DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘new world order’

The Unthinkable Begins! March 30, 2013

Posted by Xaniel777 on March 30, 2013

TODAY’S NEWS : March 30, 2013


The Three Stages of a Revolution


Posted on March 29, 2013 by Smilardog

Story picked up at From the Trenches

revolution 4The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Many believe that America is plunging head first into a civil war with the forces of the New World Order which have hijacked our government.

Trust me, nobody reading these words wants to live through the times that the globalists have planned for us and if you listen to people who advocate for a civil war, you need your head examined.  

Part one of this series detailed how the economy is collapsing due the failure of the Petrodollar.

The resulting instability will provide the pretext to institute a series of false flag attacks which will provide the federal government with a preemptive opportunity to impose one of the most draconian forms of martial law that the world has ever seen.

There is a chance that the American people will shed their shackles and finally rise up and that is exactly what the globalists desire.

If the globalists can draw us into a civil war and crush the opposition, they can end all pretenses and their full blown tyranny will be fully exposed for all to see and experience firsthand.  

How close is America to falling into a civil war?

 The Three Stages of a Revolution:

dhsMany believe that the revolution has already begun and I would agree with them. There are three distinct stages of revolution and we are moving down the path to civil war at a frightening pace.

You may not realize this fact, but your government certainly does!

When DHS purchases 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored vehicles, it is clear that they are preparing to kill millions of uncooperative Americans.

Stage One of the Revolution

revolucionThe first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth. This is what I am trying to accomplish on my website and on my talk show.

Where I see the enemy at the gate, most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the unfolding attack.

We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner.

There is indeed strength in numbers and if we are unable to wake up our fellow countrymen, we will negate the only true tactical advantage we have, solidarity from a numerically superior force.

It should now make sense to you as to why 98% of the media is controlled by globalist controlled business interests, who in turn are controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve.

In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows.

We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tyrannical government.

Our counter to the control of the MSM, is to exclusively support the alternative media.

If Obama is successful in taking down the alternative media, then it will become necessary to enact a type of Committees of Correspondence  apparatus similar to what our Founding Fathers did in the pre-Revolutionary War period in our history.

On the ground communication is timeless, effective and very difficult for a totalitarian government to negate.

Stage Two of the Revolution

Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience or nonviolent resistance.

Thanks to Obama, he has given Americans the perfect pretext to begin to resist our criminally controlled government and America is presently sitting on the edge of being immersed in stage two of a revolution.

I am speaking specifically about gun control.

gun confiscation 21No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, the people need to disobey.  Most readers already know what happens when a civilian population surrenders its guns.

When, not if, but when Obama comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies.

If this form of civil disobedience does not stem the tide of tyranny sweeping the country, then withhold your money from the globalist apparatus.

Stop paying taxes as much as possible. Do not shop in the corporate chain stores controlled by Federal Reserve members such as Walmart or any other well known globalist entity.

Shop local and begin to trade and barter with your neighbors and friends. Buy gold and silver and get of the corrupt Petrodollar as much as possible. In short, stop feeding the beast.

Practiced en masse, these financial practices are often enough to bring a criminal government to its knees.

However, you better store food and water because history shows the next step that a totalitarian regime would take would be to starve the people into submission.

Further, we all need to realize that  if stage two does not bring the criminal banksters to their knees, stage three is unavoidable and that means all out war.

If our resistance is forceful enough, we may force the globalist cowards to retreat and regroup. Their hesitation works to our advantage.

We can use the time to solidify our positions and will be in a new position to make demands of the government.

If our civil disobedience is forceful enough, we can make the globalists think twice about beginning a civil war.

With myself being a nonviolent person, I prefer this path of resistance.

Although I may have been born at night, I was not born last night. The retreating globalists will eventually return with new methods and strategies to enslave humanity.

We can only hope that we are united enough to resist being taken into stage three.

Stage Three: All Out War

Stage three is direct physical confrontation with the powers that be which involves a large number of citizens. In this case, our enemies will be comprised of whatever minions that the Federal Reserve can bring to the fight such as a well-armed DHS.

If Americans have done their due diligence in stage one, the majority of the military and the police will defend the people. However, they must know that the people will stand with them.

These objectives must be accomplished in Stage one.

A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages.

The first two stages are the necessary prerequisites that the globalists require to build the cohesiveness that they will need to begin the roundups, the murder, the mayhem and the total subjugation.

False flag attacks are prominent part of the transition between stage two and stage three rebellion.

False flag attacks also provide the justification and also galvanizes the pro-governmental forces to a point in which they begin to enslave the people.

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built.

The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution.

We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead.

Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not.

Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny. Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny. Again, this is accomplished in stage one.

If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. Start an email distribution list. Talk to everyone  you know.

Post short notices about the tyrannical government at your community mailboxes. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors. And by the way, buy guns and ammunition. Hide some of your guns.

If possible, buy the guns off the books so there is not a government list with your name on it.

When martial law is imposed, have a pre-designated meeting place for you and your family because cell phone communications may be down. 

Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers.

Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust.

Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to accept defeat and to embrace the plans of the New World Order. Build backup plans for your contingency plans.

Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does.


false flagI believe that Obama’s people will very soon begin to commence false flag attacks in order to hasten the implementation of martial law and force the real leadership of the opposition out in the open where they can be crushed in a brief civil war.

I think the first false flag event will transpire with the collapse of the Petrodollar and this will constitute the countdown to an all-out civil war.

If we can keep the globalists mired in stages one and two, through some of the suggested actions that I list, we might be able to force a lengthy stalemate.

Time is not on the globalists side because propaganda does not shield the truth from the masses forever.

This is why the globalists have to resort to collapsing the dollar and initiating false flag attacks as a means to force this issue into the third stage.

If a high percentage of the people were prepared to sit out the collapse of the dollar, through being prepared, and to “roll with the punch of the imposition of martial law” as a result of false flag attacks, the globalists would eventually run out of steam.

We also need to realize that individuals like George Soros would even go so far as to start revolutionary movements as a means to draw out public resistance that could be crushed.

Do you remember when the globalists got caught funding the Occupy Wall Street movement?

Same strategy, same result, and whatever happened to the Occupy Wall Street movement? 

The Occupy movement is dead on arrival. The same will happen with any “underground” revolutionary movement. Do not be deceived.

Prepare, pray and let the globalists run out of steam.

To paraphrase the Bible, in Romans 12:2, it essentially commands its followers to not be an integral part of the world.

Prepare to be outside the grid, outside the food supply system, outside the need for public services because they will be used to control the people in times of desperation.

One Caveat

fema camp workersOne caveat that every American needs to be aware of is to securely hide at least one gun that is off the books. Because if passive resistance fails, we will need a collective means to defend ourselves.

I believe we can forestall the globalists’ plans to such a degree that they will fall apart.

The longer we can delay total subjugation, the more the globalist minions will see through their evil agenda and come to realize that they are working towards their own enslavement.

This could lead to great attrition within the ranks of our captors.

The globalists are much like the boxer in that if he cannot knock out his opponent by the third round, he will lose because he will run out of steam.

However, if the globalist trump card is genocide and mass imprisonment, all bets are off. 

If genocide and mass detentions were to begin to take place, then you will have had direct war declared upon you and your family and you will have to act accordingly.

However, we would be very stupid to engage the enemy on the battlefield.

Instead, we will need to engage our enemies in an asymmetrical form of warfare and that will be the topic of the next part of this series.








“Declaration of Natural Rights”Understanding Confusion
Kirwan 1994

By Jim Kirwan
Human Societies are guided and held together by ideas and a shared sense of morality. When the people lose sight of those foundational principles corruption and dictatorial powers inevitability take root.

Once criminal elements have taken control of society it becomes harder and harder to unseat them. As this process of regression continues there comes a point of no return: Where real change can no longer be achieved within the existing system.

We’ve reached that point sometime ago. It’s time to come to terms with that, and adjust our actions accordingly. We face the situation right now where the electoral process has become little more than theater; and the political awareness of the population has been reduced to petty bickering, over emotionally charged wedge issues.

All the while those who are running the show lose our freedoms one by one and draw us ever-deeper into undeclared wars of aggression.

The only way that we can change course is by organizing a unified front outside the existing system. Not as a political party, not as a left-wing or right wing ideological faction but as a people: Unified not in protests of this broken and corrupt system but rather under a set of principles: Principles that will lay the foundation to rebuild on.

The Declaration of Natural Rights

Any right that is a true human right is inherent. Such rights are not granted by governments. They are not privileges bestowed by society or created by documents. Therefore such rights cannot be regulated limited or revoked, by any such power.

Any supposed authority that seeks to strip a natural right from the people is illegitimate, and should be dealt with accordingly.

The most common way that rights are subverted is through the assertion of ‘rights’ which are not rights at all. There was a time when it was accepted by all, that Kings had a right to kill at a whim and to take the freedom and the property of any of his subjects, at will. The Divine Right of Kings is a false right. This is obvious to us now: However each era is blind to its own darkness.

Before we can even begin to understand the true nature of ‘rights’ we must first answer one question honestly and follow the implications to their logical conclusions: ‘When is violence justified’? It’s a simple question, and there’s only one sane answer. The only morally acceptable context for violence is defense. That answer is often referred to as:

The Non-aggression Principle

It’s a fancy name for a simple and obvious truth. But simple truths carry devastating implications when applied to the real world. Let’s follow those implications and see what it tells us about rights.

The Right to Life

Each individual owns their own life. To claim the authority to control or terminate the life of another is inherently violent. It is a claim of human ownership and it is a fundamental violation of natural rights.

Up until very recently in history, the ownership of other humans was explicit. Slaves and vassals were considered the property of their lords and masters. Their labor was extracted without compensation. Their lives could be taken at any moment: And their freedom was strictly limited. Modern states exercise these same powers but they disguise their totalitarian nature by distributing the mechanisms of power and control, through elaborate bureaucracies. The ownership of humans is no longer acknowledged outwardly; but on every practical level it is very much ‘in force’.

Torture, assassination and wars of aggression are the most blatant expressions of the contempt for the right to life. These acts demonstrate the perverse belief that ‘the right’s of another person is theirs to destroy at will’. They are the ultimate assertion of human ownership.

