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Posts Tagged ‘Vaccines’

Political Masters Think They Know Better Than Stupid Parents: CA Vaccine Bill Passes Health Committee, Heads to Full Assembly for Final Vote

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 12, 2015

SOURCE: The Daily Sheeple

By Lily Dane
The Daily Sheeple
June 10th, 2015

California is going full totalitarian, but is anyone surprised?

forced vaccination

The state’s controversial and tyrannical mandatory vaccine bill has jumped another hurdle on its path to becoming law.

Yesterday, California lawmakers approved the bill, which requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated before being permitted to attend public or PRIVATE schools unless they have a MEDICAL exemption.

That’s right: they are not going to allow religious or philosophical/personal belief exemptions to vaccinations any longer if this passes the full Assembly.

From the text of the bill:

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Truth coming out: Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 16, 2014

SOURCE:  WorldTruth.TV

Gardasil 1

BY Eddie L.

Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™.  Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines.  She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.  Dr. Harper made her surprising confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia.  Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”.  The following is an excerpt from a story by Sarah Cain:

“Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States.  In fact, 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years.  Harper also mentioned the safety angle.  All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds.  So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil™ alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions.  At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines.  The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation.  Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.  Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night.  ’About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have HPV at some stage of their life,’ Harper says.  ’Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself.  But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.’” 

Although these two vaccines are marketed as protection against cervical cancer, this claim is purely hypothetical.  Studies have proven “there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless.  In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer.  From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of her being struck by a meteorite.”

UPDATE #1: Since coming forward with the truth about the devastating consequences of the HPV vaccine, Dr. Harper has been victim of a relentless campaign attempting to discredit the validity of her claims.  Harper was even misquoted by British tabloid The Sunday Express which printed a false story loaded with fabricated quotations attributed to Harper.  In an interview with The Guardian, Harper makes it very clear about what exactly she said in order to protect herself from a potential lawsuit.  In an interview with CBS NEWS, Harper clarifies her position, and once again makes it crystal clear just how devastating this vaccine can be: “If we vaccinate 11 year olds and the protection doesn’t last … we’ve put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit,” says Dr. Harper. “The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers, they are just postponed, unless the protection lasts for at least 15 years, and over 70% of all sexually active females of all ages are vaccinated.”  She also says that enough serious side effects have been reported after Gardasil use that the vaccine could prove riskier than the cervical cancer it purports to prevent.  Cervical cancer is usually entirely curable when detected early through normal Pap screenings.

“The risks of serious adverse events including death reported after Gardasil use in (the JAMA article by CDC’s Dr. Barbara Slade) were 3.4/100,000 doses distributed,” Harper tells CBS NEWS.  ”The rate of serious adverse events on par with the death rate of cervical cancer.  Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year.  Indeed, the risks of vaccination are underreported in Slade’s article, as they are based on a denominator of doses distributed from Merck’s warehouse.  Up to a third of those doses may be in refrigerators waiting to be dispensed as the autumn onslaught of vaccine messages is sent home to parents the first day of school.  Should the denominator in Dr. Slade’s work be adjusted to account for this, and then divided by three for the number of women who would receive all three doses, the incidence rate of serious adverse events increases up to five fold. How does a parent value that information,” said Harper.

“Parents and women must know that deaths occurred,” Harper tells CBS NEWS.  “Not all deaths that have been reported were represented in Dr. Slade’s work, one-third of the death reports were unavailable to the CDC, leaving the parents of the deceased teenagers in despair that the CDC is ignoring the very rare but real occurrences that need not have happened if parents were given information stating that there are real, but small risks of death surrounding the administration of Gardasil.”  She also worries that Merck’s aggressive marketing of the vaccine may have given women a false sense of security. “The future expectations women hold because they have received free doses of Gardasil purchased by philanthropic foundations, by public health agencies or covered by insurance is the true threat to cervical cancer in the future.  Should women stop Pap screening after vaccination, the cervical cancer rate will actually increase per year. Should women believe this is preventive for all cancers — something never stated, but often inferred by many in the population — a reduction in all health care will compound our current health crisis.  Should Gardasil not be effective for more than 15 years, the most costly public health experiment in cancer control will have failed miserably.”  Harper notes that her concern for the vaccine’s deadly side effects applies only to women in the Western world.  ”Of course, in developing countries where there is no safety Pap screening for women repeatedly over their lifetimes, the risks of serious adverse events may be acceptable as the incidence rate of cervical cancer is five to 12 times higher than in the US, dwarfing the risk of death reported after Gardasil.”

UPDATE #2: The National Vaccine Information Center HAS CONFIRMED two virologists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski have filed a lawsuit against their former employer and vaccine manufacturer Merck.  NVIC writes: “The lawsuit alleges that Merck defrauded the U.S. for over 10 years by overstating the MMR vaccine’s effectivenes.  The virologists claim in their lawsuit that they ‘Witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falseification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”  NVIC president and co-founder, Barbara Loe Fisher, warns of the disturbingly cozy relationship and overwhelming conflict of interest between federal agencies charged with vaccine safety oversight (such as the Centers for Disease Control) and vaccine manufacturers.  Merck’s global vaccine sales total more than $20 BILLION A YEAR.

As the world’s pharmaceutical giants continue to be driven less by moral accountability and more by profit and shareholder-driven bottom lines, we are going to see more and more products such as this vaccine which are marketed as “essential to one’s survival.”  While some vaccines are indeed essential, such as vaccines for polio and measles, the HPV vaccine is a new beast entirely.  To learn more about how pharmaceutical giants are putting profits ahead of ethics you need to watch FRONTLINE’s terrifying new documentary “Hunting The Nightmare Bacteria.”




CBS NEWS 1National Vaccine Information CenterCBS NEWS 2Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System 

Eddie (3562 Posts)

Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. This website is dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 30+ years researching Bible, History, Secret Societies, Symbolism



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Both Eyes Opening: Vaccines mean higher infant mortality

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 5, 2014

SOURCE: NaturalNews.com


As vaccination rates go up, so does infant mortality – could injecting newborns with toxic chemicals be behind SIDS?

(NaturalNews) Evidence continues to mount that points to vaccines as the “mystery” trigger behind SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome. A recent study published in the journal Acta Neuropathologica, as well as extensive data on vaccination rates and the timing of SIDS cases, suggests that vaccines may be inhibiting the proper development of the hippocampus in some babies, resulting in the various breathing and cardiac failures that lead to SIDS.

Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School inadvertently discovered this after observing that nearly half of all infants in a group who died from SIDS had a unique abnormality in their hippocampus that was not present in infants who died from other other known causes. Based on their observations, it is now believed that this abnormality upsets the brain’s ability to regulate breathing and heart rate patterns during sleep, which is when SIDS typically occurs.

Though it is widely known that the hippocampus regulates brain-specific functions like memory, learning and spatial orientation, this central region of the brain also regulates breathing and cardiac function. When a structure within the hippocampus known as the dentate gyrus contains double layers of nerve cells instead of the usual single layers, the resulting abnormality, known as focal granule cell bilamination, can lead to sudden death for reasons that may not be initially apparent.

“The pattern of abnormal changes in the dentate gyrus suggests to us there was a problem in its development at some point in late fetal life or in the months right after birth,” explained Dr. Hannah C. Kinney, M.D., lead author of the study. “We didn’t see any signs of injury to the brain by low oxygen levels in the tissue we examined, such as scarring and loss of nerve cells.”

A press release for the study, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is available here:

More vaccines means higher infant mortality, study finds

How this relates to vaccines was explained in a 2011 study published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology. Since SIDS is the leading cause of death among babies between the ages of one month and one year, something common but most likely overlooked during its victims’ normal developmental period is clearly to blame, and this common thing appears to be routine childhood vaccinations.

A team of independent researchers looked at the infant mortality rate (IMR) around the world and observed a direct relationship between the number of vaccines given and the number of infant deaths. In other words, countries that administer the most vaccines to children during the first year of life were found to have a higher IMR, while countries that are more careful with vaccines were found to have a lower IMR.

“Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates,” explains an abstract from the study, available here:

Brain abnormalities linked to SIDS develop primarily when children are vaccinated for hepatitis B

Interestingly enough, the SIDS study also revealed that the hippocampus abnormalities associated with SIDS tend to emerge right around the time that babies are vaccinated for hepatitis B. As you may recall, the hepatitis B vaccine is associated with causing seizures and epilepsy in some children, which is often associated with hippocampus abnormalities.

This suggests that, at least in some cases, children who are vaccinated for hepatitis B immediately after birth in accordance with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines experience developmental damage to their hippocampus, which later leads to sudden death.

Sources for this article include:














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  ©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 DaniMartExtras,too

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REAL NEWS Oct. 06 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 5, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 06, 2012



#Anonymous: We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War



From Alexander Higgins Blog

Posted by  – October 5, 2012

The hacker group Anonymous has put out a video warning with a sobering message: ‘We are are preparing for a massive civil war’

Anonymous - We Are Preparing For A Massive Civil War

A Message From Anonymous

By all means, Anonymous does not appear to be the only one preparing for civil war…

DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US?

Recent massive ammo purchases by US domestic agencies, Obama’s Executive Order to prepare for martial law and recent anti-protests laws all point to one thing.

The US Department of Homeland Security and the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Office have placed a massive order for ammunition.

The two departments are asking for 450 million rounds of bullets to be delivered in a time-frame of five years.

The contractor, Alliant Techsystems, was awarded the contract and will produce .40 caliber high-performance bullets to the agencies.

The order has many wondering why would DHS and ICE need so many bullets.

David Seaman, journalist and host of the DL Show, helps us answer why the order was placed.

But that is only the start. See the following links for a more complete picture.

Prepare For Martial Law! Executive Order Issued By Obama

DHS Ammunition Purchases Approach 1.5 Billion Rounds For The Year

Why Did The DHS Just Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammunition?

Feds Buying Up All Surplus Ammo, Ordering Stores To Cease Sales?

The USDA and US Fish and Wildlife Order Massive Amounts Of Ammo

DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo

Why Did The DHS Just Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammunition?

Ruger Stops Accepting Firearms Orders Citing Backlog Of 1 Million Orders In Q1

What Are The MiliPolice Planning On Doing With These Heavily Armored Vehicles?

