DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘Mainstream media’

REAL NEWS Oct.25 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 24, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 25, 2012



The Irish Sue the Banks



Published on Oct 23, 2012 by 

October 2012. 

During the last 2 years we, real ordinary people, have watched our country come to its knees due to a gamble of the banks, the sell out of OUR resources by our politicians and lies and ommitions about our place in the world crises.

The sense of hopelessness has brought hundreds to a very dark place and with no hope they believe in sight many have taken their lives!


There are always Options. We have had enough and got up off our knees and taken control of our own lives again.

We are not professionals, just honest!

If you need to talk – we can listen and due to our self-education we can tell you how we have taken back our lives.

We are not now and never will be slaves.

Remember there are always OPTIONS.

Sometimes we just cant see the woods for the trees, and there are many who would take advantage of that.

Not US.

This is a FREE service by concerned individuals with real knowledge and real OPTIONS!




October 15th 2012
The Irish People have initiated a process of suing the banks en-masse.

We believe the bankers have broken the law by their practices, resulting in widespread ruin in Ireland as businesses close, mortgagors default, families are evicted from their homes, our young people are forced to emigrate and, tragically, many people turn to suicide.

This situation has been caused by the banks, and we will take them to task through the courts to put right their wrongs.

On October 15th over 100 cases were filed in the High Court in Dublin suing various mortgage providers. 
Debt is not the end, you have options.

Contact Debtoptions on facebook or email debtoptions1@gmail.com, or call call 0872565728 to discuss your options.
Debtoptions is a FREE service.









Will Frustrated Homeowners And Armed Posses Take Matters Into Their Own Hands



From BlacklistedNews

By Michael Snyder, BLN Contributing Writer – October 13, 2012

Violent crime is on the rise in the United States, and many Americans are totally fed up. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of household burglaries rose by 14 percent last year, and the overall rate of violent crime in the United States increased by 18 percent during 2011. 

Based on what we have seen so far this year, we will almost certainly see another huge increase once the statistics for 2012 are released. 

All over the country criminals are becoming bolder. 

Meanwhile, police budgets are being slashed from coast to coast. 

Things have gotten so bad in some communities that police are openly admitting that crime is completely and totally out of control. 

For example, police in Detroit recently handed out flyers with this message: Enter Detroit at your own risk

Sadly, you can’t even escape the crime and the violence by staying in your own home these days. 

Home invasions are becoming increasingly common, and many police departments seem powerless to stop them. 

If many of the poorer areas of America today, if you are a victim of a home invasion you will be really lucky to get a police officer to show up a couple of hours later to fill out a report. 

A lot of frustrated home owners have had enough and have started to arm themselves to the teeth. 

Some have even begun to form armed posses to patrol their own neighborhoods. 

We are watching America change right in front of our eyes, and it is frightening to think about what is coming next.

The streets of some U.S. cities have been transformed into war zones at this point. 

Juts check out this excerpt from a recent story about the horrific violence that is taking place in Camden, New Jersey

At the vigil last week, residents prayed that Camden would simply find peace and that the masked gunman who killed Jewel Manire and Khalil Gibson would be caught.

As it grew darker, Michael Benjamin stood toward the back of the crowd, his son huddled even closer now, and shook his head.

“I’ve known at least 45 kids who’ve been killed in my lifetime,” he said, the boy holding his finger. “I stopped counting in 2004, though.”

You may think that talk of “armed posses” patrolling local communities is a little “out there”, but the truth is that it is already happening.

For example, a groups of residents in Josephine County, Oregon have formed the CAC Patrol

They have mounted flashing lights on to their vehicles and they openly carry guns as they patrol their neighborhoods…

There’s no room in the county jail for burglars and thieves.

And the sheriff’s department in a vast, rural corner of southwest Oregon has been reduced by budget cuts to three deputies on patrol eight hours a day, five days a week.

But people in this traditionally self-reliant section of timber country aren’t about to raise taxes to put more officers on the road.

Instead, some folks in Josephine County, larger than the state of Rhode Island, are taking matters into their own hands — mounting flashing lights on their trucks and strapping pistols to their hips to guard communities themselves.

Others have put together a virtual neighborhood watch, using Facebook to share tips and information.

“I believe in standing up for myself rather than waiting for the government to do something for me,” said Sam Nichols, a retired marina manager.

Nichols has organized a posse of about a dozen fed-up residents who have started patrolling the small community of O’Brien, which has about 750 residents.

As home invasions continue to get worse all over the country, I expect that we will see a lot more of this type of thing.

In the old days, we were taught that if burglars enter your home that you should let them take whatever they want and leave.

But these days you simply cannot trust that they will leave you and your family alone. 

Many home invaders actually hope to find someone inside that they can rape, and many victims end up dead.

That is exactly what happened to one man in Gary, Indiana the other day…

Last Friday, Jerry Hood, 48, of Gary, Ind., left work and decided to go home during lunchtime.

Gary police said Hood, who was with a co-worker, noticed activity in his house and called police for help, but did not wait for police to arrive.

Instead he went in and lost his life when he disrupted a home invasion, police say.

Hood died from multiple gunshot wounds.

And that is exactly what happened to another man in Pontiac, Michigan recently…

A shootout during a possible home invasion left the 27-year-old owner dead and a suspected intruder wounded, the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office said.

Deputies were called about 3:25 a.m. to an address in the 800 block of Inglewood Avenue near Cesar Chavez, where a home invasion was reported.

12-year-old girl down in Oklahoma may have been added to the growing list of dead victims if she had not been willing to shoot first and ask questions later.

The story that she recently told police is absolutely chilling…

“He opened the screen door and started pounded on the door. So I didn’t answer it. And I called my mom. She said to go get the gun and hide in the closet.”

Kendra St. Clair says she stayed in the closet until she thought the coast was clear. So she went to check the back door.

And he was standing there trying to open it. So I got really scared and I called 911.”

She went back to the closet. That’s when she heard the man in the house.

“When I was back there on the phone with 911, I heard the bathroom light turn on that was leading to the closet. And when I saw the door handle turn, I shot him. I guess it went through the door, went through him, and went through the wall.”

What do you think would have happened to that 12-year-old girl if she had not had a gun?

You normally would not think of Oklahoma as a high crime state, but the truth is that home invasions are on the rise all over the nation.

Here is another home invasion story from Oklahoma. 

A young mother was home alone with her three-month-old son when two men started breaking into her home. 

Fortunately, she had a gun and was willing to use it…

An Oklahoma woman was recently home with her 3 month old son when two men tried to break in. 

Armed with a shot gun and a pistol she called 9-1-1.

Operator: “Are your doors locked?”

Caller: “Yes, I’ve got two guns in my hand.   Is it ok to shoot him if he comes in this door?”

Operator: “I can’t tell you what you can do but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.”

The mother did shoot killing one of the intruders.  Oklahoma police called the shooting justified.

Would you do the same thing to protect your children?

Sadly, criminals are becoming more desperate than ever and many of them do not even care if there is anyone inside the homes that they are invading.

For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled 11 Shocking Home Invasion Horror Stories That Are Almost Too Creepy To Believe.

Are you starting to see why I believe that more homeowners are going to start taking matters into their own hands?

Some areas of the country that once had very little crime are now seeing crime absolutely skyrocket.

A while back, I shared what one man down in Georgia says is going on in his neck of the woods…

I worked until around 9:30-10 Friday night, and Saturday morning my tools and equipment were gone. Footprints, fingerprints, a neighbor saw the guys and pickup truck –

but the sheriff’s department can’t afford the resources to track them down (by comparison it’s not a violent/murder case or a $40k vehicle…)

I have a security camera on the front gate, and they avoided that by a 100 foot radius – dragging everything across a fence and down into a ditch on the other side of the property.

The day before another neighbor literally met and passed by people that had just robbed his farm, on his way back from the store, less than a mile from his house – he recognized his stuff on the back of their trailer.

This was in the middle of the day.

His gate was locked – but they drove through the ditch and around a field to get to his house.

A local truck repair shop has been in business for 3 generations, and until a few weeks ago had never been robbed.

They are on the main street of a little town, and live right behind the shop.

The front door of the shop is about 30 feet back from the main street.

The thieves parked in FRONT, and loaded up his equipment.

Another big shop was hit on a Saturday morning – main street going into town – they loaded up everything right out the front door, with people seeing them, hundreds of cars driving by… They have bolt cutters, whatever it takes to break in…

Another older shop had a heavy wood door with a metal hasp – they CHOPPED THROUGH THE DOOR WITH AN AX to cut out the metal hasp. A house is 100 feet from this shop.

We live in Georgia, south of Atlanta, and theft has become so bad, the state recently required all scrap yards to take pictures of everything brought in, with a picture of who brought it, a copy of their drivers license, and their tag number.

If it is air conditioning/heating equipment (bigger than a window unit) you must have a commercial heating/ac license or a new equipment bill of sale.

People were ripping the copper ground wires off the sides of power poles and tearing wires off the poles for scrap.

A local gas station/restaurant had their AC equipment stolen so many times, they had to build a chain link locked enclosure around all the equipment.

You can see it from the main street – out in plain view.









How Mainstream Media Deceives You With Its Magic Tricks



From The Internet Post

October 23, 2012 by kristalklear

Words of caution: The videos at the end of this page contain visual evidence that will change how you view the reality that you live in and help free your mind.

If you are happy with how the world works and like to think that everything that you have learned throughout your life is truth, this article is probably not for you.

It is probably best that you stop reading this article because you will most likely be offended.

However, if you want to free your mind and find answers to why the world is such a mess, it would be a good idea to continue reading.

On the other hand, if you are a truth seeker, a person who seeks for the truth with little fear of the unknown, then this article should be of great interest to you.

Mainstream media in the U.S. and most European countries usually contain roughly 25 percent truths and 75 percent distorted information and lies.

The percentage of truths and lies will vary depending on the subject that is being covered.

As for the media in other countries, the truths and lies will vary depending on how control their countries are.

Most people in the U.S. do not realize that their mainstream media outlets are owned and controlled by only six corporations.

Below are two paragraphs extracted from TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com.

Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States.

Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations.

These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day.

They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites.

The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal.

Together, the “big six” absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States.

But even those areas of the media that the “big six” do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated.

For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States.

Companies like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly dominating the Internet.

Why controlling the media is essential for domination

Why are these six corporations so interested in dominating the U.S. mainstream media?

The reason is because the media is one of the most effective tools to control the mass population.

When they control the media, they can influence how the public think.

Controlling how the public think is one of the first steps to controlling its mind and influencing how it thinks.

In other words, this is how they enslave us without our knowledge.

Influencing how we think is great for making them money, because once they influence our thought patterns to a certain degree, they can motivate us to buy their unhealthy foods and drugs, and plant false knowledge into our minds.

For we, the people of the world, to regain our powers and freedom, we will need to rise above the deceptions and lies found in mainstream media, and remove the corrupt leaders who are in charge of it.

Until the corrupt leaders in mainstream media are removed, my advise is to believe 25 percent of the news in mainstream media and take the other 75 percent as potential false news until you can verify that it is true.

Some great techniques to help you do this are to cross reference the information with independent sources and use your intuition to discern the information.

If we, the people of Earth, want to truly be free, we will need to become aware of how the magicians of mainstream media deceives us with their “magic tricks”.

Some of their magic tricks involve subliminal messages, news actors and frequency generators that can send energy patterns or codes that can influence our thought patterns.

If these controlling techniques do not work, do you think they would spend millions of dollars per year on them?

Below are three great videos that show proof that the U.S. mainstream media is full of lies and distorted information.

Even though these videos focus on the U.S. mainstream media, many of the tricks that the U.S. mainstream media use to influence the mind of its population are also heavily practiced in many mainstream media outlets throughout the world.

As always, use your intuition to help you discern the information in the videos.

videos here








U.S.–Slave To Israel

Posted By  poorrichard’s blog

From The Ugly Truth – October 20, 2012

America: From Colony to Nation to Slave

By Michael Scheuer

As Americans fixate on the presidential campaign, they also should note the status of President Obama and Governor Romney.