The Right to Liberty

Since your life is your own and you are free to live as you so chose, so long as your actions do not infringe upon ‘the rights of others’ The right to Liberty, encompasses but does not limit it to, the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of thought. The key to maintaining these freedoms is the understanding that true freedom is to allow others to make choices that we do not agree with.

The Right to Property

Since your life is your own, and your time, and that which you produce with your time is also your own: To take the property of another by force, or the threat of force, through fraud is theft. To claim the authority to take the property of another or to claim ownership of their labor, their time and their life: Such claims are inherently illegitimate, regardless of whether they are made by an illegitimate dictator or the collective dictatorship of a ‘democracy’.

The right to property has very little to do with economics. It has everything to do with how force is used in a society. The movement of goods and services may, or may not involve money at all. But those exchanges must be voluntary and transparent.

The Right to Privacy

Non-essential searches of one’s home, transport or person, surveillance of communications and personal transactions outside the investigation of a specific crime; is an act of aggression. Barriers to travel, employment, healthcare and other necessary functions that force individuals to waive their rights to privacy are veiled forms of violence.

The Right to a Fair Trial

In all criminal prosecutions the accused have the right to a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of their peers. All juries have the right and the responsibility to deliver their verdict in accordance with their conscience: Regardless, whether that verdict contradicts written law or statutesNo legal ‘context’ shall be invented or construed which by-passes the right to a civilian trial.

Military detentions and assassinations of civilians, regardless of the nationality of the accused and regardless of the allegations are direct violations of this right.

The Right to Self-Defense

The right to ‘Defense’ is the boundary which makes all other rights possible. If you do not have the right to Defend Your Life, and the lives of those that you love, then any of your other rights can be taken from you, by anyone with the means to do so.

Somewhere between 190 million and 260 million people were murdered by their own governments in this past century alone.

This figure far outstrips the number killed by all international and civil wars during that same time period combined. It should therefore be abundantly clear that the state cannot be trusted with a monopoly on violence and it cannot be used for a substitute for the right of self-defense.

The Right to Self-Determination

All people have the right to organize their communities as they so chose, in a voluntary manner. And they have the right to dissolve any political system placed over them; which relies on violence to enforce its directives. In a society which adheres to the non-aggression principles: The creation and distribution of organizational structures need not be violent. To dissolve a government is not an act of aggression. But the use of force to suppress such a movement is!

When a government initiates force against the people—the people may call upon the Right to Self-Defense.

When in the course of history a political system shows itself to be an enemy of the natural rights of the people: The people have the responsibility to dissolve that system.

To stand passively by without so much as raising one’s voice as the tide of tyranny rises, is a betrayal of our children and our grandchildren.

The first and most important step in changing the course of the culture is the spread and establishment of a new core philosophy. Each and every one of us can help make this happen by spreading these ideas.

The Natural Rights Foundation is organizing towards this goal: Visit them at NATURALRIGHTSFOUNDATION.ORG” (1)

1) The Death Throes of the United States

http://xrepublic.tv/node/1842 8min 25 sec VIDEO

NOTE: There are two videos at this same link. The link to the quotes above are reachable inside the 1st video @ 7min 56 sec: The Declaration of Natural Rights begins at the end of the first video at 8min 50sec and takes you to the VIDEO of the above statement… sorry for any confusion, but it’s worth the time. k

USA The Disposable People – 6min 36 sec VIDEO






The 7 elements of your psyche that serve as the gateway into the matrix


STORY PICKED UP AT NaturalNews.com

Friday, February 22, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) This article defines the psychic gateway into the matrix of illusion that we live in.

The illusion is a threat. From within it, we unconsciously seek out destruction and fool ourselves into believing it is OK. The destruction happens on an individual and global basis.

The bigger problem is, we actively hide the facts from ourselves through amazing feats of mental gymnastics.

This is why it is nearly impossible to convince anyone what it really going on in the world – or within the walls of their home – or inside their own mind. The illusion is pervasive and overwhelming.

The seven facts that follow are the result of months of work searching the lost archives of psychology and philosophy – obscure papers you’ve never seen in out-of-print volumes, written by people you have never heard of.

These heroes should be household names, but they have been deleted by modern mental health – but that is a longer story that predates World War II.

Below I use examples of how the illusion affects individuals, but you will see how it applies to the entire population. Please read slowly and carefully when you have time and space to absorb it.

Some people need to reread the facts and storyline several times before it begins to make sense. I have tried to distill it down as far as I can, write in layman’s terms and keep it as brief as possible.

By the way, you won’t see this until you realize it applies to you. I have had to work on myself consistently for months now, opening my own eyes so that I can pass this information along. It has been the most liberating experience of my life and I continue to work at it daily. I hope you see it, too.

See the gateway. See the exit. That’s how it works.

1. When you were born, you could not tell the difference between truth and falsehood

Children do not have truth/falsehood filters. Whatever parents tell children, they not only believe, but anticipate and act upon. It doesn’t matter how far from reality these “facts” are. This is how Santa Claus manages to stick around.