Coming To An Occupy Near You — The Military’s New Microwave Heat Ray Gun

Pentagon Deploying 20,000 Troops Within The United States To Prepare For Civil Unrest In Event Of Economic Collapse

Ammo? What Ammo? : DHS Takes Unprecedented Step of Redacting Mass Ammunition Purchase

Martial Law: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest

US Army Preparing To Crush #OccupyWallStreet

House Passes “Trespass Bill” That Makes Protests Illegal

US Army Orders Riot Gear To Prepare For Domestic Civil Unrest

US Army Conducts Domestic Civil Disturbance and Mock Riot Drills

Military Job Video: Internment Specialist – Concentration Camp Guards In USA

Leaked Army Manual Reveals US Based War On Terror Concentration Camps

Feds Using NDAA To Silence Journalists Critical Of Government

Corporate Media Silent On Lawsuit Over NDAA Being Used To Silence Journalists

Americans Can Be Indefinitely Detained: #NDAA Supported By Court

Journalist Under #NDAA Detention For Exposing Civilian Drone Murders

US Military May Consider You a Potential Terrorist If You Question Mainstream Ideologies

Journalist Targeted With #NDAA Detention For Campaign Finance Reform Advocacy

Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar

Vets Being Round Up Nationwide, People Everywhere Just Disappearing

Obama Defies Federal Court Ban On NDAA Indefinite Detention

CNN Exposed! Caught Running State Sponsored Propaganda As Real News

NDAA Trojan Unleashed – Massive Military Drone Deployment In U.S. Airspace

PS… Anonymous just dox’d every single Monsanto employee.

Posted here:


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FEMA To Mobilize For “Mass Fatality Planning”



 From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 5, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr


Bill mandates federal agency to respond to “funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries” being “overwhelmed”.

The United States Congress has passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare for “mass fatality planning” and funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries being “overwhelmed” in the aftermath of a mass terror attack, natural disaster or other crisis.

The bill, H. R. 6566 or the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, was posted on the govtrack.us website this morning having been approved by the House on September 28.

The legislation amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct FEMA to “provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning, and for other purposes.”

Noting the necessity for emergency preparedness in relation to terror attacks, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the bill instructs FEMA to be sensitive to the fact that Jews and Muslims require bodies to be buried within 48 hours of death.

“Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster,” states the legislation.

Should the bill be given the green light by the Senate, the full amended text to the Homeland Security Act will state:

“Preparedness for Mass Fatalities- In carrying out this section, the Administrator shall provide guidance to and coordinate with appropriate individuals, including representatives from different communities, private sector businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious organizations, to prepare for and respond to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster that results in mass fatalities.”

“This is just one of those things that makes the stomach turn: the people who brought us the National Defense Authorization Act (authorizing the detention of US citizens on US soil) now deem it prudent to prepare for mass fatalities on US soil,” writes Simon Black.

“FEMA, as you may recall, is the same organization that couldn’t get bottles of water delivered to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina… and held up hundreds of seasoned volunteer emergency service workers from entering the city for several days of mandatory sexual harassment training.”

The legislation will only serve to stoke more paranoia that the federal government is preparing for mass civil unrest that could lead to a declaration of martial law and require lethal force to be used, as it was during Hurricane Katrina when police were ordered to shoot looters.

The Department of Homeland Security has been arming itself to the teeth over the course of the last six months, purchasing ammunition in jaw-dropping quantities.

As we reported last month, following controversy over its purchase of around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, the DHS has put out a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.








Here It Comes, The October Surprise



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 5, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

Modern Survival Blog  In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event with the potential to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency.

The reference to the month of October is because the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections) occurs between November 2 and 8, and therefore events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.

The surprising thing is that we’re surprised by it every four years whereas perhaps we should expect it.

A tight race like this year’s, where the candidates are separated by a few points, increases the likelihood that an unexpected event can shape the election.

Reported by salon.com, “According to a highly reliable source, who has first-hand knowledge of private high-level conversations in the Romney camp, said that they planned to release what they hoped would be “a bombshell” that would make Libya and Obama’s foreign policy a major issue in the campaign.”

Reported by newsmax.com, retired General Paul Vallely in an interview said that “President Barack Obama is planning a classic ‘October Surprise’ involving the Mideast;”

“…we know the Obama administration is grooming and getting prepared for an October Surprise which we think will be of a military nature probably in the Middle East”

Reported by washingtonpost.com, “Much of the 2012 politics of the Libya disaster lies in front of us, not behind us. President Obama must seek justice for the slain Americans.

Before the election, Obama will identify some of those who participated in the raid that murdered the American ambassador and other brave Americans, and the president must take action to have them killed.

Then he must report these actions in such a way that it doesn’t appear to be a campaign event.”

What about this one…
Israel might exploit this ‘politically delicate time’ to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites and force President Obama to join the attack or face defeat at the polls.

On the other hand, however should the US appear to be threatened or at risk (e.g. sink an Aircraft Carrier in the Strait of Hormuz), he (Obama) might win support because he is, after all, the Commander in Chief.

There is are some puzzling aspects involving the recent attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya.

The hysteria that swept through the rioting masses did not seem to make sense at first, not until it became obvious that at least the Libyan attack was preplanned and the film being “protested” was merely an excuse.

The Obama Administration stuck to the story that this was a spontaneous eruption of anger. It is now appearing otherwise…

And don’t forget this one…
The economy remains volatile. (understatement)

What do you think could happen this month, planned or otherwise??








Hollywood Masters propaganda war on Iran



From PressTV

October 04, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

America’s new fall TV shows are back at it. Last year the Israeli propaganda and Islamophobia had begun to dissipate but, this year, it is easy to see, the “Masters of Hollywood” are engaged in warmongering on behalf of their own masters in Tel Aviv.

We have decades of the same actors, oddly enough, most are actually Israeli, perhaps mirroring the not so “secret” that Israelis have been passing themselves off as Islamic terrorists, including blowing things up, for over six decades, playing the parts. 

All are snarling comic book characters, reminiscent of Netanyahu’s performance in front of the United Nations last week.

His “bomb” graphic, using the movie industry term “bombed” totally with references to the Israeli leader’s uncanny resemblance to a certain cartoon character, “Wylie Coyote” making him a laughing stock. 

With TV, however, it has been going on so long, so “ham handedly” and with such insidious intent.

The word Palestinian is never used without “terrorist” being added and mentions of there being two sides to an issue, much less damning Israel for genocide and apartheid, has ended more than one career, not just in entertainment but in “infotainment” or “news.” 

Anyone caught representing reality is either “blackballed” from all work by the Israeli lobby or quickly makes a trip to Israel to “kiss backsides” and grovel as with Glenn Beck of Fox and more than a few others. 

150 years ago in America, it was a crime to teach slaves to read. Little has changed since, teaching Americans to think, more literally, teaching Americans they are, in actuality, slaves, has ended more than a few thousand academic careers. 

Putting academia in with the entertainment industry might seem confusing to some unless one were to examine an American text book or, worse yet, the curriculum of an American school or college, all with new classes in law enforcement and “counter-terrorism.” 

One university offered me a “department chair” in counter-terrorism.

I am one of the few remaining that fought in Vietnam, our war against poor farmers, killing two million of them because those who couldn’t read by our estimation deserved death because they were dangerously steeped in Marxist dialectic. 

To me, they seem mostly to grow rice and try to live while under the control of a foreign-dominated and corrupt government.

Wait, I think more generations have heard similar stories about other wars. 

Thus, I list some areas of academic endeavor as no better than “Wylie Coyote” cartoons, the endless schools of “counter-terrorism,” and their mindless “degrees” that indoctrinate future Department of Homeland Security employees into a mindset of racial bigotry, inherent incompetence and uselessness. 

Even the New York Times has noticed this as it seems: 

“One of the nation’s biggest domestic counterterrorism programs has failed to provide virtually any useful intelligence, according to Congressional investigators. 

Their scathing report, to be released Wednesday, looked at problems in regional intelligence-gathering offices known as “fusion centers” that are financed by the Department of Homeland Security and created jointly with state and local law enforcement agencies. 

The report found that the centers “forwarded intelligence of uneven quality – oftentimes shoddy, rarely timely, sometimes endangering citizens’ civil liberties and Privacy Act protections, occasionally taken from already published public sources, and more often than not unrelated to terrorism.” 

The Congressional investigators also found that the reports were often derided by homeland security analysts who reviewed the work. “I see nothing to be gained by releasing this report,” one analyst wrote repeatedly on several draft reports. 

The investigators also discovered that federal officials cannot account for as much as $1.4 billion in taxpayer money earmarked for fusion centers and that some of the centers listed on paper by the Homeland Security Department do not even exist.” 

This same organization recently purchased well over one billion .40 caliber “hollow point” bullets.

We have since learned they don’t have weapons to use them.

This is another “Wylie Coyote” oversight. 

As for entertainment, popular American television shows, I will discuss two I watched, while fighting back nausea, last night. 

One was the popular HBO series “Homeland,” one of President Obama’s favorites.

The show is about an American soldier tortured by Islamic militants for eight years, a man who converted to Islam and, of course, has now become a “terrorist” himself. 

Before the show was on for 10 minutes, we hear a litany of Israeli propaganda including the oft repeated mistranslation of Iran’s statements about the fate of Zionism.

The real statement about Zionism “disappearing from the sands of history” was again purposefully and knowingly mistranslated as “Iran is trying to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews.” 

The show suggested that the United States use nuclear weapons to destroy Iran.

These pronouncements came from a child and were intended clearly to influence the American public as to the acceptability of a nuclear first strike killing millions of innocent people because it would serve Israel. 

No effort, whatsoever, was made to hide the prejudice and intent to commit war crimes and all was predicated on the belief that the audience was both moronic and morally flawed. 

The current election rhetoric makes one thing clear, though it may be a minority, those who support Romney would, in all probability, also support a nuclear “first strike” on any nation, were Israel to desire it, and do so contrary to any fact.

I could follow this into a discussion of how America, “the land of the free,” has, for the last few elections found genuinely base and evil people to run for public office and how much effort is made to hide this fact from Americans through campaigns based on “our candidate is a Satanic criminal but so is the other one” but we will save this for another time. 

Our second television show is called “NCIS Los Angeles.”

The real organization, the Naval Criminal Investigation Service, in real life, spends 90% of its time arresting high ranking officers for having sex with the wives of their underlings or arresting enlisted men and women for use of street drugs or speaking too openly in public about the incompetence of their leaders. 

On TV, however, the obsess on Iranian “terrorist gangs” that roam Los Angeles in Mercedes 600 sedans, wearing Armani suits and waving guns in public. 

Television shows are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission and each network has “Standards and Practices” regulators whose responsibility is to clear each show and remove content that is inconsistent with fact or racially, ethnically or religiously objectionable. 

It is not even a minor exaggeration to state that not only are the television networks controlled by “dual citizens” of both the US and Israel, entertainment and “infotainment” as well, but that “Standards and Practices” are directly tasked to indoctrinate the American people for an inevitable upcoming world war.

American television is “war mongering” Islamophobic entertainment, of course, but also includes more than one network that do nothing but demonstrate advanced weaponry. 

American children can watch at least five hours a day of uplink footage of drone strikes, each one killing only “militants.”

No mention is made that fully 98% of the “militants” killed are innocent civilians. 

With up to 1000 channels, thankfully many handling sports, food preparation of “reality,” better described as “bad manners” and “social discord,” there is still a continual flow of wild historical and archeological misinterpretation,

mostly centered around the Middle East, depicting Israel and the primary ancient civilization with Persia, Egypt and Greece only having significance as to how they interacted with the Israelis. 