Yes, both are presidential candidates, but both are also men who — with their predecessors and the Congress — have willingly surrendered American sovereignty and independence to Israel and its U.S.-citizen advocates (Jewish and Evangelical), their organizations, and much of the media.

In return for campaign contributions and positive media coverage, Obama and Romney have enslaved themselves and their country to Israel and some few thousands of disloyal Jewish-Americans and their equally disloyal Christian Evangelical allies.

One has to wonder whether Obama and Romney refer to Israel’s prime minister as “Massa’ Benyamin,” or whether they shuffle and pull their forelocks when groveling for money from Israel’s Jewish-American and Evangelical operatives.

If independence and sovereignty mean anything for a national government, they mean that that government alone decides whether or not the country it governs will go to war.

In the United States, more specifically, its means — constitutionally — that the Congress will decide via a formal vote whether it will declare war on behalf of the American people, who once upon a time were its constitutional masters.

This is, at any rate, how the Founders meant the process to work.

Both houses of the craven U.S. Congress, however, have long since illegally delegated that decision to the president, and our current president regards the Congress with such contempt that he looks first to the UN to see if it is okay for him to bomb hell out of a country like Libya or some other offending party. If on the issue of war-making Israel has become America’s master — and it has, despite Obama’s cowardly ducking of a face-to-face with Massa’ Benyamin — the UN surely is becoming its overseer.

Congress, at day’s end, simply and unquestioningly pays for the U.S. troops who go off to die in wars that have nothing to do with protecting genuine U.S. national interests,

but do please Israel, the UN, or some figment of those militarist viragoes Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Rice, as well as of the pro-war boys McCain and Graham, such as the “democratic and human-rights-loving Libyan and Syrian freedom fighters.”

So each of us can vote as we see fit in November, but we all should recognize that neither candidate intends to restore U.S. sovereignty and independence.

As president, either man will take America to war with Iran — Obama just wants it after 6 November — because that is what Israel and its U.S.-citizen advocates want.

Iran, of course, poses no direct military threat to the United States, but it will exact a fierce and bloody revenge after we and Israel attack by using the intelligence/terrorist surrogates it has long maintained in the United States for just such a response.

Iran’s response likewise will wreck much of what remains of the U.S. economy by disrupting the oil-tanker traffic in the Persian Gulf and perhaps elsewhere.

And all of this pain for what? Another unjustifiable and a historical reliance on air power to do what it has never done and cannot do without nuclear weapons — win a war.

And so we will have yet another unfinished and lost war that will further stoke the fires of the aggressive cultural war both U.S. political parties are waging on the Islamic world.

When America was part of Britain’s Empire, Americans — as loyal British subjects — had no choice but to be at war when the British Crown was at war.

In the two-plus centuries since we won independence from Britain, we have declined in manliness, commonsense, and allegiance to our Constitution to the point where we will go to war at the behest of a foreign nation and in direct violation of U.S. national interests.

In addition, our major mainstream and cable networks use the public’s airwaves to routinely act as agents of a foreign power by supporting Israel’s prime minister against the U.S. president,

while disloyal American citizens enthusiastically corrupt the U.S. political system in support of Israeli interests, Evangelical fanaticism, and the one-world fantasies of the super-national and super-corrupt UN.

Who knows, perhaps we were better off with the Crown. It fought often, but only for genuine British interests.


Michael Scheuer is the author of ‘Imperial Hubris’ and former chief of the CIA’s Bin Laden Issue Station – www.non-intervention.com








Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu : ‘America Won’t Get in Our Way..It’s Easily Moved’

(unaware of camera)



From Rumor Mill News

Published on Sep 29, 2012 by 

Netanyahu ‘America Won’t Get in Our Way..It’s Easily Moved ‘

(Bibi thought the camera stopped recording)

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations on Iran

FULL VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaIQHWfj5f4








Max Igan: Fear by Smart Control



From Prison Planet.com
October 19, 2012

The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion.

At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables

and chairs out of the way, they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. – Frank Zappa










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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

©2009/2010/2011/2012 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Sept 22 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on September 21, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : September 22, 2012


Manufactured Presidential Assassination Attempt Expected To Justify Martial Law



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on September 21, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

White Owl Conspiracy – by Susanne Posel  

In total, there have been a record 48 assassination attempts on President Barack Obama.

Most of these “threats” have turned out to be either staged or unsubstantiated by way of having no real intention to put Obama’s life in danger. However, the idea continues to loom on the social consciousness.

The Secret Service has intercepted an alleged threat on Obama’s life made by a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina.

The suspect, Donte Jarmar Sims, was arrested and is being detained based on suspicion of planning to assassinate Obama at the Democratic National Convention.

Sims had made 5 Twitter messages in a 14 minute period that stated “Ima hit president Obama with that Lee Harvey Oswald swag” and “Well Ima Assassinate president Obama this evening !… Gotta get this monkey off my chest while he’s in town.”

A specialist for the Secret Service who  monitors “ Twitter found Sims’ tweets.

According to the Secret Service, Sims admitted after being interrogated that he hates Obama.

Sims, an African-American, does not fit the barrage of assassination threats made by North Carolina residents of late.

This state appears to have many people, mostly white men, who want to kill Obama.

Jerry Blanchard, back in 2008, threatened to kidnap and kill Obama with a military grade sniper rifle.

The LA Times supposed in an article published in 2008 that there was a plot to kill Obama on national television at the DNC.

Former Marines, Nicholas Daniel Hanke and Kody Brittingham, were arrested for making death threats directed at Obama.

Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State predicted in 2008 that Obama might be assassinated as JFK had been killed in Dallas, Texas.

Andrew Adler, owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times, called for the assassination of Obama in a column published in January of 2012.

In response, the Zionist-sponsored National Jewish Democratic Council condemned Adler saying that the published statements were “the height of irresponsibility to make the horrific suggestion that the State of Israel should assassinate the President of the United States of America.”

According to a DHS informant, the plan concerning a false flag attack released the warning of an anonymous DHS informant is explained as a staged assignation attempt on Obama that will be linked to a white supremacist group that will be used to incite black and Hispanic Americans into starting riots all across the nation.

In this scenario a race war will be the situation needed to implement martial law effectively locking down the US, US Army control of the urban cities, erecting DHS checkpoints on all major points of travel, severe restrictions on travel for all citizens and the suspension of elections to ensure that Obama remain seated as the President of the US.

The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”

Reported in Haaretz back in 2010 the “Obama’s election may usher a political climate that could produce an assassination attempt…It is most likely, though, to be a lone assassin, rather than an organized network.”

Muammar Gaddafi had been extremely vocal about his belief that the Zionist-controlled Israeli government would be behind an assassination attempt against Obama.

The Joint Threat Assessment memo entitled the “2010 State of the Union Address: Joint Threat Assessment”, which propagandized terrorism against Obama claimed that Obama would be attacked by a “lone offender” who would be a member of the US military.

The JTA blueprint is a document classified as a deniable asset and could have come directly out of the Haaretz article.

The manufactured threat of US veterans stems from the 2009 Department of  Homeland Security report entitled Rightwing Extremism .

This report clearly outlined that veterans, because of their diverse training in tactical operations, would be a decisive threat to the US government’s plans to declare martial law against the American public in the near future.

Defined in the document were domestic extremists, particularly white supremacists, were proposed to be the newest and most dangerous threat to the US since al-Qaeda.

The US Armed Forces have suddenly discovered that white supremacists have infiltrated the US military and will the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

and Zionist-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL), they are creating a training course to teach active duty military how to spot those infiltrators in their own ranks.

The plot is laid out for a possible assassination attempt on Obama.

The federal agencies involved are preemptively blaming the US veterans .

The facts all point to a Zionist-sponsored scheme that is supposed to incite a race war in the US which would justify martial law .








UN Small Arms Treaty Passes While Media Sleeps



UN Small Arms Treaty Passes While Media Sleeps

From Alexander Higgins Blog

Posted by  – September 21, 2012

The media was silent as the UN Small Arms Treaty passed in its second session and like all other treaties we will see it slowly adopted in the US.

Freedom Outpost
September 20th, 2012

The United Nations Small Arms Treaty passed in its second session. The Media was silent over its passage.

According to the UN’s press release,

Concluding its two-week session today, the second United Nations conference to review the 2001 Programme of Action on trafficking in small arms

and light weapons adopted a consensus outcome document that highlighted the international community’s renewed commitment to preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade.

The document’s adoption represented a major achievement for delegations, who had failed to agree on a final outcome at the first review conference, held in 2006.

“We accomplished something great today,” said U. Joy Ogwu ( Nigeria), President of the Conference, formally known as the United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent,

Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

According to the text, Member States renewed their pledge to rid the world of the scourge brought upon it by the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of small arms and light weapons,

and their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many parts of the world.

They also committed to mobilizing the necessary political will and resources to implement the Programme of Action and the International Tracing Instrument,

with the aim of achieving clear and tangible results over the next six years, through 2018.

Further by the text, States emphasized that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons continued to sustain conflicts, exacerbate armed violence,

undermine respect for international humanitarian law and international human rights law, aid terrorism and illegal armed groups, and facilitate increasing levels of transnational organized crime,

as well as trafficking in humans, drugs and certain natural resources.

Ahhh yes, the cries of terrorism and drugs and boogey men for the passage of the treaty.

This comes from member nations who knowingly promote these kinds of things.

Even the United States is now in the midst of a scandal involving gunwalking, known as Fast and Furious, and at least one man arrested has come forward and said that Fast and Furious was all about arming drug cartels in Mexico, never about tracking them.

All countries signed the declaration and further documentation can be found here.

According to the program of action:

“8. Reaffirming our respect for and commitment to international law and the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,

including the sovereign equality of States, territorial integrity, the peaceful resolution of international disputes, non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of States, “.

Non-intervention and non-interference? How about Syria? NATO is part of the United Nations.

“9. Reaffirming the inherent right to individual or collective self-defence in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations,”.

Collective means the state, in-contrary to our Bill of Rights guaranteed by our government, but ultimately granted by our Creator.

“10. Reaffirming also the right of each State to manufacture, import and retain small arms and light weapons for its self-defence and security needs, as well as for its capacity to participate in peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, “.

This is just another statement dealing with a ‘collective right’, not an individual right.

The ATF, FBI, Homeland Security, along with all the ‘alphabet’ agencies of the federal and state governments are immune and the tyranny they will accomplish when this treaty is fully implemented staggers the mind.

“11. Reaffirming the right of self-determination of all peoples, taking into account the particular situation of peoples under colonial or other forms of alien domination or foreign occupation,

and recognizing the right of peoples to take legitimate action in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations to realize their inalienable right of self-determination.

This shall not be construed as authorizing or encouraging any action that would dismember or impair, totally or in part,

the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and independent States conducting themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,”

This section was examined previously.

It is important to point out that the West Bank and Gaza are not recognized as an ‘sovereign and independent States’, therefore they are up for grabs.

Of course this will be enforced by the UN’s blue helmets, or International Assistance.

Keys To Liberty reported,

It is interesting to note, the “delegations agreed to strengthen the action programme’s implementation at the national, regional and global levels over the period 2012-2018.

On follow-up measures, they decided to hold a one-week biennial meeting of States in 2014 and 2016,

and a one-week open-ended meeting of governmental experts in 2015 to consider the Programme of Action’s full and effective implementation”.

(Underline Emphasis is the author’s) Over the next few years ‘something’ is needed to fully implement this treaty by 2018.

Each two years they will meet to see how the treaty has been complied with.

This means new statutes in place at the federal level, further restricting the right to keep and bear arms.

An assault weapons ban, large capacity magazine ban and stripper clips ban are just around the corner.

In the future this will probably begin with more ‘false flag’ operations, stemming, and leading to our own government behind them.

More Aurora, Colorado’s, more Sikh Temple type massacres around the country and maybe even a Oklahoma City bombing type event.

Right about now you are probably thinking, so what? As long as the Senate doesn’t ratify all if well.

Ask yourself if you are familiar with the United Nation’s Agenda 21. 

The Senate didn’t ratify that. Instead Bill Clinton basically passed it by executive order.

 Mike Opelka, at the Blaze writes:

Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations.