When kids believe in Santa, they behave accordingly. They write letters to Santa, wait up at night to get a glimpse, leave out cookies on Christmas Eve, try not to be on the naughty list and so on.

We act on what we experience as true.

2. In reality, you learned many things that were false – and you made those things pleasurable

Enter the first major, hard-to-believe glitch in the program.
 If you learned only helpful or harmless things as a child, you’d be set up for a lifetime of independence and success. Sadly, you were taught many things that are false.

Here’s the mind-blower: You turned these falsehoods into pleasures. I almost hate to be the one to put this to you, but it is true. Children cannot filter out falsehood and they make perceived truth pleasurable.

If you did not make truth pleasurable, then you would never act on it. When you are taught that a lie is true, then seeking the lie becomes right and familiar, even if the lie guides you into an early grave. 

This combination can turn your whole world upside down. It may be the number one human vulnerability; the key to our undoing.

On a personal level, perhaps you learned that you are not worth anyone’s time. Perhaps you discovered that there is no point in thinking for yourself. Maybe you learned that it is useless to try to succeed.

Perhaps you learned that you do not fit in.

Let’s say you were taught that you weren’t worth your parents’ time.

When you needed help, they were busy.

When you wanted to play, they weren’t interested.

When you were proud of yourself, they dismissed you.

3. You now live the lies as if they were true

Modern culture encourages older children to let go of their harmless belief in Santa Claus. Most parents are sensitive enough and comfortable guiding their children through the process.

Modern culture offers no encouragement or process to let go of the harmful lies you were told.

When you think about it, people might be better off believing in Santa for life than believing they are worthless as a person for life.

Still, there is no rite of passage, no method and virtually no mention that young adults should examine beliefs related to their upbringing.

Worse, extraordinarily few people exist on this planet who know how to help others identify and let go of the lies they are living.

So, as an adult, you are now living the lie that you are worthless (this is just one example).

You treat yourself the way your parents treated you. You don’t take care of yourself, respect yourself or give yourself the time and sacrifice necessary to create the life you want.

You act on the lie. You don’t care what you eat or what goes into your body. You don’t make time for yourself.

You find it hard to accept compliments. You don’t keep commitments to yourself. You are uncomfortable around people with high self-esteem, etc…

Worse, you find a strange, Unexplainable pleasure or personal familiarity in treating yourself this way. This only adds shame to the mix.

4. The lies you live are threatening, painful and embarrassing

Here’s why letting go of lies is so difficult. If you are living a lie, you probably don’t want to admit it. The lie you are living isn’t pretty. Who wants to face the perceived ugliness and pain at the core of their being?

No one wants to appear weak or worthless. Everyone is putting their best foot forward and burying the unmentionables. Your ego does not want to see the truth!

5. So, you hide the lies from yourself

Your campaign to hide the painful lie-you-believe-is-true is wholesale. You hide the lie by setting out to prove your worth to the world, as if you could deny the lie by worldly success.

You ignore your feelings. You look down on “weak” or “unimportant” people.

You avoid intimacy, unconsciously fearing that if someone were to get to know you, they’d disapprove. If someone suggests in any way that you might be mistaken or to blame for something, you get defensive.

You avoid at all costs any hint that you might be less than you portray yourself.

The bitter irony is that all this is totally unnecessary. You are not worthless. You never were.

You only believed the lie and now act upon it regularly, at times getting a strange satisfaction from it.

6. Now you are stuck doing things you hate for reasons you do not understand

All this leads to an incredible bind. You are strangely attracted to being less than – it is familiar territory for you.

All the ways you act upon this belief are troubling, but the illusion is so thick that you don’t know where to begin to figure it all out.

You set goals that should improve your life, then sabotage those goals because you lean heavily toward that attachment to being less than. You know you should not eat junk, smoke junk, drink junk, do junk, treat yourself like junk, but you do.

You understand the consequences of such behaviors, but do not seem to care. In fact, you are oddly invested in bringing more junk upon yourself.

7. You resist solutions to your problem

When real solutions present themselves, you reject them. When people try to help, you become offended and pretend you have no problem. You even judge others who have obvious problems to move attention away from your own (Reality TV is a good vehicle for this).

It is entirely possible for you to stare real solutions in the face, admit they are solutions, then proceed to do the opposite and resent anyone who calls you on your irresponsible behavior.

You live the lie, take pleasure in the lie, fear solutions to the lie, don’t know who you would be without the lie and keep all this from yourself with amazing agility.

Perfect prey for big pharma

Doesn’t this set up create perfect candidates for drugs? Corporate power structures love to prey upon our struggle by offering solutions that do not require us to dig deep. Take a pill.

You’ll feel better. Kick the can down the road. Just don’t leave the matrix and begin to think for yourself.

Living inside the matrix leaves us attached to what we hate – and sometimes we even enjoy it. It’s a twisted set up that leaves millions of people, each and every day, scratching their heads and wondering why they do what they do.

Digging deep is the only solution. Do not be afraid. The only dark secrets lurking there will transform into psychological enlightenment the moment you discover them.

This is only the beginning. Take the next step and watch this free video to learn more, then never stop learning until you are free.

About the author:
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development.

In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.