Other subjects involve “Israeli archeology” with shows such as the “Naked Archeologist,” a former IDF Commando who, each week, proves that Christianity and Islam are based on false myths. 

In one episode, the “Naked Archeologist” visited a warehouse in Tel Aviv, opening a cardboard box, taking out bones, waving them around claiming they were the remains of Christ and the Apostle Peter, discovered, they claim, under a former Palestinian, not “Israeli” home in Jerusalem. 

We aren’t beginning to look at the “religious channels,” all dominated by a wild pseudo-Christian heresy originating with a lifelong alcoholic named Scofield, who was born only a few short miles from where I write this.

Scofield is the “inventor” of the theory of “dispensationalism” which has degenerated into the worship of Zionism and advocacy for an immediate nuclear World War in order to fulfill a number of prophesies, most of which were never in any holy book. 

This is psychological warfare, disinformation, war through “thought control,” or “game theory warfare,” the great specialties of Israel and the Mossad. 

The weak-minded are turned into rabid dogs and the well-meaning have their decency used against them, making them more dangerous than the warmongers. 

Game theory spares no one; psychological warfare begins with our children, our schools, permeates our media, our society and, in America, will take more than surgery but full “amputation” to remove from our culture. 









Vaccines – The True Weapons of Mass Destruction (Full Lecture)



From Underground Documentaries

Dr. Rebecca (Roczen) Carley received her Bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Ultrasound, attended medical school (and received the Samuel L. Kountz award for clinical excellence in surgery at graduation), and trained to be a general surgeon at State University of New York at Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Dr. Carley also worked as an attending Emergency Room physician at Kings County Medical Center in Brooklyn (which is the primary training affiliate for Downstate students), and is the largest hospital (and busiest trauma center) in the United States.

Dr. Carley left the practice of General Surgery and “allopathic” medicine after realizing that no one was actually being healed of their diseases, and she started researching “alternative” medicine while taking time off to start a family.

After Dr. Carley’s only child was brain damaged as a result of inoculations he received, Dr. Carley learned how to reverse the damage with homeopathy and other natural supplements, and subsequently realized that inoculations of disease are causing the corruption in the immune system which leads to all autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Dr. Carley has developed the Hippocrates Protocol which has successfully reversed all autoimmune diseases (including autism) and cancer in over 2,000 clients (including pets) over the past 9 years.

She has written the definitive paper explaining the mechanism whereby inoculations with disease are causing VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases), which has been featured in multiple publications all over the world and is available under the title Inoculations: the True Weapons of Mass Destruction on her website at www.drcarley.com.

She has offered a $10,000 reward for any vaccine promoter to come on her internet radio show and refute the documents she has authored.

No one has stepped forward to do so.

Dr. Carley has been qualified in court as an expert witness in VIDS, Legal Abuse Syndrome, Vaccinology, and child abuse.

Dr. Carley no longer “practices medicine”, but instead teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse their diseases using the Hippocrates protocol she developed.

She also goes into the hospital as a patient advocate for clients who are not satisfied with the care their loved ones are receiving.

Besides being a guest on over 200 radio and television shows, for over 9 years Dr. Carley had her own weekly public access television show in Long Island,

followed by a weekly internet radio show now on www.bbsradio.com (Station 2) on Thursdays at 8:30 PM EST and on www.republicbroadcasting.org on Wednesdays at 12 noon EST, all entitled “What’s Ailing America” (archives are also available for both internet shows).

Dr. Carley is also available to give talks to interested groups to teach what she has learned about vaccine induced diseases, and how they can be reversed;

and has developed a course through the “Hippocrates Academy” where interested students can learn and be certified how to do the Hippocrates Protocol developed by Dr. Carley, which reverses all autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in pets using natural therapies.

Please visit her website: http://www.drcarley.com/

You may also like :








(Fair Use Notice):

This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

©2009/2010/2011/2012 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Aug 16, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 15, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : August 16, 2012


{ XANIEL’S NOTE : Quick reminder,  Always remember, this IS NOT about Jews !

So I do not want to hear any crap from any of you LOW-LIFE ZIONIST,

claiming that I hate Jews so that is why I slam Israel so much. BECAUSE THAT IS A LIE !


What this is REALLY about,

is Zionism in all it’s ugly forms and locations as it relates to political, religious  and financial Seats of Power !!

This includes, Jewish Zionism, Christian Zionism, Elite and/or otherwise Zionism.

So to all the Zionist, (no matter who you are or what religion and/or position you hold in the world),

DON’T EVEN waste your time bombarding my email,

like you think I’ll give a damn about what you think or what gribble you have to say,

Because I offer you this instead :


Although I intended to start with U.S. News, this important piece came to my attention from What Really Happened.com,( WRH.com).

It would seem that the Zionist are at it again.

 As always trying to make-up, alter, fabricate, dilute and at times destroy,

any Middle East History that does not show Zionist Israel as the legitimate,

and rightful heirs to the Palestinian lands that they have been stealing with the help of the U.S. and Western allies since before 1967.


Right now, however, and with the help of Google and YouTube, BOTH whom are owned and operated by Zionist and Zionist minions,

they have removed further proof of the true legitimate History of the Palestinians,  

trying their best to show that the Palestinians have no rights at all to the land that Israel has and continues to illegally steal.

AND at a rapid rate via Illegal Israeli Settlers.

 Nor do they even care that the Palestinians exist at all, as they are always finding ways to kill and/or dislocate them !

Read below what has been provided by Mike Rivero and Wife.

Full proof and truth will come for those truth-seekers,

who are willing to dedicate the time and research to expose the Zionist for who and what they truly are,

while helping and legitimizing the Palestinians, who are, as we speak, being dislocated or murdered, for their land. }~~~Xaniel777


To all of you who are truth-seekers, you may want to start with this :

The Zionist Israeli’s of today ,

were NEVER related , or otherwise connected to, the true Israelite’s of the Bible at anytime in History.


THE KHAZAR EMPIRE (origins of the Israeli Zionist) SEE : Forbidden Knowledge – History of the Khazar Empire ~~Xaniel777, again !



August 15, 2012 –  YouTube deletes “History of Palestine” video for “terms of service” violation!

This video is unavailable

This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube’s Terms of Service.

Sorry about that.

I was updating my page on ISRAEL & PALESTINE: THE MAPS TELL THE TRUE STORY and noticed that YouTube has taken down a documentary on the history of Palestine for “violation of the terms of service.”

This is the text of that removed video:

Specific references to “Palestine” date back nearly five hundred years before “the time of Jesus.”

In the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, the first historian in Western civilization, referenced “Palestine” numerous times in chronicle of the ancient world, The Histories, including the following passage describing “Syrians of Palestine”:

“…they live in the coastal parts of Syria; and that region of Syria and all that lies between it and Egypt is called Palestine.” (VII.89)

The above translation by Harry Carter is featured in the 1958 Heritage Press edition of Herodotus’ famous work.

Both older and newer versions corroborate the accuracy of the reference. A. D. Godley’s 1920 translation of the crucial line states, “This part of Syria as far as Egypt is all called Palestine”, while Robin Waterfield’s 1998 updated Oxford translationrenders the passage this way: “This part of Syria, all the way to the border with Egypt, is known as Palestine.”

A hundred years later, in the mid-4th Century BCE, Aristotle made reference to the Dead Sea in his Meteorology. “Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said,” he wrote. “They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them.” (II.3)

Two hundred years later, in the mid-2nd Century BCE, ancient geographer Polemon wrote of a place “not far from Arabia in the part of Syria called Palestine,” while Greek travel writer Pausanias wrote in his Description of Greece, “In front of the sanctuary grow palm-trees, the fruit of which, though not wholly edible like the dates of Palestine, yet are riper than those of Ionia.” (9.19.8)

Despite the Zionists’ claim “the Romans didn’t rename Judea as ‘Palestina’ until a hundred years after the death of Jesus,” contemporaries of Jesus also routinely referred to Palestine as, well, Palestine.

For instance, in the first decade of the 1st Century, the Roman poet Ovid mentioned Palestine in both his famed mythological poem Metamorphoses and his erotic elegy The Art of Love.

He also wroteof “the waters of Palestine” in his calendrical poem Fasti. Around the same time, another Latin poet Tibullus wrote of “the crowded cities of Palestine” in a section “Messalla’s Triumph” in his poem Delia.

The noted Alexandrian Jewish philosopher Philo, writing around the 1stCentury CE, opined, “Also Syria in Palestine, which is occupied by no small part of the very populous nation of the Jews, is not unproductive of honourable virtue.” (XII.75)

The Jewish historian Josephus (c.37-100 CE) was born and raised in Jerusalem, a military commander in Galilee during the First Jewish Revolt against the occupying Roman authority, acted as negotiator during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and later penned vital volumes of Levantine Jewish history.

His The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews, and Against Apion all contain copious references to Palestine and Palestinians.

Towards the end of Antiquities, Josephus writes, “I shall now, therefore, make an end here of my Antiquities; after the conclusion of which events,

I began to write that account of the war; and these Antiquities contain what hath been delivered down to us from the original creation of man, until the twelfth year of the reign of Nero,

as to what hath befallen the Jews, as well in Egypt as in Syria and in Palestine, and what we have suffered from the Assyrians and Babylonians,

and what afflictions the Persians and Macedonians, and after them the Romans, have brought upon us; for I think I may say that I have composed this history with sufficient accuracy in all things.” (XX.11.2)

The claim that the Roman emperor Hadrian, eager to punish Jewish inhabitants of Judea after the Bar Kokhba Revolt,

officially changed the name of the region to “Syria Palaestina” or simply “Palestine”

in 135 CE and forced the Jewish community into exile is dubiousat best,

especially when, by then, the terms “Syrian Palestine” and “Palestine” had already been in use for over six hundred years.

I leave it to the reader to decide just what YouTube “term of service” resulted in the removal of this video!~~ Rivero


{ My thoughts on this matter suggests, ‘ ZIONIST AGENDA TO STEAL HISTORY AND PALESTINIAN LAND ‘, but that may just be me}~~~Xaniel777








Nazi Gestapo Checkpoints Spread Across America


From 12160.info

Posted by Freedomrox on August 14, 2012

Adam Strange

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is spreading its tendrils across America like a cancerous tumor invading surrounding cells.

Responding to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the federal government launched a misguided attempt to consolidate terrorist information among different intelligence and law-enforcement agencies by creating a super-agency, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The gargantuan agency swallowed up the FBI, CIA, and Coast Guard while creating a new bastard child: the Transporatation Security Agency.

What began as an attempt to increase protection has become America’s modern version of the old Nazi Gestapo.

Comparing the Department of Homeland Security to the loathed Nazi security police is not too much of a stretch.

The DHS is preparing to implement plans to track all American citizens

Homeland Security is gearing up to install manned security checkpoints at bus depots and in train stations, sports stadiums, and hotels, and shopping malls.