George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’

This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

So it is perfectly feasible that this will be implemented over a period of years, but very short years.

From The Trenches reports on legislation that is currently before Congress to put the squeeze on those of us wishing to maintain our Second Amendment rights.

Enter H.R. 6241 and S. 3458, identical bills in both houses that are currently in committee; titled Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2012 .

When passed, in person sales of ammunition will be required, as well as registration of amounts exceeding 1,000 rounds, or 1,000 rounds over a week period.

The idea behind this legislation is to make you pay more in the future for ammunition and to register sales.

It will also limit your selection to what ever is available at a local store.

Another bill before Congress, sitting in committee is Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2011. 

It is H.R. 591, in the House and S.35 in the Senate. It would permanently ban Gun Shows if passed.

Here is another one held up in committee, Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011.

This one penalized states that don’t report enough violators to the National Instant Criminal Background Checks.

In the Senate it is S. 436.

Doing a search for ‘assault weapons’ this Bill came up, titled Child Gun Safety And Gun Access Prevention Act Of 2011. 

This one raises the age of ‘Juvenile’ to ‘under 21′ with penalties for transfer of guns, ammunition, high capacity clips to anyone under 21 who might commit a crime.

This one is bound to pass, because of the New Speak in the title.

The socialists will love it.

By the way, what has been covered during the past week?

Oh that’s right, some anti-islamic film, nude pictures of Dutchess Kate and a few political gaffes.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple


Related Posts :








5 reasons why conspiracy theorists are more popular than you think


Conspiracy Theorists

From SabbahReport

Posted by SR EDITOR on 09/21/2012

by Saman Mohammadi

1. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Americans and Westerners agree with the views of more than those of government officials and media personalities.

Public opinion polls show that public trust in government and the media is at an all time low.

Their record of lying to the Western public is difficult to conceal, even with the biggest propaganda machine in history at their disposal.

The growth and influence of the global  has broken the magic spell over the public.

The “” is no longer mainstream.

 The old fringe is the new mainstream.

Conspiracy theorists have been proven right about so many issues and historical events, with 9/11 being the most important among them.

The views of conspiracy theorists are more popular than ever because they are telling the truth.

, former Governor of Minnesota, tested this truth with a live CNN audience on Piers Morgan’s show on Monday, September 17, 2012.

At the 11:45 mark in this video, Piers Morgan tells Jesse Ventura, “I think you make some very sensible points and you make some crackpot points.”

 Ventura responds, “That’s your opinion,” and then asks the live audience, “How many people here think I make crackpot points?” 

One person puts up his hand.

He follows up, asking, “How many think I make sensible points?” The audience cheers and claps.

Ventura turns to Morgan and says, “You’re in the minority, my good friend.”

2. The label “” has been used to death, and it is no longer effective in sidelining anti-government narratives to the fringe of public thought and public discourse.

Honest Western intellectuals have caught on to the fact that the label “conspiracy theorist” is a ridiculously overused in Western public discourse and serves no other purpose than to marginalize dissent.

The label is used by abusive government officials and media personalities to subvert the democratic will of the American people and attack the credibility of dissidents.

It is a sign of social progress and intellectual development that more people are aware of the true intentions behind the habitual use of this totalitarian label by the government and media.

3. The global alternative media is raising the political consciousness of America and the West, and liberating millions from a propaganda prison whose bars are made of language and official narratives.

The reasons why people reject conspiracy theories are more well known today because of the Internetand global alternative media.

This profound change has had the effect of creating a highly self-aware and super-conscious public that cannot be easily fooled into believing government false flags and deceptions as it was before.

Millions of thoughtful individuals are learning to treat anti-government narratives rationally and maturely, whereas in the past they used to stick the label “conspiracy theory” on them and didn’t take them seriously.

In the new language of mental resistance to government oppression, the term “conspiracy theory” is not applicable to alternative readings of history and alternative interpretations of current events.

4. The contradictions within mainstream narratives are harder to gloss over than before. 

It is impossible to keep track of all the official deceptions.

Recent revelations in Libya and Syria have put mainstream narratives of the conflicts taking place there into question.

After unofficially arming and financing  affiliated groups in both countries, certain Western policy makers and their counterparts in Israel and the Arab monarchies are dishonestly making the argument that the growth of radical Islam demands greater Western intervention.

But their manipulative policy is the reason why the influence of radical Islamists is growing in the Arab world, so their case for more war is built on sand and illusion.

In this new information environment, conspiracy theorists are able to make the case that their interpretations of epoch-making historical events are factually correct by providing evidence and historical analysis to back up their controversial statements.

5. The growth of the public intelligence community over the last several years is counter-balancing the power of anti-freedom forces in secret intelligence communities and their spies in the corporate media.

From now on, conspiracy theorists should be described as public intelligence analysts.

We are part of a public intelligence community whose headquarters is the entire world.

The public intelligence community has bases in North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa, China, Russia, and the .

Our loyalty is to truth, freedom, and peace.

We investigate reality to serve humanity, and bring nations together under the banner of peace and co-existence.

Public intelligence analysts such as Webster TarpleyThierry MeyssanAlex JonesTony CartalucciDavid IckeGerald CelentePaul Craig Roberts,

and many others are destroying deceptive mainstream narratives that have been created to justify needless conflict between countries and civilizations.

The global 9/11 truth and justice movement is the fruit of the public intelligence community.

And it will grow exponentially as more people wake up and look into the 9/11 events with a more critical eye.

Conclusion: The propaganda paradigm is collapsing.

The truth about 9/11 is surfacing to global collective consciousness.

Be optimistic about the future.

The answers are staring us in the face.

The solutions are in front of us.

All we have to do is look.





Heavily-armored DHS vehicles seen on road



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on September 21, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

Fellowship of Minds  Remember these posts on FOTM?:

Now we can add these Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) armored vehicles.

FOTM’s Hardnox received this as an email, but the same information is also in Mac Slavo’s article of Sept. 13, 2012, on PrisonPlanet.com.

Here’s the email:

Seen On The Road Last Week

What could they need equipment like this for here in the US?

They are hitting the road! Caravans of National Guard equipment but with new never-before-seen equipment in the caravans.

Take a close look at what is painted on the side of the Black Humvees.

The Humvees are fully armored — the same standard used by our military.

They are gearing up and now have enforcement vehicles and are training with the National Guard, FEMA and Police.

This armored caravan includes the mammoth GLS vehicle, the largest vehicleon the trailer.

You don’t get anymore armored than the GLS, a serious piece of equipment that has never been used inside the United States until now.

Reportedly, DHS has 2,500 of these monsters.

~End of email~

Add to all this the purchase of ammunition (including lethal hollow-point bullets) and high-powered rifles by federal government agencies.

See my posts:

The ducks seem to be lining up.

See also:


FOTM’s Wild Bill Alaska found this info on those GLS vehicles:

The GLS is an acronym for GESELLSCHAFT FUR LOGISTISCHEN SERVICE, the German supplier of these vehicles.

These are heavily armored vehicles designed to survive IED attacks. Read more about them, here.









The GMO debate is over; GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity




From NaturalNews

Friday, September 21, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles…)

(NaturalNews) The GMO debate is over.

There is no longer any legitimate, scientific defense of growing GM crops for human consumption.

The only people still clinging to the outmoded myth that “GMOs are safe” are scientific mercenaries with financial ties to Monsanto and the biotech industry.

GMOs are an anti-human technology.

They threaten the continuation of life on our planet.

They are a far worse threat than terrorism, or even the threat of nuclear war.

As a shocking new study has graphically shown, GMOs are the new thalidomide.

 When rats eat GM corn, they develop horrifying tumors.

Seventy percent of females die prematurely, and virtually all of them suffer severe organ damage from consuming GMO.

These are the scientific conclusions of the first truly “long-term” study ever conducted on GMO consumption in animals, and the findings are absolutely horrifying. 

What this reveals is that genetic engineering turns FOOD into POISON.

Remember thalidomide?

Babies being born with no arms and other heart-breaking deformities?

Thalidomide was pushed as “scientific” and “FDA approved.”

The same lies are now being told about GMO: they’re safe.

They’re nutritious.

They will feed the world!

But the real science now coming out tells a different picture: GMOs may be creating an entire generation of cancer victims who have a frighteningly heightened risk of growing massive mammary gland tumors caused by the consumption of GM foods.

We are witnessing what may turn out to be the worst and most costly blunder in the history of western science: the mass poisoning of billions of people with a toxic food crop that was never properly tested in the first place.

Remember: GMOs are an anti-human technology. And those who promote them are, by definition, enemies of humankind.

GMOs are unfit for human consumption

The evidence keeps emerging, day after day, that GMOs are absolutely and without question unfit for human consumption.

France has already launched an investigation that may result in the nation banning GM corn imports.

It’s already illegal to grow genetically modified crops in France, but the nation still allows GMO imports, meaning France still allows its citizens to be poisoned by imported GM corn grown in America.

The GMO industry, not surprisingly, doesn’t want any independent research conducted on GMOs.

They don’t want long-term feeding trials, and they most certainly do not want studies conducted by scientists they can’t control with financial ties.

What they want is to hide GMOs in products by making sure they’re not listed on the labels. Hence the biotech industry’s opposition to Proposition 37 (www.CArighttoknow.org).

The tactics of the biotech industry are:

HIDE genetically modified ingredients in foods
FALSIFY the research to claim GMOs are safe
MANIPULATE the scientific debate by bribing scientists
DENY DENY DENY just like Big Tobacco, DDT, thalidomide, Agent Orange and everything else that’s been killing us over the last century

Monsanto is now the No. 1 most hated corporation in America.

The company’s nickname is MonSatan.

It is the destructive force behind the lobbying of the USDA, FDA, scientists and politicians that have all betrayed the American people and given in to genetically modified seeds.

These seeds, some of which grow their own toxic pesticides right inside the grain, are a form of chemical brutality against children and adults. This is “child abuse” at its worst.

It’s an abuse of all humans.

It is the most serious crime ever committed against nature and all of humankind.

Science for sale

That’s what you get with payola science… science “for sale” to wealthy corporations.

Nearly all the studies that somehow conclude GMO are safe were paid for by the biotech industry.

Every one of those studies is unreliable and most likely fraudulent.

Every scientist that conducts “research” for Monsanto is almost certainly a sellout at minimum… and more likely a jackal operative working for an industry of death.

Corporate science is fraudulent science. When enough money is at stake, scientists can be bought off to even declare smoking cigarettes to be safe. And they did, throughout the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Some of those very same scientists are now working for the Monsantos of the world, peddling their scientific fraud to the highest bidder (which always happens to be a wealthy corporation).

There is no poison these scientists won’t promote as safe — even “good for you!”

There is no limit to their evil. There are no ethics that guide their actions.

GMO-promoting scientists are the most despicable humanoid creatures to have ever walked the surface of this planet.

To call them “human” is an insult to humanity.

They are ANTI-human.

They are demonic.

They are forces of evil that walk among the rest of us, parading as authorities when in their hearts and souls they are actually corporate cowards and traitors to humankind.

To pad their own pockets, they would put at risk the very future of sustainable life on our planet… and they do it consciously, insidiously.

They feed on death, destruction, suffering and pain.

They align with the biotech industry precisely because they know that no other industry is as steeped in pure evil as the biotech industry.

GMO pushers will lie, cheat, steal, falsify and even mass-murder as many people as it takes to further their agenda of total global domination over the entire food supply… at ANY cost.

This is war at the genetic level. And this kind of war makes bullets, bombs and nukes look downright tame by comparison.

Because the GMO war is based on self-replicating genetic pollution which has already been released into the environment; into the food supply; and into your body.

The hundreds of millions of consumers who eat GMO are being murdered right now, with every meal they consume… and they don’t even know it. GMO-pimping scientists are laughing at all the death they’re causing.

They enjoy tricking people and watching them die because it makes their sick minds feel more powerful.

These were the geeks in school who were bullied by the jocks.

But now, with the power of genetic manipulation at their fingertips, they can invoke their hatred against all humankind and “bully” the entire world with hidden poisons in the food.

That makes them smile.

It’s the ultimate revenge against a world that mistreated them in their youth.

Death to everyone!

