speech advocates who fear authorities could violate people’s constitutional rights.”

Arrested for carrying a water bottle—in the “land of the free?”

You better believe it.

So both parties are in the process of deciding what they will and will not allow the public or delegates to do.

After all, if they are both controlled by the same clique, then why not?

Everyone in both parties marches in lockstep and the whole thing is scripted for both before the bread and circuses begin.

The pity is that more people can’t grasp this, that they can’t see what should by now be blatantly obvious.

I still have a gut feeling that Romney will end up doing what McCain did by providing a dummy for Obama’s ventriloquist.

I still hope I am in error, but right now, if we do have an election I am concerned that this is what will happen.

But either way, Obama or Romney, both of them will play the game.

Ron Paul would not have and that’s why he had to be removed at all cost and why the Republicans are working to make sure no more candidates like him ever surface in the Republican Party.

How many remember George Wallace in 1968 (ancient history now).

That year he ran on the American Independent Party ticket and won five Southern states.

Old George shook the establishment that year.

He didn’t have enough electoral votes from those Southern states to really do anything with but he kept the establishment hacks hanging for awhile before he released his delegates.

Wallace ran again as a Democrat in 1972 and the establishment was concerned about him as he was doing well in the primaries so the usual “lone, deranged gunman” was trotted out and he, after stalking Wallace through several cities, finally got his chance and Wallace was out of the picture–not dead, but out.

Mission accomplished! 

Now Ron Paul is out of the picture.

I guess we should thank the good Lord that he got out alive and in one piece.

Source: The Party of Lincoln Shows its True Colors

Related Posts :n, Romney








 StrangeMilitary Brass Vs Jewish Agenda



From Real Jew/Zionist News

By Brother Nathanael Kapner – September 02, 2012

TRUTH IS STRANGER than fiction, indeed, is the case of US Military Brass now opposing Jewry’s agenda to set ablaze the entire Middle East with interminable wars.

But easily stated ‘truth’ can just as easily turn to fiction…with a very unhappy ending.

In three very recent back-to-back statements, General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has defied American Jewry’s clamour for bloodshed in the Middle East where only the Goys die young:

• August 30, 2012 – Dempsey Comes Out Against a No-Fly Zone in Syria.

• August 31, 2012 – Dempsey Comes Out Against Joining Israel’s Pending Attack On Iran.

• August 31, 2012 – Dempsey Comes Out Against An Enlarged Joint Military Exercise With Israel.

The anti-Zionist position of the upper echelons of the US military gets even stranger. And the timing appears to be very well planned.

In an interview with CNN on August 26, 2012, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell, defied Jewry’s push to fully arm the ‘rebels’ in Syria by saying: “We’re not entirely sure who the rebels are, what they are, and what they represent.”

 Powell, like Dempsey, is also against a no-fly zone in Syria, mocking the Jewish warmongers with his retort: “You don’t just grab slogans and run with it.” 

Potent statements coming from the lips of military brass like Powell’s and Dempsey’s zinger: “I don’t want to be complicit in an Israeli attack on Iran” is sure to upset the Jewish neocons—like Cohen, Kagan, and Zakheim in Romney’s war cabinet—which Powell trashed in his CNN interview.

The Israelis are already taking pot shots at Dempsey by saying that his statement “undermines Israel’s push for war on Iran” and that his use of the term “complicit” has “criminal connotations.”

Why of course! Israel is a “criminal” state from start to finish. Just ask countless Palestinians whose land has been stolen and its people murdered.

BUT WHETHER OR NOT it will ignite the ire of Senator Joseph Lieberman, the leader of the pack of blood-thirsty Jews—who recently (along with homosexual arm-chair general, Lindsey Graham, and the senile Jewish-shill, John McCain), demanded a Syrian no-fly zone “like in Libya”—it will surely boil the blood of Amerika’s wanna be commander in chief, Bibi Netanyahu.

In February 2012, in response to General Dempsey styling an Israeli-led attack on Iran as “foolish,” Netanyahu lashed back by calling Dempsey, “a servant of Iran.”

Now, Netanyahu can get away with these kinds of attacks on people like Obama—Jewry’s Shwartza in the White House—or on the Jewish-shills on Capitol Hill, if any of them should get out of line.

But to target US military brass with verbal assaults—especially coming from Jews whose chemistry sets off an automatic aversion in the Gentile blood of US military commanders—is to tread on volatile ground.

To put it bluntly, (for I grew up as a Jew), tough Gentile Generals don’t like taking orders from Jews.

But, let’s wait and see.

Perhaps the military, evil as it is, and in spite of its war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, will finally say to Lieberman and the rest of the bloodthirsty Jews: “Shove it up your Zionist rear ends!”


 ALSO SEE BROTHER NATHANAEL’S : Homeland Security’s Deadly Ammo Plan








Did America Say NO to Israel?


Defense Secretary Panetta and

JCS Chairman General Dempsey

Veterans News Now

From Veterans News Now

As much as the  Jewish Lobby in America, together with Ehud Barak and Netanyahu are pushing for a new global conflict,

America may still be saved by just a few brains who are beginning to realize that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.

 by Gilad Atzmon – September 01, 2012

In the last few hours we have learned that the US had made massive reductions to joint military exercise with Israel.

  Originally slated to include 5,000 US troops, Washington will now only send 1,500 to participate in Austere Challenge 12 with Israel. 

Apparently, the American administration is concerned with a possible Israeli strike on Iran.

Some Israelis seem unhappy with the American decision.

The Times quoted a senior Israeli military official as speculating, “Basically what the Americans are saying is, ‘We don’t trust you.’

Well, America has good reason not to trust Israel.

The only question here is why did it take America so long to move in the right direction?

Although Washington will still send the Patriot missile defense systems as planned, the crews that man them will not arrive.

And whereas two Aegis ballistic missile defense ships were slated to arrive for the joint drill, now only one is expected.

The message to Israel is clear – if you want to launch a world war without US approval, you’d better find how to defend your people on your own.

Not specifically referring to the exercise, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey said on Thursday that he did not want to be “complicit” if Israel chose to strike Iran’s nuclear program.

Dempsey also added that an attack would “clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran’s nuclear program.”

It should also be mentioned that Dempsey’s views are overwhelmingly supported by most Israeli military experts who also contend that Israel lacks the military capacity to strike Iran, let alone dismantle the Iranian nuclear program.

As much as the  Jewish Lobby in America, together with Ehud Barak and Netanyahu are pushing for a new global conflict, America may still be saved by just a few brains who are beginning to realize that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.


Gilad Atzmon was born a secular Israeli Jew in Tel Aviv and trained at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem. 

His service as a paramedic in the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon caused him to reach the conclusion that  “I was part of a colonial state, the result of plundering and ethnic cleansing.”

In 1994 Atzmon emigrated from Israel to London, where he attended the University of Essex and earned a Masters degree in Philosophy. 

He has lived there since, becoming a British citizen in 2002. 

Atzmon’s novels have been published in 22 languages. 

His first novel A Guide to the Perplexed, published in 2001, is set in a future where by 2052 Israel has been replaced by a Palestinian state for 40 years. 

HIS WORK CAN BE FOUND AT: Gilad Atzmon – Writings.

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‘Stop aid to Israeli military’ ad goes up on SF buses


The War of Ideas in the Middle East

From Mondoweiss

by Phil Weiss and Allison Deger on August 31, 2012 

“Stop $30 Billion: Spend Our Money At Home, Not on the Israeli Military.” Muni bus ad, San Francisco. (Photo: Facebook)

As of yesterday afternoon, this ad is up on twelve San Francisco buses. These are two photos from the streets.


Here’s the website for Bay Area Stop $30 Billion Military Aid to Israel. The group members are not identified, but our own Annie Robbins has played a role.

Remember that Muni is in hot water right now over the Islamophobic “Savage” ads that it ran from Pam Geller.

A coalition of groups, including the American Muslims for Palestine, the Council of American Islamic Relations, the Asian Law Caucus and Jewish Voices for Peace compelled Muni to run a disclaimer from those ads.

And Muni is working on a counter campaign to promote understanding of Muslims.


About Phil Weiss and Allison Deger

Allison Deger is the Assistant Editor of Mondoweiss.net. Follow her on twitter at @allissoncd.








BBC Scrubs Video Of US Backed Syria Rebels Committing War Crimes



By Alexander Higgins

Global Research, September 02, 2012

BBC Scrubs Video Of US Backed Rebels Commiting War Crimes

The BBC and NY Times scrub their own video and news story showing Syrian terrorists forcing a tortured prisoners to become a suicide bomber.

Government censors have apparently ordered the BBC and the NY Times to delete videos and an accompanying on the ground video report showing US backed terrorists in Syria committing war crimes.

The move by the BBC follows a similar moves in the past, including  the scrubbed BBC report that revealed the police beating a 16-year-old girl sparked the London Riots and a scrubbed BBC documentary on Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program among others.

The latest scrubbed BBC video shows Free Syrian Army rebels preparing a 300 kilogram bomb that is loaded onto the back of a truck to be detonated at a government checkpoint in the city of Aleppo.

The report explains how the US backed terrorist tell  the prisoner they have captured he is being released as part of a prisoner exchange.

The rebel terrorist then give him the truck  and send him on his way to the government checkpoint and attempt to remotely detonate the bomb  and turn the prisoner into an unwitting ‘suicide bomber’.

However, the video then shows the terrorist returning disappointed that the bomb didn’t detonate as the BBC narrator  admits that forcing prisoners to become suicide bombers “would certainly be considered a war crime.”


The clip also explains how the terrorist have commandeered an apartment belonging to a Syrian police captain.

The rebels are seen sneering at photos of the police captain’s family.

They the proclaim, “Look at their freedom, look how good it is” as they look at the wedding photos of the captain’s wife with her face uncovered and then hypocritically go on to enjoy the luxury of the man’s swimming pool.

The video claims the prisoner confessed to being part of a pro-government militia, never mind the fact that Syria is a sovereign nation with a sovereign established army and civil security forces.

The narrator explains the bruises from torture on the prisoner’s body as having been metered out by the man’s previous captors.

Then BBC commentary emphasizes how well the rebels are treating the man, showing them handing him a cigarette.

Of course this propaganda is discredit after we find out the man has been tricked into thinking he was part of a prisoner exchange program when in reality he was being set up as an unwitting suicide bomber.

The clip shows the prisoner being blindfolded and told to drive the truck towards a government checkpoint.

“What he doesn’t know is that the truck is the one that’s been rigged with a 300 kilo bomb,” states the narrator.

The clip then shows terrorists expressing disappointment after it’s revealed that the remote detonator failed and the bomb did not explode.

New York Times reporters who shot the video claim they had no knowledge of the plot.

A longer version of the clip was posted on the New York Times You Tube channel until it was deleted from there as well.

Syria Girl discusses the video more on Infowars.

Articles by: Alexander Higgins








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REAL NEWS : July 30, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on July 29, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : July 30, 2012


 The Real Microchip Controversy

From Unexplainable.Net

 By David Martinez – July 28, 2012


This past week, media outlets around the internet were reporting that in the Obama Health Care Bill was a requirement that all US citizens and babies were to receive a RFID (radio frequency identification) microchip or Medchip implanted in them by 2013.

The majority of these reports cite a reference to H.R. 3200 that establishes a “National Medical Device Registry” and a “class II device that is implantable, life supporting, or life sustaining.”

These devices would then be used to harbor an individual’s identification and health information.

This sent the online world into a frenzy with headlines popping up that read “Human Bugging Becomes Reality” to “The Mark of the Beast is Upon Us.”

But there was one problem. That bill never passed.

That bill was an early generation of the bill that did pass, which is H.R. 3590.

So while the language has changed over the course since its inception, there are no plans for American citizens to line up and receive microchips injections as if they were getting their annual flu shot.

Instead the federal government could only collect data pertaining to medical devices, not the person.

But like all bills and laws the terminology of the contents are not only vague but also quite overwhelming to someone that doesn’t have a degree in law or some higher schooling.