They also intend to deploy surveillance drones across America’s cities and farmland, and surreptitiously scan motorists on the roads to determine if the drivers and passengers somehow fit terrorist profiles only the unseen “authorities” know.

Test DHS checkpoint at undisclosed mall

Test programs are activating smart cameras using artificial intelligence scripts to scan faces in crowds and determine if an individual is a “person of interest” to the nameless, faceless authorities.

Some in the FBI are now suggesting that even people’s tattoos be registered.

Worse, “mind reading helmets” are being developed to analyze and predict any person who may be suspected of illegal activities by the State.

Who are the suspects? Chances are, you’ll be one of them.

Hidden scanners will be everywhere

According to gizmodo.com, “Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away.”

[Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away]

Car and driver X-ray-portal [TSA]

State security with Superman’s X-ray powers

The Department of Homeland Security. Even the name has a fascist ring to it.

America’s Big Brother government has truly arrived and it’s worse than George Orwell ever imagined.

After the DHS assimilated FEMA, they jointly published a new manual outlining how to contain, detain, and constrain Americans during any type of national emergency that runs the gamut from a nuclear attack to the president stubbing his toe.

Download this document [PDF] describing the formation and organization of America’s new “Black Forces Gestapo.”

A TSA VIPR Squad inspects vehicles

Bravery under fire

A brave American patriot, Steven L Anderson, took it upon himself to challenge the unConstitutionality of the creeping and expanding powers of Homeland Security that, left unchecked, may do more than swallow up intelligence and law enforcement.

It may eventually swallow up most of America and along the way individual liberty.

We’re here to protect you, now bend over – confrontation at checkpoint Able

Robotic goon with heavy accent at checkpoint:










Why Your Conspiracy Meds From The Elite Aren’t Working For You


From Urban Survival

By George Ure – August 15, 2012

We begin this morning’s very serious report with a lyric from the Walt Disney’s classic movie Cinderella that went “Put it together and what have you got? Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo….”

If you are still on your conspiracy meds, back to the 300-channel wasteland of the Boob Toob with you.

But the rest of us are going to start work on what may be suggested by four major macro-trends: Government getting disconnected from people,

large ammo purchases for government agencies, global markets on the verge of collapse,

the Pacific earthquakes this week, and predictions about the future whether in the movie 2012, or in Clif’s work, or Patrick Geryl’s.

As the lyrics went: “Salagagoola mechicka boola” as we put ’em together and see what we’ve got.

I mean, besides a desperate need for coffee and aspirin.More for Subscribers   To Subscribe, CLICK HERE   

If you missed it: FEMA Faceoff:  Truth as an Urban Legend” is on the Strategic-living.net site.

The BackdoorSurvival.com site is stocking up on disposables and getting to know folks in the neighborhood.

Clif’s been thinking on facial recognition with the Dr. Sal hoax going around.  (That was one of those “so obvious” we didn’t even waste disk space or words on it.  The real truth about HAARP was in the Monday report below, like it or otherwise.)

Armed EPA OIG Folks

As long as we’re wandering through federal purchasing systems, don’t know how many people realize that the EPA’s office of inspector general Notice of Intent to Award a Sole Source Order for Firearms..

“SIG Sauer Model P229 Semi-Automatic Pistol (P229); E29R-357-BSS-G; Caliber .357 SIG;

DA/SA old style Alloy Frame; Stainless Slide; Black Nitron Finish;

DA/SA Trigger; Supplied with three MecGar twelve (12)-round magazines and Trijicon three (3) Dot (White ? Glow Green) Night Sights; Milled locking inserts; and, Manufacturer carry case. “

last August… Dudes have good taste in arms and all, but EPA armed now?

and “Pricing shall include armor certification and training, as well as add-on three (3) day conceal weapon carry course for up to ten (10) total armors/instructors.” 

Hmmmm…makes me want to find an EPA, Secret Service, or Capitol Policeman to sit near next time we go to the movies.

Just sayin’…

Anyway, in Wednesday morning’s Peoplenomics.com report, we’ll try to put a whole lot of dots up on the board (things like the Pacific quakes and sun getting angry and now all this ammo buying) and see what comes together… that’ll be over on our www.peoplenomics.com site, which as I tirelessly remind you is just $40/year.

Secret Service Ammo Buy, Too

OK, as we continue our looking through Federal Bids, we see in June the Secret Service was shopping for 40,000 rounds with two options for 20,000 rounds” of Winchester .300 Magnums.  Awarded to an outfit in Rapid City June 30, if we’re reading it and all to be delivered before year end.

Urgent Update: 600,000 Rounds to Capitol Police!

I must not be reading this Federal Bid right:  WTF do Capitol Police need 600,000 rounds of .40 cal for? 

I quote from the Federal web site:

“The United States Capitol Police, Training Services Bureau has a requirement to procure the following Ammunitions: 1. 

(600) 165 Grain Gold Dot Hollow Point, 40 S&W, 1,000/Case – 53970;

NOTE: Ship in 2 equal shipments of 300,000 rds each.

The first delivery no later than September 30, 2012 and second delivery no later than December 30, 2012.”

Something’s going on – and we’re still digging… 

But’cha know, for an administration that is down on gun control for The People, seems like a lot of .40 cal to be buying….

we continue our looking…

Urgent Update:  Things Just Got Worse

OK, maybe we get a little paranoid around here sometimes but the revelation leaking out today that the Commerce Department’s NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE is looking to buy lage quantities of ammunication and targets has us going with a kserious WTF? moment… 

We quote from the federal government’s bidding and procurement site:

“The DOC NOAA National Weather Service – Western Acquisition Division ?

Boulder requires the following items, Purchase Description Determined by Line Item, to the following: 

LI 001, 16,000 rounds of ammunition for semiautomatic pistols to be factory-loaded .40 S&W caliber,

180-grain jacketed hollow point (JHP). No reloads may be used with these weapons.

All service furnished ammunition for issued firearms will be U.S. factory production. ?

Inside Delivery? to locations below:

NED: 8,000 rounds to: Ross Lane DOC, NOAA, NMFS, OLE, NED 130 Oak Street, Suite 5, Ellsworth, ME, 04605

8,000 rounds to: Troy Audyatis, DOC, NOAA, NMFS, OLE, NED 53 North 6th Street, Room 214 New Bedford, MA, 02740., 16,

Cases; LI 002, 24,000 rounds of ammunition for semiautomatic pistols to be factory-loaded .40 S&W caliber,

180-grain jacketed hollow point (JHP).

No reloads may be used with these weapons.

All service furnished ammunition for issued firearms will be U.S. factory production. “

More on the bidding website…since we just know you’re not going to a gun show this weekend…  Hollow points for the weathermen? 

Or, government trying to hide massive 40-cal arms acquisitions?  You make the call…








EPIC MEDIA FAIL: CNN Releases a VNR for Vaccines Just In Time for the 2012-2013 School Year


{ XANIEL’S NOTE : Despite overwhelming proof that vaccines do harm and in many cases, DEATH,

The U.S. Government, pharmaceutical Corps, and The Main Stream Media, are still pushing these poisonous chemical shots of evil.

Speaking as a man who loves all his children and grandchildren of which are the focus to receive such dangerous shots,

I feel it’s time to round up ALL of these bastards, misfits and fools,

take them out back and hammer their ‘ EVIL ASSES ‘ into the ground.

Needless to say, all of this crap is starting to take a major toll on me!  HOW ABOUT YOU ??

Nothing upsets me more than a greedy bunch of  ‘ PSYCHOPATHIC ASSHOLES ‘,

who want to profit and depopulate through the children!





August 15, 2012 by 

(FEDERALJACK)   This, ladies and gentlemen, is called a VNR, a Video News release.

They are made by large corporations, like in this case big pharma.

The CNN logo is slapped on and instantly you think it is a real “news” report.

Just remember that the supreme court ruled the mainstream media can lie to you and report it as fact and it isn’t illegal…









Egypt deployed troops in Sinai without Israel’s prior approval



The Palestinian People have needed desperate help for sometime,

and their cry’s had falling on deaf ears as far as the U.S., U.N., or any other western alliance country was concerned.

 I am very happy to see Egypt stepping up to bring an end to Israel’s illegal enslavement, dislocation and death of these innocent people,

whose only crime was trying to protect themselves and their land from the monstrous Leadership of Israel and the U.S. !

As much as I love my Country and her people, I hate our Government and all that it has become.

( It’s time to FIX our once Great Country like Egypt fixed theirs!)



I could not possibly enumerate the number of Israeli violations of the Camp David Accords if I tried.

There is one thing which is very painfully clear here, however; in the next major military aggression by Israel, they are going to try to get more territory in the Sinai Peninsula for themselves, and under Israeli-only control.~~ Rivero



By Avi Issacharoff  – Aug.16, 2012

Egyptian troop movements come in response to the expanding power vacuum in Sinai.

Egyptian troops arrest a man suspected of involvement in terrorism, August 2012.

Egyptian troops arrest a man suspected of involvement in terrorism, August 2012. Photo by Reuters

The Egyptian army has been deploying large anti-terrorist forces in parts of the Sinai peninsula without informing Israel in advance.

The peace treaty between the two countries limits the Egyptian military presence in Sinai.

Some of the Egyptian forces in the peninsula were sent there with Israel’s consent, but Haaretz has learned that forces have also been deployed without Israel’s prior approval.

Israeli government officials only learned about it after the fact.

Although Israeli defense officials declined to comment on the matter, they did note that there has been good security cooperation between the two countries, adding that there is regular contact between the two sides.

The Egyptian troop movements come in response to the expanding power vacuum in Sinai.

On August 5, militants took over an Egyptian border post in the peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored personnel carriers that then headed to the Israeli border.

One of the APCs exploded in the Kerem Shalom border terminal linking Egypt, Gaza and Israel; the other drove two kilometers into Israeli territory before it was hit in an Israel Air Force strike.

According to the 1979 peace agreement negotiated at Camp David, Egypt is not allowed to introduce tanks into certain areas of Sinai, including the vicinity of Al-Arish, to which dozens of tanks have been transported over the past several days.

The treaty also bars the use of fighter aircraft, including helicopters, but that was approved retroactively by the Israeli security cabinet.

More than a year ago, Israel agreed to allow Egypt to maintain seven military battalions and six companies in Sinai, including tank units, in addition to the forces permitted by the peace treaty itself.

Before the August 5 terrorist attack, Egypt had not stationed the full complement of troops in Sinai that it was permitted.

Since the attack, the Egyptians have done so, but have also exceeded the terms to which Israel has agreed.

At the moment, Israel has decided not to respond to the unilateral Egyptian moves, apparently to avoid a confrontation.

Nonetheless, it is seen as a source of future problems, particularly with the entrenchment of the Muslim Brotherhood’s power in Egypt.

The Egyptians could ask to have their current troop presence remain in Sinai until the end of their military operations there, although it is not clear when that would be.