Society must respond in defense of life on Earth

The sheer brutality of what the GMO industry has committed against us humanity screams out for a decisive response.

It is impossible to overreact to this. No collective response goes too far when dealing with an industry that quite literally threatens the very basis of life on our planet.

To march government SWAT teams into the corporate headquarters of all GMO seed companies and shut down all operations at gunpoint would be a mild reaction — and fully justified.

To indict all biotech CEOs, scientists, employees and P.R. flacks and charge them with conspiring to commit crimes against humanity would be a small but important step in protecting our collective futures.

To disband all these corporations by government order have their assets seized and sold off to help fund reparations to the people they have harmed is but a tiny step needed in the defense of life.

The truth is that humanity will never be safe until GMO seed pushers and manufacturers are behind bars, locked away from society and denied the ability to ever threaten humanity again.

What the Nuremberg trials did to IG Farben and other Nazi war crimes corporations, our own government must now do to Monsanto and the biotech industry.

It is time for decisive intervention.

Monsanto must be stopped by the will of the People.

The mass poisoning of our families and children by an evil, destructive corporation that seeks to dominate the world food supply must be halted.

The GMO debate is over.

The horrors are now being revealed.

The truth can no longer be hidden, and the reaction from the public cannot be stopped.

Prediction: Activist attacks on GM seeds and the criminals who promote them

The era of GMO deception is history.

A food revolution is upon us.

And if governments will not halt the mass poisoning of our world by evil corporations, I have no doubt that the People will, by themselves, eventually invoke other necessary methods of halting this great evil.

I predict a future where — and for the record I DO NOT encourage this — shipments of GM seeds to farmers are raided and destroyed by activists.

I predict Monsanto employees being publicly named and shamed on websites.

I predict — but DO NOT CONDONE — scientists who conduct research for Monsanto being threatened, intimidated and even physically attacked.

Again, for the record, I DO NOT IN ANY WAY condone such behavior, but I predict it will emerge as an inevitable reaction to the unfathomable evil being committed by the GMO industry and all its co-conspirators.

The “Army of the 12 monkeys” may become reality. (See the sci-fi movie “12 monkeys” starring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis.)

What we are fighting for here is the protection of our species.

We are fighting for the sanctity of life on our planet.

Those who threaten that life must be stopped from continuing to harm us.

This evil must be put back in its box and prevented from ever threatening us again.

Even Congress is starting to state the obvious on how evil Monsanto really is.

Just yesterday, Congressman Dennis Kucinich demanded GMO labeling in a powerful speech.

Watch that at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J_YvtbSSqg




GMO, Global Alert

Published on Sep 19, 2012 by 

French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders… full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.

More information http://www.gmo-global-alert.net



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REAL NEWS Sept 05 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on September 4, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : September 05, 2012


News Alert: military planes spotted dumping radioactive cesium near Fukushima



From Benjamin Fulford’s Blog

September 04, 2012

White Dragon Society affiliates in Fukushima prefecture are reporting that until recently planes have been dumping radioactive cesium on mountainsides in Fukushima prefecture.

These planes have now been banned from Japan but are still dumping radio-active waste elsewhere as a part of the ongoing Fukushima nuclear terror psychological warfare operation.

The planes began dumping the radioactive material in the months following the attack in order to try to force the evacuation of greater Tokyo.

We can also report from multiple Geiger counter readings made in and around Fukushima that heavy rains have washed away most of the original radiation emitted following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack.

Message to the mass murdering terrorists: we are coming to get you. There will soon be nowhere left on the planet to hide.








The American People Are Angry



Published on Jun 27, 2012 by 


“The American people are angry.They are angry because they are living through the worst recession since the Great Depression,” said Bernie Sanders said on the floor of the Senate. 



For more information, please visit: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/news/?id=15dad430-967e-4179-968c-2d7b0…








TSA Caught In Huge Power Grab!



Published on Sep 3, 2012 by 

TSA thugs are proud of the fact that in all 50 states they are testing peoples drinks and food that is purchased after they pass the abuse and harassment control freak checkpoints of the TSA “officers”.

This is nothing but a power grab where the public are conditioned to put up with any command no matter how mindless.

The airports are tyranny zones where the criminal government test new forms of domination on the sheep like public before rolling it out on the street.


Video Shows TSA’s Bizarre New Security Policy

Federal agency tests drinks purchased inside airport

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, September 3, 2012

A video clip shot yesterday at Columbus Ohio Airport illustrates how the Transportation Security Administration has dreamed up a bizarre new way to waste time and taxpayer dollars – by testing drinks purchased by travelers for explosives inside the airport long after they have already passed security.

The footage shows TSA agents walking around a departure lounge asking to test passengers’ drinks for explosive residue with a swab they hold over the liquid.

“Now remember that this is inside the terminal, well beyond the security check and purchased inside the terminal…just people waiting to get on the plane,” writes the You Tube user who uploaded the video.

“My wife and son came back from a coffee shop just around the corner, then we were approached. I asked them what they were doing. One of the TSA ladies said that they were checking for explosive chemicals (as we are drinking them). I said “really – inside the terminal? You have got to be kidding me.”

I asked them if they wanted to swab us all.

She responded with something like, ‘yes sometimes we need to do that’.

I then asked if she wanted a urine sample…nonetheless, the TSA is way out of control,” he adds, joking that the TSA’s next move could be to visit people’s homes before they even leave for the airport (they’re already in the parking lot demanding to search people who aren’t even flying!)

As we have previously highlighted, the drinks policy was recently introduced with virtually no explanation from the TSA whatsoever. The much vaunted 2006 liquid bomb plot on which this nonsense is all based completely collapsed in court and was revealed to be farcical at best.

Experts have savaged rules relating to liquids being carried through security as pointless and unnecessary and yet they still remain in place six years later, with ludicrous cases routinely popping up of mothers having to drink their own breast milk or even pump it into empty bottles.

But this new rule applies to drinks purchased within the airport after travelers have already passed airport security, items that have presumably already had to pass some form of security check to be brought inside the airport in the first place.

The drinks testing farce has been accompanied by other harebrained TSA schemes which have virtually nothing to do with genuine security and everything to do with subjecting the public to intimidation and obedience training.

The federal agency recently brought in a similarly asinine new policy in which travelers are ordered to “freeze” on command by TSA screeners while passing through security – for no apparent reason other than to check they will obey orders without question.

Perhaps the TSA should concentrate on real security threats and cleaning up the behavior of their own criminally-prone employees instead of harassing travelers who have already been through the ordeal of a grope down or a radiation body scan.

Given the fact that TSA agents now festoon political eventshighways and even prom nights, how long is it before we have blue-shirted goons in fast food restaurants checking whether or not our Diet Cokes are weapons of mass destruction?


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com.

He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.








Mainstream Media (Can You Believe IT ??) begins questioning safety of fluoride



Main Stream Media’s Usual Stance on Truth !

From the Trenches World Report

Posted on September 4, 2012 by Admin

Natural News – Dr. Keith Ablow, a prominent psychiatrist and member of the Fox News ”Medical A-Team,” recently wrote an editorial for the newsgiant that questions the safety of water fluoridation in light of all the recent science illustrating its dangers.

The piece is indicative of an increasing awareness, even within the mainstream media, that Americans have not been told the full story about fluoride, despite having it largely forced on them in the name of promoting dental health.

Citing a recent scientific review compiled by experts at Harvard University that identifies a clear link between fluoride exposure and brain damage, Dr. Ablow rightly presses the issue about whether or not fluoridating public water supplies truly is in the best interests of promoting public health.

 NaturalNews also recently covered the Harvard study, which was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. (http://www.naturalnews.com/036873_fluoride_lower_IQ_brain_damage.html)

Surprising that it would come from a source like Fox News, Dr. Ablow points out that a comprehensive analysis of 27 different fluoride studies confirms that fluoride damages brain tissue, particularly in unborn babies and young children.

Such exposure to fluoride, which comes not only from drinking fluoridated water but also from bathing in it, ends up significantly lowering the average IQ level among children exposed, the analysis found.

Not only that, fluoride exposure visibly changes cellular structures in the brain,according to Dr. Ablow’s analysis of the study, which in turn increases levels of aluminum in brain tissue.

This aluminum buildup coincides with the formation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain which, as you may recall, are linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and various other forms of dementia.

What the Harvard study confirms, in other words, is that even relatively minimal exposure to fluoride among children and babies is linked to brain development abnormalities, dementia, and other forms of mental illness.

And as we have pointed out numerous times before here at NaturalNewsfluoride also replaces natural iodine in the thyroid and other glands, causing severe hormonal changes that affect numerous aspects of human health. (http://www.naturalnews.com/031317_fluoride_iodine.html)

All of this emerging research, of course, is what prompted the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to adjust its recommendation for optimal fluoride levels in public water supplies (http://www.naturalnews.com/030952_CDC_fluoride.html).

There simply is no way for so-called health experts and conventional dentists to legitimately continue denying that fluoride exposure is toxic, particularly for the youngest members of society.

Why, then, are cities like Portland, Oregon, which have long refused to jump on the fluoridation bandwagon, now suddenly considering adding fluoride to their water supplies? (http://www.naturalnews.com)

This is essentially the same question being asked by Fox News Dr. Ablow, who admits that, based on all the available data, it makes no scientific sense to deliver fluoride chemicals via the water supply, if at all.

You can read Dr. Ablow’s write-up here: http://www.foxnews.com

Oppose fluoridation of Portland’s water supply on September 6

Concerning Portland’s proposed addition of fluoride to the public water supply, health freedom advocates and those opposed to forcibly mass-medicating Portland residents with fluoride toxins can attend, and even speak at, an open hearing on September 6 at 2:00 pm at Portland City Hall.

The hearing will take place on thesecond floor of the building in the Council Chambers, which is located at 1221 SW 4th Ave. in Portland.

The official City Council vote on whether or not to fluoridate will reportedly take place on September 12.

To learn more, and to contact the Portland City Council to express vehement opposition to water fluoridation, visit: http://www.portlandonline.com/index.cfm?c=28533

Sources for this article include :









 The Diaspora Jewish community’s refusal to hear about atrocities committed by Israel

(Australian papers cover atrocities documented by Israeli soldiers group, but Aussie Jewish orgs blindly deny the reports)




by  on September 4, 2012

Fresh news about the Diaspora Jewish community’s refusal to hear about atrocities committed by Israel, let alone act on them, even as the wider community seems to be opening its eyes. 

Last week the Israeli soldiers’ group Breaking the Silence released a staggering report on the abuse, dehumanization, and shootings of Palestinian children by the Israeli army.

The report demonstrates that Israeli soldiers cross moral red lines without concern because they know they will never be punished for destroying Palestinians’ human rights.

Sadly, the report has gotten scarcely any attention in the US media. But it has been covered in Europe and Australia.

Two leading Australian papers published a big story on the report: The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.

Antony Loewenstein has a post up on the matter, chronicling the angry response by Jewish groups to the news:

The Aus­tralian Jew­ish News was out­raged, pro­vid­ing a space for Zion­ist spokes­peo­ple to damn all the al­le­ga­tions:

“ Another Israel-bashing headline”, “a flagrantly one-sided piece” and “ threadbare and unsubstantiated ­allegations”

A state­ment was re­leased by Danny Lamm, Pres­i­dent of the Ex­ec­u­tive Coun­cil of Aus­tralian Jewry:

“How sad it is that once-great broad­sheets like the Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald and The Age have been re­duced to fea­tur­ing crude pro­pa­ganda on their front page.

Loewenstein notes that the bash was then joined by the head of the Israel lobby in Australia, Colin Ruben­stein, and a Jewish Labor MP named Michael Danby, who sought to leverage financial pressure on the newspapers:

Michael Danby told J-Wire: “I felt The Age cov­er­age was worse than the Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald’s as their head­line was more bi­ased and the graph­ics used were larger and more emo­tive.”

Speaking at the opening in Melbourne of the Is­raeli Film Fes­ti­val, Danby said: “I was not surprised to see the Fair­fax share price plum­met­ing. On days when hun­dreds of civil­ians were being killed in Syria, The Age and the Sydney Morn­ing Her­ald were re­hash­ing unverified re­hashed propaganda against Israel.”