But to get an understanding of the difference between H.R. 3200 and H.R. 3590, here’s an example.

Had H.R. 3200 passed, every American could or would be implanted with an RFID microchip that contains your identification and health information.

If you did not have said microchip, receiving medical attention would be extremely difficult because health providers would state that you would have to have it.

But like all technology it could be used for or against you.

These microchips, in theory, could also pinpoint your location or maybe even turn into a bugging device to find out what you shouldn’t be doing.

And if the Patriot Act has taught us anything, it’s that to protect the country, the government can use whatever means necessary.

Even if that means using a microchip implanted in your body against you.

But H.R. 3590 passed.

This made sure that the Secretary of Health and Human Services would only collect data from medical devices, such as pacemakers, and not collect data from people.

But even though it looks like Big Brother has been thwarted, the door for this reality might have been just left wide open.

Legal analysts state that the Secretary of Health and Human Services could argue that for the proper collection of data of medical devices they would also have to track the health and lifestyle of everyone with these medical devices.

To make sure that the device is working properly it would then be necessary to monitor every aspect of a person’s life to rule out the chance that the device has been tampered with.

This would mean that collection of data would have to not only extend to the device itself but to the person themselves or even the people around them. And this creates a loophole that will make it legal to track an individual and document there activities.

The need for data collection has its ups and downs.

Yes, we need it to take care of ourselves but also to take care of the people we care about.

But at what cost?

Having the government know every move a person makes and attribute it to collecting data for a medical device is not only unlawful but also mischievous.

It goes against our Fourth Amendment right to privacy and illegal search and seizures.

But would you gamble on your health or your child’s health if you were to have one of these medical devices?

For the majority of us, we wouldn’t.

Then the government can monitor and track us all they want as long as we can keep the ones we care about safe.



Although I agree with almost all of what you say here, I highly disagree with your last sentence.

The only true way to keep our children safe, medical or otherwise, is to keep the Government far, far away from them.

Because let’s face it, the only true threat to our children and the rest of us,

is our Government as it stands today, as you basically pointed out all through your post.

I, myself,  make NO EXCEPTIONS, medical, children or otherwise !

And I have that right as does everyone else,

no matter how many unconstitutional laws they may pass against ‘ WE THE PEOPLE ‘  }~~~Xaniel777










From Liberty Fight

By Martin Hill 
February 25, 2012

The issue of filming police officers in the United States has become an extremely contentious one.

Despite the fact that we have freedom of the press and the God-given natural rights we are endowed with, police nationwide are telling people that it is illegal to film police.

Some states have even tried to use “wiretapping laws” to prosecute people who record audio of police.

This is a gross mis-use and abuse of legitimate wiretapping laws, which were meant to cover telephone conversations which require consent of both parties.

Police often commit crimes against citizens, in public and private. Officers often beat, taze, and even rape and kill innocent people.

They conduct illegal searches, plant evidence, make up phony charges, seize and destroy people’s cell phones and cameras, and then lie in court about all of it.

Police supervisors will then often coerce or intimidate people into not filing formal complainst against officers.

Many innocent people who film police and police abuses are then arrested, charged, and left to fight phony charges.

Along with this comes the monetary expense, loss of freedom, and stress that often accompanies facing criminal charges.

We should not stand for this.

We need to exercise our rights, or we will lose them.


 For those of you who may be confused about our right to film on-duty police officers,

here is a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division dated May 14, 2012 outlining the “individuals’ right to record “police activity”


U.S. Department of Justice Slaps Baltimore Police Over Right to Record Issue 5/16/12 

First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules that Citizens Can Videotape Police 

“On Friday, August 26, 2011, the First Circuit Court of Appeals, which is New England’s highest federal court just below the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled that citizens are allowed to videotape law officials while they conduct official duties.”

Federal Courts Rule it is Not Illegal to Film Police 9/1/11

“This specific case in question was Simon Glik vs.The City of Boston (and several police officers), in which a teenage Simon Gilk was arrested after videotaping Boston Police abusing a homeless man. While Mr. Gilk was not interfering with the police, he was arrested on wiretapping charges.”

Appeals Court Rules It Is Not Illegal To Film Police

“The filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place, including police officers performing their responsibilities, fits comfortably within these principles [of protected First Amendment activity].,” said the Court.

“Gathering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting the free discussion of governmental affairs,” stated the ruling, adding that this has been the case all along, and that the right to film police officers is not just restricted to the press.

Here is the text of the Glik ruling:

For those of you pushing the propaganda that filming police is “wiretapping”, that is bogus too:

Federal Appeals Court Rejects Illinois’ Eavesdropping Law As Likely Violating The First Amendment


Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate.

His work has been featured on LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened, Infowars, PrisonPlanet, National Motorists Association, WorldNetDaily, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI 640, The Press Enterprise, Antiwar.com, IamtheWitness.com, FreedomsPhoenix, Rense, BlackBoxVoting, and many others.

Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com








These Streets are Watching (Full Version)

From Underground Documentaries

July 19, 2012

These Streets are Watching is a 50 minute video on police accountability in three communities; Denver, Cincinnati and Berkeley. 

The video documents incidents of possible police brutality.  Independent filmmaker, Jacob Crawford, weaves three cities responses to police brutality into a single tale of community empowerment and direct action.

The film conveys basic legal concepts that can provide practical help to groups and individuals seeking an understanding of their rights when dealing with police.

The film is divided into sections that explain citizen’s basic rights, tactics for documenting police activity and ideas for further action and organizing.








Syria: Washington’s Latest War Crime


Veterans News Now

From Veterans News Now

by Paul Craig Roberts

Posted by  – July 26, 2012

Washington’s cover for its violent overthrow of other governments is always moralistic verbiage. First the target is demonized, and then Washington’s naked aggression is described as “bringing freedom and democracy,” “overthrowing a brutal dictator,” “protecting women’s rights.” Any assortment of cant words and phrases seems to work.

The funeral of former Syrian Defence Minister General Hassan Ali Turkmani, Defence Minister Daoud Rajha and Assef Shawkat, the brother-in-law of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, at the unknown soldier monument in Damascus July 20, 2012 in this handout photograph released by Syria’s national news agency SANA.

One wonders what Syrians are thinking as “rebels” vowing to “free Syria” take the country down the same road to destruction as “rebels” in Libya.

Libya, under Gaddafi a well run country whose oil revenues were shared with the Libyan people instead of monopolized by a princely class as in Saudi Arabia, now has no government and is in disarray with contending factions vying for power.

Just as no one knew who the Libyan “rebels” were, with elements of al Qaeda reportedly among them, no one knows who the Syrian “rebels” are, or indeed if they are even rebels (Antiwar.com).

Some “rebels” appear to be bandit groups who seize the opportunity to loot and to rape and set themselves up as the governments of villages and towns. Others appear to be al Qaeda. (Antiwar.com)

Bomb killed Syrian Defence Minister, General Daoud Rajha. AFP

The fact that the “rebels” are armed is an indication of interference from outside.

There have been reports that Washington has ordered its Saudi and Bahrain puppet governments to supply the “rebels” with military weaponry.

Some suspect that the explosion that killed the Syrian Defense Minister and the head of the government’s crisis operations was not the work of a suicide bomber but the work of a US drone or missile reminiscent of Washington’s failed attempts to murder Saddam Hussein.

Regardless, Washington regarded the terror attack as a success, declaring that it showed the rebels were gaining “real momentum” and called on the Syrian government to respond to the attack by resigning. (reuters.com)

The following is from a leaked intelligence document describing a previous Western terrorist intervention in Syria just in case any reader is so naive as to think that “our government would never do that.”

“In order to facilitate the action of liberative (sic) forces, …a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. …[to] be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention, …

Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals. …Incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus …

Further: a “necessary degree of fear .. frontier incidents and (staged) border clashes”, would “provide a pretext for intervention… the CIA and SIS [MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.” (Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957) (globalreasearch.ca)

Obama has not said why his government is so desperate to overthrow the Syrian government. 

The current president was an eye doctor in London who was brought back to Syria to replace his father, who had passed away, as president of the country.

Washington is reticent about its real motives, which it masks with high-sounding humanitarian rhetoric, but Washington’s motives are transparent.

One motive is to get rid of the Russian naval base in Syria, thus depriving Russia of its only Mediterranean base.

A second motive is to eliminate Syria as a source of arms and support to Hizbullah in order that Israel can succeed in its attempts to occupy southern Lebanon and acquire its water resources.

Hizbullah’s fighters have twice defeated the Israeli military’s attempts to invade and to occupy southern Lebanon.

A third motive is to destroy the unity of Syria with sectarian conflict, as Washington destroyed Libya and Iraq, and leave Syria to waring factions to dismember the country, thus removing another obstacle to Washington’s hegemony.

Syria, a secular Arab state, like Iraq was, is ruled by a political party composed of Alawis, more or less Shia Muslims.

The Alawis comprise about 12% of the Syrian population and are regarded as heretics by the Sunni Muslims who comprise about 74% of the Syrian population.

Thus the orchestrated “uprising” appeals to many Sunnis who see the opportunity to take over. (In Iraq it was a Sunni minority that ruled a Shia majority, and in Syria it is the opposite.)

The divisions among Arabs make Arabs vulnerable to Western interference and rule.

The Sunni-Shia split makes it impossible for an Arab country to unite against an invader or for one Arab country to come to the aid of another.

In 1990 the Shia Syrian government lined up with the US against the Sunni Iraq government in the First Iraq War.

Neither Lawrence of Arabia, Nasser, nor Gaddafi succeeded in creating an Arab consciousness.

Washington’s cover for its violent overthrow of other governments is always moralistic verbiage.

First the target is demonized, and then Washington’s naked aggression is described as “bringing freedom and democracy,” “overthrowing a brutal dictator,” “protecting women’s rights.”

Any assortment of cant words and phrases seems to work.

The administration is flailing away at Russian support for Assad, calculating that losing Russian support might make the Assad regime give up the fight and yield to a negotiated transition.

Hillary Clinton has been especially strident in advocating the overthrow of the Syrian government. 

The silly woman even issued threats to Russia and China for daring to block Washington’s attempt to use a UN resolution as cover for invading Syria.

Washington misrepresents the Syrian government’s resistance to being overthrown as a government conducting terror against its own people.

But Washington had no condemnation for the terror attack, whether its own or that of a suicide bomber, that killed high-level Syrian government officials.

Washington’s double standard prompted the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, to accuse Washington of having “a sinister position.”

Read more

Indeed, Washington does. But what is surprising about Washington’s sinister position after Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan? Undoubtedly, after Syria is overthrown, Washington will move on to Iran.

Russia itself is already being surrounded by US missile bases, and the Russian government has a disloyal and traitorous political opposition financed by American money.

China is confronting a rapid buildup of US air, naval, and troop bases in the Pacific. How long before China’s government has a disloyal opposition financed by Washington?

The hegemon is on the march, but what Syrian Sunnis see is a chance to overthrow the Alawite Shia.

The Syrian Sunnis will ally with Washington despite the fact that Washington overthrew the Iraqi Sunnis.

Few Arabs, it seems, mind being puppets of a foreign regime that hands out billions of dollars.

Washington loosely refers to Syrian President Assad as a “dictator” or “brutal dictator,” but obviously if Assad is a dictator he is not very effective in that role.

Normally, dictators don’t permit an opposition to rise, much less arm itself.

It would be more accurate to say that the ruling party is authoritarian, but the ruling party has introduced elements of democracy with the new constitution.

As Iraq has proved, Arab governments have to be authoritarian if their Sunni and Shia populations are not to be constantly engaged in civil war. Both Bush and Obama claim that Washington brought “freedom and democracy” to Iraq.

However, the ongoing violence in Iraq is as intense or more intense than under the American occupation.

Here are the reports for the last three days:

July 23: “A wave of bomb attacks and shootings in Baghdad and north of the capital has killed at least 107 people. At least 216 were wounded.”

July 24: “A second day of intensified attacks left at least 145 Iraqis killed and 379 more wounded.”

July 25: “Attacks continue across Iraq: 17 killed, 60 wounded.”