The situation puts Israel in a dilemma.

Just three days ago, Mohammed Gadallah, legal adviser to President Mohammed Morsi, said the president was considering amendments to the Camp David Accords to provide Egypt with “full sovereignty” over the peninsula.

Speaking at the Islamic Solidarity Conference in Mecca yesterday, Morsi stressed that for Egypt and Arab Muslim countries, the Palestinian issue remains the most urgent, and called on the Palestinians to unite their ranks.

This week, Egypt’s Information Minister Salah Abd al-Maksud, a Muslim Brotherhood member, said: “Egypt will not normalize relations with Israel until occupied Palestinian land is freed.”

He added that “we are carrying out our relations with Israel based on agreements Israel has made with Egypt.

Therefore, even if we request to change some stipulations of the Camp David Accords, the president and national institutions have stated that they respect the agreement.”

However, Maksud also said that “this entity [Israel] stole Palestinian lands, and for this reason we will not normalize relations with it until those lands are freed.”

The information minister was not asked, and did not specify, if the “occupied lands” include territory conquered in 1967, or all of Israel.


{XANIEL’S NOTE : IF HE DIDN’T SPECIFY IT, HE SHOULD HAVE ! Because truefully Israel really has no right to it. But, if nothing else, they should get their butts back to the 1967 lines and stop being such a major pain in the ass to the whole world. }~~~Xaniel777








(Fair Use Notice):

This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777


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REAL NEWS Aug 14, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 13, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : August 14, 2012


QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT : Although you missed today’s live show, as I should have posted this last night,

hear all the live shows every Monday at 8:00P.M EST. ~~~Xaniel777


 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/newcolony/2012/08/14/the-firehawk-report 8:00 PM EST LIVE now please join us

Call in to speak with the host – (646) 478-3229

ALERT! *Military *Militia *Patriots *Preppers *Oath Keepers: Stay safe, stay informed, know what’s coming at us; know what to do!

Every day local, national and international events present situations that affect our lives, sometimes in ways we can’t predict or even imagine.

You need to know what’s really going on behind the headlines – beyond the speeches!

It’s the only way to stay ahead of the curve in treacherous times.

The Firehawk Report, and its daily Flash Briefings, delivers timely, comprehensive global matrix intel analysis and critical insight that gives you greater situational awareness and increased response confidence.

The Firehawk Report is presented by New Colony Network and featured live on Blog Talk Radio every Monday at 8:00 PM. Call in live with your take on things, pass on your experience, or ask relevant questions. Don’t miss it!

Visit WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS ! at: http://wramsite.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network


ALSO : Even though I got jammed up and have not called him as yet,(except to ask permission in which to post this), I will be calling Mike in the next couple of days as I get freed-up,

however, if you live in Las Vegas, Nevada and are interested in checking out the militia here, then give Mike Lee a call.

There is a meeting tomorrow (August 15th), that I will end up missing but you can call for full details if you would like to attend. 

Here’s the email I received concerning that :

Southern Nevada Militia unit

From : Mike Lee – iron.mikelee@yahoo.com : to me

Good Morning Xan, ( Xaniel )
My name is Venom, I am the XO (1st Lt.) of the 36/3rd Battle Born Patriots.

We do have an active Constitutional Militia here in Las Vegas.

Please contact me after 11am but before 5 pm for further details.

We have 1 of our monthly meetings next Wed Aug 15th @ 5pm, please call for further details.

Sent from Mike Lees’ iPhone


So all of you who live in Southern Nevada and are interested in, or maybe even just curious, please give Mike a call !~~~Xaniel777








 Pentagon informs Netanyahu there will be no greater Khazarian empire

From Benjamin Fulford’s Blog

By Benjamin Fulford – August 13, 2012

There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development.

Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government.

Fortunately for us all, the pentagon,(at least half, anyway), and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen.

That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops.

Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.

Message to the Jews, (directed at Zionist Jews not all Jews): You have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past 2000 years


So, you must stop pretending you were always just innocent victims.

It is time to stop thinking in terms of “us” (Jews, once again Zionist) and “them” (Goyim= non-Jews-Christian Zionist or otherwise),

and start behaving like a civilized people all from the same human race.

The Jews are like a beautiful woman (the decent and honorable majority) with syphilis (the gangsters hiding in their midst).

If the Jewish people,(Zionist and non-Zionist alike), do not remove the criminals from the top of their own leadership,

they may once again suffer collective punishment for the actions of a tiny criminal minority.

Fortunately, there are signs of just such an internal purge.

Become a member to continue reading at : Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys


FOR MORE INFO ON THE KHAZAR EMPIRE (origins of the Israeli Zionist) SEE : Forbidden Knowledge – History of the Khazar Empire 








DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo

Second massive ammunition buy this year fuels fears of civil unrest


From InfoWars.com

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 13, 2012

Fears that federal authorities are preparing for mass civil unrest have increased after it was revealed that the Department of Homeland Security is planning to buy a further 750 million rounds of ammo in addition to the 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets already purchased earlier this year.

A solicitation originally issued by the DHS in April but updated on Friday calls on suppliers to provide a plethora of different types of ammunition, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.

The PDF file for the solicitation lists the different units of ammo required by the thousand, with the total ammo purchase exceeding 750 million rounds.

“The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynco, Georgia anticipates awarding multiple award indefinite delivery and indefinite quantity (IDIQ) firm fixed price (FFP) contracts for commercial leaded training ammunition (CLTA) of various calibers for law enforcement officer firearms training courses at the following FLETC facilities Glynco, GA, Artesia, NM, Cheltenham, MD and Charleston, SC and to other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies.

The Government guarantees a minimum of 1,000 rounds per year on each resultant contract. Contracts will be for a base year and four (4) 12 month option periods,” states the synopsis.

Potential suppliers are required to respond to the solicitation before August 20.

The purchase comes in addition to an order for 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets which was fulfilled by Alliant Techsystems Inc. back in March, news greeted by some as an indication that the DHS was arming itself in preparation to go to war with the American people.

Although the ammo purchases are ostensibly earmarked for training purposes, the DHS has been reticent to clarify why such an unusually large amount of rounds are necessary and why such powerful bullets are required merely for training drills.

This has led to speculation that the purchases are connected to confirmed preparations for civil unrest in the United States.

The DHS recently put out an order for riot gear in preparation for the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration.

The U.S. Army is also busy buying similar equipment.

The DHS also recently purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.

A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”

The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.”

It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.”

Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.

The increasing likelihood of a full blown financial collapse in the coming months has also spurred federal agencies and the U.S. Army to hone their preparations for domestic disorder on a scale greater than riots witnessed in Europe over the past two years.

A 2008 report produced by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Last year, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

Watch a video analysis by Madison Ruppert below.



Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Similar/Related Articles :

  1. DHS and ICE Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammo

  2. After Huge Ammo Buy, DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Booths

  3. Why Does The Department Of Homeland Security Need 450 MILLION Hollow Point Bullets?

  4. DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US?

  5. Ammo sales, prices skyrocket

  6. Homeland Security Buys Enough Ammo for a 7-Year War Against the American People

  7. U.S. Army Purchases Riot Gear As Fears Over Civil Unrest Grow

  8. U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot Equipment

  9. Big Sis needs more ammunition – this time for training

  10. Acquitted Hutaree member gets back his 41 guns, 100,000 rounds of ammunition from feds

  11. Public Outcry Leads Defense Department to Reverse Spent Ammo Directive

  12. USA Gun Owners Buy 14 Million Plus Guns In 2009 – More Than 21 of the Worlds Standing Armies Combined








Controversial post: The only thing stopping the “End of America” from happening right now



From The Daily Crux

August 13, 2012

From The Burning Platform:

… Not only are our recent booms and busts not unique, but they have a common theme with all previous busts – greedy bankers, excessive debt, non-enforcement of regulations, corrupt public officials, rampant fraud, and unwitting dupes seeking easy riches.

Those in the know use their connections and influence to capture the early profits during a boom, while working the masses into frenzy and providing the excessive leverage that ultimately leads to the inevitable collapse.

As the bubble grows, rationality is thrown out the window and all manner of excuses and storylines are peddled to the gullible suckers to keep them buying.

Nothing so emasculates your financial acumen as the sight of your next door neighbor or moronic brother-in-law getting rich.

As long as all the participants believe the big lie, the bubble can inflate.

As soon as doubt and mistrust enter the picture, someone calls a loan or refuses to be the greater fool, and panic ensues.

This is when the curtain is pulled back on the malfeasance, frauds, deceptions and scams committed by those who engineered the boom to their advantage…

When mainstream economists examine bubbles, manias, and crashes, they generally concentrate on short-term bubbles that last a few years.

But some bubbles go on for decades and some busts have lasted for a century.

The largest bubble in world history continues to inflate at a rate of $3.8 billion per day and has now expanded to epic bubble proportions of $15.92 trillion, up from $9.65 trillion in September 2008 when this current Wall Street manufactured crisis struck.

A 65% increase in the National Debt in less than four years can certainly be classified as a bubble.

We are currently in the mania blow-off phase of this bubble, but it began to inflate forty years ago when Nixon closed the gold window.

This unleashed the two headed monster of politicians buying votes with promises of unlimited entitlements for the many, tax breaks for the connected few, and pork projects funneled to cronies,

all funded through the issuance of an unlimited supply of fiat currency by a secretive cabal of central bankers running a private bank for the benefit of other bankers and their politician puppets.

Crony capitalism began to hit its stride after 1971.

The apologists for the status quo, which include the corporate mainstream media, intellectually dishonest economist clowns like Krugman, Kudlow, Leisman, and Yun,

ideologically dishonest think tanks funded by billionaires, and corrupt politicians of both stripes, peddle the storyline that a national debt of 102% of GDP, up from 57% in 2000, is not a threat to our future prosperity, unborn generations, or the very continuance of our economic system.

They use the current historically low interest rates as proof this Himalayan Mountain of debt is not a problem.

Of course it is a matter of…

Read full article…

More on the “End of America”:

“Why I’m leaving America”

Porter Stansberry: A new update to my “End of America” warnings

Must-read post puts the government’s crazed spending in perspective








Warning: Get Your Money Out: ‘All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone’


 From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins  Posted by  – August 13, 2012

Federal Courts explicitly rule banks can steal your deposits to pay down their down their debt and you have no legal recourse if the bank fails.

Mac Slavo 
August 13, 2012

Former money manager Ann Barnhardt, who in November of 2011 made the decision to cease operations of her brokerage firm and return funds to her customers citing “systemic” problems within the entire financial industry, has issued a new warning about the stability of US banks and the safety of individual deposit accounts.

The warning, stemming from a recent federal appeals court ruling surrounding customer funds lost during the 2007 collapse of Chicago futures broker Sentinel, indicates that individuals who lose deposited funds because a financial institution improperly manages that money, even if those funds are supposed to be “segregated” from other operations of the firm, are essentially left with no recourse if the firm goes belly-up.