The Mechanics of Self Defense

The Right to Bear Arms – Shall NOT Be Infringed… Not Spelled GUN


Civillian National Security Forces (MILITIAS)


Civillian National Security Forces (Militias) For Over 300 Years Carrying On The National Defense ….. It’s an American Tradition … The Very Bulwark of PERSONAL FREEDOM ….. NOW WE W…

The Entirety of ALL  Militias of the American Revolution were  UNREGULATED ….  The  Second Amendment was  NOT  Adopted until 1791 …  Their ARMS included Grenades and Mortars and Cannons and Bombs even Grenade Launchers …..  REPEAT  They were  UNREGULATED   


“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.”– John Stockwell, former CIA official and author
Thomas Jefferson, a proud Anti-Federalist, once stated,  “I hold it 
that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary 
in the political world as storms in the physical.”


ARMS  it’s  just 4 letters









WRAM itself is NOT a Militia Group. This is simply a main networking site to help facilitate communications, coordination, and recruitment for the various Militia groups at the State and local levels throughout the United States. By joining WRAMhere on this site, you have NOTjoined a Militia Group. If you’re really serious about taking action, making a difference, and getting actively involved, then we encourage you to use the communication tools and information provided for you on this site to connect with your State or local Militia Group and find out what you can do to make a difference. Then use WRAM as a Networking tool to maintain communication with your group and the many other groups all across the US. We stand on three princaples here at WRAM, 1. Professionalism, 2. Safe structures for every American to join,, 3. Being a positive part of the securities of our communities
Thank you for joining us. – The Management.  

National Militia Standards, Article.1:

It is the duty of the citizen’s militia to protect and defend the unalienable Rights of all members of the community. Under no circumstances will the militia tolerate those who advocate acts of criminal violence, terrorism, racism or a changeaway from our republican form of government; nor will it support any specific political party or candidate, nor espouse any particular religious denomination or doctrine. All members must understand the duties and obligation of both citizens and government under the Constitution.



 The Well Regulated American Militias (WRAMis not a militia group,it is a web-based organization dedicated to the individual and collective exercise of Americans’ freedoms of speech, association, and petition under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States

The Well Regulated American Militia exists pursuant to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights for purposes of advancing and strengthening “the Militia of the several States” under the Second Amendment and other provisions of law.

We seek to facilitate channels of communication between individuals and organizations interested in the Militia, inform each other about legislative action affecting ownership of firearms, individual liberties, and other issues of law and culture.

We encourage political action and participation, particularly by exercising the franchise of informed voting.

We recognize as constitutional “Militia” only such groups as have been formed and operate under lawfully mandated statutes within particular states. We specifically reject any and all forms of illegal activity. The only use of firearms endorsed by this site is in defense of self or others.

We would like to clearly state that we are committed to a posture of defense, and do not advocate the unlawful targeting or overthrow of our form of government by any person or persons.

This site is a place for the independent militia groups to come together to share training techniques and teach the correct unvarnished history of our Republic, our States, the formation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and to teach & promote participatory citizenship based on professionalism, safe unit structures for every American to join and being a productive and positive part of the security of our communities.


  • I accept and understand that human predators exist. Criminal or terrorist, they take advantage of our civilized society to prey upon the weak. They represent evil and must be confronted and defeated.

  • I believe that self-defense is a moral imperative, and that illegitimate force and illegal violence must be met with righteous indignation and superior violence.

  • I will not rely on others for the security of myself, my family and my community.

  • I proudly proclaim that I run with a like-minded pack. I do not amble through life with the mind-numbed herd.

  • I will train with my chosen weapons, maintain them and carry them in a condition of readiness at all times.

  • I will be mentally prepared and physically equipped to effectively respond to an attack or emergency.

  • I will constantly test myself against realistic standards to discover my strengths and weaknesses. I will turn weakness into strength.

  • I will seek to learn new skills and techniques, and then teach what I have learned to other members of the pack.

  • Be it with firearm or blade, empty hand or blunt object, I will hit my enemies hard, fast and true.

  • I will live a quiet and unobtrusive life, but I will develop and retain the capacity for swift and decisive violence.

  • I recognize that I am the modern equivalent of the traditional Minuteman, and that I may be called to service at any time against heavily armed enemies. I will respond effectively.

  • I accept that I am a pariah among some of my countrymen, and a quaint anachronism to others. I will not hold their ignorance against them.

  • I will win, or die trying.

  • I swear this creed before God, my family and my fellow citizens.

“In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” – Mark Twain





Dedicated to the Preservation of our Freedom,the Security of our Rights, and the Restoration of our Constitution to its rightful place as the LAW of our great Republic.


The Second Amendment






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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

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©2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Oct.14 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 13, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 14, 2012



And Yet Another Obama Executive Order Now Allows Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts



From The New American

Written by   – October 12, 2012

The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House October 9 now claims the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or try to perform — all in the name of “Iran Sanctions.”

Titled an “Executive Order from the President regarding Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions…” the order says that if an individual is declared by the president, the secretary of state,

or the secretary of the treasury to be a “sanctioned person,” he (or she) will be unable to obtain access to his accounts, will be unable to process any loans (or make them), or move them to any other financial institution inside or outside the United States.