This is what Washington did for Iraq.

Far from bringing “freedom and democracy,” Washington brought endless mayhem and death.

And this is precisely what Washington is in the process of bringing to Syria.

Original Source: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2012/07/26/syria-washingtons-latest-war-crime/

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments

Visit his blog:  Paul Craig Roberts / Institute for Political Economy (IPE)

Read more :

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Former Top IDF Officials Worry that Netanyahu is Bent on an Iran Strike


From The Intel Hub

 July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

ANALYSIS: It looks like Netanyahu and Barak are set on an Iran strike, but some of Israel’s former defense top brass agree that, right now, an attack would do more harm than good.

“I’m terribly confused. For the first time, after many years of experience, I feel I have a better grasp of the calculations that are motivating the enemy than of our own.” Thus an experienced intelligence analyst who spent many years in the inner sanctum of Israel’s security system.

Realities in the Middle East have changed drastically during the past two years, he observed.

It seems that for the first time in a very long time, there is nothing Israel can really do to curb threatening developments – from the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the potential collapse of the Assad regime in Syria.

Yet in one area, Israeli action can have significant, dramatic repercussions, ones that will influence life in the region as a whole – and that area is Iran.

In recent weeks I’ve held discussions with five retired defense establishment officials, each of whom held a top post.

In fact, between them, they held virtually every major command post that one can imagine in the Israel Defense Forces.

The talks were held separately (some of these figures loathe one another, due to disagreements which are personal, not strategic in nature).

The troublesome thing about the conversations was their consistent, uniform tone: All these interlocutors are very worried about what they perceive as the prime minister’s, and the defense minister’s, increasing inclination to attack Iran.

None of the five has publicly voiced opposition to such an attack, nor did they always see eye to eye about specific details of the Iranian issue.

Most of them take exception to the outspoken statements by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former Shin Bet security service head Yuval Diskin, who expressed opposition to oppose bombing Iran under any circumstances (Dagan), and characterized the Netanyahu-Barak position on this subject as being irrational and “messianic” (Diskin).

What unites the five is doubt about the timing: An attack during the next two months, they say, without international backing and in defiance of American preferences, would bring more harm to Israel than good.

Read Entire Article








Numerous Top Bankers Call for Break Up of Giant Banks


From Washington’s Blog

Posted on July 27, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

Banking Titans Call for Break Up of “Too Big to Fail”

The following bankers are calling for the big banks to be broken up:

  • Former managing director of Goldman Sachs – and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London- Nomi Prins

  • Numerous other bankers within the mega-banks (see this, for example)

  • Former Natwest and Schroders investment banker, Philip Augar

  • The President of the Independent Community Bankers of America, Camden Fine

Top Economists and Financial Experts Agree

It’s not just bankers.

The following top economists and financial experts believe that the economy cannot recover unless the big, insolvent banks are broken up in an orderly fashion:

  • Dean and professor of finance and economics at Columbia Business School, and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush, R. Glenn Hubbard

  • Former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, Simon Johnson (and see this)

  • Former 20-year President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City – currently FDIC Vice Chair – Thomas Hoenig (and see this)

  • The leading monetary economist and co-author with Milton Friedman of the leading treatise on the Great Depression, Anna Schwartz

  • Economics professor and senior regulator during the S & L crisis, William K. Black

  • Professor of entrepreneurship and finance at the Chicago Booth School of Business, Luigi Zingales

Click here for background on why so many top bankers, economists and financial experts say that the big banks should be broken up.







Americans No Longer Trust The Mainstream Media


From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins

Posted by  – July 29, 2012

When it comes to Americans having trust in the mainstream media, the numbers don’t lie and the numbers show an alarming number of people no longer trust the media.

Stay up to date with the latest news :

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Website: The Alexander Higgins Blog

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REAL NEWS June 27, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 26, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : June 27, 2012


History of Ashkenazi’s + Next False Flag: Israel Bombs Israeli Embassy & US Navy


Uploaded by  on Feb 14, 2012

Israel was the creation of a group of Zionists that are merged out of what are called the Ashkenazim, and the Ashkenazim are the decedents of of central Asian Khazar’s who converted to Judaism in about 800AD.

They have come over the centuries to believe they are the descendants of the biblical Hebrews, even though if you just look at their pale skin its obvious they are not middle eastern people.

Genetic testing has failed to find any kind of significant link between between the Ashkenazim and the actual surviving middle eastern Jews.

After Khazaria fell the Khazar Jews, the Ashkenazim migrated into Europe and into Russia and that’s where the European and Russian Jews come from.

Unfortunately the harsh reality is that over 2000 years this particular group of people seems to have this amazing talent for constantly annoying everybody around them with the result that their has been something like 2000 years of constant expulsions and persecutions directed against these people and there is no common thread all of the persecutions.

Its not always the Christians whooping on the Jews, its not always the Muslims whipping on the Jews.

The only constant factor in 2000 years of all of these pogroms and repressions and expulsions is the manner in which the Jewish communities treat everybody else around them, usually involving a great deal of dishonesty and I understand because my first wife was Jewish and she used to say that the ten commandments only applied to other Jews.

It doesn’t apply to everybody else… and I thought she was kidding to be very honest but over time I got to see that was certainly the way that she lived her life… and so coming out of the end of world war II the Zionist’s saw a chance to basically have a homeland and they went back to biblical scripture and said “YES, we’re supposed to have Israel again!” even though they’re not actually decadents of the Hebrews.

They wield a tremendous amount of political influence.

Every country is full of these dual nationals that claim to be citizens of that country but their first allegiance is to Israel and they hijack the nations financial systems, entertainment systems, media systems… always in support of this creation of this new nation of Israel, and they finally succeeded about 60 years ago.

Ever since then because the nation was born in fear and fraud and deception they’ve continued to live through fear, and fraud, and deception.

Israel has never actually drawn its boarders on a map because it doesn’t want to be held to live within them.

Israel has never created a constitution… the government is whatever the government says it is from day to day.

Israel is constantly invading their neighbours, they’re constantly carrying out assassinations.

They live by deception.

The motto of the Mossad is by way of deception thou shalt do war and they’re trying to live their lives as if they are an old testament kingdom where god is going to come down and smite this and smite that… but this is the 21’st century and nations aren’t supposed to use the old testament as a guideline to international relationships especially in an age of nuclear weapons and Israel has never had to basically learn restraint because the US always backs them up in everything that they do…

the American media will always excuse Israel for everything that it does, and the reality is they keep waving holocaust, and Hitler and Nazi’s at everybody until we’re absolutely sick of the whole concept but they do it to basically excuse what they’re doing now.

Israel’s attitude is its OK for us to steal Palestine from the Palestinians because of what Hitler did. 


How did the Palestinians have anything to do with what happened in Nazi Germany.

And even David Ben Gurion said it was a completely bogus argument… that the Palestinians had nothing to do with what happened in Europe in WW2.

David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel.

It is normal; we have taken their country.

It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them?

Our God is not theirs.

There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault?

They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country.

Why would they accept that?” — Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122.)

David Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1949 – 1954, 1955 – 1963

Michael Rivero of http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
Watch entire 2012-02-13 Broadcast Here:http://www.justin.tv/michaelrivero/b/308503733
Youtu.be Video: http://youtu.be/b9YTp5hS5_M





Exclusive: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics


Published on Jun 23, 2012 by 

[**Update below] Highlights: Foreign troops drafted in; drug deals in training classroom; ineffective screening processes and detection technology; photographs of sensitive mock-up screening areas taken by un-screened trainees;

200k ‘casket linings’ delivered; uniforms being stolen; plan for an evacuation of London; drones on-line (incl. armed); poor standard of security recruits — cant speak English.

Exclusive interview with investigative journalist ‘Lee Hazledean’ who is training undercover as a security guard for the London Olympics.

Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist.

He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics.

Security training and officers are so appaling that the safety & security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy

During an exercise, posing as a would-be terrorist he managed to get knives, guns & IED’s through security screening on every occasion & every exercise.

The X-Ray operators have only 2 days of training, they aren’t trained properly & miss the most obvious prohibited items gun’s, knives, IED’s, ammunition etc.

Bag & physical searchers again are missing dangerous weapons, trainees can’t use vital security equipment like the HHMD (Hand Held Metal detectors) they can’t even communicate properly with the public on a basic level.

Worryingly the ‘Rapiscan’ walk through metal detectors don’t work properly & aren’t sensitive enough to pick up large knives, ammunition & other metallic threats.

He was told that they would be set to go off only after 50 people have walked through to limit queuing time & to get spectators into the venue. So a Terrorist if they basically queued up would probably get through wearing a suicide vest.

In classes there are drug deals going down, people can’t speak any English.

People who haven’t even completed their SIA licenses yet are being picked to be Team Leaders over highly trained security officers, ex soldiers & ex police.

Lee is concerned that weapons or worse will be getting into the games. However, what’s more disturbing is that uniforms are already going missing or being stolen.

The training facility is an accurate mock-up of the actual security measures at the Olympic venues.

Lee has witnessed several people taking photos on their mobile phones in the training facility & whilst they have been a few people caught by trainers most aren’t noticed.

We know that terrorists take surveillance photos to gain intelligence.

Contemporary International claim that they have mobile phone ‘jammers’ in the facility, however trainers admitted to Lee that there were no ‘jammers’ at all, it was a verbal deterrent. 

Also there are plans for the evacuation of London, G4S are going to be at the forefront, as well as 100,000 troops coming in via Woolwich barracks made up of regular British Forces, American regular army & European troops.

Lee was not told why there would be any need for an evacuation of the whole of London, they just said it was to be a “defining moment in the history of London”.

This could just be a precaution but the public should be made aware of the foreign invasion which is taking place right now.

The troops are being held across London in various barracks once they’ve been through Woolwich.

Lee also had this information confirmed by an army doctor who was shocked at all the foreign troops coming into London.

There is also a shipment of what are being described as casket linings, each casket can hold four or five people & 200,000 casket linings have been delivered we believe from America.

Also we were shown videos of drones attacking targets in Afghanistan & were told that drones will be patrolling the sky’s over London during the Olympics carrying out surveillance & search & destroy missions if necessary.

The Link Between Olympics’ Security & FEMA Concentration Camps:

**Update: European security officials say a Norwegian man has received terrorist training from al-Qaida’s offshoot in Yemen & is awaiting orders to attack the West…

Officials from three European security agencies confirmed Monday that the man is “operational,” meaning he has completed his training & is about to receive a target.

All requested anonymity: http://www.suntimes.com

On Monday, the Director General of British MI5 counterintelligence service Jonathan Evans, in his first public speech for 2 years, warned that Britains’s vulnerability to terrorist threats is growing…

Definitely, most of Mr. Evans rhetoric was aimed at increasing public vigilance on the eve of London Olympics.

According to him, since 9/11, Britain has “experienced a credible terrorist attack plot about once a year,” & the Olympic Games are sure to be an “attractive target for our enemies.”:http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_06_26/79342843/

Source: http://bcfm.org.uk/2012/06/22/17/friday-drivetime-76/18658





Jewish Man Exposes Israel’s Lies


Uploaded by  on Jun 24, 2011

The General’s Son.

Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny.

Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.

Miko’s unlikely opinions reflect his father’s legacy.

General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker.

Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California.

He was 39.

On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko’s sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack.

Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state.

The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws.

At the heart of Peled’s conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland.






Jews against Holocaust Lies


Uploaded by  on Dec 1, 2009

Many Jews aren’t happy with how the Holocaust is being used to extort large sums of money from people.

Defamation review here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgccKZkA-2E






Israeli soldier fires gun to terrorize nine-year-old boy

From  uruknet.info

    informazione dal medio oriente
    information from middle east
    المعلومات من الشرق الأوسط

 By Adri Nieuwhof – June 212, 2012

An Israeli soldier fired at a bag to terrorize a nine-year-old Palestinian after the boy was unable to open it, according to a new report.

Defence for Children International (DCI) in Palestine has published the report on Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children.

The report – which covers the period of October 2002 to May 2012 – was submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on 4 June.