 According to the court, a misallocation of those customer funds, “is not, on its own, sufficient to rule as a matter of law that Sentinel acted ‘with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud’ its customers.”

The implications of the ruling, according to Barnhardt, will affect the monies of all private individuals who have seen their deposit accounts wiped out in the collapse of firms like John Corzine’s MF Global and put all deposit account holders in the country at risk should their bank be faced with a financial windstorm:

The NFA in collusion with the banksters, government and judiciary have achieved their goal. The entire concept of “customer segregated funds” is officially, completely, legally dead.

Guys, it is OVER. I know that many of you are still cowering in normalcy bias, unable to deal with reality, unable to face the world as it is, but you have GOT to snap out of it. 

The marketplace is DESTROYED.

You CANNOT be in these markets. 

All legal protections are now officially gone.

The federal appeals court ruled yesterday that not only does BNYM stay at the front of the line, but that using customer segregated funds as collateral is NOT a crime, and that co-mingling customer segregated funds with proprietary funds is NOT fraud.

What this means is that even if Jon Corzine is somehow dragged into court by private citizens, because you know damn good and well that the Justice Department will never, ever touch him,

Corzine now has a legal precedent, likely from a bribed or otherwise coerced Federal Appeals Court, explicitly stating that an FCM can use customer deposits to pay its debts,

and that the customers themselves are subjugated and have basically no legal right to their own monies, no matter what the law says,

or what legal assurances, claims or guarantees are made to that customer about their funds held with an FCM or any other brokerage or depository institution.

 The “secured” party at the front of the line will always be the mega-bank who made the fraudulent loan using the stolen customer funds as collateral.

In other words, all customer funds in the United States are now the legal property of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BNYM, or whichever megabank is the counter party on the loans the FCM or depository institution takes out in order to fund its mega-levered proprietary in-house trading desks.

Source: Ann Barnhardt via Steve Quayle

The ruling is specifically designed to protect large financial institutions that have (purposefully) mismanaged customer funds and used the hard-earned life savings of Americans to gamble on equities, commodities and bond markets.

If those firms happen to make the wrong bet, as MF Global, Sentinel and a handful of others have recently done, depositors who have placed funds with the banks under the belief that their bank account is securely protected from trading liabilities are now completely exposed and liable for the incompetence and negligence of those who engage in market trading.

This latest ruling combined with recent actions by the Federal Reserve and other government regulators suggests a massive fraud has taken place and the financial system itself is under extreme strain with the potential to make the financial collapse of 2007/2008 look like just a training exercise.

In recent days, for example, it’s come to light that the government has secretly called on the country’s five major banks to prepare themselves for collapse by creating stress recovery plans to be used in the event of worst case scenarios.

A few weeks ago, the Federal Reserve also implemented a new policy for money market funds held by financial institutions.

Per the new policy, money market funds, which account for some $2.7 trillion in deposits across the United States, can be frozen in the event of an emergency or financial panic.

This means that if and when the system does go into a tailspin, at exactly the time people will want to pull their money out of their bank account, they will be restricted from doing so.

These latest actions by government regulators, judges and financial institutions point to one thing that we have an unprecedented financial collapse in the making.

If such a financial crisis comes to pass it is clear that the policies and procedures now in place will transfer the legally owned deposits and money market savings of individual Americans into the hands of the banks at which those funds are kept.

Get Your Money Out.

Consider alternatecollapse-centric investment strategies and what is money when the system as we know it falls apart.

Stay up to date with the latest news :

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/kr3at

Facebook: http://facebook.com/alexhiggins732

Live TV And Videos: Higgins TV

Website: The Alexander Higgins Blog

Headlines: Real-time News Headlines

Related Posts :








Unconscionable Media Warmongering


From SteveLendmanBlog

My Photoby Stephen Lendman – August 10, 2012

Washington needs media support to wage wars and plan new ones.

Broadcast and print scoundrels oblige. 

Paid liars infest Western media. Managed news misinformation creates enemies.

Fear is stoked.

War is cheerled, glorified, and sanitized to suppress truths too grim to report.

Reasons for war aren’t explained. Fake ones are invented.

Public opinion is manipulated to support what should be condemned.  

Wars beget more of them. America wages permanent ones.

It’s longstanding official policy.

Where it ends, who knows.

Washington’s targets Syria and Iran.

Destroying both countries and remaking them in America’s image is planned. Media scoundrels turn a blind eye.

Imperial dominance alone matters.

Daily articles, commentaries and editorials promote Washington’s agenda.

Willing co-conspirators invent reality. Media scoundrels fell from grace long ago. Conflicts of interest proliferate. 

Administration and Pentagon handouts substitute for journalism.

Reporters and commentators comprise a virtual Noah’s Ark of scam artists. Savvy readers ignore them.

Maybe some day everyone will and tune out propaganda TV 

Progressive Radio News Hour regular Peter Eyre explained New World Order methodology.

Paul Wolfowitz planned it two decades ago. 

Project For the New American Century members endorsed it. Bush officials implemented it.

Plans were made to destroy seven or more countries. Wars are proceeding as intended. Democrats wage them like Republicans.

Planned economic turmoil accompanies them. The worst of all possible worlds continues.

A new dark age arrived. Global war threatens. Police state harshness targets non-believers.

Bad as things are now, imagine what’s coming if not challenged and stopped. 

New York Times commentator Nicholas Kristof calls Obama AWOL in Syria.

He smells blood and wants more shed.

He praised US intervention in Libya. He ignored another country destroyed.

He considers it a foreign policy success. He questions why Syria isn’t targeted the same way.

He stops short of urging invasion. He wants stepped up intervention other ways. Act aggressively, he said.

He added that Clinton defense secretary William Perry said he favors a no-fly zone and joint US-Turkey “military intervention.”

According to Perry:

“This isn’t a full strategy, but it could facilitate the overthrow of Assad and have a real humanitarian benefit. And if successful, it could help us influence the post-Assad government. If we sit by, we’ll be in no position to influence it.”

Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright agrees.

She told Kristof:

“I’m for intervention, but it doesn’t have to be on-the-ground military intervention. We do have to get more involved in this.”

In Clinton’s administration, she was criminally involved in mass deaths attributable to Iraq sanctions.

She also played a key role in destroying Yugoslavia. She urges the same for Syria. 

In May, Obama rewarded her with the Medal of Freedom. It’s the nation’s highest civilian honor.

She deserves prosecution and imprisonment instead.

Media scoundrels deserve no less. They’re willing co-conspirators.

Their hands are blood-drenched like officials responsible for criminal policies.

Kristof gives three reasons for “action in Syria.” 

(1) Regional destabilization accompanies fighting. Ignored is who’s responsible and how easily it can be stopped and avoided elsewhere.

(2) Assad has chemical weapons. “Jihadis (and/or) global black market(eers) could get their hands on them. Assad never used them won’t now unless forced to against invasion in self-defense. 

Washington contaminated Vietnam with them. It irradiated large parts of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya with depleted uranium. It also uses chemical and biological weapons. So does Israel.

(3) A “humanitarian imperative.” Again, naming who’s responsible is suppressed.

Kristof claims he’s no hawk. He’s endorsing more war for less of it. Obama “no longer (should be) a bystander,” he urges. 

Kristof and other administration critics won’t admit he’s far from it.

Washington orchestrates everything going on and what’s planned.

On August 9, New York Times contributor Samar Yazbek headlined “In the Shadow of Assad’s Bombs,” saying:

Civilians have Free Syrian Army battalions to protect them. Assad is punishing them severely.

FSA fighters “treated (her) like part of the group.” 

She calls them “a hodgepodge of battalions, including secularists, moderate Islamists, and all-too-ordinary people who joined up to defend their lives and their families.”

She claims they and ruling Alawites are “brothers.” They’re “defend(ing their) homes to the death.”

Featuring this type propaganda shows why the late Gore Vidal called The Times the “Typhoid Mary of American journalism.”

Op-eds like Yazbek’s almost make earlier yellow journalism look respectable.

On August 8, a Washington Post editorial headlined “Getting around a dead-end in Syria,” saying:

“The grim reality is that the regime and the brutal war it is waging in Syria’s cities is likely to go on and on — unless the United States abandons its policy of passivity.”

In fact, fighting rages because Washington proxies wage it. Change plans and it stops.

It’s not policy so conflict continues toward a potential catastrophic ending.

The Post urges stepped up intervention. It criticizes months of “feckless” diplomacy.

It wants more blood than already spilled.

Target Iran

At times, Haaretz reports responsibly. Other times it falls short. Perhaps its Zionist roots shows.

It’s been around since 1918. It’s Israel’s oldest broadsheet. 

It features excellent commentators like Amira Hass and Gideon Levy.

US dailies have no one like them. It also publishes shameless articles. 

On August 10, it headlined “Top Israel official: Iran nuclear threat bigger than one Israel faced before Six Day War.”

Israel faced no threat then whatever.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin later admitted that Egypt’s Nasser didn’t threaten Israel.

“We must be honest with ourselves,” he said. “We decided to attack him.”

Former General Mordechai said 16 years of planning went into “perfect(ing) the “ initial eighty minutes. 

Former General Haim Barlev admitted Israel wasn’t threatened.(W)e had never thought of such a possibility.”  

Other Israeli leaders and generals said the same thing. It’s in the public record.

Haaretz knows it or should. Now it’s hyping another false existential threat. 

An unnamed Israeli official claims Iran points a “sword at our throat (much) sharper than the sword at our throat before the Six Day War.”

“We will absolutely not deliberately drag the United States into a war,” he added. “If we decide to undertake an operation, it must be an operation that does not rely on the expectation of igniting some large chain reaction.”

He claims “if Iran obtains nuclear arms, it will goad its neighbors and adversaries and will be unstoppable.”

“All the moderate forces around us will be significantly weakened and heavy storm clouds will gather over the Middle East.”  

“The region will not be the same region and the world will not be the same world, and our lives will not be the same either.We will live under the shadow of a permanent storm.”

Dealing with Iran today, he added, will be much less complicated than if nuclearized.

Washington, other Western nations, and Israel know Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

Its leaders publicly renounce them and call for a nuclear-free Middle East.

Israel alone in the region has them. It has delivery systems with long-range capability.

It publicly said it’ll use all its weapons if threatened. 

Pointing fingers the wrong way diverts attention from the real Middle East threat.

On July 20, Haaretz contributor Ari Shavit’s article headlined “Israeli Air Force veteran says that on Iran issue, leaders are playing with our lives,” saying:

“Kobi Richter….is skilled at analyzing complex situations.”

He previously helped “Israel’s air and strategic power.”

He now “feels that the country….fac(es) an existential threat.”

He also calls attacking Iran “an act of madness.”

Shavit said “he’s talking nonsense….Time is running out.”

Israel is “backed into a corner.”

Act now before it’s too late, he urged.

Richter called an attack on Iran much more complicated than against Iraq’s Osiraq reactor in 1981.

