DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘Government’

Those Of Us Awake Already Knew: DOD Admits Supporting ISIS, Buffer Zones In Syria

Posted by Xaniel777 on May 25, 2015

SOURCE: Activist Post – Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

By Brandon Turbeville

Monday, May 25, 2015

While the Western mainstream media and even independent gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky for years spread the lie that any suggestion that the United States and NATO were supporting ISIS was a “conspiracy theory,” recently uncovered and declassified documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency have proven the Western press and the likes of Chomsky wrong and, yet again, the so-called “conspiracy theorists” right.

This is because, on May 18, Judicial Watch published a selection of recently declassified documents that were obtained from the US Department of Defense and the US State Department as a result of a lawsuit filed against the US government. The lawsuit and most of the documents contained within the release revolved around the Benghazi scandal but a deeper look into the documents dating back to 2012 reveal an even bigger story – that the US and NATO have admitted in their own documents to supporting al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

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Posted by Xaniel777 on May 16, 2015

SOURCE: UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network

Published on Apr 28, 2015

UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!)

Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years.

Written by Michael Rivero, this film will truly change your views on how our banking system uses War to affect our daily lives.

Recommended for all ages.

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Posted by Xaniel777 on May 4, 2015

SOURCE:  Nation of Change


Published: May 3, 2015



In a recent article entitled, “The Decline and Fall of the United States” David Swanson pointed out that, “Latin American nations are standing up to the United States. Some have kicked out its bases and ceased sending students to the School of the Americas. People are protesting at US bases in Italy, South Korea, England, and at US embassies in the Philippines, Czech Republic, and Ukraine. German courts are hearing charges that it is illegally participating in US drone wars. Pakistani courts have indicted top CIA officials.”It’s no secret that the U.S. is most certainly not the most loved country in the world because of its government’s long history of highly aggressive military actions, as well as its interference in the internal affairs of countless nations. But what we are seeing today is that an increasing number of nations are turning against the U.S. and taking various actions to rid themselves of its presence and influence.

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HEY STUPID: What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?

Posted by Xaniel777 on December 18, 2014

SOURCE: The Survival Place Blog 

            Surviving The World As We Know It

Posted by TheSurvivalGuy on December 13, 2014


The Prepper Journal

The UN’s Arms Trade Treaty which covers everything from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – will enter into force on 24 December 2014, Christmas Eve. This treaty has not been ratified by our Congress but has the support of our Secretary of State, John Kerry who signed it and our President, who without expressly mentioning the treaty, said in a speech at the UN in September that all nations “must meet our responsibility to observe and enforce international norms.” The problem with that statement and this treaty is that we the people aren’t in control of what those ‘international norms’ are and as we have seen time and time again, those international norms might be detrimental to our country.

Many preppers and 2nd Amendment proponents believe that the Arms Trade Treaty will first lead to registration of all firearms and when that happens, historically the next step is confiscation through some means. Technically, no treaty can be put into action in the United States unless it has been ratified by a 2/3 majority of the senate. This fact is what most people cite when they are trying to refute any legitimate concerns about the UN Arms Trade Treaty or any other treaty’s potential effect on our country. This sounds well and good and serves to placate some, but for this fail-safe to have any weight you would first need to have a government that followed the letter of the constitution and additionally, that government would need to follow the wishes of the citizens they are representing.

Our government has proven time and time again that following the constitution is simply not something they feel they have to do when it stands in their way. For example, the senate has never voted on the Kyoto Protocol but that hasn’t stopped the EPA from enacting rules complying with the main goals of that treaty. Coal plants are being shut down left and right while the US and China recently agreed to let China keep growing their output of carbon emissions (with coal power plants) until 2030. There are many examples of policies that are enacted that fall well outside the bounds of Constitutional limits on power but that doesn’t stop our representatives does it? On any issue there is more brainpower spent on finding ways around the Constitution than actually following it with the seeming goal of every single facet of law being finally decided by the Supreme Court. It’s as if in our society, the rules we decided long ago to set for ourselves are only as good as the interpretations of people today and if every single thing can be challenged (and in some cases changed), we don’t really have a Constitution at all. What we have is a framework for legal arguments that only establishes a baseline which can be over ruled completely by a simple majority of ideology on the bench.

 mass grave of victims Choeung Ek Memorial - The site of a former orchard and mass grave of victims of the Khmer Rouge - killed between 1975 and 1979 -

As for a government that listens to their constituents, that long gone relic of thought is promised by every single person running for office. “I feel your pain” The truth of the matter is that in this day and age, every politician is a benefactor of the same special interests. There are no democrat and republican sides whenever both are receiving money from the same companies. The elected politicians, by overwhelming majority do not care what you say or want because they don’t answer to you. Their actions directly contradict election results, polls and public outcry. The 2014 mid-term elections recently held should have sent a very strong signal to the leadership of both parties that the country wasn’t on-board with the policies of the current administration and the direction of affairs with the Congress, however;  Obamacare and Amnesty both remain intact without so much as a whimper from our newly elected majority who promised for years to repeal it as soon as they were ‘in power’. To add insult to injury, the Republicans just released a 1 trillion budget proposal just over 24 hours before a procedural vote on it knowing that nobody would have time to read it. Same tricks but a different face is behind the podium. Why should we expect anything different from what we have been seeing?

Do you really feel that there is anything ‘your party’ is going to do to stop elements of this treaty from being implemented if it is in their best interests?

What’s so wrong with simply registering all guns?

What’s the harm in simply registering you say? It makes sense that government would want to know who has guns, so they can ensure that bad people don’t have them. You can’t argue with that logic can you? Well yes I can try. Registration will only be done by law-abiding people. The criminals they will try to get you to believe this registration would stop would never turn themselves or their guns in. If that were true, why wouldn’t criminals be lining up a police offices every day because we do have laws already, don’t we? How is this not obvious to everyone? I maintain that it is obvious to the people who are pushing for any restriction and by that I am referring to registration,  of our 2ndamendment rights.

Do guns kill people? Yes they do, but deaths by guns are a small fraction of the total deaths in the US each year. If you want to know who really kills people you have to look at governments historically.