The report presents facts about children who were killed or used as human shields as a result of the occupation.

It highlights the situation of the children prosecuted in Israeli military courts or held in military detention.

In addition, DCI reveals details about ill-treatment by Israeli forces and the increasing use of violence by settlers against Palestinian children.

The video above illustrates the behavior of Israeli soldiers and settlers towards Palestinian children.

It was made in 2009 and tells the story of 16-year-old Jameel from occupied Hebron.

Jameel testifies about his arrest by Israeli soldiers while he accompanied two electricians to his home.

Jameel was beaten by the soldiers and taken blindfolded and handcuffed to a checkpoint nearby.

He was forced to stand near the checkpoint while a group of 40 to 50 settlers threw stones and brutally beat him.

When the soldier in command appeared, he released Jameel.

However, he threatened Jameel not to talk about what had happened; otherwise he would personally kill Jameel.

In February, I reported in my blog  post “Shabak tortures and ill-treats Palestinian detainees with impunityabout efforts to hold the Israeli secret service (Shabak) to account for its torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees.

In Accountability Still Denied, the Public Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI) revealed how Israel has evaded criminal investigations into all 701 complaints of torture and ill-treatment.

One month later, I wrote about complaints about misbehavior towards Palestinian women detainees and prisoners.

In my blog post  “Palestinian women testify about ill-treatment and torture during their arrest and interrogation,” I reported about two group complaints — filed by PCATI — addressing gender-specific types of ill treatment and torture.

This month, DCI has published a report to the UN, containing disturbing information about the ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children by Israeli forces and  Shabak interrogators.

No trust in Israel

DCI has submitted 11 complaints on behalf of Palestinian children since 2009.

PCATI experienced that the majority of detainees who reported torture or ill-treatment to PCATI’s lawyers refused to submit complaints to the Israeli authorities.

According to PCATI, the victims have no trust in Israel’s mechanism of investigation or fear reprisals.

The number of complaints is therefore no indication of the frequency of the misbehavior by Israeli forces.

Instead, they give insight into the type of violence used against the children.

The complaints filed by DCI on behalf of the Palestinian children concern ill-treatment and torture by Israeli forces. 

Here are some details of the complaints as presented in DCI’s report.

Dua, aged 16, was forced at gunpoint by Israeli soldiers to search for a weapon during a raid on her house on 18 February 2010.

Ibrahim, aged 15, was arrested at 1:30 am on 25 May 2010.

He reported that an interrogator in Gush Etzion attached a pair of car battery jump leads to his genitals and threatened to electrify the cable.

Ahmad R., aged 17, was arrested at 1:30 am on 20 May 2011.

He was ordered out of the house with the rest of his family and made to strip naked in front of everybody and was then tied and blindfolded.

Ahmad reported being beaten by soldiers inside a military vehicle.

Ahmad F., aged 15, was arrested from his family home at around 2:00 am on 6 July 2011.

Amongst other things, he reported that soldiers placed food on his body and then brought a dog over to eat the food.

Rasheed, aged 16, was arrested by Israeli soldiers on 4 November 2011 and transferred to the Jalame facility, inside Israel.

He reported being held in solitary confinement in a windowless cell for 13 days and being repeatedly interrogated whilst tied to a chair.

Mahmoud, aged 17, was arrested by Israeli soldiers on 10 March 2012, when he was walking beside a road near the village of Azzun, where he lives.

He reported being ill-treated during the process of arrest, transfer and interrogation.

Mohammad H., aged 14, was arrested from his family home in East Jerusalem at 4:00 am on 15 March 2012.

He reported being ill-treated during the process of arrest, transfer and interrogation by the Israeli authorities.

Sadem, aged 16, was arrested while he was grazing sheep with two other boys on 16 March 2012. He reported being beaten and remaining tied for 19 hours.

‘Ala, aged 15, and two of his friends were arrested by Israeli soldiers on 10 May 2012.

They were accused of throwing stones at settler cars and reported being repeatedly beaten by the soldiers.

DCI has published more information about ‘Ala on its website.

Mohammad J., aged 16, and two of his friends were arrested by Israeli soldiers on 10 May 2012.

They were accused of throwing stones at settler cars and reported being repeatedly beaten by the soldiers.

Israeli soldiers abuse nine-year-old Majed as a human shield

Nine-year-old Majed was forced at gunpoint by Israeli soldiers to search bags suspected of containing explosives on 15 January 2009.

On its website DCI tells the boy’s story:

Majed recalls that there were about 40 men, women and children in the basement seeking shelter.

At around 5:00am, units from the Givati Brigade entered the basement “firing.”

Majed recalls seeing the red laser sights from their guns everywhere.

The soldiers separated the men from the women and children and forced them to strip down to their underwear.

Whilst this was going on a soldier approached the group of women and children and pointed to Majed and said “come here.”

“The soldier approached me and grabbed my shirt from my neck and dragged me away. ‘He’s a child,’ my mother began shouting. I thought they would kill me,” recalls Majed, “I became very scared and wet my pants.

I could not shout or say anything because I was too afraid. The soldier dragged me 20 meters away.

He pointed his weapon at me. He was shouting at me and I did not understand him, so he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

He then started motioning with his hand and I figured out he wanted me to open the bags; small bags that the residents brought down with them containing their personal effects and money.

The bags were similar to the bags used by football players. I understood from his hand gestures that he wanted me to open the bags.

There were two bags in front of me. I grabbed the first one as he stood one-and-a-half meters away.

I opened the bag as he pointed his weapon directly at me. I emptied the bag on the floor. It contained money and papers.

I looked at him and he was laughing.

I grabbed the second bag to open it but I could not.

I tried many times but it was useless, so he shouted at me. He grabbed my hair and slapped me very hard across the face.

I did not shout or cry but I was very scared. He dragged me away from the bags and forced me to stand against the wall, as he stood about one-and-a-half meters behind me.

He then shot at the bag that I could not open. I thought he shot at me, so I shouted and put my hands on my head.

He then pulled me through the corridor and another soldier said ‘Go to your mother.’ I ran to my mother and hid in her arms. ‘I wet my pants,’ I said to her. ‘It’s fine,’ she said.”

DCI filed a complaint on behalf of Majed which led to the “conviction” of the two soldiers who used him as a human shield.

They received three month suspended sentences and were demoted in rank.

The complaint filed by Ibrahim was closed, while the cases of Ahmad F. and Rasheed have been opened for investigation.

It is not known what will happen with the complaints of the other children.







Israeli strike reportedly kills 6-year-old boy in Gaza


From the Trenches

Posted on June 23, 2012 by Admin

RT News  A six-year-old boy has reportedly been killed and some 20 people injured by Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medicsreport.

Israeli defense forcesconfirm strikes, but deny any involvement into the death of a child.

Reports say on Saturday Israel launched air raids on Palestinian territory following rocket fire from Gaza that wounded an Israeli man.

Conflicting data suggests two people died as a result of the attacks, and at least one of them was a Palestinian militant.

Israel confirmed its aircraft had struck two militant targets in Gaza overnight, saying it was a retaliatory raid.

Hamas medical officials claim that a third separate Israeli attack killed a six-year-old boy at a soccer field near the town of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

“An initial examination shows the military was not involved in this incident,” an Israeli military spokeswoman told Reuters.

Israel claims Gaza militants have fired more than 130 rockets into its territory over the last week.

The country’s authorities have urged the one million Israelis who live in the south to stay indoors for their safety.

The Israeli military’s chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, has gathered senior officers to discuss the latest flare up in violence, the Associated Press reported.

The strikes follow Monday’s skirmish between Israeli forces and three alleged militants who attacked workers on the border with Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

Two militants have been killed, while one managed to escape.






Israeli protesters fight cops over alleged police brutality

The Raw Story

From The RawStory

By Agence France-Presse
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Image via AFP/Jack Guez

Demonstrators battled police in central Tel Aviv on Saturday nightin protest at what they said was excessive police use of force at arally the previous night.

An AFP photographer saw several scuffles between police and protestors on Saturday and at least one demonstrator had a bloody face.

The confrontation was in reaction to incidents a smaller rally on Friday, where police arrested Dafni Leef, one of the leaders of asocial protest movement launched last summer and several others.

Police moved in as they were trying to put up protest tents on Rothschild Boulevard, in the city’s financial district.

Israeli media said thousands of protestors had turned out on Saturday, some blocking main thoroughfares in the city centre, shattering windows and at one point forcing their way into a closed bank before being removed by police.

News website Ynet said police detained 10 people for questioning.

The social movement erupted after young Israelis angry at the cost of housing in Tel Aviv pitched tents in the middle of an upscale neighbourhood to express their frustration.

The tent protest quickly mushroomed, with dozens of similar encampments sprouting in towns and cities across the country.

It won widespread support, sparking weekly demonstrations that eventually attracted hundreds of thousands of Israelis, breaking records in the Jewish state and drawing extensive coverage from the local media.

It peaked on September 3, when almost half a million people took part in rallies nationwide, largely fading away with the arrival of winter.

With the return of warm weather however, the protests have started up again.

After last year’s mass protests the government set up a committee to look into people’s grievances and promised reforms in housing, childcare and other areas.

For far however, little has been implemented.

 Image: AFP/Jack Guez






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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~~ Xaniel777


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REAL NEWS May 09, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on May 9, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : May 09, 2012


Justice Coming In At Least One Case Of Police Abuse

Case of : Police beat a mentally-ill homeless man to death

( WARNING: this video contains graphic images )

{ XANIEL’S NOTE : Please remember, that not all Police Officers are as out of control or abusive as many in the country today. There are still a good number of them that live by the Oath that they have taken to ‘ Protect and to Serve ‘ the public !

Please do not judge or see them the same way that you might judge and see the Police Officers that I refer to as the ‘ Nazi Cops ‘ }~~ Xaniel777


Published on May 8, 2012 by 

Manuel Ramos, a police officer from Fullerton, California, has been charged with second degree murder for allegedly beating a mentally-ill homeless person to death last year.

His co-worker, Officer Jay Cicinelli, faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force. This video from a surveillance camera shows Kelly Thomas, the victim, pleading for his life while the officers beat him on the street.







The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals

From Benjamin Fulford’s Blog

May 08, 2012

The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity.

The problem is that the new governments will also find their purses empty unless they start talking with the White Dragon Society.

This time, they need to send official embassy representatives with valid IDs and not another batch of anonymous agents.

When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe (it already is in the non-cabal controlled part of the world).

The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies.

This will then become the international dollar (or perhaps international yen or yuan) and be used to facilitate world trade.

The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries while the Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies and devalue them until their real economies are competitive enough.

This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.

To read about the back-room maneuvers leading to the birth of the new financial system please help finance our investigations by subscribing to this newsletter or else, if you cannot afford it, ask a friend to e-mail you a copy.

Join and become a member to read the full story at : Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys



RE: Question from an Oath Keeper :


Thank you again for your continued correspondence.  It makes sense that the Chen incident was a PR stunt, as they needed some cover for Clinton and Geithner being in China to grovel. 

I have been paying careful attention to the news being given here in the U.S. by ‘Drake’, and he recently made a statement that corroborates what you are saying.

     I do sincerely hope that the plan to arrest these people and put an end to this is close at hand. 

The recent statements made by General Nikolai Makarov in regards to the possibility of Russia using preemptive force against the U.S./NATO missile defense system, which is set to be unveiled at the NATO summit on May 20-21st, (which will follow the G8 summit at Camp David, where Putin will meet with Obama), is the most frightening talk in my lifetime. 

If this is saber-rattling, then they’ve officially got my attention; and the attention of all within Oath Keepers.  This is not Ahmadinejad throwing around hollow banter; this is coming from the highest levels of the Russian leadership. 

Putin himself put forth a decree today issuing the same type of warning.  On top of this, we’ve got the impending joint U.S./Russian special forces exercises on May 21-24 to “seize and hold” the Denver International Airport and the headquarters of both the CIA and the NSA. 

All of this goes on while Americans are fast asleep.  