He added that attacking Iran is much more potentially calamitous than leaving well enough alone and promoting peace.

Shavit disagrees. So do other Israeli hawks. At issue is will belligerent rhetoric become policy?

On the Progressive Radio News Hour, Peter Eyre said attacking Iran assures striking Dimona and other Israeli nuclear sites in response.

Imagine irradiating an entire country and much of surrounding ones.

On August 10, Haaretz contributor Amir Oren expressed the same concern.

On the one hand, he worries about Iran becoming nuclearized.

On the other, he asks what to do in the meantime, and what about consequences.

Attacking Iran “endanger(s) Dimona.”

Have Israeli officials discussed it, he asked?

Do “cabinet ministers understand the consequences?”

Will they go along with what may prove disastrous? 

Will they act despite no existential threat?

Will Haaretz writers say so?

Will responsible editorial policy condemn what’s vital to prevent before it’s too late to act?


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon.

All programs are archived for easy listening.









Vaccines – The True Weapons of Mass Destruction (Full Lecture)


From Underground Documentaries

Dr. Rebecca (Roczen) Carley received her Bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Ultrasound, attended medical school (and received the Samuel L. Kountz award for clinical excellence in surgery at graduation),

and trained to be a general surgeon at State University of New York at Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Dr. Carley also worked as an attending Emergency Room physician at Kings County Medical Center in Brooklyn (which is the primary training affiliate for Downstate students), and is the largest hospital (and busiest trauma center) in the United States.

Dr. Carley left the practice of General Surgery and “allopathic” medicine after realizing that no one was actually being healed of their diseases, and she started researching “alternative” medicine while taking time off to start a family.

After Dr. Carley’s only child was brain damaged as a result of inoculations he received, Dr. Carley learned how to reverse the damage with homeopathy and other natural supplements, and subsequently realized that inoculations of disease are causing the corruption in the immune system which leads to all autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Dr. Carley has developed the Hippocrates Protocol which has successfully reversed all autoimmune diseases (including autism) and cancer in over 2,000 clients (including pets) over the past 9 years.

She has written the definitive paper explaining the mechanism whereby inoculations with disease are causing VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases), which has been featured in multiple publications all over the world and is available under the title “Inoculations: the True Weapons of Mass Destruction” on her website at www.drcarley.com.

She has offered a $10,000 reward for any vaccine promoter to come on her internet radio show and refute the documents she has authored.

No one has stepped forward to do so.

Dr. Carley has been qualified in court as an expert witness in VIDS, Legal Abuse Syndrome, Vaccinology, and child abuse.

Dr. Carley no longer “practices medicine”, but instead teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse their diseases using the Hippocrates protocol she developed.

She also goes into the hospital as a patient advocate for clients who are not satisfied with the care their loved ones are receiving.

Besides being a guest on over 200 radio and television shows, for over 9 years Dr. Carley had her own weekly public access television show in Long Island, followed by a weekly internet radio show now on www.bbsradio.com (Station 2) on Thursdays at 8:30 PM EST

and on www.republicbroadcasting.org on Wednesdays at 12 noon EST, all entitled “What’s Ailing America” (archives are also available for both internet shows).

Dr. Carley is also available to give talks to interested groups to teach what she has learned about vaccine induced diseases, and how they can be reversed;

and has developed a course through the “Hippocrates Academy” where interested students can learn and be certified how to do the Hippocrates Protocol developed by Dr. Carley, which reverses all autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in pets using natural therapies.

Please visit her website: http://www.drcarley.com/








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REAL NEWS July 10, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on July 10, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : July 10, 2012


Obama Seizes Control of All Communications Systems With Executive Order


 {XANIEL’S NOTE : One has to ask, why it is that there is not a major campaign right now to impeach this President who continues to by-pass the normal form and avenues of our Government by signing all of these Executive Orders that have destroyed this Country with just a wave of his mighty pen.

By now it must be clear  to everyone,  that this Marxist President and his Administration,  are traitors to the U.S. and all her people.

With an exception to a very small few from both sides, neither Party is pushing (at least, not very hard) to stop this President.

Once again, allow me to push a Third and unknown Party : ‘ The Constitutional Party ‘

And Ron Paul can lead it,  to help bring an end to both useless Parties and our Government as we have come to see it,

and to restore our Nation to it’s,’ once-upon-a-time ‘, Greatness  ! }~~Xaniel777


From The Intel Hub

By Susanne Posel
July 9, 2012

President Obama has usurped all available forms of communication for use and discretion of the US government.

Under executive order (EO) , Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions, Obama has enabled the executive branch to control communications under all “possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience.”

Official White House Photo

Radio and wired communications systems “of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.”

Cellular phone corporations like Sprint owned Boost Mobile have released messages to their customers concerning the US government’s allocation of their phone communications at the whim of the President.

In a text message to customers, Boost Mobile said that: “. . . you can receive national and local emergency alerts directly on your phone.”

Back in 2011, Hillary Clinton admitted that the US government, via the mainstream media, is losing their “information war” with the American public. As alternative media becomes more prevalent, the propaganda must be taken up a notch in order to keep the masses onboard with the agendas of the US government.

Danny Schechter, filmmaker and investigative journalist, explains that MSM cannot compete with the alternative media.

Schechter says that “America feels on the defensive because it can no longer” monopolize the thoughts of citizens domestically and abroad. Since the US government thinks “its point of view is the only point of view” these new news outlets are “extremely damaging” to the US continual purveyance of propaganda.

The Presidential Alert was announced in August of 2011, wherein the Commissioners for the FCC required that television, radio stations and cable systems (including satellites) will redirect broadcasting if the President wants to “alert Americans of impending danger”.

This EO explains that the establishment of a NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (CEC) will “serve as a forum to address NS/EP communications matters”.

The CEC will answer to the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy(OSTP) and advise Obama on the “prioritization of radio spectrum and wired communications that support NS/EP functions”.

Designees of DHS and Department of Defense will be co-Chairs of the CEC. While the CEC will now advise on policy to Obama; they will have control over the “future architecture of the NS/EP communications” and define those communications in a “long-term strategic vision”.

The funding for this all-encompassing control over our radio, television and digital communications will be taken from the taxpayers by way of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Under Obama’s discretion, all radio and digital communications can be intercepted with recommendation by the assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP.

The executive branch’s authority derives from the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 606), Section 706.

The US governmental agencies involved in this endeavor are the heads of:

Department of Justice
• Department of Defense
• Department of State
• Department of Commerce
• Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
• Office of the director of National Intelligence (DNI)
• General Services Administration
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The President enables the “regimes to test, exercise, and evaluate the capabilities of existing and planned communications systems, networks, or facilities” and provides “quarterly updates to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP”.

The Secretary of Homeland Security (SHS) will create an Executive Committee Joint Program Office (JPO) that has been tasked with “coordination of programs that support NS/EP missions, priorities, goals, and policy.

The JPO and the CEC will meet with governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to decide on “development of policies”.

The SHS also has the responsibility of facilitating communications in the event and support of Continuity of Government on the federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal levels.

In an emergency the SHS will alert “non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration”.

The Secretary of Defense will develop, implement and sustain NS/EP communications in response to national security needs as directed by “the President, Vice President, and senior national leadership, including: communications with or among the President, Vice President, White House staff, heads of state and government, and Nuclear Command and Control leadership; Continuity of Government communications; and communications among the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to support Enduring Constitutional Government”.

In conjunction with EO 12333, established by former President Ronald Regan; wherein the powers of all US intelligence agencies were extended and all heads of federal agencies were admonished to comply with information requests from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this new EO further empowers that already established fact.

All communications avenues must allow for the receipt, integration and dissemination of NS/EP communicational information that is supplied by the US government for the intention of the American citizens.

Whether private or publicly owned, those communications resources can and will be usurped by the President and/or governmental agencies.

“Relevant supporting entities” like the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, Wireless Priority Service, Telecommunications Service Priority program, Next Generation Network Priority program will provide organization and management structure with the CEC, SHS and the President.

In the event of an “emergency” the Secretary of Commerce will allow for the takeover of radio frequencies as well as television and digital communications with the use of electromagnetics.

These communicative abilities are now “belonging to and operated by the Federal Government” as resources to be utilized “during a crisis or emergency”.

The Administrator of General Services will purchase all necessary equipment to provide the US government capabilities to take over communications.

If the CIA or DNI deem it so, they are enabled to influence policy directives, procedures and guide issues that are relevant to the securing of national security.

The FCC’s role in this is to acquiesce “all entities licensed or regulated” by the FCC to ensure that messages are received and disseminated to the American public.

This latest EO is but one in a long string of presidential shows of authority that lays the foundation for the establishment of a dictatorship in America.


Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.







(UPDATE) – Maine Governor Blasts Obamacare, Calls IRS ‘The New Gestapo’


{ XANIEL’S NOTE : You’ll notice that  Maine’s House and Senate Democratic leaders are all upset !

Now so much, as they claim , that Governor Paul LePage called the IRS, ‘ The New Gestapo ‘,

but more or less because they still consider themselves and the IRS to be apart of,  ‘ The Old Gestapo ‘ !!}~~~Xaniel777


From The Huffington Post 

By  – July 07, 2012

Paul Lepage

Gov. Paul LePage speaks at a news conference, Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, at the State House in Augusta, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Maine Governor Paul LePage blasted the Supreme Court’s health care ruling on Saturday, saying the “decision has made America less free.”

“We the people have been told there is no choice,” LePage said in his weekly radio address. “You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo — the I.R.S.”

He specifically targeted the individual mandate, calling its classification as a tax the most “disturbing” portion of the ruling.

“Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next?” LePage asked. “More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?”

LePage has a history of making controversial remarks. During his 2010 run for governor, the Tea Party-backed Republican turned heads at a GOP forum by vowing he would tell President Barack Obama to “go to hell.”

After winning the 2010 election, LePage chose not to attend a January 2011 NAACP event honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day. When asked why, he said he would not be held “held hostage” by special interests, and that the organization could “kiss my butt.”

At Maine’s 2012 GOP convention, LePage took on welfare, telling able-bodied recipients to “get off the couch and get yourself a job.” Those words drew a standing ovation from the crowd.

{ Xaniel’s Note : As much as I may agree with this Governor about many things, I strongly disagree with this ! Their are many able-bodied recipients who would love to get up off the couch and go find a job,  if there was one to be found. There isn’t of course and that’s thanks to Corrupt Government Officials and Greedy Financial  Corporations !}~~Xaniel777


UPDATE (7/8/2012 — 1:45 p.m. ET)Maine’s House and Senate Democratic leaders issued statements on Sunday in response to LePage’s remarks.

“The Governor’s language is intentionally offensive,” Rep. Emily Cain (D-Orono) said. “This goes beyond political rhetoric. The experience of the Holocaust survivors and the veterans of World War II who witnessed the true terror of the Gestapo should not be trivialized for political shock. The Governor must apologize. We urge our Republican colleagues to join us in condemning this language.”