Turkish official teasing starved Armenian children by showing bread during the Armenian Genocide, 1915

Yes, you read that right. Governments are responsible for more deaths of their citizens in the 20thcentury than any other unnatural cause. It is called Democide and is been documented by R. J. Rummel, formerly of the University of Hawaii Political Science Department. He writes:

Most probably near 170,000,000 people have been murdered in cold-blood by governments, well over three-quarters by absolutist regimes. The most such killing was done by the Soviet Union (near 62,000,000 people), the communist government of China is second (near 35,000,000), followed by Nazi Germany (almost 21,000,000), and Nationalist China (some 10,000,000). Lesser megamurderers include WWII Japan, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, WWI Turkey, communist Vietnam, post-WWII Poland, Pakistan, and communist Yugoslavia. The most intense democide was carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, where they killed over 30 percent of their subjects in less than four years.

The best predictor of this killing is regime power. The more arbitrary power a regime has, the less democratic it is, and the more likely it will kill its subjects or foreigners. The conclusion is that power kills, absolute power kills absolutely.

But we live in a democracy in the United States and we elect our representatives. We have a rule of law and nothing like the atrocities you mention above would ever happen here. Really? I certainly hope not and so it is with much interest that I have and will be keeping track of what goes on after December 24th and into the future on this topic.

But Mr. Rummel’s statement has weight in historical precedence and is alarming when looked at from the context of where we are as a country today. One could argue that our regime has an increasingly disturbing amount of ‘arbitrary power’. That is power that they have assumed that is outside of the Constitution and the really fun part is they keep giving themselves more of it every day. Some of this power was enacted by law of course, but it is power nonetheless and it never decreases, it only becomes more vast. From the Patriot Act, to NSA Spying, to treaties with foreign nations, harassment of political parties, to illegal searches, illegal detainment without cause, to killing people without a trial and just yesterday they passed a bill which grants the government and law enforcement “unlimited access to the communications of every American”.  How much power is that?

What does this mean to preppers?

Our second amendment was written expressly to give we the people a means to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. This wasn’t about ‘letting us have’ weapons for hunting or shooting clay pigeons. The second amendment says that our right to bear arms ‘shall not be infringed’. It doesn’t say what type of arms meaning that you can assume they only meant musket loaders. It was intentionally open and only spoke to our rights, not the specifics of the weapons.

The Supreme Court even stated in the Heller decision that the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects an individual’s right to own firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, such asself-defense within the home. Even with that they left some ambiguity by allowing certain restrictions to gun ownership. This argument over who can have guns and what limits authority should put on gun ownership is not going away even with this ruling and it seems that challenges to the amendment could happen one day in that ongoing process we have called the courts. I can see that on the horizon again as new actions are taken in an effort to limit the ability American’s have of defending themselves because that is what it is all about. The UN and other anti-gun voices do not believe you have a right to self-defense. So you have to ask yourself why a bunch of representatives from countries that do not recognize the fundamental right to possess weapons are so keen to take ours. They prefer to give that power solely to the State which takes me back to Democide.

Following the public announcement of the establishment of the Lodz ghetto on February 8, 1940, Jews were expelled from all other parts of the city and moved into the ghetto area. 164,000 Jews were imprisoned in the ghetto when the Germans sealed it off on April 30, 1940.

Why would we willingly give away our rights to self-defense when time after time it has been shown to be the ones we have the most to fear from are the very ones telling us we don’t need guns?

I have written before about the phrase “From my cold dead hands” and I haven’t changed my opinion. I do not say that phrase lightly, but I wonder if there will be a decision we face in our future that could have far-reaching impacts on the security of our lives. Each of us should carefully consider the larger picture of events that are happening in our world. We may not get the disaster you are expecting, that would necessitate throwing on our bug out bags and living under a tarp. We may face a different enemy who will come to us with a message of “common sense reforms” and wrap this all in a promise of “keeping everyone safe”. Take that with a grain of salt and remember the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago. Gulag was his literary-historical record of the vast system of prisons and labor camps that came into being shortly after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917 and underwent an enormous expansion during the rule of Stalin from 1924 to 1953. It is a fascinating read and warning to those who can see the echos of history in our country and around the world today.

“During an arrest, you think since you are not guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, you’ll only make your situation worse; you will make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake.

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family?

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We did not love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.”

For what it’s worth, I do not believe that we will most likely see bands of armed soldiers rounding up whole cities as they did during the Soviet Union days Solzhenitsyn lived through. I do think we will need to make a choice and I think we should be guarded even more so about how far we let things slip away from us. The arbitrary power that keeps building, if left unchecked would be the same as not resisting in Solzhenitsyn’s days. If you don’t put up a fight, you might not like what happens to you.

We say “What part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand” as a way of challenging anyone who believes that guns and firearms only belong in the hands of the military or police. It is an in-your-face type of confrontation that we employ to convey the frustration and absurdity of the issue in our minds. Perhaps that message should be one that we ask ourselves? Maybe we are the ones who need to remember “Shall Not Be Infringed” more so than the people who want to excuse away that right. Maybe the lessons of history and the rights we have shouldn’t be used as an argument with people who will never be persuaded. Perhaps, the message is one we need to take to heart and live out to the expectations of those brave men who recorded this phrase for us. We are the only ones who need to remember this right and by that same token, we are the only ones who can lose it willingly.

This information has been made available by The Prepper Journal: What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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  ©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014 DaniMartExtras,too

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Peaceful, civil disobedience and siege !

Posted by Xaniel777 on April 29, 2013

TODAY’S NEWS : April 29, 2013


The Plan To “Take Back America” – Place ALL state and federal capitals under ‘Civil Disobedient’ Siege

America's Voice Now

Plan To Take Back America by Civil Disobedience


Added by Michael Evans on April 11, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has arrived for us to make or break.  No longer can we sit and ponder, “who will do something?”, “who is going to stop the tyranny and treasonous actions of our state and federal governments?”

Today all that ends.  Today we take our nation back by peaceful, civil disobedience and siege.

Today we commit to bring all state and federal governments, agencies and branches to a screeching, blood curdling halt.  No more fear, no more hiding in the shadows.  Today you will make a choice;  ”I am an American Patriot who will solve this problem”, or “I am choosing the side of slavery and betrayal.”

Either you are the solution… or, you ARE the problem.

The time for vacillation and hand-wringing are done.  Today we as a nation, as a people, as a business, as a parent, as a child, as a family, today, we take action.  We will starve this beast into submission.  We will bring the entire nation and every state to a screeching halt economically and peacefully using the tool of Civil Disobedience.