     Perhaps May 20th will come and go without so much as a whimper, but this concerns me greatly. 

You say that these oligarchs have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, but they are turning Chicago into a massive police city in preparation for the NATO summit, and are officially stating that they will be using Joliet Prison, an old, abandoned ‘gulag’, as an internment center for protesters. 

All that we can do, (those of us not ‘in the know’ in regards to the supposed planned mass arrests), is to go off what we are seeing and hearing, and it’s all very worrisome. 

If what Drake is reporting is correct, then these arrests should take place sometime in the next few weeks, and the new financial system implemented.  If not, then we’ve got a very serious situation on our hands. 

We in Oath Keepers will continue to follow every angle that we can.  The dam seems ready to break. 

The question is, will the water trickle out and will we repair the dam, or will the water wash us over? 

Many of us are prepped and ready to bug out to safer ground, as we all sense that something is close at hand. 

But who really knows how much longer they can prop up this phony system?  I am maintaining that what is coming may not be as nefarious as some believe. 

I will continue to keep a close eye on your news reports, and hopefully catch the trigger point before it happens.

Best, ( withheld )


To the oath-keepers and all patriots,

Remember that what is closest to you is most important.

General Patton had a 2 million man army but was murdered because of people who were personally close to him.

Make sure you and your most trusted colleagues and family have contingency plans for your own immediate surroundings.

If there is any action you can personally take, take it. Worry about the rest of the world only after you have done that. Thank you.~ Ben










America 2012 – Suicide Bombers Around Every Corner?


From The Intel Hub

By Shepard Ambellas
May 8, 2012

Believe it or not — the scene is the present day, America in the year 2012.

It looks as if homeland security, pushed by private corporations and greedy individuals, plans to ramp up the naked full-body scanner propaganda to full force.

Apparently, Yemen based Al Qaida terrorists have devised a new hi-tech devise that will allow bombs to be invisible to the naked body scanners.

These bombs (according to the mainstream media) are non-metallic in nature and can slip past TSA checkpoints and body scanners.

The New York Times reported;

It appeared that Qaeda leaders had dispatched a suicide bomber from Yemen with instructions to board a flight to the United States with the device under his clothes, but that he had been stopped before reaching an airport.

Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York and chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said counterterrorism officials had said of the bomber: “We don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

He is alive, officials said, but they would not to say whether he was in foreign custody.

But the disclosure was a worrisome sign that Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula remains determined to attack the United States even after a C.I.A. drone strike in Yemen in September killed its two operatives who were American citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.

American officials said the group had established new training camps after seizing territory in recent months as a result of the upheaval from the Arab Spring.

Terror rhetoric is back in full swing as reports of “suicide bombers” around every corner will fill the press in coming weeks.

This is nothing more than a push by DHS to bring the populace into full scale submission. This is a dangerous precedence — a blatant move to strip our civil rights, the end to search and seizure policies.

One of the motives behind this is the sale of thousands of new body scanner devices by private corporations, more than likely with no bid contracts.

Let’s use former Department of Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff as an example. Chertoff has a few plans in mind for making some cash under the name of cyber security with your tax dollars.

The Chertoff Group (owned by Michael Chertoff) looks like it will be one of the next big profiteers of the decade when it comes to the cyber war, or staged cyber war.

Bloomberg article points out how the FCC is demanding private corporations beef up their cyber security;

Internet-service providers should adopt an industrywide standard to help keep hackers from taking over customers’ computers, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski said.

Providers of high-speed Internet service, such as Comcast Corp. and AT&T Inc., should create a voluntary code of conduct to help protect against so-called botnets that secretly infect computers, Genachowski said in a speech today in Washington.

He urged providers to take steps to thwart schemes that hijack Internet traffic and direct consumers to fraudulent websites.

“Cyber attacks pose a critical threat to our economic future and national security,” Genachowski said. “If you shut down the Internet, you’d shut down our economy.”

Thus concluding that there is now a push from government agencies to increase cyber security on a private level, setting the stage for an actual event (most likely staged) to take place.

Some claim we are the most venerable nation on earth when it comes to the threat of a cyber attack.

The US government will spend more than $10 billion a year on cyber security by 2015, in a worldwide market nearing $140 billion a year.

This allows the criminal cartel to once again dip into the taxpayer pockets, looting the entire nation for all it’s worth to install more police state features in the Orwellian nightmare we already find ourselves in.

The FBI is currently in possession of the supposed device that many has claimed a new sophisticated triggering system. The FBI will continue it’s analysis at this time.










FBI Whistleblower Releases Unauthorized Memoir 

 “They have individuals on their payroll on almost every nuclear facility in the United States” 

ENENews.com – Energy News


May 08, 2012

‘Classified Woman’ – Sibel Edmonds Finally Wins

The Brad Blog
May 2, 2012

[…] the Iranian-born former FBI translator [Sibel Edmonds] fought to blow the whistle on traitorous deception and cover-up inside the FBI, blackmail inside the U.S. Congress and startling allegations of espionage and nuclear secrets sold to U.S. enemies on the foreign black market by some of our nation’s highest ranking officials.


Now, after waiting more than 340 days for the FBI’s pre-clearance review of her memoir — they are supposed to do so within 30 days — Edmonds has decided to release her own story, in full, without their prior approval or redactions.


Edmonds translated other materials that involved the selling of U.S. nuclear information to foreigners and spotted a connection to a previous case involving the purchase of such information.

The FBI, under pressure from the State Department, Edmonds writes, prevented her from notifying the FBI field offices involved. Edmonds has testified in a court deposition, naming as part of a broad criminal conspiracy Representatives Dennis Hastert, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Bob Livingston, Stephen Solarz, and Tom Lantos, and the following high-ranking U.S. government officials: Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, and Marc Grossman.


Get the book now: http://www.classifiedwoman.com/

At 3:42 in

“They have individuals on their payroll on almost every nuclear facility in the United States”


Sibel Edmonds – Nuclear Trafficking- US & Turkish Officials & RAND


Ungagged: Telling the Sibel Edmonds Story


Classified Woman – Trailer


Sibel Edmonds PEN Newman Award










Scientists Who Created Mutant Bird Flu Speak at Royal Society Conference


{ XANIEL’S NOTE : These scientists created it and then it mysteriously got out and then we had a crises.

There is no mystery to it really, because W.H.O ( World Health Organization )  has been caught several times releasing viruses into certain populations of the world only to immediately go on record saying : ” We need to do this so they we can further reseach it’s effects on humans so the we can make a cure. That way we will be better prepared in the event of a global epidermic.”

I guess with that kind of logic, it’s okay to deliberately make people sick and cause some of them to die !

And how many people DID get sick and died from that kind of logic?

Why wasn’t W.H.O. ever held accountable for those death that they admitted ( after being caught red-handed ) that they had released  on purpose for further reseach?

The rules and Laws do not apply to the Elites and money maker/shakers of the world as it seems to for the rest of us.

And as I have said before,” Double Standard Laws are what starts chaos that eventually grows into revolutions !” } ~~Xaniel777


Susanne Posel, Contributor

Activist Post

Yoshihiro Kawaoka, professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed in a conference at the Royal Society last month how he created a hybrid bird flu that could spread by exposure to coughing and sneezing.

Kawaoka discovered 4 genetic mutations that allowed the virus to spread between test animals such as ferrets while they were kept only in close proximity to one another, in separate cages.

While this discovery was significant, the US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) requested that portions of Kawaoka’s work be removed from his paper before publishing it in the British science journal, Nature.

The NSABB voiced concerns that this information would make replication easy for “rouge scientists”.

Dr. Ron Foucher, from Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam conducted a study concerning another strain of mutant bird flu that is also communicable through coughing and sneezing. The US journal Science is reviewing this paper for publication.

The scientific community is divided on the issue of publishing such controversial work. Some believe it will incite copy-cats to reproduce the findings and have the ability to unleash a pandemic onto the populations.

Others feel that without these studies published, the full extent of the possibilities is unknown.

The NSABB, who was staunchly against Kawaoka’s work published, changed its mind and endorsed it. At a meeting of the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C., the vote was unanimous; as well as the band on Foucher being lifted. Neither paper will be censored before publication.

Both Kawaoka and Foucher spoke at a conference at the Royal Society. This is the same globalist group that came forward to endorse depopulation worldwide as an answer to environmental stability.

According to the Royal Society:

the world’s human population, coupled with unprecedented levels of consumption present profound challenges to human health and well-being, and the natural environment.

This group of Eco-fascists believes that securitizing the resources of third world countries, combined with reducing their consumption globally, will stabilize the planet’s failing environment.

While the two researchers gave speeches before the audience at the Royal Society conference, they explained in detail under what conditions the mutant bird flu could be transmitted; they claimed that the strain they had invented did not spread as readily as the seasonal flu.

There was the mention of a pharmaceutical, an antiviral drug, such as Tamiflu that could control the viral infections.

Kawaoka created the hybrid flu strain by integrating the H5N1 bird flu with swine flu. The same swine flu that caused the pandemic in 2009.

Kawaoka discovered the virus attaches itself to the cells in the throat, infecting them. He said it was the mutations he witnessed that gave the virus this ability.

Foucher was less forthcoming with the details of his mutant strain of virus. The Dutch government forced him into secrecy. Foucher could not divulge the specifics of the mutant strain he created. He did comment that “most of the mutations we found we can see in the field, and we are even seeing them in combination.”

Foucher remarked that he was interested in the ability to control a virus and its ability to infect people.

Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of  Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.






Ron Paul wins more delegates


Published on May 7, 2012 by 

From the beginning of the GOP presidential nominee race, Ron Paul claimed he had things under control.

While Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney came out victorious in several primary elections, the Texas Congressman adopted a strategy of winning the delegate vote.

So can Paul keep it up to the Republic National Convention?

Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins us to give some insight on the Paul’s strategy.

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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~ Xaniel777


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Posted by Xaniel777 on November 23, 2011

TODAY IS : November 24, 2011

” Alternative News Stories gathered from all over the world and placed here for your awareness ! “

If you have the  extra time,  then check out Xaniel’s Blog at  Danimart.com





The Cost of Israel to Americans

From Veterans Today

Many of the most serious dangers facing Americans today stem from our “special relationship” with Israel

by The Council For The National Interest

Our uniquely massive support for Israel has cost trillions of dollars and multitudes of lives. It has diminished our moral standing in the world, lessened our domestic freedoms, and exposed us to unnecessary and growing peril.

The majority of Americans – as well as our diplomatic and military experts – oppose this unique relationship. Yet, the lobby for Israel continues to foment policies that are disastrous for our nation and tragic for the region.

If we are to have Middle East policies that serve the national interest, that represent the highest values of our founders and our citizens, and that work to sustain a nation of honor, decency, security, and prosperity, then it is essential that all Americans become active and informed. Below are the facts:

American taxpayers give Israel over $8 million per day

(See report from Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress):

This to a nation, at its peak, of 7.4 million people – smaller than New Jersey. Israel has received more American money than any other nation on earth. It is more than we give to all the starving countries of Africa put together.

From 1950-53 Israel’s financial influx from the U.S. was one billion dollars; Israel at that time had 1.6 million inhabitants

In the past ten years, American taxpayers have given Israel approximately $200,000 per family of five.

This costs us even more:

US aid to Israel is given in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year.

Since the US is operating at a deficit, this means that we borrow the money, give it to Israel, and then pay interest on it long after it is gone.

Israel, on the other hand, makes interest from it. Congress has mandated that Israel’s aid be immediately deposited to an interest bearing account with the Federal Reserve Bank.


Additional financial costs: $3 trillion

  • About $1.5 billion to Egypt and $843 million to Jordan is dispensed annually under arrangements made to induce these countries’ friendly relations with Israel.
  • Billions of dollars have been lost to U.S. manufacturers because of the Arab boycott engendered by Israeli actions.
  • Enormous and continuing costs to U.S. consumers of petroleum, which surged to such heights that it set off a world-wide recession during the Arab oil boycott imposed in reaction to U.S. support of Israel in the 1973 war.

There are a multitude of such costs.