“The Governor’s comparison of the IRS to the Gestapo is shameful and ignorant,” Sen. Justin Alfond (D-Portland) added. “His comment trivializes an historic atrocity and mischaracterizes Obamacare for the sake of political divisiveness. This is yet another instance of the Governor choosing hostile language over substance. He’s gone too far and owes not just the people of Maine an apology for his degrading language but to the families who were the victims of the real Gestapo.”






Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas Colleges


From 2012thebigpicture

July 07, 2012

Hundreds of Classes Cancelled as ACC Loses 10,000 Students

Infowars has talked to a whistleblower in a senior position at Austin Community College who has divulged that enrollment numbers are collapsing due to students refusing to comply with vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes.

The ACC administrator told Alex Jones that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll because of their refusal to take inoculations.

Although waivers for religious or personal objections are available, the ACC source said students were being given the impression that the inoculations are compulsory.

Indeed, college authorities are lying to students by telling them they will be refused enrolment if they don’t take the shots, according to the source.

This has led to a staggering 15 per cent decline in students enrolling since January and forced ACC to cancel 500 classes over the next semester alone.

When students are asked why they are dropping out or failing to enroll, huge numbers of them are citing the institution’s aggressive vaccination policy.

According to the administrator, a similar pattern of dropouts due to students revolting over vaccines is being witnessed across the country.

Our source did not wish to be named but expressed her desire to alert the general public about the fact that the situation had turned into a major crisis for Austin Community College, which is the second largest institution of higher learning in Central Texas.

This is yet another example of how the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, in its quest to profit from an ever growing number of vaccines forced on children and young people, is actually destroying an entire area of the economy.

The process bears some similarities to how the travel industry has been ravaged by aggressive, invasive and pointless security measures directed against tourists by the TSA and other government agencies, measures that cost some $600 billion in lost revenue.

Concerns about the dangers of vaccines have been growing steadily in recent years.

A September 2011 Thomson Reuters-NPR Health poll found that one in four Americans believe vaccines are unsafe.

A 2009 Washington Post report found that college students were shunning the H1N1 vaccine because they viewed the virus’s threat as a media-concocted sensation.



Also read this post… about an Illuminati-planned pandemic for this fall.






UCS Exposes Lies Behind Monsanto’s Claims


From CARE2

by  – July 4, 2012

UCS Exposes Lies Behind Monsanto’s Claims

Monsanto pours millions of dollars into campaigns to buy the support of governments and farmers and even children. They claim only their genetically modified seeds can save the world’s growing population from hunger.

Care2′s bloggers have taken them to task for

The list goes on. (See Related Care2 Stories below.)

The Union of Concerned Scientists has had enough.

They are taking the gloves off and going after Monsanto with a campaign that shouts: “Monsanto Fails at Improving Agriculture.”

The three ads strike Monsanto where the company makes its loudest claims.

Take a look at the ads on this and the next two page.

Then go to the UCS Web site and help them “Set the Record Straight on Monsanto.” 

They don’t have Monsanto’s marketing budget, but they have the concern of people around the world who care and are ready to speak out.

#1: More Herbicide + Fewer Butterflies = Better Seeds?

#2: A Bumper Crop of Superweeds

#3: All Wet on Drought Tolerance











From Theta Miracles

girl in meadow



At Theta Miracles our team are ready to help you change.



Create a life of balance on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

In every moment you are creating your life with your thoughts.



What if you could change the underlying beliefs, feelings and patterns that create your thoughts?

What if you could do this instantly?

Theta Healing teaches you how to easily connect to the energy of Creator of All That Is and access the quantum field of endless possibilities- miracle healing and changes can and do happen. We show you how.

Whether you come to Theta Healing for physical or emotional healing or to further your own journey of spiritual growth or personal development, at Theta Miracles we have a wide range of opportunities for you to select from.




Everyone and anyone can benefit from Theta Healing. 

You do not need to be sick to allow miracles to happen. 

If there is any area of your life in which you are not 100% happy then Theta Healing can help you.

Come along to one of our intro events and find out more.

See Introductory Events


JUNE 2012



I have been working with Theta Healing for 5 years.

Before that I worked with many different healing modalities.

Theta Healing has given me the stepping stone to a new way of living and a new way of working with energy.

I am delighted to be sharing this with you.


At this point you may already have explored much about Theta Healing and what it is about and what it can do.

But if you are completely new to Theta Healing then let me explain some of the basics.


When I use Theta Healing I go, in less than a second, in to a Theta Brain Wave.

This allows me to connect to Source energy, to God, to Creator of All That Is.

It doesn’t matter what name you put on this – it is the energy that connects everything.

It is the energy of peace, of love, of harmony.

It is whilst in the Theta Brain Wave, connected to Creator of All That Is that miracle healing happens.


As a Theta Healing practitioner I do not DO the healing. I am a witness to Creator of All That Is doing the healing.


It is in this space that healing can happen.


The major work of Theta Healing is what we call – Belief Work and Feelings Work.


Everything you attract is based on the message you send out.

What you send out comes from your beliefs, which create your thoughts.

When you think happy positive thoughts then you attract happy positive experiences.

Don’t you just feel some days that you will have a great day?

You send out a positive energy and you attract back positive experiences.


And then some days you feel down. You expect the worse. And yes, you have negative experiences.


You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. What you focus on, what you think about, you attract to yourself.

And what you attract to yourself, most of it stems from the beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind, over which you have little knowledge.


Some people say you are aware of less than 10% of the beliefs in your subconscious mind.


What if you could change your thoughts?

What if you could identify and change these underlying beliefs?

What if you could completely change the experiences you attract to yourself?


This is one of the things that Theta Healing can do.

It can create changes to the beliefs held in the subconscious mind.


This then changes your thoughts, your feelings and emotions.

This changes what you attract to yourself via THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

When you change your thoughts you send out a different message and attract a different experience.


For example you may be unconsciously sending out a message to one or several people – ‘ignore me’.

It does not need to make sense.

And when you are ignored you feel it is something they are doing.

However, they are responding energetically to the message you are sending out.

If you change this thought form, this belief, this feeling in to for example, love me, appreciate me, respect me, then you send out a completely different energetic message and the person or people will then react to you in a completely different way.

You may think that they have changed but what has actually happened is that you have changed what you are projecting out and what you are attracting back.


The beliefs in your subconscious mind come from many different places.

This is why you are completely unaware of what is there.

Much you picked up from early childhood, actually from the time of conception and throughout your life you picked up and are still picking up new beliefs.

Some of them are positive and support you. Especially if you are working on your growth.

But there are also beliefs that come from your ancestors, through your genes, from other lifetimes and from the collective unconscious.

Consider the beliefs patterns held across religions and nationalities that are part of individual people, over which they have little conscious control.

There is free will and thoughts can be changed consciously. By making a decision to do so.

Or very quickly using the magic and miracle of Theta Healing.


Using Theta Healing when I work with someone on a 1 to 1 basis I work with them to identify what beliefs are affecting what they want to change in their life.

I do this by listening to their story, listening to Creator of All That Is and working intuitively with the beliefs and feelings and emotions that I connect to within the body.

However, there is still great benefit in receiving positive, empowering beliefs in group sessions.


When you receive a new belief or feeling we call this a DOWNLOAD.

There are many downloads that are available for you to have from this site.

Coming up shortly are some of the most profound downloads of the most fundamental beliefs for healing.

These beliefs create a foundation for a wonderful, positive future for you.

To receive a new belief or a feeling, you have to to be willing to accept it.

It cannot be ‘downloaded’ to you without your permission.

You just need to say ‘yes’ – it can be spoken or you can just say inwardly.

The amazing thing is that when a Theta Healing Practitioner downloads a belief or a feeling – and this can be in person, over the telephone, in a recording or even from the written word – the energy of the healing is there to be received by you, whenever you wish. Amazing. Fantastic.

It is rather like a bubble of energy is created which you can tap in to, any time, by consciously saying – ‘Yes, I want this’.

Remember, this is never imposed on you. You always have freedom to choose.

And you can learn to use this technique yourself.

You can purchase the Theta Healing Book or you can join us on one of our Practitioner 3 day courses and become certified yourself.


So far I have mentioned belief work which is really important in clearing out old patterns of behaviour.

One of the most important aspects of Theta Healing is what we call feelings work.

Science has proven that you have cell receptors in your body that are opened or closed to experience certain feelings.

Let us say, for example, that someone learned, as a child, some faulty beliefs about love.

They may then have closed down their ability to love or to be loved.

We can ‘download’ a belief so that they know and understand what love is but they may not have learned to experience the feeling of it from the perspective, and understanding of Creator of All That Is.

When a Theta Healing practitioner teaches new feelings these cell receptors are opened to allow the possibility of that person allowing the highest feeling of love in to their life.

Beliefs about love can make immense changes in peoples lives.

Changing the subconscious message you send out energetically completely changes the relationships you attract in to your life, including the one with yourself.

You can work with this on a 1 to 1, or in group sessions or with some of the downloads available on this site.

Many people have cell receptors open for things that they would prefer NOT to have in their lives.

How would you like to live without stress, worry, sadness or guilt?

When you accept the feeling of living without these feelings the cell receptors are then able to close.

What happens then is that people find they react differently in circumstances where they would normally stress or react.

Very often they realise that something has happened and they didn’t react, it did not trigger them. Wonderful. Fantastic!!


You can identify the beliefs held in your subconscious mind through muscle testing.

I recorded a video on doing your own muscle testing in October 2008, when I started teaching, and you can access this from video page.

If you want to check your own beliefs this is a good starting place and useful as a tool before having a telephone consultation.

Muscle testing is not part of the healing of Theta Healing.

It is a technique from kineisiology to identify beliefs held in the subconscious mind. This helps you identify what you believe, and also confirms to you when changes have been made.

If you would like to check your beliefs then watch the video or find out more from recordings and other pages coming shortly.

You may be very surprised at what you are actually creating in your life now!!


The more I work with Theta Healing the more I understand and appreciate that the underlying teachings and techniques of Theta Healing are Absolute Truth from Creator of All That Is.

To me, this is the beauty, wonder and miracle of Theta Healing. It is a pathway to work with Creator of All That Is with techniques from the highest Source energy.

At Theta Miracles we give you our thoughts on bringing these techniques in to your everyday world here on earth. Vianna Stibal, the founder of Theta Healing gives you her thoughts and experiences of working with the techniques.

We believe this helps you understand how to work with the principles in your every day life. The underlying principles of Theta Healing, we believe, are pure, absolute truth, free from ego.

When you learn Theta Healing for yourself you give yourself the gift of working with Creator of All That Is to create a life free from ego, free from ties and influences from the past and future, to work in the present moment.

When you do this you create healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels, you raise your vibration and begin to create a life that will really make you happy.

We welcome working with you to create the life of your dreams.






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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~~ Xaniel777


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