Prepare yourselves for trouble, discomfort, hunger, cold and fear. But most importantly… prepare yourself for SUCCESS.  Success in restoring our nation to the Rule of Law, to morals, ethics, honesty, and the courage to take on the hard and painful task of bringing order to chaos.

Our nation is at the end of a long road.  From here the road goes Left or Right.  There is no more straight ahead.

Here’s the plan:

All businesses:  

  1. Cease sending in sales taxes, employee contribution taxes and any other funds that go to the state or federal governments.

  2. Withhold any payments made to any government agency, either state or federal until the demands are met.

  3. Withhold all real estate tax payments

  4. Withhold all payments  to banks, mortgage companies, auto loans, credit card companies, revolving lines of credit, Real Estate taxes

  5. Cease all orders for new products and services

  6. Place the funds in designated ‘escrow’ accounts and withhold the funds until the state and federal governments capitulate.

  7. The End Goal?  Bring all commerce, funding and payments to a halt.  No money moves, period.  No product moves, Period.

All individuals:

  1. Prepare yourselves and families to take shifts in ‘camping’ out in front of the state and federal capitols until ALL demands are met.

  2. Withhold all payments to banks, mortgage companies, auto loans, credit card companies.

  3. Place all funds in a designated ‘escrow’ account and withhold the funds until the state and federal governments capitulate.

  4. Purchase only what you need in food & fuel for a 90 day window.

  5. Don’t worry, it can’t last that long.  Remember, 90% of America has only enough food to last 3 days.  Understand that state governments are required by law to pay ALL bills with real money and they don’t have the luxury of a Federal Reserve who can print endless greenbacks.  States will break within 10-15 days… maybe less.

  6. The End Goal?  Starve The Beast.  Bring all commerce to a halt.  No work, no taxes paid, no purchases, no commerce, no movement.  A complete and total freeze of all money, supplies, and work.

When does this begin?  

July 4th, 2013.  Independence Day. 


  • We’re Not Leaving Until YOU Do!

  • America – Free At Last!

  • Freedom & Liberty – We The People Is ALL Of Us!

  • Enough Is Enough – We Want Our Nation Back!

  • Our Constitution IS The Law Of The Land!

  • End Government Lawlessness!

  • Government Under Siege – Not Citizens!

  • Government Has Boundaries – We The People Enforce Them!

What will happen? 

  1. A complete and total freeze will be impossible to hide from not only every individual in our nation, the entire world will be forced to take notice.

  2. The mass media will at first try to ignore it.  Thankfully, there is enough ‘alternative’ media sources that will cover the planet with the news that America is in peaceful REVOLT.  ”Those crazy American’s are taking their nation back for the 2nd time!”

  3. State Governments will be the first to capitulate.  Their funding is generally ‘hand to mouth’.  Without monetary resources from sales taxes and income tax paid via employers, they will be bereft of funds within days.

  4. The Federal Government can print money (Illegally via the Federal Reserve – A private cabal of Banksters).  They however also rely on tax revenues sent in from employers.  They cannot print indefinitely.  Further, the pressure from states, individuals and the globe will be impossible to ignore.

  5. The Federal Government will not last beyond a few weeks or perhaps a couple of months at most.

What is the Goal?

The goal of this process is to take back our nation, peacefully, civilly, but with unrelenting force.  No government can exist without funding from the citizenry.  Everyone knows and acknowledges that our state and federal governments are completely out of control in relation to both money and abuse of power.

Our goal is to cut off the money supply and starve the beast to death.  Either it will capitulate to our demands, or it will die.  In either event, We The People will come out of this period with our nation intact and our Constitution again in full force and effect.

So what demands are we making?

  1. All existing members of congress resign pending an emergency nationwide election for both state and federal governments.

  2. President Barack Obama must resign pending an emergency national election to replace him.

  3. No current member of congress may run again in the emergency election

  4. Nationwide personal taxation at a level not to exceed 10% of income.

    1. Everyone pays, not 51% – everyone.

    2. No deductions, no loopholes

  5. Nationwide corporate taxation at a level not to exceed 20%.

    1. No deductions, no loopholes

    2. If a corporation attempts to avoid paying taxes by ‘hiding’ or sheltering money overseas, that corporation is prohibited from doing business in the United States.

  6. The Federal Reserve MUST return all national banking and money supply to the Treasury as Constitutionally mandated within a 3 year time frame.

    1. The Treasury Department Shall Not delegate the Constitutional duties and obligations to any third party

    2. The Treasury Shall Not use fractional banking.  All money must be backed by precious metal.

  7. All administrative agencies not Constitutionally Mandated are immediately disbanded and considered Null & Void including but not limited to the following:

    1. EPA – Environmental Protection Agency

    2. DHS – Department of Homeland Security

    3. IRS – Internal Revenue Service – We have no need of the IRS.  It will be replaced with a simple monitoring body to ensure all funds are collected.

    4. ATF, DEA, SEC, USDA, FDA, DOE – Full List Here:  http://www.usa.gov/directory/federal/index.shtml

    5. No ‘Agency’ Shall Exist.  Congress has no authority to sub-delegate the limited ‘power-of-attorney’ that the Constitution provides for it to possess.

  8. State and Federal governments Shall adopt balanced budgets annually or semi-annually.

  9. All government accounting Shall be done under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

  10. The National (Federal) Government Shall Not exceed the enumerated powers delegated to it in the Constitution

Our national currency is on the verge of collapse due to the Federal Reserve diluting the money supply.  Administrative Agencies surveillance violates the privacy rights.  The IRS is bleeding our nation to death.  

The Presidency has become an secret dictatorship.  Every member of congress has betrayed their oath of office.  Lobbyists have turned our government into the ‘best congress money can buy’.  

Our national heritage, laws, policies and constitution have been sold to the highest bidder.  Corruption is the rule of the day in both State & Federal governments.

Our Constitution is all but defunct after decades of grinding away by traitors and treasonists who call themselves ‘representative’ of the people.

This revolt, while peaceful, will change everything.  Either we change it now, while words suffice, or we accept the ‘fundamental change’ that our governmental leaders have planned for us.

The word to describe that is, Slavery.  Enslaved by debt, monitored, castrated, emasculated, cowered, fearful and subservient to an elitist new world order that declares YOU to be food and livestock.  

To be used, or abused, at the will of your masters.  It matters not the name or face of the master for they are all the same.  Tyrants whose ego and desire for power and money are fed by your demise.