A report by an economist commissioned by the Army War College in 2003 to analyze the situation in full found that the total cost to Americans over Israel’s 60+ years has been $3 trillion.

Americans have a higher unemployment rate than Israel and 10 million families are reportedly sliding into foreclosure; yet Americans continue to give tax money to Israel.


On top of this are the costs of the Iraq war:  hundreds of thousands of lives & over $3 trillion

The costs of the the Iraq war, which was promoted by Israel partisans, are almost incalculable and are still growing.

The war added trillions of dollars to the federal debt, and this doesn’t include future health care and disability payments for veterans.

Economists report that the global financial crisis was due, at least in part, to the Iraq war.

The same parties are pushing for a similar attack on Iran.

The Lobby for Israel overrules US experts

U.S. policies in the Middle East rarely reflect U.S. interests and values.

Instead, over the objections of a multitude of State Department and Pentagon analysts, they are largely driven by a variety of factors:

1. Special-interest lobbying.  Fortune Magazine rates one of the many lobby organizations working on behalf of Israel, AIPAC, as the second most powerful lobby in Washington. Many analysts consider the pro-Israel interest group the most powerful lobby in our nation.

Senator William J. Fulbright aimed to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship — (wiki)

By the late 1960s Senator William Fulbright found that U.S. aid to Israel was being secretly funneled back to lobbyists in the U.S., who would use it to lobby for still more U.S. money to Israel.

The U.S. justice department and other agencies have often attempted to enforce U.S. laws

2. Israel partisans in the U.S. government and media: The efforts of a growing number of individuals with close ties to Israel (some are neoconservatives, others are neoliberals) who often hold key positions in U.S. administrations, the State Department, Pentagon, and media.

The US Ambassador to Israel stated that all US Middle East policies are predicated on their effect on Israel. This is a highly inappropriate practice and one that is replicated in no other region. US policies should be based on American interests and priorities, not those of a foreign nation.

3. Campaigns by pro-Israel funders to engender Islamophobia: to create fear and hatred of Muslims, a highly diverse population of 1.5 billion people whose faith is one of the three Abrahamic religions and who worship the same God as Christians and Jews.

4. Israeli-centric news reporting by the U.S. media consistently misportrays the current situation and the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

5. Hollywood movies and television shows, which often play a significant role in shaping attitudes and beliefs. These shows, frequently produced by individuals with ties to Israel, depict Arabs and Muslims almost always negatively, Jews and Israelis almost never negatively, and Christians both positively and negatively.

[Interestingly, the oil and weapons industries are not responsible for our relationship with Israel. In fact, at times these industries have lobbied against U.S. support for Israel, which undermines their ability to do business in the region.]  

Jonathan Pollard — Israel granted Pollard citizenship in 1995, while publicly denying, until 1998, that he was an Israeli spy. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has voiced particularly strong support for Pollard, visiting the convicted spy in prison in 2002.

Israel promotes its own interests, which is the right of any nation.

However, this is done at the expense of Americans who fund it.

There is considerable evidence that Israel is not the close ally many Americans believe it to be:

  • The GAO has reported that Israel conducts the most intense spying operation against the U.S. of any of our presumed allies.
  • Intelligence experts consider Jonathan Pollard the most damaging spy in US history. For years Israel denied any connection to Pollard; now it actively lobbies for his release.
  • Israeli forces have killed and injured numerous Americans. Rarely, if ever, have there been significant consequences.
  • Israel has stolen U.S. technology, and passed it on to other nations, some of them U.S. adversaries.

The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty

In 1967 Israeli forces attacked a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing or injuring over 200 American servicemen.

An independent commission in 2003 by extraordinarily high-ranking U.S. military officers and officials found that

Israel had commited an act of war against the United States,

the US President had recalled rescue aircraft, and that

the President had ordered a cover-up on the incident.

These statements, recorded in the Congressional Record, were not reported by U.S. news media.

Israeli ethnic expansionism has caused regional misery, instability, and continual conflict.

Israeli aggression (Israel initiated all of its wars except one) and its violations of international lawhuman rights conventions, and UN resolutions, have created enormous hostility against it throughout the world.

The US, as Israel’s number one funder, is increasingly imperiled by hostility created by Israeli actions.

Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons poses considerable danger both to the region itself and far beyond.

it has refused to sign the nuclear proliferation treaty and the British American Security Information Council has found that in Israel “nuclear weapons are being assigned roles that go well beyond deterrence.”

While US intelligence agencies have so far found no indication that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, Israel’s possession of these weapons, combined with its history of aggression, create a compelling motivation for other nations in the region to acquire them for deterrence.

     Israel’s war crimes in Gaza

Israel frequently uses American weapons in violation of US laws, killing and maiming large numbers of civilians, women, and children.

Since this is funded by American tax payers, and shielded by the U.S. government, it is causing dangerous hostility toward the U.S.

Damage to civil liberties and the American way of life


This dangerous and unnecessary peril (diplomats note that before Israel the US had no enemies in the region) has caused Americans to tolerate dangerous infringements on our liberty and violations of our Constitution.

This is causing deep damage to our character as a nation.

Deeply intrusive and potentially carcinogenic airport scanners, offensive “pat-downs” of our women and children, abrogations of our nation’s most fundamental legal principles are just a few of the direct and indirect results of our Israel policies.

A secure, prosperous, and honorable America

We would be far safer and our nation far healthier by heeding the wisdom of George Washington, the father of our nation:

“…nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.”

Source: The Council for the National Interest

Edited for Veterans Today by: Debbie Menon

The Council for the National Interest Foundation (CNIF) is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides information and analysis on the Middle East, its relationship to the United States, and about policy formation regarding this region. CNI seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values, protects our national interests, and contributes to a just solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is CNI’s goal to restore a political environment in America in which voters and their elected officials are free from the undue influence and pressure of foreign countries and their partisans.


Police, protesters clash in front of Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv

From uruknet.info

By Noam Sheizaf and Dahlia Scheindlin


 Protesters clashed with police on Tuesday evening after a demonstration against a string of anti-democratic legislative initiatives recently brought forth in the Knesset. Some 200 people demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the ruling Likud party, blocking King George Street in the center of the city. Police sprayed the protesters with pepper spray and at least one person was arrested.

The protesters had marched from a larger demonstration held earlier in the evening at the square of the Habima Theater at the end of Rothschild Blvd., the birthplace of the summer tent protest. The demonstration had been called in opposition to a series of laws that are widely perceived to threaten democratic freedoms. The most recent of these was the new version of Israel’s libel law, which passed the first reading in Knesset on Monday; but the leaders of the protest read out a series of laws currently being debated, including legislation to change the makeup of the panel that chooses Supreme Court judges and the process of their confirmation, legislation against foreign funding for NGOs, and laws passed earlier this year, such as the laws allowing acceptance committees for small communities in Israel.

Demonstration Tuesday evening in Tel Aviv. Sign reads, “The right won’t silence me.” (photo: Dahlia Scheindlin)

Protesters, many wearing masking tape or masks over their mouths to symbolize the repression of freedom of speech, railed against what they called the extreme right-wing government, chanting “When the left gets together, the right gets frightened!” and “The response to the legislation – revolution!” and the main refrain: “No-confidence!” By contrast to the social protests of the summer, this was an explicit anti-government protest.

More photos of the demonstration, all by ActiveStills:

Protesters and police clash in Tel Aviv November 22, 2011 (Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills)

Protesters and police clash in Tel Aviv November 22, 2011 (Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills)

Protesters and police clash in Tel Aviv November 22, 2011 (Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills)

Protesters and police clash in Tel Aviv November 22, 2011 (Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills)

Protesters and police clash in Tel Aviv November 22, 2011 (Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills)



Pregnant Woman Miscarries After Being Sprayed With Pepper Spray

Posted by mayank at World Of Technology

“I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in,” she says. “I was screaming, ‘I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.'”

At that point, a Seattle police officer lifted his foot and it hit her in the stomach, and another officer pushed his bicycle into the crowd, again hitting Fox in the stomach. “Right before I turned, both cops lifted their pepper spray and sprayed me. My eyes puffed up and my eyes swelled shut,” she says.

She was fine for a couple days, until she started feeling sick.

Jennifer went to the doctor and found out her baby had no heartbeat. “They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too.”

Uploaded by  on Nov 21, 2011

*** View the 3:23 version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjFo7Q2cBNY ***

Here is the aftermath of the chemical attack and apparent beating of pregnant Occupy Seattle protester Jennifer Fox. You’ll see several Occupiers suffering from the chemical attack rained down on them by the Seattle Police Department.



From Desertpeace

America’s elite think they’ve put our movement in its proper place–intimidated by the police powers of the U.S. state and pessimistic that any real change can be achieved.

But they’re wrong. The Occupy movement has already changed the way millions of people think about their lives, the world they live in, and their political beliefs–and that isn’t going away, whatever form the struggle takes now.


Occupy’s Next Struggle

(Photo: Paul Stein/Socialist Worker)

(Photo: Paul Stein/Socialist Worker)

Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the NYPD’s raid on the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York City was merely to ensure security and public health, without limiting the right to free speech–and his words were parroted by mayors and the media around the U.S. to justify other assaults.

But then Police Lt. John Pike showed the world what’s really going on.

A cop at the University of California Davis, Pike carried out the sadistic pepper-spraying of students during a peaceful November 18 sit-in–capturing in an indelible image the vengeful and violent crackdown on the Occupy movement that has been ordered by the wealthy and powerful across the U.S.

The raids, the arrests and the police violence are about trying to silence a movement that is giving voice to the accumulated discontent of the working-class majority in U.S. society. They’re also about showing who’s the boss–the political and business establishment.

As for free speech and democracy, the real attitude of the 1 percent was on full display in a November 21 Wall Street Journal editorial that reeked of contempt for ordinary people and hatred of anyone who dares to take a stand for justice:

In New York City and elsewhere, the occupiers reacted to being cleared out of their aromatic tent-towns this week by breaking the law and disrupting the lives and work of people trying to earn a living.

The logic–perhaps not the right word–of these protests seems to be that by inconveniencing millions of people the protesters will inspire a political revolt of the exploited masses. More likely, they will inspire the masses to be revolted by this vanguard of the college-educated proletariat.

America’s elite think they’ve put our movement in its proper place–intimidated by the police powers of the U.S. state and pessimistic that any real change can be achieved.

But they’re wrong. The Occupy movement has already changed the way millions of people think about their lives, the world they live in, and their political beliefs–and that isn’t going away, whatever form the struggle takes now.

In just two months of existence, the movement has shifted the national debate by casting a spotlight on the question of corporate greed and economic inequality–no small achievement given the stiflingly narrow discussion permitted in the corporate media. Occupiers have shown that it’s possible to win wide support for some powerful left-wing arguments–tax the rich, create jobs, end the wars, hold political leaders accountable.

And the struggle has brought together many thousands of people who want to do something about all this–and do it now. Whether they could maintain permanent encampments or not, local Occupy movements have been a political gathering place for both veterans of labor and grassroots organizing and people completely new to activism to find each other and make common cause.

Many Occupy actions have been about the outrageous attacks on the right to free speech and peaceable assembly–that is, about defending our right to protest at all. But the movement has also been deepened by linking up with working people’s struggles of all kinds, from resisting budget cuts and school closures to supporting strikes and efforts to block evictions from foreclosed homes.

If the movement isn’t yet capable of the kind of mass civil disobedience that can defend the camps everywhere, it has nevertheless created new networks of activists who now have the practical experience of mutual solidarity to put to use in the struggles ahead.

From the general strike call in Oakland, Calif., that shut down the city’s port November 2 to the pickets in support of locked-out workers at Sotheby’s in New York and uncounted anti-eviction protests in many cities in between, Occupy has shown the potential to build a mass, activist left in the U.S. for the first time in decades.

The question for activists in many cities now is whether and how to rebuild encampments that have been wrecked–with their former sites turned into “free speech-free” zones by police and local authorities (almost all of those authorities Democrats, by the way).Some voices on the left are advising the Occupy movement to shrug off the loss of the camps. According to this argument, activists can now change focus from the narrow question of defending their right to occupy public space against the forces of the state to the broader issues that the struggle has connected to in the past few months.