He ap­pealed to Greg Hay­wood, the chair­man of Fair­fax to ex­plain why his chain gave such promi­nence to this story.

Breaking the Silence responded to the Australian critics with a defiant statement  ot its own.

The soldiers group asserted that its witnesses are telling the truth and it took jabs at armchair Diaspora Jews:

While the question of whether and to what degree Diaspora Jews should advocate their views on internal Israeli affairs is an open one, beating on Israelis of other political convictions is not.

 Lamm’s armchair Zionism pontificating from afar, while true Israelis put their lives on the line, imposes certain restraints on his engagement.

Loewenstein– who is the editor of a new volume of essays, After Zionism, to which I am also a contributor– explains the larger context of the controversy: 

The re­sponses by the Jew­ish establishment are noth­ing short of mean­ing­less in­tol­er­ance. And para­noia.

Increasingly  the reality of Is­raeli crimes are entering the mainstream and all they can do is bleat about propaganda and Is­raeli morality.

Fewer and fewer peo­ple believe this in 2012….

I thought this would be the end of the story but then this week I re­ceived an email (I’ve pub­lished it all below, reproving any rel­e­vant names) that reveals attempts by the sup­pos­edly more lib­eral wing of the Jew­ish com­mu­nity to en­cour­age peo­ple not to at­tend Is­rael/Pales­tine re­lated talks in Aus­tralia be­cause their minds must be cor­rupted.

Or some­thing. It reeks of big­otry and fear…. Zion­ism it­self is the problem here.

Here’s the beginning of the email Loewenstein published, from the liberal Zionist group Habonim Dror.

It characterizes Breaking the Silence as “sim­plis­tic and nar­row.”

Staggering denial– though note that, yes, another Jewish group was sponsoring Breaking the Silence in Australia:

———- For­warded mes­sage ———-
From: Daniel Crook 
Date: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:20 PM
Sub­ject: [mel­bogs] Please Read {01}

Tomorrow night Hashy are hosting an event where the au­di­ence will hear from two speakers, one of the speakers is Micha Kurz, who is the co-founder of a NGO in Is­rael called ‘ Breaking the Silence’.

Hearing this came at quite a shock to me and I want to highly encourage anyone thinking of going to read this email before you go and show your support.

‘ Breaking the Silence  are highly crit­i­cised for being an anti-Zion­ist and anti-Is­rael or­gan­i­sa­tion, and are also crit­i­cised for being left wing extremists…

Anti Israel sentiment is growing throughout the world, as we see on our own universities campuses, and ‘ Breaking the Silence’ are po­ten­tially fueling a lot of this opin­ion.

‘ Breaking the Silence’ rely on the use of very ex­treme examples, including in­ter­views, testimonies and imag­ing, to show and un­cover what they term the shock­ing re­al­i­ties of Is­rael and the IDF.

They are highly crit­i­cised for pro­vid­ing a non-Zion­ist and highly over-simplistic view of the is­sues at hand and pre­sent a pic­ture of IDF ac­tions against Pales­tini­ans that is com­pletely re­moved from and ig­nores the larger Is­rael-Pales­tin­ian con­flict, which as a re­sult adds in a se­ri­ous way to the world wide anti-Is­rael sen­ti­ment that af­fects our lives as Zion­ists in a se­ri­ous way.

In short, the ex­am­ples that they use to ful­fil their mis­sion are very ex­treme and are taken out of con­text, they crit­i­cise the IDF and the Is­raeli gov­ern­ment with a very one-sided agenda, and also in­clude no pro­duc­tive stance about a more pos­i­tive di­rec­tion for Is­raeli so­ci­ety.


About Philip Weiss

Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of Mondoweiss.net.








 Israeli Official: Obama ‘Will Make Netanyahu Pay’ If Reelected

 Many Israeli officials aren’t taking the Obama administration’s signals very well




From AntiWar.com

by John Glaser, September 01, 2012

Some Israeli security officials are trying to downplay the Pentagon’s decision to significantly scale back its participation in a US-Israeli military exercise, even though it was pretty clearly meant as a signal that Washington doesn’t support Israel’s march to war with Iran.

“Israel has no idea why the Americans decided to reduce the number of troops it will send to the drill,” one security official told the Jerusalem Post.

“The ties between the US and Israeli armies are strong, and we would have known if the reduction had something to do with any tensions between Jerusalem and Washington.”

The exercise, scheduled to begin in September, will include only about 1,200 US troops, as opposed to the initially planned 5,000.

Other Israelis clearly see the move for what it is.

 “Basically what the Americans are saying is, ‘We don’t trust you,’ another senior Israeli military official told Time magazine.

“I think they don’t want to insinuate that they are preparing something together with the Israelis against Iran – that’s the message,” says Israeli analyst Efraim Inbar.

A rift has been growing between the administrations of Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu over whether to launch an unprovoked war of choice against Iran for a nuclear weapons program it doesn’t even have.

“The US elections are in two months, and there is no doubt that President Barack Obama, if he is reelected, will make Netanyahu pay for his behavior,” said an Israeli security cabinet member. “It will not pass quietly.”

Last 5 posts by John Glaser :








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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777


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REAL NEWS : July 30, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on July 29, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : July 30, 2012


 The Real Microchip Controversy

From Unexplainable.Net

 By David Martinez – July 28, 2012


This past week, media outlets around the internet were reporting that in the Obama Health Care Bill was a requirement that all US citizens and babies were to receive a RFID (radio frequency identification) microchip or Medchip implanted in them by 2013.

The majority of these reports cite a reference to H.R. 3200 that establishes a “National Medical Device Registry” and a “class II device that is implantable, life supporting, or life sustaining.”

These devices would then be used to harbor an individual’s identification and health information.

This sent the online world into a frenzy with headlines popping up that read “Human Bugging Becomes Reality” to “The Mark of the Beast is Upon Us.”

But there was one problem. That bill never passed.

That bill was an early generation of the bill that did pass, which is H.R. 3590.

So while the language has changed over the course since its inception, there are no plans for American citizens to line up and receive microchips injections as if they were getting their annual flu shot.

Instead the federal government could only collect data pertaining to medical devices, not the person.

But like all bills and laws the terminology of the contents are not only vague but also quite overwhelming to someone that doesn’t have a degree in law or some higher schooling.

But to get an understanding of the difference between H.R. 3200 and H.R. 3590, here’s an example.

Had H.R. 3200 passed, every American could or would be implanted with an RFID microchip that contains your identification and health information.

If you did not have said microchip, receiving medical attention would be extremely difficult because health providers would state that you would have to have it.

But like all technology it could be used for or against you.

These microchips, in theory, could also pinpoint your location or maybe even turn into a bugging device to find out what you shouldn’t be doing.

And if the Patriot Act has taught us anything, it’s that to protect the country, the government can use whatever means necessary.

Even if that means using a microchip implanted in your body against you.

But H.R. 3590 passed.

This made sure that the Secretary of Health and Human Services would only collect data from medical devices, such as pacemakers, and not collect data from people.

But even though it looks like Big Brother has been thwarted, the door for this reality might have been just left wide open.

Legal analysts state that the Secretary of Health and Human Services could argue that for the proper collection of data of medical devices they would also have to track the health and lifestyle of everyone with these medical devices.

To make sure that the device is working properly it would then be necessary to monitor every aspect of a person’s life to rule out the chance that the device has been tampered with.

This would mean that collection of data would have to not only extend to the device itself but to the person themselves or even the people around them. And this creates a loophole that will make it legal to track an individual and document there activities.

The need for data collection has its ups and downs.

Yes, we need it to take care of ourselves but also to take care of the people we care about.

But at what cost?

Having the government know every move a person makes and attribute it to collecting data for a medical device is not only unlawful but also mischievous.

It goes against our Fourth Amendment right to privacy and illegal search and seizures.

But would you gamble on your health or your child’s health if you were to have one of these medical devices?

For the majority of us, we wouldn’t.

Then the government can monitor and track us all they want as long as we can keep the ones we care about safe.



Although I agree with almost all of what you say here, I highly disagree with your last sentence.

The only true way to keep our children safe, medical or otherwise, is to keep the Government far, far away from them.

Because let’s face it, the only true threat to our children and the rest of us,

is our Government as it stands today, as you basically pointed out all through your post.

I, myself,  make NO EXCEPTIONS, medical, children or otherwise !

And I have that right as does everyone else,

no matter how many unconstitutional laws they may pass against ‘ WE THE PEOPLE ‘  }~~~Xaniel777










From Liberty Fight

By Martin Hill 
February 25, 2012

The issue of filming police officers in the United States has become an extremely contentious one.

Despite the fact that we have freedom of the press and the God-given natural rights we are endowed with, police nationwide are telling people that it is illegal to film police.

Some states have even tried to use “wiretapping laws” to prosecute people who record audio of police.

This is a gross mis-use and abuse of legitimate wiretapping laws, which were meant to cover telephone conversations which require consent of both parties.

Police often commit crimes against citizens, in public and private. Officers often beat, taze, and even rape and kill innocent people.

They conduct illegal searches, plant evidence, make up phony charges, seize and destroy people’s cell phones and cameras, and then lie in court about all of it.

Police supervisors will then often coerce or intimidate people into not filing formal complainst against officers.

Many innocent people who film police and police abuses are then arrested, charged, and left to fight phony charges.

Along with this comes the monetary expense, loss of freedom, and stress that often accompanies facing criminal charges.

We should not stand for this.

We need to exercise our rights, or we will lose them.


 For those of you who may be confused about our right to film on-duty police officers,

here is a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division dated May 14, 2012 outlining the “individuals’ right to record “police activity”


U.S. Department of Justice Slaps Baltimore Police Over Right to Record Issue 5/16/12 

First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules that Citizens Can Videotape Police 

“On Friday, August 26, 2011, the First Circuit Court of Appeals, which is New England’s highest federal court just below the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled that citizens are allowed to videotape law officials while they conduct official duties.”

Federal Courts Rule it is Not Illegal to Film Police 9/1/11

“This specific case in question was Simon Glik vs.The City of Boston (and several police officers), in which a teenage Simon Gilk was arrested after videotaping Boston Police abusing a homeless man. While Mr. Gilk was not interfering with the police, he was arrested on wiretapping charges.”

Appeals Court Rules It Is Not Illegal To Film Police

“The filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place, including police officers performing their responsibilities, fits comfortably within these principles [of protected First Amendment activity].,” said the Court.

“Gathering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting the free discussion of governmental affairs,” stated the ruling, adding that this has been the case all along, and that the right to film police officers is not just restricted to the press.

Here is the text of the Glik ruling:

For those of you pushing the propaganda that filming police is “wiretapping”, that is bogus too:

Federal Appeals Court Rejects Illinois’ Eavesdropping Law As Likely Violating The First Amendment


Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate.

His work has been featured on LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened, Infowars, PrisonPlanet, National Motorists Association, WorldNetDaily, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI 640, The Press Enterprise, Antiwar.com, IamtheWitness.com, FreedomsPhoenix, Rense, BlackBoxVoting, and many others.

Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com








These Streets are Watching (Full Version)

From Underground Documentaries

July 19, 2012

These Streets are Watching is a 50 minute video on police accountability in three communities; Denver, Cincinnati and Berkeley. 

The video documents incidents of possible police brutality.  Independent filmmaker, Jacob Crawford, weaves three cities responses to police brutality into a single tale of community empowerment and direct action.

The film conveys basic legal concepts that can provide practical help to groups and individuals seeking an understanding of their rights when dealing with police.

The film is divided into sections that explain citizen’s basic rights, tactics for documenting police activity and ideas for further action and organizing.








Syria: Washington’s Latest War Crime


Veterans News Now

From Veterans News Now

by Paul Craig Roberts

Posted by  – July 26, 2012

Washington’s cover for its violent overthrow of other governments is always moralistic verbiage. First the target is demonized, and then Washington’s naked aggression is described as “bringing freedom and democracy,” “overthrowing a brutal dictator,” “protecting women’s rights.” Any assortment of cant words and phrases seems to work.