Join me and spread the word

Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.    -Winston Churchill



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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Oct. 13,2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 12, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 13, 2012



The US is Now a Gestapo Police State – Paul Craig Roberts



Published on Oct 12, 2012 by 

Protests are a Weapon the US Uses for Overthrowing Other Regimes. Another snippet from a longer interview with Paul Craig Roberts. 

After 911 Civil Rights have been eroded.

The government can even assassinate its own citizens. Demonising supposed muslim terrorists.

Ultimately these government weapons will be used against all political opponents.

Democracy no longer exists in the US. And there seems no way to go back to it.









Over 10,000 Shoulder Fired Missiles In The Hands Of Libyan Terrorists



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 12, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

TPath  Yesterday’s Congressional hearing made big news as the cover up  lies and deception of the Obama Administration unraveled before our eyes.

Many other outlets will report on the combination of outrageous incompetence and unmitigated arrogance of the so called “Career State Department Officials”.

That aspect of this despicable episode of foreign policy blundering will not go away, but something more seems to have been lost here.

Representative Dennis Kucinich, a staunch and consistent opponent of American intervention in the Middle East reminded everyone that our bombing and destruction of Libya was not authorized and Obama never received approval from Congress for any of the actions America took in that war.

So what then was the big story that seems to have been brushed aside?

Fast and Furious On Steroids. 

There is a potential for massive loss of life and disruption of commercial airline traffic, everywhere in the world.

Once again, the Obama administration put deadly weapons in the hands of terrorists and Al Qaeda without a clue or a care as to who they were or the future consequences of those actions.

The State Department’s former regional security officer, Eric Nordstrom, was pressured by the committee to approximate how many shoulder fired missiles, capable of taking down passenger jets, are in the hands of terrorist.

Hold on to your seats.  

His answer?  

Over 10,000!

It may take some time for the committee to sort out just whom it was that made the final decisions, over and over again, not to give Nordstrom the security personnel and weapons he requested and it may take even longer to dig out from under the rocks the scoundrel who ordered the State Department and other officials to lie to the American people.

TPATH has a good idea because as we have been told over the years, the “fish rots from the head”.

 And by the way, that fish head?

It was stinking up the UN, inciting hatred to the world, long after even the White House gardener knew that a buffoonish video was not the cause of that attack.

So, despite the gravity of the cover up and lies, isn’t the real story a question on who authorized massive amounts of weapons to be handed over to terrorists?  

Should we not be troubled about where these missiles are and where they will end up?  

Such as outside airports in America and Europe?

“Houston, We have a problem here!”








List Of The Elite That Run The Federal Reserve



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 12, 2012 by David2

Before It’s News- by Josey Wales  

Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite.

Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today.

This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are.

Here they are!


We Own and Run The Federal Reserve and We Are Your Enemy.

  1. Lord Jacob de Rothchild

  2. his son Nathaniel de Rothchild

  3. Barron John de Rothchild

  4. Sir Evelyn de Rothchild

  5. David Rockefeller

  6. Nathan Warburg

  7. Henry Kissinger

  8. George Soros

  9. Paul Volker

  10. Larry Summer

  11. Lloyd Blankfein

  12. Ben Shalom

The FED is a private for PROFIT bankster cartel which controls the money supply.

The FED profits off of interest on our national debt when we pay our IRS taxes.

THE HIGHER THE DEFICIT the more PROFIT! The FED has NEVER been audited.

Who owns the FED and what COUNTRY are they from?

The Founders REVOLTED from this same “FOR PROFIT” Central Bank system of European Kings.

They knew it would eventually lead to debt servitude.

The King’s Bank came back 1913 along with the IRS when the Federal Reserve Act was established.

Both of these institutions are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Both of these institutions are planks of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO!

Abolish the FED and IRS and let REAL CAPITALISM return to the U.S. The Crony Capitalism of the Fed Bankster Cartel gives the US a bad name throughout the World.

The Fed, IMF, World Bank finance more cartels to divide the people and bleed their wealth: Democrats, Republicans, Media Moguls, Big Oil, ADM, Big Pharma, etc. Corruption BREEDS Corruption.

The US foreign policy has become just like the British Empire of the Colonial Era. 130 bases in 160 countries(for freedom NOT bankster interests RIGHT?)

Wars for natural resources and pipelines fought by the media indoctrinated Patriots, poor, minorities and mercenaries.

Mercenaries = Hessians = Blackwater. History repeats Itself.

Let the political, financial and Holleywood elite go fight these wars if they so desire.

Fight on the front lines, NOT in the “Green Zone” Google: Jimmy Stewart and WWII.

MILITARY gave highest contributions to Dr RON PAUL!

The global financial elite use this system to foment wars thru corruption and media control.

They expand then collapse economies in order to repo real assets and natural resources with paper fiat currency.

“Fiat” means ROYAL DECREE.

FIAT currency has value as money because the KING says SO!

They do this over and over thru the world until the middle class is eradicated.

More power and wealth falls into fewer hands. Only kings and slaves remain.

Kings get bailouts, pensions, media protection and real assets and money. (FDR confiscated OUR gold in 1933)

Slaves get war, taxes, terrorist profiling, media derision and inflated fiat currency.









How To Communicate If The Government Obliterates The Internet

From 12160.info

Posted by Ria on October 9, 2012

First of all, download or print these instructions. Keep them with your survival gear, if you have prepared one.



Your government is displeased with the communication going on in your location and pulls the plug on your internet access, most likely by telling the major ISPs to turn off service.

This is what happened in Egypt Jan. 25, 2012 prompted by citizen protests, with sources estimating that the Egyptian government cut off approximately 88 percent of the country’s internet access.

What do you do without internet?

Step 1: Stop crying in the corner.

Then start taking steps to reconnect with your network.

Here’s a list of things you can do to keep the communication flowing.





Print out your contact list, so your phone numbers aren’t stuck in the cloud. Some mail services like Gmail allow you to export your online contact list in formats that are more conducive to paper, such as CSV or Vcard, and offer step-by-step guides on how to do this.



CB Radio: Short for “Citizens Band” radio, these two-way radios allow communication over short distances on 40 channels.

You can pick one up for about $20 to $50 at Radio Shack, and no license is required to operate it.

Ham radio: To converse over these radios, also known as “amateur radios,” you have to obtain an operator’s license from the FCC.

Luckily, other Wired How-To contributors have already explained exactly what you need to do to get one and use it like a pro.