In other words, his financial resources will have successfully been completely frozen.

The EO expands its authority by making him unable to use any third party such as “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, subgroup or other organization” that might wish to help him or allow him to obtain access to his funds.

And if the individual so “sanctioned” decides that the ruling is unfair, he isn’t allowed to sue. In two words, the individual has successfully been robbed blind.

But it’s all very legal. The EO says the president has his “vested authority” to issue it, and then references endless previous EOs, including one dating back to 1995 which declared a “state of emergency” (which has not been lifted): Executive Order 12957.

EO 12957 was issued by President Bill Clinton on March 15, 1995, which was also obliquely related to the Iran “problem”:

I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, find that the actions and policies of the Government of Iran to constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Clinton’s EO further delegated such powers as were necessary to enforce the EO to the secretaries of the treasury and state “to employ all powers … as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this order. The Secretary of the Treasury may redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States Government.”

Such EOs are the perfect embodiment of what the Founders feared the most: the combining of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions into one body.

Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution says: “All legislative powers herein shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.”

As Thomas Eddlem, writing for The New American, expressed it, “then it stands to reason [that] none is left for the president.”

But Joe Wolverton, also in The New American, pointed out the particular piece of language the Founders used to limit the powers of the president which totalitarians have twisted to allow such powers to expand: the “take care” clause, to wit: Article II, Section 3: he [the president] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed…

With every EO, the president avoids the cumbersome constitutional safeguards spelled out by the Constitution, and uses them to implement policies he “knows” are right.

Says Wolverton: “With every one of these … executive orders, then, the president elevates his mind and will above that of the people, Congress and the courts.”

The current administration has had a lot of help in justifying and codifying the legitimacy of executive orders, going all the way back to President George Washington who in 1793 issued his Neutrality Proclamation,” which declared that the United States would remain neutral in the current conflict between France and Great Britain, and would bring sanctions against any American citizen who attempted to provide assistance to either party.

The language of Washington is eerily similar to that used by President Obama in the present case:

I have therefore thought fit by these presents to declare the disposition of the United States to observe the conduct aforesaid toward those powers respectively, and to exhort and warn the citizens of the United States carefully to avoid all acts and proceedings whatsoever which may in any manner tend to contravene such disposition…

I have given instructions to those officers to whom it belongs to cause prosecutions to be instituted against all persons who shall, within the cognizance of the courts of the United States, violate the law of nations with respect to the powers at war, or any of them.

When James Madison protested Washington’s usurpation of powers not intended for the president, Congress acquiesced and passed, retroactively, the Neutrality Act of 1794, validating Washington’s usurpation.

President Lincoln engaged in similar usurpations, using presidential “directives” to run the early months of the Civil War, presenting Congress with, as Todd Gaziano put it,

the decision either to adopt his [directives] as legislation or to cut off support for the Union army.

Within his first two months in office, on April 15, 1861, Lincoln issued a proclamation activating troops to defeat the Southern rebellion and for Congress to convene on July 4.

He also issued proclamations to procure warships and to expand the size of the military; in both cases, the proclamations provided for payment to be advanced from the Treasury without congressional approval.

These latter actions were probably unconstitutional, but Congress acquiesced in the face of wartime contingencies, and the matters were never challenged in court.

President Franklin Roosevelt often overlooked the niceties of constitutional restraints as well.

As Gaziano expressed it, “FDR also showed a tendency to abuse his executive order authority and [to] claim powers that were not conferred on him in the Constitution or by statute.”

As far as numbers of executive orders issued, Obama is a piker.

At the moment, although the list is growing, his administration has issued only 900 or so executive orders. President Theodore Roosevelt issued 1,006 while President Woodrow Wilson issued 1,791.

Even President Calvin Coolidge used the EO “privilege” 1,253 times.

The granddaddy of them all, FDR, issued an astounding 3,728 executive orders, but of course he was in office longer than Obama.

President Bill Clinton issued only 364 executive orders, but he made the most of them, using this extra-legal power to, among other things, wage war in Yugoslavia without congressional approval.

Cliff Kincaid collated the numerous EOs issued by Clinton in 1998 and 1999, and concluded:

Clinton waged his war on Yugoslavia through executive order and presidential directive.

Clinton used executive orders to designate a “war zone,” call up troops, proclaim a “national emergency” with respect to Yugoslavia, and impose economic sanctions on the Belgrade government.

Clinton claimed war-making presidential authority through his “constitutional authority” to conduct “foreign relations,” as “Commander in Chief” and as “Chief Executive.”

Under this self-designated authority, Clinton delegated command-and-control of U.S. forces to NATO and its Secretary-General Javier Solana, who decided when the air war would be discontinued…

The most outrageous executive order of all time was that issued by President Roosevelt that allowed the enforced internment of 120,000 Japanese-Americans: 9066.

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) called EOs patently unconstitutional. 

When asked about them by Fox News’ Megan Kelly, Paul responded:

The Constitution says that only Congress passes laws.

The executive branch is not allowed to pass laws, nor should the judicial system pass laws.

So it is clearly unconstitutional to issue these executive orders.