The funeral of former Syrian Defence Minister General Hassan Ali Turkmani, Defence Minister Daoud Rajha and Assef Shawkat, the brother-in-law of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, at the unknown soldier monument in Damascus July 20, 2012 in this handout photograph released by Syria’s national news agency SANA.

One wonders what Syrians are thinking as “rebels” vowing to “free Syria” take the country down the same road to destruction as “rebels” in Libya.

Libya, under Gaddafi a well run country whose oil revenues were shared with the Libyan people instead of monopolized by a princely class as in Saudi Arabia, now has no government and is in disarray with contending factions vying for power.

Just as no one knew who the Libyan “rebels” were, with elements of al Qaeda reportedly among them, no one knows who the Syrian “rebels” are, or indeed if they are even rebels (Antiwar.com).

Some “rebels” appear to be bandit groups who seize the opportunity to loot and to rape and set themselves up as the governments of villages and towns. Others appear to be al Qaeda. (Antiwar.com)

Bomb killed Syrian Defence Minister, General Daoud Rajha. AFP

The fact that the “rebels” are armed is an indication of interference from outside.

There have been reports that Washington has ordered its Saudi and Bahrain puppet governments to supply the “rebels” with military weaponry.

Some suspect that the explosion that killed the Syrian Defense Minister and the head of the government’s crisis operations was not the work of a suicide bomber but the work of a US drone or missile reminiscent of Washington’s failed attempts to murder Saddam Hussein.

Regardless, Washington regarded the terror attack as a success, declaring that it showed the rebels were gaining “real momentum” and called on the Syrian government to respond to the attack by resigning. (reuters.com)

The following is from a leaked intelligence document describing a previous Western terrorist intervention in Syria just in case any reader is so naive as to think that “our government would never do that.”

“In order to facilitate the action of liberative (sic) forces, …a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. …[to] be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention, …

Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals. …Incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus …

Further: a “necessary degree of fear .. frontier incidents and (staged) border clashes”, would “provide a pretext for intervention… the CIA and SIS [MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.” (Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957) (globalreasearch.ca)

Obama has not said why his government is so desperate to overthrow the Syrian government. 

The current president was an eye doctor in London who was brought back to Syria to replace his father, who had passed away, as president of the country.

Washington is reticent about its real motives, which it masks with high-sounding humanitarian rhetoric, but Washington’s motives are transparent.

One motive is to get rid of the Russian naval base in Syria, thus depriving Russia of its only Mediterranean base.

A second motive is to eliminate Syria as a source of arms and support to Hizbullah in order that Israel can succeed in its attempts to occupy southern Lebanon and acquire its water resources.

Hizbullah’s fighters have twice defeated the Israeli military’s attempts to invade and to occupy southern Lebanon.

A third motive is to destroy the unity of Syria with sectarian conflict, as Washington destroyed Libya and Iraq, and leave Syria to waring factions to dismember the country, thus removing another obstacle to Washington’s hegemony.

Syria, a secular Arab state, like Iraq was, is ruled by a political party composed of Alawis, more or less Shia Muslims.

The Alawis comprise about 12% of the Syrian population and are regarded as heretics by the Sunni Muslims who comprise about 74% of the Syrian population.

Thus the orchestrated “uprising” appeals to many Sunnis who see the opportunity to take over. (In Iraq it was a Sunni minority that ruled a Shia majority, and in Syria it is the opposite.)

The divisions among Arabs make Arabs vulnerable to Western interference and rule.

The Sunni-Shia split makes it impossible for an Arab country to unite against an invader or for one Arab country to come to the aid of another.

In 1990 the Shia Syrian government lined up with the US against the Sunni Iraq government in the First Iraq War.

Neither Lawrence of Arabia, Nasser, nor Gaddafi succeeded in creating an Arab consciousness.

Washington’s cover for its violent overthrow of other governments is always moralistic verbiage.

First the target is demonized, and then Washington’s naked aggression is described as “bringing freedom and democracy,” “overthrowing a brutal dictator,” “protecting women’s rights.”

Any assortment of cant words and phrases seems to work.

The administration is flailing away at Russian support for Assad, calculating that losing Russian support might make the Assad regime give up the fight and yield to a negotiated transition.

Hillary Clinton has been especially strident in advocating the overthrow of the Syrian government. 

The silly woman even issued threats to Russia and China for daring to block Washington’s attempt to use a UN resolution as cover for invading Syria.

Washington misrepresents the Syrian government’s resistance to being overthrown as a government conducting terror against its own people.

But Washington had no condemnation for the terror attack, whether its own or that of a suicide bomber, that killed high-level Syrian government officials.

Washington’s double standard prompted the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, to accuse Washington of having “a sinister position.”

Read more

Indeed, Washington does. But what is surprising about Washington’s sinister position after Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan? Undoubtedly, after Syria is overthrown, Washington will move on to Iran.

Russia itself is already being surrounded by US missile bases, and the Russian government has a disloyal and traitorous political opposition financed by American money.

China is confronting a rapid buildup of US air, naval, and troop bases in the Pacific. How long before China’s government has a disloyal opposition financed by Washington?

The hegemon is on the march, but what Syrian Sunnis see is a chance to overthrow the Alawite Shia.

The Syrian Sunnis will ally with Washington despite the fact that Washington overthrew the Iraqi Sunnis.

Few Arabs, it seems, mind being puppets of a foreign regime that hands out billions of dollars.

Washington loosely refers to Syrian President Assad as a “dictator” or “brutal dictator,” but obviously if Assad is a dictator he is not very effective in that role.

Normally, dictators don’t permit an opposition to rise, much less arm itself.

It would be more accurate to say that the ruling party is authoritarian, but the ruling party has introduced elements of democracy with the new constitution.

As Iraq has proved, Arab governments have to be authoritarian if their Sunni and Shia populations are not to be constantly engaged in civil war. Both Bush and Obama claim that Washington brought “freedom and democracy” to Iraq.

However, the ongoing violence in Iraq is as intense or more intense than under the American occupation.

Here are the reports for the last three days:

July 23: “A wave of bomb attacks and shootings in Baghdad and north of the capital has killed at least 107 people. At least 216 were wounded.”

July 24: “A second day of intensified attacks left at least 145 Iraqis killed and 379 more wounded.”

July 25: “Attacks continue across Iraq: 17 killed, 60 wounded.”

This is what Washington did for Iraq.

Far from bringing “freedom and democracy,” Washington brought endless mayhem and death.

And this is precisely what Washington is in the process of bringing to Syria.

Original Source: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2012/07/26/syria-washingtons-latest-war-crime/

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments

Visit his blog:  Paul Craig Roberts / Institute for Political Economy (IPE)

Read more :

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Former Top IDF Officials Worry that Netanyahu is Bent on an Iran Strike


From The Intel Hub

 July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

ANALYSIS: It looks like Netanyahu and Barak are set on an Iran strike, but some of Israel’s former defense top brass agree that, right now, an attack would do more harm than good.

“I’m terribly confused. For the first time, after many years of experience, I feel I have a better grasp of the calculations that are motivating the enemy than of our own.” Thus an experienced intelligence analyst who spent many years in the inner sanctum of Israel’s security system.

Realities in the Middle East have changed drastically during the past two years, he observed.

It seems that for the first time in a very long time, there is nothing Israel can really do to curb threatening developments – from the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the potential collapse of the Assad regime in Syria.

Yet in one area, Israeli action can have significant, dramatic repercussions, ones that will influence life in the region as a whole – and that area is Iran.

In recent weeks I’ve held discussions with five retired defense establishment officials, each of whom held a top post.

In fact, between them, they held virtually every major command post that one can imagine in the Israel Defense Forces.

The talks were held separately (some of these figures loathe one another, due to disagreements which are personal, not strategic in nature).

The troublesome thing about the conversations was their consistent, uniform tone: All these interlocutors are very worried about what they perceive as the prime minister’s, and the defense minister’s, increasing inclination to attack Iran.

None of the five has publicly voiced opposition to such an attack, nor did they always see eye to eye about specific details of the Iranian issue.

Most of them take exception to the outspoken statements by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former Shin Bet security service head Yuval Diskin, who expressed opposition to oppose bombing Iran under any circumstances (Dagan), and characterized the Netanyahu-Barak position on this subject as being irrational and “messianic” (Diskin).

What unites the five is doubt about the timing: An attack during the next two months, they say, without international backing and in defiance of American preferences, would bring more harm to Israel than good.

Read Entire Article








Numerous Top Bankers Call for Break Up of Giant Banks


From Washington’s Blog

Posted on July 27, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

Banking Titans Call for Break Up of “Too Big to Fail”

The following bankers are calling for the big banks to be broken up:

  • Former managing director of Goldman Sachs – and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London- Nomi Prins

  • Numerous other bankers within the mega-banks (see this, for example)

  • Former Natwest and Schroders investment banker, Philip Augar

  • The President of the Independent Community Bankers of America, Camden Fine

Top Economists and Financial Experts Agree

It’s not just bankers.

The following top economists and financial experts believe that the economy cannot recover unless the big, insolvent banks are broken up in an orderly fashion:

  • Dean and professor of finance and economics at Columbia Business School, and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush, R. Glenn Hubbard

  • Former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, Simon Johnson (and see this)

  • Former 20-year President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City – currently FDIC Vice Chair – Thomas Hoenig (and see this)

  • The leading monetary economist and co-author with Milton Friedman of the leading treatise on the Great Depression, Anna Schwartz

  • Economics professor and senior regulator during the S & L crisis, William K. Black

  • Professor of entrepreneurship and finance at the Chicago Booth School of Business, Luigi Zingales

Click here for background on why so many top bankers, economists and financial experts say that the big banks should be broken up.







Americans No Longer Trust The Mainstream Media


From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins

Posted by  – July 29, 2012

When it comes to Americans having trust in the mainstream media, the numbers don’t lie and the numbers show an alarming number of people no longer trust the media.

Stay up to date with the latest news :

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/kr3at

Facebook: http://facebook.com/alexhiggins732

Live TV And Videos: Higgins TV

Website: The Alexander Higgins Blog

Headlines: Real-time News Headlines

Related Posts :


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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~~ Xaniel777


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REAL NEWS July 01, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 30, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : July 01, 2012


We the People are the Ultimate Check and Balance


From the Trenches

Posted on June 30, 2012 by Henry Shivley

The outrage over the new unconstitutional health care tax, which is to be collected by the IRS and paid to the health insurance conglomerates, is reaching a fevered pitch, as over half of the American people are saying they will refuse to pay the tax.

Many believe that the first American Revolution came to be as the people refused a 3% import tax imposed upon them by the King of England. 

The reality is it was much more as outlined in our Declaration of Independence.

  • Military Courts of Admiralty, wherein the people were arbitrarily persecuted and had no rights.

  • The confiscation of private property by the King’s soldiers without any due process of law.

  • The persecution of American nationals for speaking out against tyranny.

  • The appointment of regional governors, taking away any notion of representativegovernment for the people.

  • And a thousand other abuses.

The draconian taxation without representation was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

This is why, before the Constitution could be accepted by the people, our Bill of Rights had to be affirmed as absolute and unalienable.

You see, our Bill of Rights directly addressed the abuses outlined in our Declaration of Independence. 

Our Bill of Rights was inserted to insure that our newly formed government could never obtain power that would allow any abuse of the people by that government.

Now when we look around us we see:

  • Military Courts of Admiralty, wherein the people were arbitrarily persecuted and have no rights.

  • The confiscation of private property by the corporate government’s agents without any due process of law.

  • The persecution of American nationals for speaking out against tyranny.

  • The appointment of regional governors, taking away any notion of representativegovernment for the people.

  • And a thousand other abuses.

And now there is the final attempt to take over, a tax levied upon us by a foreign entity, corporations.

The abuses and the Bill of Rights cannot coexist. 

If you have one you cannot have the other. 

The abuses are occurring and are omnipresent, thus the Bill of Rights no longer exists within the law we are being governed under. 

If we wish the abuse to stop we must reassert our Bill of Rights.

Anyone who believes that the agents of the Queen of England are going to throw away all they have gained any quicker or easier than her great, great, great… grandpa did is delusional. 

The Tories have weaseled their way back in and we are going to have to eject them again. 