But while these broader issues are certainly very important, those who want to move on are missing some crucial points.

First of all, the national security state, engorged by hundreds of billions in spending since the September 11 attacks, is now being used against those who simply wish to critique a society in which 1 percent of the population controls nearly 40 percent of the wealth–and question a system of laws that says corporations are people and therefore have the right to purchase both political parties, lock, stock and barrel.

That encroachment on basic democratic rights has to be challenged. Activists should keep up the heat on politicians like Michael Bloomberg or Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel–who tailor their interpretation of First Amendment rights to cater to the interests of the 1 percent.

The importance of such struggles over the right to protest and against police violence were clear from the massive rally and General Assembly November 21 at UC Davis in response to the pepper-spraying of demonstrators. Around a quarter of the entire student population–and maybe more–attended, according to estimates.

Second, the encampments at Zuccotti Park and other public spaces were more than symbols of the movement. Occupy camps and the structures that have arisen in conjunction with them provide a space for people to connect to the struggle–where they can raise their own grievances, learn about the issues and hear discussions about what we’re trying to achieve and how.

In cities where the camps have been broken up–as well as those, like Chicago, where a permanent encampment was never established–activists have to consider how to maintain this open interplay.

Another important question for the movement is its attitude toward the mainstream political system. On the one hand, unions such as the Service Employees International Union SEIU and liberal organizations like MoveOn.org, want to use Occupy as a brand for their multimillion-dollar electoral efforts–starting with an “Occupy Congress” tent city in Washington that’s intended to put heat on House Republicans, but not Barack Obama and the Democrats.

One of the great strengths of the movement in its first months has been the willingness to critique the Washington political system as a whole, not just one wing of it. In fact, most of the activists who came to Occupy are looking for ways to build a lasting movement in their own communities, while forging ties with like-minded people in other localities.

For them, it’s important to consider what Occupy has achieved so far. It has validated the feelings of tens of millions of working people who are furious at the way the people who run the banks and big corporations have continued to thrive despite the economic crisis, even as working people keep losing ground–if they’re not forced into desperation through debt and the loss of their homes and jobs.

Keeping that spirit at the center of the struggle is the key to the future.

The sustained offensive against the Occupy movement isn’t just about police repression. There’s an ideological component–and some of most prominent figures carrying out this campaign claim to support the ideals of the struggle.The next time you hear a supposed liberal like the chancellor of the University of California-Berkeleyjustify a police crackdown by declaring that Occupy tactics of nonviolent direct action have nothing to do with the 1960s civil rights movement, consider these words from Martin Luther King Jr.. They come from a speech in 1967, the last year of King’s life, just before he called for a Poor Peoples Movement to establish—yes, an encampment–in Washington, D.C.:

The movement must address itself to the question of restructuring the whole of American society. There are forty million poor people here. And one day we must ask the question, “Why are there forty million poor people in America?” And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society.

We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life’s market place. But one day, we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. It means that questions must be raised. You see, my friends, when you deal with this, you begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?” You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, “Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two thirds water?” These are questions that must be asked.

Those questions have gone unanswered for more than 40 years, even as politicians annually use the holiday in King’s name to assure us of their commitment to equality.

Now, Occupy has raised King’s questions again. Yet while King was focused primarily on the struggles of African Americans and the poor locked out of the American Dream amid a booming economy, today, the entire U.S. working class faces a deep and permanent cut in their living standards through wage cuts, joblessness and sweeping reductions in what remains of the social safety net.

In King’s day, politicians promised African Americans, women and others struggling for change that if they were patient, they’d see results…someday. Today, however, Democratic and Republican politicians are marching in lockstep to impose austerity, austerity and more austerity.

Our future, they tell us, is going to get worse–and we’d better get used to it. The only debate is over how much more to cut, rather than creating jobs and devoting resources to those in urgent need.

Now, the Occupy movement has followed King’s advice and begun “to ask questions about the whole society.” And activists have gotten an answer from authorities–in the form of a near-lethal police tear gas canister fired at the head of Iraq war veteran Scott Olsenpepper spray down the throats of Davis campus protesters, thetrashing of the library at Occupy Wall Street and military-style police sweeps of Occupy encampments across the U.S., coordinated in a conference call of double-talking Democratic mayors.

But Occupy isn’t defeated. On the contrary, activists are debating how to take up new challenges–from helping the International Longshore and Warehouse Union activists take on union-busting by the grain giant EGT to preparing for big labor contract showdowns for transit workers in Chicago and New York.

Many other smaller struggles are newly infused with people and energy as activists who stood up to the political lies and police nightsticks join the fight. Occupy, after all, has the support of the working class–and to move forward, it has to involve itself in workers’ struggle wherever possible.

The loss of the encampments is a blow, but not a fatal one. In France, after May 1968, a popular poster put it this way: “Beginning of a prolonged struggle.”

Occupy may not have reached the level of the French events of ‘68, but it’s clear that we’re at the start of something, with bigger battles to come. The time to prepare for those battles is now.

This article was originally published by Socialist Worker.


GAZA : Good News and Bad

From Bob Tuskin.com

by Stephen Lendman

First the good. On November 22, the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) said a “Freedom Spring” convoy arrived through Rafah’s border terminal, connecting Gaza and Egypt.

Arab Spring movement members will meet Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya and other Palestinian officials. In addition, meetings will be held with women’s groups, local NGOs, and others.

Tours through Gaza’s refugee camps and visiting UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency) are planned.

Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) head Ahmad Bahar called the visit historic, saying “convoy members managed to defend their people’s dignity and honor, and now, they came to Gaza to express support and solidarity with their people.”

“You came to challenge this siege. I want to tell you that today is the beginning of the end of this siege, the siege that was never lifted, despite conspiracies and claims of easing it. This conspiracy is against the steadfastness of our people, the people who defend their dignity, children and country, the people who want to liberate Jerusalem.”

Egyptian Popular Committee Against the Judaization of Jerusalem head, Salah Sultan, said convoy members will “return as fighters and liberators of Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa Mosque. We will stand with you. The world will stand with you to defend Jerusalem, especially after the Zionists declared plans to demolish the historic Moghrabi (Magharba) Gate in Jerusalem that links between the Al Boraq Wall and the Al Aqsa Mosque.”

Arab Spring activists represent solidarity with besieged Gazans. They also reflect a growing spirit that others support their liberating struggle.

On November 22, the Palestine News Network headlined, “Israel Allows More Construction Materials into Gaza, Exports Still at Zero,” saying:

Nearly 300 trucks came through southern Gaza’s Karem Abu Salem crossing. They carried industrial, agricultural, and transportation supplies.

Palestinian liaison official Ra’ed Fattouh said 12 trucks delivered cement and other construction materials, despite a near ban most times. Another 53 trucks carried gravel, 11 had aid supplies, 183 were for industrial use, 40 delivered livestock feed, nine were for agriculture, five for transportation, and 20 had new vehicles.

Another 50 came for UNRWA projects. Cooking gas supplied only one-fourth of current weekly needs, falling way short of avoiding a humanitarian crisis.

No exports left Gaza since May 13, 2011. At the time, a small truckload of flowers destined for the Netherlands got out.

Oxfam says Gaza’s export ban keeps its economy “heavily dependent on local demand.” However, it’s constrained by an impoverished population’s weak demand.

“Until crossings are fully open for export, the impact of the easing of the blockade on unemployment, poverty and food insecurity rates remains limited.”

Israel planned it that way. It’s siege is politically motivated. It has nothing to do with security. Saying so’s a ruse to maintain it illegally.

The Bad News

It always overwhelms the good. Daily, the Palestine News & Information Agency (WAFA) reports it. On November 22, it said:

(1) Israeli Rimon Prison security forces “viciously attacked” Palestinian prisoners “looking for hidden cellular phones.” Beatings followed. Personal belongings were destroyed. Prisoners were isolated in solitary confinement. Other punishments were imposed.

Palestinian minister of prisoners’ affairs, Issa Qaraqi, accused Israel of targeting prisoners for “political gains.”

(2) Israeli bulldozers razed Hassan Erekat’s agricultural land. Irrigation networks were destroyed. They were the main water source for land northeast of Jericho. Doing so was malicious and criminal. Reasons given were spurious.

(3) Homes of West Bank activists were raided. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said 17 of its members were arrested in Jenin, its refugee camp, area villages, and Kufr Malik village east of Ramallah.

On November 21, WAFA monitored “incitement and racism” in Israeli publications. One article said releasing Palestinian “murderers” in the Gilad Shalit swap damaged Israel’s “legitimacy of our fight against terrorism.”

Another same day report said Jewish extremists broke into Jaffa’s Hasan Beik mosque “to perform Jewish prayer” inside. Doing so was lawless breaking and entering. Damage done was vandalism.

Israeli authorities turned a blind eye like they always do, inciting further incidents. Israeli hard-liners earlier tried to torch the mosque. No prosecutions followed.

Numerous reports say Gaza patients can’t access treatment abroad when it’s unavailable otherwise. Last summer, children needing life-saving surgery were denied. So are others for political reasons, targeting human need maliciously.

Getting permission to leave is daunting. Permits are required. Bureaucratic obstacles must be overcome. The entire process is time-consuming. Gravely ill patients can’t wait. As a result, some die needlessly. Others suffer interminable pain. So do loved ones watching them.

On November 17, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) headlined, “Gaza: Residents deprived of critical medications and medical care,” saying:

Gaza health facilities are critically short of drugs and medical supplies. MSF and others can’t make up for shortfalls. “In late September, 36% of essential drugs were lacking,” some entirely.

Since Israel besieged Gaza in June 2007, conditions continue to deteriorate. Aid falls far short of needs. At least 164 essential drugs are “completely unavailable.”

“Patients’ health is threatened….Only 260 of the 900 required medical supply items (specifically, single-use items) were supplied.”

Most affected medical areas include surgery, intensive care, hermodialysis, treatment to prevent organ transplant rejection, oncology, hematology, psychiatric medications, ophthalmology, maternity, pediatrics, and catheterization lab procedures to diagnose and treat heart disease.

In addition, five medical centers treating kidney disease face drug shortages. Unless resupplied within several weeks, they’ll be exhausted. As a result, patients’ lives will be endangered. Many already are. For others it’s too late.

MSF concluded saying, “We remain particularly concerned about the future of Gaza’s patients and ill residents.”

Staying alive and healthy under siege is daunting. Few in normal surroundings understand. Gazans live it daily.

A Final Comment

Last August, the Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights titled a report, “Israel makes Torture, degrading treatment a policy,” saying:

Its field report covering the period from May 1, 2009 – April 30, 2010 said Israel practices it in numerous ways, despite international law prohibiting all forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

Notoriously, Israel brutally mistreats Palestinians in custody, including women and children.

Many other forms of mistreatment are also common. They include lawless arrests and detentions, attacking peaceful protesters, middle-of-the-night raids, restricting free movement and expression, denying critically needed medical care outside Gaza, bulldozing Palestinian homes, displacing residents, prohibiting farmers from accessing their land, attacking fishermen at sea, restricting access to essential services, besieging Gaza, and much more.

The Committee Against Torture (CAT) includes 10 independent experts, charged with monitoring the implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by State parties.

All States must submit reports, annually at first after adopting the Convention, quadrennially thereafter.

CAT called besieging Gaza “cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment….a prima facie violation of….CAT.” It also violates Fourth Geneva’s collective punishment prohibition.

Israel spurns all international laws, no matter its treaty obligations. All Palestinians suffer extreme repression, especially Gazans, suffocating horrendously under siege.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


‘Gaza raids seek to hide Israel woes’ 

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid

French ‘aid ship’ sails towards Gaza


Trickle-down tyranny 

Why ordinary people in positions of local power are adopting tactics of tyrants

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of  NaturalNews.com  (See all articles…)

(NaturalNews) When I read a story yesterday about an 89-year-old woman being water-boarded by nursing home staff over an argument about ice cream, I knew something terrible was amiss across the American landscape.Spontaneous acts of tyrannyhave been cropping up lately like cancer tumors: a food tyrant in Nevada raids a farm picnic and orders everyone to destroy their food (http://www.naturalnews.com/034125_f…); student protesters in California get pepper-sprayed by thuggish cops who clearly enjoy causing pain and suffering (http://fieldnotes.msnbc.msn.com/_ne…); and now nursing home staffers torture their own resident using techniques borrowed from Guantanamo Bay (http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2011/11…).