They’ve been done for a long time, both parties have done it, but the Congress is careless.

They allow and encourage and do these deals … to get the president to circumvent the Congress.

If something’s unpopular and he can’t get it passed, well, let’s just sign an executive order.

So I think that is blatantly wrong.

I think this defies everything the founders intended.

I think it’s a shame that Congress does it, and I think it’s a shame that the American people put up with it.








How the NDAA Directly Threatens Average Americans, and How You Can Take Action Now




From 12160.info

Posted by Kryptonite on October 12, 2012

Amber Lyon
October 10, 2012

Journalists rarely take a vocal stand against legislation in order to remain objective, but sometimes new laws are such an egregious assault on our basic rights to democracy and freedom that we have a duty to speak up.

This is the case with the National Defense Authorization Act, a relatively new law that gives the U.S. military the power to detain anyone without trial indefinitely, further criminalizing dissent and investigative journalism in the United States.

What does the NDAA do?

The NDAA gives the federal government the power to behave like dictators and arrest any American citizen, or anyone for that matter, without warrant and indefinitely detain them in offshore prisons without charge and keep them there until “the end of hostilities.”


We must rise up and take action to stop the NDAA before it’s too late.

Here’s more information on the law and ways you can get involved:

Stop the NDAA

Journalist Chris Hedges Sues the Obama Administration over the NDAA

Tell Congress to fix the NDAA

Read full article

Last month, Amber was interviewed on the Alex Jones show and the Infowars Nightly News.

Jakari Jackson also did an extensive report breaking down Amber’s situation.

Similar/Related Articles :

  1. Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA

  2. Is the NDAA illegal?

  3. White House Says It’s Unconstitutional To Strike Down The NDAA

  4. Obama uses NDAA to halt Iranian assets

  5. Don’t Mute Humanity: NDAA’s War on Americans & Bill of Rights

  6. Anonymous will act against National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA

  7. Obama says he doesn’t even need NDAA to indefinitely detain Americans

  8. Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement is Just Smoke & Mirrors

  9. NDAA banned: Indefinite detention of Americans ‘unconstitutional’

  10. Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

  11. Judge Blocks Controversial NDAA

  12. Yes, Americans Will Be Targeted As Terrorists Under the NDAA








It Is ‘Impossible’ for the US To Implode, Right Up to the Moment It Happens



From LewRockwell.com

by Jack D. Douglas – October 13, 2012

All Great Catastrophes seem impossible until the day they become reality. If people took them seriously, they would act to avoid them.

Did Caesar think his friend Brutus would join others one lovely day in Rome to cut him up? Did Romans think the Empire could finally fall?

Did the Greatest Empire the world had seen think a small nation of upstart peasants with no army could defeat the mighty Red Coats?

Not until the day it happened at York Town and the world turned upside down.

Did Americans believe the people who were screaming that Pearl Harbor was wide open to attack by Japanese carriers after FDR forced the Navy to move from San Diego to Pearl?

Not until that fateful Sunday morning.

Did the U.S. believe a small peasant nation could defeat the Greatest Empire the world had ever seen and lead its Embassy staff to flee in panic in helicopters from the roof?

I believe there was only one person who believed a catastrophic attack on the World Trade Center was going to happen.

That one guy believed it would happen because of the first attack on the Center years earlier. But he went there that day anyhow and got killed.

A sister-in-law of one of my daughters was a bond saleswoman in the small, nearby building that imploded. She knew it was possible because she was there in the first attack.

As soon as she heard a crash, looked out and saw the smoke from one of the Towers high above her, she grabbed her purse, ran downstairs and got a cab home in Manhattan.

She was saved by believing it could and was happening

The Great Depression 1 was impossible to almost everyone. Ditto for Depression 2. Greenspan and Bernanke said any great financial crisis was impossible in the modern world, so they let it happen in spite of the yelling and screaming of me and a lot of other analysts.

This morning I spent about a half hour watching a brilliant discussion by Steve Leason of CNBC, Sens. Bowles and Simpson and CEO Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs about this Great Crisis.

The Goldman-Sachs CEO put the catastrophic danger of the soaring U.S. debts very nicely.

He said that the U.S. is now dependent for half of its annual budget on borrowing, half from Americans and half from foreigners.

He said right now they are lending freely, but they are not stupid and know there is great risk in buying U.S. long Treasuries at 1.7% for 10 years when the government is sinking into debt faster and faster, with the power to inflate and send their bond values crashing.

He said it all looks great until one day, all of a sudden with no warning, the music stops and the bond market comes crashing down.

Did you believe the Soviet System would implode one day and the Wall would be torn down by the people in the streets?

Did you believe Lehman would implode over one weekend, thus imploding the whole top of the U.S. financial system in a few days after that?

Now the same Bozos tell us the Implosion of the U.S. is impossible. It is, until the day it happens.

October 13, 2012

Jack D. Douglas [send him mail] is a retired professor of sociology from the University of California at San Diego. He has published widely on all major aspects of human beings, most notably The Myth of the Welfare State.

Copyright © 2012 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.









The Mainstream Media Is Not Our Friend: A Call To Arms



media control

From The Common Sense Show

Dave Hodges – October 11, 2012

The mainstream media is not the friend of people seeking the truth. 