Only this time, we cannot allow the death and dying to be visited only upon our land and our people. 

For their treachery this time, we must make them pay the full measure.

Nobody can say they aren’t asking for it.  I say after we have whipped the Queen’s men out of our country, we invade Great Britain and rid the world of this diabolical monarchy once and for all. 

Once the institution is destroyed, we simply bring our forces home and leave the British people a copy of our Constitution and a declaration of our intent to coexist on this planet with all other nations in a state of peace.

Until the people of the world rid it of the misery makers, we are only going to know peace in small measures and for limited spans of time. 

I believe the people of the world have reached the point wherein kings and queens and royal bloodlines have become an undeniable affront to human dignity. 

What say ye?

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.






A Constitutional Right not Exercised is Surrendered


From the Trenches

Posted on June 30, 2012 by Henry Shivley

The 9th Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” 

 The 9thAmendment, like all the other Articles of our Bill of Rights, is absolute in its intent.

Our founding fathers knew that the international elite would attempt to capture the United States and its riches and the only way to guard against a takeover was through the individual. 

As we have seen, once our constitutionally guaranteed rights are theoretically removed from the equation through the Patriot Act, Section 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA, HR 347 Trespass Legislation, and the Emergency Resources Executive Order, there is a rush to total control over we the people and our resources which is accelerating to light speed.

It has to be said that the corporate socialist coup, in theory, has been affirmed as absolute via the Supreme Court Health Care decision, which in essence is government declaring the corporations’ right to levy taxes upon we the people. 

In other words, the corporations are the government.

Our founding fathers knew that if the smallest intrusions upon our individual rights and freedoms were allowed, the process of whittling them away would not stop until they were all gone. 

This is why our rights are described as inalienable, that is without exception.

Take our 2nd Amendment right. 

It says, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  It does not say “except as the government sees fit to regulate.”

The 1968 Gun Control Act was a blatant violation of our 2nd Amendment, yet it was allowed. 

And who allowed it? 

Well, the government in the first part, as it wrestled power from the people and then we the people in the second part, through our failure to exercise the 2nd Amendment in order to protect it.

Our 4th Amendment states, 

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”  It does not say “except as the government sees fit to regulate.”

Through the Patriot Act, the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments have been completely eliminated and an affirmation of this elimination is Section 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA.

These are not theories, these are facts, which brings us back to the 9th Amendment, which says, 

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” 

Our rights have never been a thing our government grants us and as the government does not grant our rights, it cannot take them away. 

The fact is, in order for our rights to cease to exist, each and every one of us, as individuals, must surrender them. 

So I ask each and every one of you, what is it to be? 

Will you surrender your rights or will you enforce them through the exercise thereof?

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.






The Power To Tax Is the Power To Destroy


From Lew Rockwell

by Peter Schiff – June 30, 2012

Recently by Peter Schiff: Trickle Up Economics

The Supreme Court decision is devastating for the economy and individual liberty. Apart from creating an all powerful federal government, changing substantially what it means to be an American, the law will send health care costs soaring, further undermining our economy. It will destroy jobs, impoverish millions, and lead to much higher inflation and lower living standards.

It will give Romney a club to use against Obama during the election. Obama will have a lot of explaining to do as he strongly stated during the debate to pass the bill that the individual mandate is not a tax. The Supreme Court just said it was.

In his majority opinion Justice Roberts specifically said the government does not have the authority, under the Commerce Clause, to compel Americans to buy a product. He then said it has unlimited power to tax people who do not buy products the government wants them to buy. This is a distinction without a difference. Based on this ruling, here are examples of what the government can now do:

Tax you for going to church. Tax you for not going to church. Tax you for protesting. Tax you for not protesting. Tax you for expressing a controversial opinion. Tax you for joining or not joining a particular organization. Tax you for writing something controversial. Tax you for speaking or writing critically of government. Basically, there is nothing the government can’t do, so long as it does it as a tax.

June 30, 2012


Peter Schiff is president of Euro Pacific Capital and author of The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets and Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

His latest book is The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy, How to Save Yourself and Your Country.

Copyright © 2012 Euro Pacific Capital






Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid?


Published on Jun 28, 2012 by 

Ben Swann

Ben Swann Reality Check breaks down the Affordable Care Act ruling by the Supreme Court and looks at why the determination that the law is a tax, may make it invalid.






DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement It

From The Liberty Crier

June 29, 2012

Jim DeMint


Today, U.S. Senator DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement:

“The Supreme Court may have failed to stop this government takeover of health care, but the American people will not.

Since the day this law was rammed through Congress, the American people have demanded repeal, and today’s ruling doesn’t make Obamacare any less dangerous to our nation’s health.

Freedom-loving Americans are disappointed, but we cannot be discouraged.

The President’s health care law must be fully repealed as all of its promises have proven false.

We were told it was not a tax hike, but this ruling confirms it is an unprecedented and enormous tax on the poor and middle class Americans.

President Obama needs to explain why he is enacting this middle class tax hike over the objections of the American people during the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

We were told it would lower health costs, but health care premiums are exploding.

We were told that Americans could keep their personal health plans, but millions will now lose it.

We were told it would improve our economy, but it is now the largest obstacle to employers hiring new workers.

This government takeover of health care remains as destructive, unsustainable, and unconstitutional as it was the day it was passed, unread, by a since-fired congressional majority.

Now as then, our first step toward real health care reform and economic renewal remains Obamacare’s full repeal, down to the last letter and punctuation mark.

I urge every governor to stop implementing the health care exchanges that would help implement the harmful effects of this misguided law. Americans have loudly rejected this federal takeover of health care, and governors should join with the people and reject its implementation.

The President’s health care law will not reform anything, but is already undermining what does still work in America’s health care system.

We cannot build a free market health care system on this flawed structure of centralized government control, we must repeal all of it and start over with commonsense solutions that make health care more affordable and accessible for every American.

We can allow Americans to purchase lower cost plans from other states, support state high-risk pools to cover those with pre-existing conditions, medical-malpractice reform to end frivolous lawsuits, and tax equity so Americans who don’t get their health insurance from an employer are not penalized.

Today’s decision, however unfortunate, nonetheless represents an opportunity to all Americans, to claim their right to create a health care system of, for, and by the people, not government or special interests.

The American people now have the chance and Congress has the responsibility to fully repeal this Washington takeover and reform health care ourselves, together, around the principles of individual liberty, not government mandates.”

“The same freedom that made America strong and prosperous will make us healthier, too, so long as politicians remember that the health care system is supposed to serve our people, and not the other way around.”


Post image for DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement ItJim DeMint is the junior United States Senator from South Carolina.

He is author of Now or Never: Saving America from Economic Collapse and The Great American Awakening: Two Years that Changed America, Washington, and Me and others.

Related posts:

  1. Bans on Feeding the Homeless Are Discriminatory and Unconstitutional

  2. ObamaCare Update: Thursday 10a.m. EST, Supreme Court to Announce Ruling

  3. Ron Paul: Government is Already Too Involved in Healthcare

  4. Can the Federal Government Mandate Health Insurance?

  5. NAPOLITANO: Can Obama rewrite federal law?






The Supreme Court isn’t the LAST step of opposition…the Declaration of Independence is


From America 20xy



By Andrew Steele

John Roberts– who was appointed by the son of the man who once proudly heralded the coming of the New World Order on the floor of Congress–

made a ‘surprising’ run to the left on Thursday,

ruling in favor of Obamacare’s insurance mandate, forcing Americans to buy the same insurance they couldn’t afford to begin with and using the power of government to give insurance companies more customers while pretending to punish them.

Claiming that the mandate is a tax, despite the fact that Obama once said that it wasn’t, the federal government is forcing Americans to buy a product before voluntarily participating in an activity,

drawing a big X over the rest of the U.S. Constitution, and upholding a limitless definition of Congress’s taxing power as the standard by which it can do whatever it wants.

Unlike the income tax or auto insurance, which theoretically a person can avoid by not working and not driving, the health insurance mandate is a tax that a citizen pays simply for being alive.

For years America has been divided on this issue, with one side touting Obamacare as an exercise of “democracy” and the majority on the other side rejecting it as “socialism” (which pure democracy leads to).

In reality the healthcare law is corporatism on steroids, with insurance companies eager to “enroll America” within days of the law’s passing.

After the ruling on Thursday, “Bilderberg Party” co-candidate Mitt Romney made a bland political statement that essentially said nothing,

and several public figures who were in favor of the law, seeking to put the issue to rest,

claimed the issue has been settled now that is has gone to nation’s highest court, overlooking the last steps of action justified by the federal government’s violation of the 10th Amendment,

and outlined by the Declaration of Independence–

which states the right of free people to abolish (or secede from) governments that overstep their bounds.

While many claim this last action could never happen in America– given the nature of certain citizens who only embrace ‘rebellion’ when it’s endorsed by some faction of the establishment using them to water down revolutionary inclinations or unknowingly advocate for what the establishment wants–

it is an option that still exists, nonetheless, and stands as the true final step of resistance.

Such an action, if taken, would need to be proclaimed by state governments in order to have the most teeth.

Minus the assistance of state governments, citizens are entitled to practice noncompliance with unconstitutional laws,

provided that they are acts of noncompliance, not offensive violence,

and that any violent acts that result are those of the federal government showing its hand and cracking down on the rights of its citizens while it pretends to stand for freedom to the rest of the world.

Secession should certainly be the final resort.

If a state were to lead the charge, a declaration of secession would have to be the last step behind a reassertion of its 10th Amendment rights and its own declaration on noncompliance with the law through nullification.

This would put the ball back in the federal government’s court, with the state essentially stating to it, “ok, make me”,

and forcing the federal government give the first shove, if it had to come to that (which it doesn’t need to).

Last year, when the state of Texas considered a law that would have prevented TSA agents from groping innocent passengers,

the federal government threatened to ban any flight to and from the state…the modern day equivalent of blockading Boston Harbor.

Unfortunately Texas backed down, robbing America of what could have been a showdown that would have forced the White House to either show its true face,

solidly establishing it as an enemy of its people and an occupying force, or once again wear the leash that our founding fathers made for it.

The Supreme Court shamefully shielding the blatantly unconstitutional insurance mandate should be seen as one of the last breaths gasped by canary in the coal mine by anyone still in doubt that our constitution is being rendered null and void by the big money interests seeking to control the world,

and the puppet officials who serve them.

The last political solution between chaos or surrender lies within state governments and within individuals in these states who are resolved in their decision to stand their ground and not comply.

For anyone to believe that sending establishment Republicans to Congress and rallying behind Mitt Romney in the next presidential (s)election is going reverse the outcome of the Supreme Court’s ruling is naive at best,

and intellectually negligent for anyone who knows that both major political parties are really just two sides of the same coin.

Resistance needs to be grassroots, not a controlled opposition that results in the reaffirmation of the status quo.






Time for regime change in the USA


From PressTV

June 29, 2012

With breath-taking arrogance, the USA is opposing the presence of Iran at the discussions about Syria in Geneva.

Turkey – now openly playing the sectarian card and deliberately causing a Phantom jet to fly in fast and low in order to provoke a reaction and so involve NATO – can be present.

The USA – supplying arms to al-Qaeda; organizing Salafists, Wahhabists and death squads; broadcasting lying propaganda – can be present. Russia and China can be present.

But not Iran. 

Yet Iran has political, religious and cultural links with the Alawite (Shia sect) government of Syria.

Iran is the one country – not the USA, not Russia, not China, not Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar – which can have frank talks with Syria.

Iran is the one country which Syria can trust as understanding its situation.

And Iran is the only country which can give hope of avoiding a civil war bloodbath, at the very least, or a probable decade-long regional war. 

But Iran is not to be at Geneva because the USA, riddled with bigotry and an example of Ancient Greek hubris if there ever was one, hates any country which wants to be independent.

It particularly hates Iran.

Indeed, so extreme is the hatred that anything (including war) can be done to achieve regime change in Tehran.

It is therefore no surprise that, at all times, the USA quickly side-lines democracy and justice if there is any likelihood that Iran might be involved in the solution.