However, if the President declares a State of Emergency, use of the radio could be extremely restricted or prohibited.

GMRS: The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed land-mobile FM UHF radio service in the United States available for short-distance two-way communication.

It is intended for use by an adult individual who possesses a valid GMRS license, as well as his or her immediate family members…

They are more expensive than the walkie-talkies typically found in discount electronics stores, but are higher quality.

Family Radio Service: The Family Radio Service (FRS) is an improved walkie-talkie radio system authorized in the United States since 1996.

This personal radio service uses channelized frequencies in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band. It does not suffer the interference effects found on citizens’ band (CB) at 27 MHz, or the 49 MHz band also used by cordless phones, toys, and baby monitors.

Micro-broadcasting: Micro-broadcasting is the process of broadcasting a message to a relatively small audience. This is not to be confused with low-power broadcasting.

In radio terms, it is the use of low-power transmitters to broadcast a radio signal over the space of a neighborhood or small town.

Similarly to pirate radio, micro-broadcasters generally operate without a license from the local regulation body, but sacrifice range in favor of using legal power limits.

Packet Radio Back to the ’90s:  There do exist short wave packet-radio modems. These are also excruciatingly slow, but may get your e-mail out. Like ham radio above it requires a ham radio license because they operate on ham radio frequencies.



Set up a phone tree: According to the American Association of University Women, a phone tree is “a prearranged, pyramid-shaped system for activating a group of people by telephone” that can “spread a brief message quickly and efficiently to a large number of people.”

Dig out that contact list you printed out to spread the message down your pyramid of contacts.

Enable Twitter via SMS: Though the thought of unleashing the Twitter fire hose in your text message inbox may seem horrifying, it would be better than not being able to connect to the outside world at all.

The Twitter website has full instructions on how to redirect tweets to your phone.

Call to Tweet: A small team of engineers from Twitter, Google and SayNow, a company Google acquired recently, made this idea a reality.

It’s already live and anyone can tweet by simply leaving a voicemail on one of these international phone numbers (+16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855) and the service will instantly tweet the message using the hashtag #egypt.

No Internet connection is required. People can listen to the messages by dialing the same phone numbers or going to the Twitter account, speak2tweet.



If you need to quickly send and receive documents with lengthy or complex instructions, phone conversations may result in misunderstandings, and delivering the doc by foot would take forever.

Brush the dust off that bulky old machine, establish a connection by phone first with the recipient to make sure his machine is hooked up, then fax away.

You may not need a fax machine to send or receive faxes if your computer has a dial-up fax application.



Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the virtual world that we forget about resources available in the real world. Physical bulletin boards have been used for centuries to disseminate information and don’t require electricity to function.

If you are fortunate enough to be getting information from some other source why not share it with your friends and neighbors with your own bulletin board?

Cork, magnetic and marker bulletin boards are as close as your nearest dime store and can be mounted just about anywhere. And if push comes to shove you can easily make your own with scrap wood lying around the house.

Getting back online – While it might be relatively easy for a government to cut connections by leveraging the major ISPs, there are some places they wouldn’t get to so readily, like privately-owned networks and independent ISPs.



In densely populated areas, especially in central business districts and city suburbs there are multiple home WiFi networks overlapping each other, some secure, some not.

If there is no internet, open up your WiFi by removing password protection: If enough people do this it’s feasible to create a totally private WiFi service outside government control covering the CBD, and you can use applications that run Bonjour (iChat on Mac for example) to communicate with others on the open network and send and receive documents. **needs more clarification

If you are a private ISP, it’s your time to shine. Consider allowing open access to your Wi-Fi routers to facilitate communication of people around you until the grid is back online.



According to an article in the BBC about old tech’s role in the Egyptian protests, “Dial-up modems are one of the most popular routes for Egyptians to get back online. Long lists of international numbers that connect to dial-up modems are circulating in Egypt thanks to net activists We Re-Build, Telecomix and others.”

Dial-up can be slow. Often, there is a lightweight mobile version of a site that you can load from your desktop browser quickly despite the limitations of dial-up.

Examples: mobile.twitter.com, m.facebook.com, m.gmail.com.



Most wireless routers, PCs, laptops, and even some ultra mobile devices like cellphones have the ability to become part of an “ad hoc” network, where different “nodes” (all of the devices on the network) share the responsibility of transmitting data with one another.

These networks can become quite large, and are often very easy to set up. If used properly by a tech-savvy person, such networks can be used to host temporary websites and chat rooms.

There are many internet tutorials on the internet for ad hoc networking, so feel free to Google some.

Apple computers tend to have very accessible ad hoc functionality built in, including a pre-installed chat client (iChat) that will automatically set up an ad hoc “Rendezvous” chatroom among anybody on the network, without the need for an external service like AIM or Skype. Ad hoc network-hosting functionality is built into the Wi-Fi menu.

Windows computers have several third-party ad hoc chat applications available (such as Trillian) and setting up an ad hoc Wi-Fi network is almost as simple as on a Mac.

Linux operating systems, of course, have plenty of third-party apps available, and most distros have ad hoc network-creation support built in.



Using popular wireless access point devices like a Linksys WRT54G, you can create a huge wireless bridged network — effectively creating a Local Area Network (LAN), or a private Internet that can be utilized by all users within range using a Wi-Fi enabled device.

You can also link multiple devices together wirelessly, extending the range of your network. Most access points will cover a 100 meter area and if your wireless device is built to support the 802.11n wireless standard, you will get almost a 500 meter coverage area for each access point.

To build a wireless bridge, check out the dd-wrt wiki, and learn how to configure Linksys WRT54G as a wireless client using this Anandtech thread.



A used DS family device can be purchased inexpensively. In addition to wi-fi, the DS supports its own wireless protocols. Using Pictochat, it is possible to chat with nearby DS users without having any DS games. Unfortunately, the range is quite short.

Some games, such as the fourth generation Pokemon games, support mail items.

Thus you can send your message under the guise of just playing a game. Mail items can be sent through the Internet if you can get on the net and you and your partner(s) have each other’s friend codes.

The original DS and the DS Lite do support the Opera web browser, but finding the game card and memory pack may be very difficult. Starting with the DSi, Opera is downloadable.



Your computer has the ability to set up your own INTRANET.

This was done BEFORE the internet was popularized in two ways: Your computer dialed up other computers and sent them the contents of a message board, or local people people dialed into your computer. A nationwide system can be set up this way with a central location sending to many cities then each city sending out the info locally.