I watched all this with a sense of sadness and disgrace for the human race. And then a realization hit me like a sledgehammer…

People are only following by example

These random acts of tyranny aren’t really random actsat all. They are the infantile acting-out of behaviors the childish American public has witnessed being demonstrated by their “leaders.” The TSA sexually molesting air travelers isn’t just a violation of fundamental human rights — it’s alsoa demonstrationto the mindless masses that this is now “normal” behavior in society, you see.

So as the masses observe Big Government reaching down their own pants, they now get the message that it’s okay to sexually molest little boys at sports stadiums, or that it’s okay to take children away from parents through C.P.S. and then rape them as part of child relocation “processing” procedures.

When the American people see George Bush set up secret military prisons and condone waterboarding torture techniques, they called for Obama to stop the practice. Obama promised he would, and then not long after becoming President, heexpanded Gitmoand actually presided over anincreasein funding for the military and all its secret torture facilities.

The message to the American people? If Obama supports it, then torture must be okay. After all, he won a Nobel Peace Prize, so “peace” must be something that can be achieved through torture. Thus, we should not be at all surprised when an 89-year-old woman gets water-boarded in a nursing home. After all, those staffers are only doing to her what they’ve watched the U.S. leaders do to other human beings, too. (And yet, for some reason, the nursing home staff were arrested while all the high-level government operatives who engage in the exact same torture techniques are never even questioned…)

This phenomenon of everyday American peoplemirroring the behaviorof federal “authorities” who act as tyrants needed a name, and as I began to ponder this issue, the name came to me in a flash:

I’m calling this phenomenonTrickle-Down Tyranny.

Trickle-Down Tyranny

Just as children mimic the actions of their parents, the childish minds of the insecure (and fear-pummeled) mainstream masses also mimic the actions of their parental role models. To many Americans — and especially those of a more liberal mindset —government takes on the role of their parents. The government is supposed to tell you what to eat, what to buy, what to believe and of course how to express your patriotism when needed to justify the latest war launched by a Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning warmonger. Government is the “authority” and the problem solver in the lives of these people. So naturally, in their childish mindset they seek to replicate the behaviors their parental role models are openly exhibiting.

Here’s how this looks on the street: Your average city police officer is a wannabe tyrant who now, by watching the criminality of the federal government, feels he has permission to engage in the same tactics of intimidation and arrogance inruling overthe public (rather than serving to protect them). That’s why so many big-city police officers have recently morphed into paramilitary jack-booted thugs; dressing in black, unlawfully arresting people for no justifiable reason, tasering innocent victims in wheelchairs, and generally acting out what is essentially a childish reflection of the very same tyranny they witness being demonstrated by high-level tyrants in Washington D.C.

The FBI, for its part, is busy actuallymastermindingthe very same “terror plots” that it then magically “prevents” with great fanfare. As recently exposed inThe Guardian(and other newspapers), the FBI actually develops terror plots, provides the plans, weapons, funding, motivation and equipment necessary for these “terrorists” to carry out those plots (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/201...). This is a whole lot likeplaying a “big-boy” version of Cowboys and Indians, where all the scenarios are completely fabricated merely for the purpose of playing games as a source of entertainment.

Trickle-Down Tyranny is also now being seen in local schools, where “zero-tolerance” rules get children kicked out of the public education system for merely bringing a butter knife in their home-packed lunch, for example. Or a child caught with an aspirin tablet is labeled a “drug abuser” and condemned to special remediation classes.

The tyrants are everywhere in American society now

Think about the tyrants that have now descended upon you in your own life — the tyrant down at the DMV, the tyrant dog license enforcer, the tyrant building inspector and the tyrant food service worker, also sometimes known as “soup Nazi.”

When you really think about it,there are tyrants everywhere nowin American culture. The fabric of fear and terror is being woven into that fabric with every “the threat level is now orange” alert put out by George Bush, or every “spy on your neighbors” message broadcast by the ogre of offensive tyrants, DHS head Janet Napolitano.

What these peopleclaimto be doing — “stopping terrorism!” — pales in comparison to what they’rereallydoing: setting examples to be followed by every single person across America who finds himself or herself in a position of authority. We’ll just ALL be tyrants!

Terrorizing innocents is now politically correct behavior

Through its moronic (and completely fabricated) war on terror, the national leadership in the USA hasmade it politically correct to terrorize anyone over whom you exercise power. If you’re a librarian, you can terrorize little children over past-due books (that is, if children actually read books at all anymore). If you’re a septic tank inspector, you can terrorize people over the layout of their septic pipes. If you’re a doctor, you can terrorize people over flu shots and chemotherapy, all being aggressively pushed with the very same fear tactics now used at the highest levels of national government.

The impact of all this is even international: Egypt’s secret police group, famous for torturing dissidents, has just renamed itself “Homeland Security” in what appears to be homage to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (http://www.infowars.com/egypts-secr…). “Should we be concerned that a dictatorship which refuses to bow to the will of the people and allow democratic elections to proceed while engaging in savage attacks on demonstrators is re-naming itself after America’s foremost post-9/11 federal agency?” writes Paul Joseph Watson. “Egyptian authorities are justifying their brutal crackdown against protesters, with dozens killed over the last few days, by pointing to how U.S. law enforcement bodies are taking a “firm stance” against Occupy Wall Street protesters.”

Trickle-down tyrannyhappens because the political leaders of America have broadcast a message across the nation thatterrorizing innocent people is not merely okay, but downright patriotic!Anyone who says they’re not going along with all the terror nonsense, the spy-on-your-neighbor paranoia and the “worship-your-imperialist-government” cultism is immediately branded an “extremist.” It’s now “extreme,” you see, to not believe in torture and home-grown terror as a way to keep the sheeple in line. “Extremism” is now defined as opening your eyes, asking some commonsense questions, and refusing to follow the hypnotized masses as they are marched off a high cliff by the globalist population controllers.

Merely thinking for yourself, it turns out, is now “extreme.” It’s a brave new world after all, I suppose.

Fear and paranoia is being marketed to the public in an attempt to transform the citizenry into a grand spy ring

The social acceptance of spying on your neighbors and promoting fear has reached a new fervor across America, very nearly reflecting that of Nazi Germany in the late 1930’s. It’s now okay to call 911 on somebody merely because they happen to be writing something down on a scrap of paper in a public park (that’s one of the signs of possible terrorism, according to ludicrous DHS public service videos that only breed paranoid thinking). It’s now okay to spy on everyone around you and secretly observe them to see what they’re doing. It’s now yourdutyto watch over every scrap of luggage at the airport and start screaming about terror threats if some poor sap walks more than 10 feet away from his bags for a few seconds.

Recently, East Carolina University was thrust into a state of “lock down” for 3 hours after some spy-on-your-neighbor citizens reported a man walking around with an “assault rifle.” That assault rifle, of course, turned out to be nothing more thana black umbrella (http://www.startribune.com/nation/1…).

But this is the level of outrageous hallucinations and total lunatic paranoia that has been unleashed on the American people today by a fear-mongering, imperialist government which worships fear and terror with almost cult-like zealousness. And they call conspiracy theorists paranoid? Maybe they should look in the mirror sometime… no well-informed conspiracy investigator would ever mistake an umbrella for an assault rifle in broad daylight.

The antidote is Trickle-Up Liberty

Fortunately, there’s a ready solution to all this. The antidote to Trickle-Down Tyranny is Trickle-Up Liberty… also known as “grassroots People power.” This is what happens when ordinary, everyday citizens realize thatall government power comes from the Peopleand that government is the servant of the People, not the other way around.

So they take to the streets and protest. They take their money out of the accounts of globalist banks. They stop buying GMOs. They fight against water fluoride in their local towns. They spread the word about Ron Paul. Trickle-Up Liberty is so powerful that it will sooner or later overcome Trickle-Down Tyranny… but only if enough people actually remember what liberty feels like.

That’s why, as the editor of NaturalNews, I urge you topractice libertyin everything you do. Don’t settle for tyranny when you can insist on liberty! After all, the Bill of Rights guarantees you a number of extremely important rights, many of which are now being quickly eroded.Stand up for restoring those rightsand you will empower the phenomenon of Trickle-Up Liberty (grassroots liberty), which is the ultimate solution against Trickle-Down Tyranny.

You can also defend liberty by practicing common courtesy (and common sense) in your own positions of power. Don’t terrorize people just because you can. Exercise common human decency and compassion for those who deserve your assistance. When you practicerandom acts of kindness, you alter the entire emotional landscape across America, replacing fear with kindness. Replacing terror with confidence.

If corporate CEOs would practice this, then… well, most corporations would probably go out of business because they’re mostly in the business of screwing people over for a profit. “There is no such thing as a victimless billionaire,” remember. That level of wealth accumulation simply doesn’t happen without taking from others in the process.

But remember: In the end, kindness will always win out over terror. Spread a little around, and you’ll see what a world of difference it can really make. And try to remember not to carry black umbrellas around any liberal college campuses, or you’ll quickly find out what trickle-down tyranny really looks like.


Will the Looming American Police State Unify the Resistance?

Image source

by J.G. Vibes
Activist Post

The recent police crackdowns have brought an interesting new dynamic to the Occupy Wall Street movement. With scenes of blatant and unprovoked police brutality going viral on the web almost daily now, it is becoming apparent to everyone in the streets and even at home that Wall Street is just one of many institutions run amok in the American establishment.

OWS has now turned a corner; the movement may still be about Wall Street corruption at its core, but it has now exposed the existence of a police state that rivals the most authoritarian dictatorships in the world. This is a glaring fact that the entire activist community needs to recognize and point out to the world so that this police brutality can take center stage in the public dialogue.

In the past week we have seen an escalation of the American police state as Homeland Security Coordinated a 18-City Police Crackdown on Protests. In the crackdowns that have taken place so far there has been an obvious and aggressive effort to use intimidation and force on peaceful protesters, almost as if it were policy. As the whole world was watching veterans were shot at by police at critically injured, senior citizens have been assaulted, sit-in protesters have been showered point blank with pepper spraywomen have been punched in the face and a pregnant mother miscarried a child after being attacked by police. These are just a few of the harshest abuses of state power that we have seen regarding the Occupy movement.

Even if you disagree with some of the politics that seem to be involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement, that certainly doesn’t justify the kind of violence that these protesters are being subjected to. I myself have been vocal about staying away from political demands, especially those involving taxation, but when I see this kind of force used against nonviolent people, all of those minor political disagreements automatically take a back seat.

History has shown us that tyranny marches ever onward, and this brand of authoritarianism will only get progressively worse if it is not relentlessly opposed by a large portion of the country. When you give the government or the elite an inch they always take a mile, so we don’t even want to give them a centimeter. This tragedy has played out many different times over the generations, as Martin Niemöller highlighted in his legendary poem “First they came for the Jews”.

All of the revolutions that have happened around the world in the past year have gained immense amounts of support because of the scenes depicting oppression and brutality that were filmed in the streets. The support that these movements gathered had very little to do with their demands or political agenda, but was simply a result of the empathy that people feel when they see goodhearted people being terrorized by their alleged “protectors”. Unfortunately, many of these worldwide movements have been co-opted or met with harsh military force. However, there is certainly a lot that we can learn from observing what is happening in these other areas of unrest, so hopefully we don’t end up becoming victims of the same pitfalls.

J.G. Vibes – is an author, and artist – with an established record label. In addition to featuring a wide variety of activist information, his website – Good Vibes Promotions hosts electronic dance music events. You can keep up with him and his forthcoming book – Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance, at his Facebook page.


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