And just to spell out the point, in Syria, the USA is co-operating with Saudi Arabia – a vicious, totalitarian tyranny supplying guns and money – and with Qatar – an anti-democratic country, supplying guns and money. 

Furthermore, bent on regime change in Syria, the USA is comprehensively ignoring the Kofi Annan Peace Plan just as the referendum and election held by Syria are also being ignored.

When the USA wants regime change, anything goes – particularly the torturing and slaughter of Shia women and children which, by twisting the facts to their opposite, are blamed on the government when they were really the work of the American-backed Wahhabi and NATO death squads who, when not killing, like to ransack Christian churches. 

Nor is Iran banned only from a solution for Syria. It is also banned from the solution for Afghanistan.

Iran is next to Afghanistan. It has linguistic, religious, cultural and trading links with Afghanistan.

If ever there was a country which can talk to all parties in Afghanistan, it is Iran.

However, the USA – full of self-important haughtiness and the major cause of the problem – determines that Iran can never be part of the solution and, by doing so, condemns Afghanistan to many more years of misery.

Yet the world is turning: change is afoot and Russia, wanting Iran to be at Geneva, is one of the countries which is not only sensing the change but is actively doing something about it.

Right the way round the globe countries are quietly banding together.

They can do so because they are directly experiencing a decline in the economic and political power of the USA.

On top of which the USA’s moral authority went out of the window long ago so countries are quietly plotting a new course for themselves – one which involves breaking free from Western hegemony.

Thus the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation brings together Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and others, with India, Pakistan and Iran as observer members.

China and Japan have decided to trade in their own currencies and not the dollar – there’s a sign of the times!

And in South America a number of countries are beginning to band together to run their own international bank (the Banco del Sud) thus causing the diminution of American financial and political influence. 

Indeed, the amazing thing is that the USA is completely failing to see what is going on.

It was completely caught off balance by the Arab Spring so perhaps it is not surprising that it does not understand that it is hated more than it knows; that its traditional mixture of bullying, bribery and attack are not quite as impressive as it thinks; and that, in short, others are fed up with a short-sighted arrogance and even more short-sighted stupidity which is always prepared to go to war (even if that means that the USA is now virtually bankrupt because of its military spending).

All in all, it’s time for all sensible people and all sensible countries (there’s quite a lot of them) to consciously question any assertion by the USA that this or that regime is at fault and needs to be overthrown.

Instead all sensible people and countries should start to say that the world is fed up with war-mongering as well as angry at the Wall Street machinations which are destroying the world economy. 

Then the way will be opened for impressing on the American people what the situation really requires – regime change in the USA. 







Declaration of Independence from a War Economy


From War Is A Crime .org

formerly AfterDowningStreet

Posted by davidswanson 

By Mark Haim, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political and economic bands which have connected them with an industry and a bureaucracy that have held sway over their lives, and to assume an equal station among the peoples of the earth, living free from permanent war in an equal station to people of other nations as the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness living in a state of peace. —

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Humanity, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that patterns of Governance long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under an intolerable War Economy, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such improper Governance, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of the people of these United States during seven long decades under a Permanent War Economy; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Governance.

The history of recent decades is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of a highly militarized state functioning as a Tyranny over the citizens of these United States as well as to others in many nations around the world.

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

They have spent exorbitant sums on wars and munitions, undermining our security by leaving programs to care for our people and environment wanting.

They have hollowed out our cities, left our schools crying for funding, allowed our infrastructure to decay, and generally disregarded important governmental functions critical to the security of our nation.

They have even failed to adequately provide for the care of our veterans, so many of whom are suffering from injuries and psychological trauma as a result of their deployments.

They have incurred unnecessary and odious debt, in order to fund the Military-Industrial Complex, cumulatively adding up to trillions of dollars, which will burden our progeny for decades to come, with no benefit to our populace.

They have engaged repeatedly in illegal, aggressive war-making and foreign interventions that have had nothing to do with defending our nation.

Our government has entered into a state of war repeatedly, without the constitutionally mandated declaration of war.

They have repeatedly flouted international law that requires that military force be used only defensively or when authorized by the United Nations Security Council.

This law, established under a treaty signed by our President and ratified by our Senate, is, under our Constitution, the highest law of the land.

They have repeatedly violated the Nuremberg Principles which hold that aggressive war-making is a Crime Against Peace, and, as such, is the highest form of war crime.

They have sent our young men and women off repeatedly to fight in these wars, leading to millions of casualties, including deaths, injuries, chemical poisoning and psychological traumatization of our military personnel.

They have caused the death, injury, poisoning and traumatization of millions of people in the nations where our government has intervened, doing harm to these people and creating enemies in the process, thus undermining our security.

They have overthrown, or participated in the overthrow of, democratically elected governments in many countries including Iran, Guatemala, Greece, Chile and Haiti, imposing, in the process, brutal, repressive regimes.

They have supported, armed and trained the militaries of, and generally aided numerous unpopular and repressive governments.

Our government and military have thus allied themselves with ruling elites and made our nation an enemy to the majority of the people of these countries in the process.

They have created, armed, trained and operated proxy armies to conduct aggressive war-making on behalf of the interests of large trans-national corporations and their allies.

This has been done in places like Nicaragua, Angola, Afghanistan, Cuba and many other nations.

They have used the geopolitical power generated through military intervention and force, combined with the economic leverage of the international banking and monetary system, to impose unfair trade regimes on the Global South.

In the process, they have hurt not only the people of the developing world, but also American workers millions of whom have lost jobs to outsourcing.

They have repeatedly used Napalm, White Phosphorus and other incendiary weapons in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq and other countries, causing horrific pain and suffering to combatants and civilians alike.

They have illegally conducted drone warfare, repeatedly attacking, killing and maiming people, including non-combatants, in countries such as Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan, without legal or moral authority to do so.

They have created and maintained vast arsenals of weapons of mass destruction that threaten humanity’s survival.

They’ve even used nuclear weapons, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

To this day, they refuse to abide by the provisions of the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty, which require the mutual elimination of such weapons.

They have produced enormous inventories of long-lived, carcinogenic radioactive waste without any plan as to how to isolate these wastes from the environment for the required hundreds of thousands of years.

They have dispersed dangerous radionuclides into the atmosphere through nearly two decades of above ground nuclear weapons testing, contaminating military personnel and civilians alike.

And they have poisoned underground aquifers through predicable leakage of these long-lived wastes.

They have used Depleted Uranium weapons in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere leading to the chemical and radiological contamination of combatants, including our own troops, civilians, residential areas, farmland and water supplies.

They have, through the creation of a Permanent War Economy, moved our nation in a direction dramatically at odds with the intention of our founders.

More than two centuries ago, President George Washington warned us of the dangers of large standing armies and permanent military alliances. Over the past seven decades, we have ignored this advice, and have paid dearly.

The Permanent War Economy has enriched the few and impoverished the majority.

It has contributed to the skewing of income and lead to a dangerous concentration of wealth, power and political influence in the hands of a few.

We have seen not just war on other nations, but War on the Environment as well, with corporate powers plundering our seas, ravaging our coasts, destroying our environment and laying waste to the natural resources that belong to us all, and future generations.

In every stage of the growth of the War Economy We and our predecessors have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms.

We have written letters, made phone calls, met with our Representatives and Senators, held peaceful vigils and demonstrations of all sorts: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.

The Military-Industrial Complex has seen fit to continue its abuses unabated.

Their actions make clear that they are unfit to be rulers of a free people.

We, therefore, speaking for the peace loving people of our nation and appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name of the good People of this Nation, solemnly publish and declare,

That these United States are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent of the control and influence of the War Economy;

that we are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Military-Industrial Complex, and that all political connection between the people of this Nation and the perpetrators of the War Economy is and ought to be totally dissolved;

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.





 A LITTLE LOCAL NEWS : Another story for our Police Abuse and Corruption Files – 

NHP Troopers Sue Department Over K-9 Program


From 8News Now – Las Vegas

By Nicole Benson, Online News Editor – email

LAS VEGAS — A group of Nevada Highway Patrol troopers and a retired police sergeant have filed a racketeering complaint against the NHP (Nevada Highway Patrol) and Las Vegas Metro Police in U.S. District Court.

The complaint alleges that after then-Gov. Jim Gibbons approved a K-9 program to target drug runners on Nevada’s highways, Nevada Highway Patrol Commander Chris Perry intentionally undermined the program.

The complaint alleges that the drug-sniffing dogs used by troopers in the program were intentionally being trained to operate as so-called trick ponies, or dogs that provide officers false alerts for the presence of drugs.

The dogs were being trained to alert their handlers by cues, instead of by picking up a drug’s scent by sniffing, the complaint said. When a dog gives a false alert, this resulted in illegal searches and seizures, including money and property, the complaint said.

Read the Complain Filed By NHP Troopers

The 103-page complaint alleges that Perry, along with others, used the K-9s to undermine the program to systematically conduct illegal searches and seizures for financial benefit.

The complaint also alleges the defendants, which also includes the state’s Public Safety Department and individuals in NHP and Metro, were involved in a Federal RICO conspiracy, also known as the Federal Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act.

NHP, Metro and the state have not returned calls from 8 News NOW for comment.

Allegations also include corruption, abuse of office and official cover ups.







Mainstream media, medical journals pushing ADHD drugs for six-year-olds


From NaturalNews

Friday, June 29, 2012

by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) There is a fresh agenda afoot to begin diagnosing children as young as six years of age with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and drugging them with dangerous medications like Ritalin (methylphenidate), Adderall (dextroamphetamine and amphetamine), and Prozac (fluoxetine).

And the mainstream media seems to be working lockstep with medical journals to create the illusion that doing this is vital for childhood health and development.

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics, and promoted by ABC News, for instance, suggests that the earlier a child is diagnosed with ADHD, the more likely he or she is to get better grades in school.

Waiting too long to get diagnosed, in other words, can cause children with ADHD to have more educational troubles, say the authors.

Based on data collected from 12,000 Icelandic children who began taking ADHD medication between fourth and seventh grades, researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York determined that children who began taking ADHD medications in fourth grade experienced an overall drop in their math scores of 0.3 percent, compared to a nine percent drop among children who began taking ADHD medication around sixth or seventh grade.

All the children in the study, however, experienced some decrease in academic performance.

But those who began getting drugged the earliest had slightly less of a decrease, which led study authors to the wild conclusion that children need to be diagnosed with ADHD and drugged as early as possible to improve their overall condition.

ADHD drugs are dangerous, addictive, and highly unnecessary

This “get ’em while they’re young” approach is a great tactic for the pharmaceutical industry to maintain both record-level profits and a steady stream of fresh customers.

But the effects of these drugs on the children taking them, millions of whom do not even have ADHD, will be disastrous.

Amphetamines like those found in the popular ADHD drug Adderall, for instance, are highly addictive and potentially very destructive.

Heart attack, stroke, elevated blood pressure, and even sudden death are among the extreme side effects associated with Adderall (http://www.naturalnews.com/029584_Adderall_side_effects.html).

And both Prozac and Ritalin can cause children to incur depression, anxiety, and tendencies towards killing others or themselves.

The very legitimacy of ADHD as a disease has also been called into question by many who see its “symptoms” as nothing more than natural variations in human personality and behavior.

Particularly, over-diagnosed are young boys, whose high energy levels are often conveniently labeled as ADHD in order to forcibly conform them into the government education system.

Oftentimes, legitimate behavioral and developmental problems in children are a result of environmental and dietary toxins.

Processed sugars like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial flavorings and colorings, preservatives, and other unhealthy foods can provoke behavior problems, as can vaccines.

Many parents who have restructured their ADHD-diagnosed child’s diet have witnessed an incredible, natural reversal of symptoms commonly associated with ADHD.

Sources for this article include:



Articles Related to This Article:

• While scientists clash over the dangers of ADHD drugs, the U.S. government does nothing to protect children

• The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript)

• Neurologist Dr. Fred Baughman talks about the fraud of ADHD and the poisoning of U.S. children

• Treat ADHD with Hypnosis

• Hypnosis Offers Benefits in the Treatment of ADHD 

• Dr. Mary Ann Block teaches alternatives to mainstream ADHD treatments for children and adults






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