If you’re going to post government secrets on your work-around site, you may want to set up an untraceable account. Really, you only need a mail drop, an assumed name, a prepaid credit card you can get at many stores to set up service.



You can have very, very slow internet if you have something similar to an Iridium phone, which would allow you to do dial up at 2400 baud, which at least gives you e-mail.

This will also work when your government has shut down GSM and telephone access, and will work pretty much anywhere on the planet.

If you’re in the right place, get yourself KA-SAT access which is satellite broadband and will not be routed through any internet exchange that certain local governments may monitor or block (unless that government is part of EU or er … Uncle Sam).



Make some noise: Have an air horn or other loud instrument handy. It may just come down to being able to alert people in your local geographic area, who would otherwise be unaware of an emergency. You may also want to learn a bit about Morse code and have a cheat sheet available.


SOURCE: Before It’s News








Camp FEMA: American Lockdown



From Underground Documentaries

Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps to detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in.

In a country born out of political dissent, we watch our leaders in Washington slowly pass bills that label ordinary Americans as thought criminals and potential domestic terrorists for simply questioning the actions of their government.

We see third party candidates and their impassioned supporters listed in secret government reports that call their allegiance into question and brand them as fanatics and extremists.

Senate committee hearings and official FBI documents further illustrate the mindset of our elected officials as they classify homeschoolers,

gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order;

by default creating an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries – where everyone is a suspect equally guilty until proven otherwise.

How has our government shown that they will deal with these people?

The same way as every other totalitarian regime throughout history – marginalize their activities then lock them up.

Prisons are being built; internment camps constructed and laws passed that deal severely with anyone who dares to step out of line or ask too many questions.

Who are the potential domestic terrorists that will end up in these camps?

Read the documentation for yourself and hear what our experts have to say.

States rights take a front row seat in this new political thriller that is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine.

Find out where the true power of the people rests in halting these treasonous activities NOW!

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REAL NEWS Oct 05 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 4, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 05, 2012



Voting for Death



From 12160.info

Posted by Marklar on October 4, 2012

By Linh Dinh

October 04, 2012 “Information Clearing House” –

America, you have become a nation of enablers and apologists for tyranny and mass murder.

You condemn the Nazi and gulag guards of times past even as you celebrate your own mercenaries and torturers, even as you explain away, if not outright cheer, the unspeakable crimes committed by your sons and daughters.

You don’t care who you kill, as long as your soldiers are paid, and your munitions, bomb and tank factories are humming.

Safely ensconced in academic luna parks, your leading intellectuals lean slightly right or left, but never enough to rock this blazing gunboat, lest they sour the cocktail parties or, god forbid, have their tenure revoked.

Mouths stuffed with antipasti, they’re expert at sidestepping Israel’s prolific crimes, 9/11, Bin Laden’s faux death or the parasitic Federal Reserve, and as another joke election nears, they’re all gung ho about candidates who back illegal wars and banking frauds, since each is supposedly the lesser of two evils.

For the past five presidential elections, winning candidates have won 52.9%, 50.7%, 47.9%, 49.2% and 43% of the popular votes respectively, so there hasn’t been an overwhelming mandate for any of them, but with the runner ups from the other major party often close behind,

and in 2000, actually ahead in the popular vote count, the two-party system has gotten a stranglehold on our public life and pocketbooks.

As for our senators, only two are not Democrat or Republican.

An American election, then, is basically a rigged referendum for this thoroughly corrupt and murderous system, and simply by voting, you will give it the green light to go on killing and looting.

Every four years, we’re railroaded into sanctioning endless war and bottomless corruption.

If disappointed, we’re then steered by our brainwashing and dumbing down media to a near clone of our current rapist.

The Good Old Party spooks the upper and middle classes by threatening, If you don’t vote for us, the Dems will take your hard-earned cash and give it to the freeloaders, crackheads and other miscellaneous losers,

while the Democrats, in turn, scare the lower rungs by snarling, If you don’t vote for us, the Republicans will let your retired, diapered ass rot under a bridge, on a piece of cardboard, but lordy, lordy, lordy, it is already happening, but let us not sweat the details.

It is fitting that as our most important vote has become nearly meaningless, we’re offered myriad opportunities to vote for all sorts of irrelevant acts and personalities, from singing oafs to dancing buffoons, to steroid-charged sluggers.

Americans have never voted so much for so little.

Each party paints the other as the greater evil, though both are equally whorish to a military banking complex that has wrought so much grief and destruction worldwide, including here.

As they offshore your job, they may toss you a free cell phone or allow you to wed your same sex lover, but isn’t it time, seriously, we demand that our money be spent responsibly for our benefits?

But, no, we can only beg for small change, instead of real ones, and must vote, again, for proven liars and criminals, and hope, against all evidence, that they won’t impale us this time.

So how does it feel to have so much evil, deceit and betrayal hardening through the entire length of your being?

But what’s worst about this is that you yourself have allowed it to happen, have enabled it, if only symbolically, by voting for one of the two parties that are pro war and pro corruption.

They will likely get 99% of your votes, in fact, so America will have endorsed overwhelmingly, again, an openly criminal agenda, and the world will again be aghast.

With his cartoon dynamite, Netanyahu’s recent UN speech brings to mind Powell and his phony chart before the Iraq invasion, but Bush at least tried to convince that a war was necessary, whereas Obama hasn’t even bothered.

Ignoring congress and the American public, he simply ordered a massive bombing campaign against Libya, which he mockingly dubbed a “kinetic military action,”

unleashed lesser strikes against Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan, and sent terroristic proxies into Syria, all without significant protest from our dozing public or groveling intelligentsia.

Pumped with non stop propaganda from our corporate media in this mad house of mirrors, we neither see nor care how others perceive us,

for even as international protests mount, our flags burnt, our soldiers killed by supposed allies and poll after poll shows us among the most despised nations on earth, we still believe we’re loved and admired worldwide.

Our politicians are only too glad to pander to this vanity.

Romney, “We have a moral responsibility to keep America the strongest nation on earth, the hope of the earth, the shining city on the hill.”

Obama, “Never bet against the United States. The United States has been, and will always be, the one indispensable nation in world affairs.”

Only children believe in everlasting anything, but that’s how our daddy and mommy politicians talk to us these days.

So the world will again be aghast, as will posterity, unless we can prove that we’re not behind the winning criminal.

Already, nearly half of Americans don’t cast ballots in any election, but we must make this abstention purposeful, as a clear sign of protest and not an act of apathy.

The world must see that Americans aren’t all deranged and hypnotized as those who cheer and vote for one lying criminal after another. We’re better than this, so let’s prove it.

Imagine thousands in public places, declaring, “NOT IN OUR NAME!”

The sooner we can effect a divorce between us and our rogue government, the sooner we can get rid of it.

If nothing else, to resist this electoral farce is to wash our hands, partially, at least, of the innocent blood being spilled.

It is the only moral decision.


Linh Dinh is the author of two books of stories, five of poems, and a just released novel, Love Like Hate. He’s tracking our deteriorating socialscape through his frequently updated photo blog, State of the Union









Reality Check: Who Is Behind The Commission on Presidential Debates



Published on Oct 3, 2012 by 


Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at the Commission on Presidential Debates and why they are not allowing Gov. Gary Johnson or any other candidates take part in the 2012 Presidential debates.










Did the new Alternative Media actually save American lives?



From Activist Post

James Smith, Contributor – October 04, 2012
Activist Post

Put this in the “I don’t believe it” file, but something unusual has happened.

The Department of Homeland Security /Immigration Customs Enforcement (DHS/ICE) has CANCELLED their request to purchase 176,000 rounds of .308 hollow point boat tail ammunition.

According to an email that was passed onto me, Harry at the Federal Service Desk stated that a notice could be cancelled for a variety of reasons.

This isn’t the story of one man writing an article and the government folding.

This is the story of one man writing one article, and according to Google, about 56,000 resulting links for the search string, “More sniper ammunition being ordered by DHS. Who are the targets”.

At my end, I found thousands of people that read the article, and many shared it either on a social website, or in an email to a contact.

Major alternative media websites like Prison Planet picked up the story and pushed it further along the blogosphere.

No matter how you cut it – the story went out and people read it.

There are a few reasons why the DHS may have cancelled the notice.

The first is a cancellation that will result in another solicitation.

This occurred with the Transportation Security Administration solicitation for 1,400 pounds of high explosives.

They requested the explosive under one solicitation, cancelled it, and then reopened a solicitation and finally awarded it to a former employee’s firm.

The cancellation took place last Thursday, so it may still be reopened.

The second reason is much more sinister: Black book.

Government agencies can operate in secret, and their purchases are sometimes called black book purchases, or purchases that are kept secret from the eyes of the general public.

While they may not have an unlimited budget, they do have unlimited secrecy from folks like you and I.

And the third reason, and prayerfully the case, is that sufficient light was thrown onto the solicitation. There is an old phrase, “The Light of Knowledge dispels the Darkness of Ignorance”.

I truly hope that this to be the case.

Once ICE saw that everyone was aware of what was going on, that someone made a phone call and put the kibosh on the deal.

Have no fear ICE and FLETC has ammunition to loan you.

And they still have to provide enough ammunition for your “training” needs.

And besides, ICE is asking for 7,000 new machine guns, and they don’t have the ammunition for their new toys, so hundreds of millions of rounds will STILL be needed for purchase.

And the average American is still worried if little Honey Boo Boo will grow up to be like her mother, and not worried with the choke hold that being put on the Constitution and their freedoms.

Priorities have rarely have been as skewed as they are now.


This article first appeared at Prepper Podcast Radio Network.

Read other articles by James Smith HERE.

James is a father of four and grandfather to four. He and his wife of almost 30 years have been prepping since 2003.

They live in a small town, with neighbors as close as 10 feet away and have raised chickens for 2 years covertly on less than 1/5 of an acre.

He is a former corrections officer, insurance fraud investigator, and he served in the Navy for 6 years. He currently works for a corporation dealing with the disabled population and their benefits.

He is the host of  The Covert Prepper show and the Prepper Podcast Radio Network News, both heard on Blogtalk Radio.








Why I Dislike Israel



From AntiWar.com

by , October 04, 2012

Even those pundits who seem to want to distance U.S. foreign policy from Tel Aviv’s demands and begin treating Israel like any other country sometimes feel compelled to make excuses and apologies before getting down to the nitty-gritty.

The self-lacerating prologues generally describe how much the writer really has a lot of Jewish friends and how he or she thinks Israelis are great people and that Israel is a wonderful country before launching into what is usually a fairly mild critique.

Well, I don’t feel that way. I don’t like Israel very much.

Whether or not I have Jewish friends does not define how I see Israel and is irrelevant to the argument.

And as for the Israelis, when I was a CIA officer overseas, I certainly encountered many of them.

Some were fine people and some were not so fine, just like the general run of people everywhere else in the world.

But even the existence of good upstanding Israelis doesn’t alter the fact that the governments that they have elected are essentially part of a long-running criminal enterprise judging by the serial convictions of former presidents and prime ministers.

Most recently, former President Moshe Katsav was convicted of rape, while almost every recent head of government, including the current one, has been investigated for corruption.

Further, the Israeli government is a rogue regime by most international standards, engaging as it does in torture, arbitrary imprisonment, and continued occupation of territories seized by its military.

Worse still, it has successfully manipulated my country, the United States, and has done terrible damage both to our political system and to the American people, a crime that I just cannot forgive, condone, or explain away.

The most recent outrage is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s direct interference in U.S. domestic politics through his appearance in a television ad appearing in Florida that serves as an endorsement of Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

The Netanyahu ad and his involvement in the election has been widely reported in the media and has even been condemned by several leading Jewish congressmen, but it has elicited no response from either Obama or Romney.

Both should be condemning in the strongest terms the completely unprecedented intervention by a foreign head of government in an American election.

That they are saying nothing is a testament to the power that Israel and its friends in Congress and the media have over the U.S. political establishment.

Romney might even privately approve of the ads, as he has basically promised to cede to Netanyahu the right to set the limits for U.S. policy in the Middle East.

And why is Benjamin Netanyahu in such a lather?

It is because President Barack Obama will not concede to him a “red line” that would automatically trigger a U.S. attack on Iran.

Consider for a moment the hubris of Netanyahu in demanding that Washington meet his conditions for going to war with Iran, a nation that for all its frequently described faults has not attacked anyone, has not threatened to attack anyone, and has not made the political decision to acquire a nuclear weapon in spite of what one reads in the U.S. press.

At the U.N., Netanyahu’s chart showing a cartoon bomb with a sputtering fuse reminiscent of something that might have been employed by an anarchist in the 1870s failed to pass any credibility test even for the inevitable cheerleaders in the U.S. media.

If the U.S. is to go to war based on a Netanyahu cartoon then it deserves everything it gets when the venture turns sour, most likely Iraq Redux, only 10 times worse.

Even more outrageous, and a lot less reported in the media, were the comments made by Patrick Clawson, director of research for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), an organization founded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

WINEP is widely viewed as a major component of the Israel Lobby in Washington and is closely tied to the Israeli government, with which it communicates on a regular basis.

Clawson heads WINEP’s Iran Security Initiative.

At a briefing on Sept. 24 he said, “I frankly think that crisis initiation is really tough, and it’s very hard for me to see how the United States … uh … president can get us to war with Iran.… The traditional way America gets to war is what would be best for U.S. interests.”

Note that Clawson states his conviction that initiating a crisis to get the U.S. involved in a war with Iran and thereby fooling the American people into thinking that it is the right thing to do is actually a “U.S. interest.”

He cites Pearl Harbor, Fort Sumter, the Lusitania, and the Gulf of Tonkin as models for how to get engaged.

Which inevitably leads to Clawson’s solution: “if the Iranians aren’t going to compromise it would be best if someone else started the war … Iranian submarines periodically go down. Some day one of them may not come up…. We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier at that.”

Clawson is clearly approving of Israel’s staging an incident that would lead to war, possibly even a false-flag operation carried out by Israel that would implicate the United States directly, or he is urging the White House to do the job itself.

Clawson not surprisingly has never served in the U.S. military and has a Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research, which would at first glance seem to disqualify him from figuring out how to set up a covert operation to sink a submarine and thereby start a war.

He might be seen as moderately ridiculous, but like many of his neoconservative colleagues he is well wired into the system.

He writes regularly for The Washington PostThe New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal; appears on television as an “expert”; and is a colleague at WINEP of the ubiquitous Dennis Ross, sometimes called “Israel’s lawyer,” who was until recently President Obama’s point man on the Middle East.

Clawson is a useful idiot who would be registered as an agent of the Israeli government if the Justice Department were doing its job, but instead he is feted as a man who tells it like it is in terms of American interests.

The distortion of the foreign-policy decision-making in this country is something that can be attributed to Clawson and his host of fellow travelers, all of whom promote Israel’s perceived interests at the expense of the United States.

And they do it with their eyes wide open.

I will deliberately avoid belaboring another Israel Firster Pamela Geller and her New York subway posters calling Palestinians savages and Israelis civilized, as I am sure the point has been made about how any lie that can serve the cause of Israel will be aggressively defended as “free speech.”

A poster excoriating Jews or blacks in similar terms as “savages” would not have seen the light of day in New York City, another indication of the power of the Lobby and its friends to control the debate about the Middle East and game the system.

And then there are the reasons to dislike Israel and what it represents that go way back.

In 1952’s Lavon Affair, the Israelis were prepared to blow up a U.S. Information Center in Alexandria and blame it on the Egyptians.

In 1967, the Israelis attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty, killing 34 crewmen, and then used their power over President Lyndon Johnson to block an investigation into what had occurred.

In 1987, Jonathan Pollard was convicted of spying for Israel with investigators determining that he had been the most damaging spy in the history of the United States.

In the 1960s, Israelis stole uranium from a lab in Pennsylvania to construct a secret nuclear arsenal.

And the spying and theft of U.S. technology continues.

Israel is the most active “friendly nation” when it comes to stealing U.S. secrets, and when its spies are caught, they are either sent home or, if they are Americans, receive a slap on the wrist.

And Israel gets away with killing American citizens — literally — in the cases of Rachel Corrie and Furkan Dogan of the Mavi Marmara.

And let’s not forget Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians which has made the United States complicit in a crime against humanity.

Tel Aviv has also played a key role in Washington’s going to war against Iraq, in promulgating a U.S.-led global war on terror against the Muslim world, and in crying wolf over Iran, all of which have served no U.S. interest.

Through it all, Congress and the media are oblivious to what is taking place. Israel is a net recipient of over $123 billion in U.S. aid and continues to get $3 billion a year even though its per capita income is higher than that of Spain or Italy.

No one questions anything having to do with Israel while Congress rubber-stamps resolution after resolution virtually promising to go to war on Israel’s behalf.

I have to admit that I don’t like what my own government is doing these days, but I like Israel even less and it is past time to do something about it.

No more money, no more political support, no more tolerance of spying, and no more having to listen to demands for red lines to go to war.

No more favorable press when the demented Benjamin Netanyahu holds up a cartoon at the U.N.

The United States government exists to serve the American people, no more, no less, and it is time that our elected representatives begin to remember that fact.

Read more by Philip Giraldi :








Dictators Sponsor CNN Censorship: Interview With Amber Lyon



CNN Sponsored By Dicators - Interview With Amber Lyon

From Alexander Higgins Blog

Posted by  – October 4, 2012

Abby Martin Interviews former CNN Investigative Journalist, Amber Lyon, about CNN’s corrupt media empire based on government sponsored propaganda and censorship.

Abby Interviews former CNN Investigative Journalist, Amber Lyon, about CNN’s corrupt media empire, calling into question a media establishment where censorship can be bought.

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CNN Insider: CNN is A Hoax



Published on Oct 4, 2012 by 

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the American media act as presstitutes for rich and powerful Americans.

But it turns out that the American media will turn “tricks” for foreign johns as well …

Specifically, three time Emmy award winning reporter Amber Lyon was until very recently a respected CNN reporter:

Lyon was fired from CNN after she refused to stop reporting on her first-hand experience of the systematic torture and murder of peaceful protesters by the government of Bahrain.

Lyon’s special report on Bahrain was scheduled to run on both CNN’s U.S. and international networks, but was pulled after only a limited showing due to pressure from the Bahrainis and their lobbyists.

At the same time that Lyon was risking her life to do on-the-ground reporting in Bahrain, another CNN journalist was filming a paid propaganda piece on how the Bahraini leaders are a bunch of friendly pro-democracy reformers.

That’s right … the Bahraini government paid CNN to do what was literally an infomercial for that brutal regime and pretend it was real journalism.

Lyon says that China and many other foreign, authoritarian regimes also pay CNN and other mainstream networks to run flattering propaganda pieces.









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