The media is largely controlled by six corporations representing the same people and corporations which are trying to enslave, and in some cases, trying to exterminate humanity.

I have been a direct victim of these globalist lunatics and this is the story on why, I, a person who had no training as a journalist, subsequently decided to take matters into my own hands and try and make a difference through the use of the pen and the microphone.

Professionally, I teach graduate students how to perform research on their capstone projects as they complete their graduate studies. I also teach psychology and sociology courses. I am a recently retired college  basketball coach. 

I had no training nor any desire to ever become a journalist.

I have to confess that my activism was forced upon me by the likes of John McCain and his globalist psychopaths.

Nine years ago, I moved to my wonderful country home, 30 miles north of Phoenix, in order to escape the blight of urban living.

Shortly after moving into my dream home, the State of Arizona, the corrupt federal government and John McCain, led a coordinated effort to force my community to forfeit our land without compensation. 

We had a lot of powerful people lined up against us in the media and in business as well as in politics.

My 300 neighbors, living peacefully on 1-2 acre homes surprisingly chose me to be the spokesperson of group in leading the fight to restore our lost property rights. 

Initially, the globalists and their mindless servants said that we were in the way of Luke Air Force Base over-flights and we should have never been permitted to move where we did and the globalists were going to use the force of law to move us. 

But wait, Luke AFB is 30 miles from our community and they had to fly over a quarter of a million people to reach us and our builder received approval from all entities, including Luke AFB, before building our homes. 

So, we knew that the globalist excuses which were designed to force us off of our land was a lie.

These unsavory people wanted us gone from the land in order to secure our precious resources for which they needed to support their globalist expansion plans.

When the globalists are busy stealing from people, organizations and nations, there are the reasons they use to justify their heinous acts and then there are the real reasons why they engage in their never-ending, felonious assaults upon humanity.

What our community leadership soon discovered was that 7 miles to the west of us, a planned North American Union Corridor (i.e. CANAMEX toll road Highway) controlled by Spain’s King Juan Carlos will someday sweep through my area.

Seven miles to the east, these globalists were also planning to build a huge infrastructure support system  for the CANAMEX Highway system. 

Not so coincidentally, my community sits on the State’s largest underground water aquifer in the Southwest.

Subsequently, the John McCain led globalists wanted us off of our land so that they could have access to our rich water resources in support of these globalist projects. 

Instead of enforcing eminent domain procedures upon the properties of our community, in which the globalist forces would have had to pay fair compensation under the 5th Amendment, the globalists decided to do what they do so well, steal what they wanted

In violation of our due process rights and without so much as any public notice being issued, the State of Arizona began to secretly consider and pass legislation which would ultimately force most of my community off of our land without compensation.

All in the name of pleasing the international banksters, the State passed some very draconian laws which forbade us from repairing our homes after storm damage.

We were forbidden to build pools, fences, detached garages, patios, perform roof repairs nor could we build a barbeque pit.

Most disturbingly, we were not able to rebuild in case a of fire. Oh yes, we would still have to pay our mortgage payments for a house that no longer existed, but we could not rebuild. 

This also made us ineligible for insurance reimbursement in the event of a catastrophe.

In short, we could build NOTHING, and our homes, over time, became worthless. In 2006, we could not have given our homes away. Interestingly, our  drop in property values never saw a corresponding drop in property taxes which presumably was based upon the assessed value.

I spoke to lawyers far and wide with the hope that they would take our case as I was, at that time, still deluded that our court system still stood for justice.

I received a real education when no lawyer would touch our case because they were all afraid of the powerful and corrupt globalist, John McCain. 

Much of the local media lined up against us calling us unpatriotic and that my community was a ”threat to national security.”

In fact, the editorial head of the communist run Arizona Republic newspaper, Venita Hawthorne James, even told us that “for the greater good, we should just get off our land” (without compensation).

My community lived through some very dark days and it seemed that the globalists were everywhere and were controlling everyone.

Collectively, we lost a lot of sleep during this time.

After many lost battles and many frustrations, I was able to pull the right strings in the Libertarian Party and they subsequently convinced the attorneys at the Goldwater Institute to step in and they stopped the government from forcing us off our land without even needing to file a lawsuit.

Like so many globalists, when you shine the light of day upon their criminal actions, they quickly run for cover.

 In short, we won, and we won against all odds.

This was a true case of David defeating the globalist Goliath.

In the process of fighting for my community, I appeared on many local and national talk shows. 

At some point, I attracted the attention of the late Pete Peterson who owned KBSZ radio in Wickenburg, AZ., and he offered me my own show. 

At first, I turned him down because I did not think I possessed the skills to host my own show. 

After appearing on his show for the third time, Pete announced on the air, that I was starting my own show the following Sunday. 

That same week, Ernie Hancock, owner of the Freedoms Phoenix website, offered me an editor and columnist position with his site.  

After Pete sold his station, John Stadtmiller of  The Republic Broadcasting Network, offered me a slot on his great network and this is where I am fortunate to broadcasting from today.

When I look back at my life, there was nothing that would suggest that I would ever become a talk show host and I never thought I would become a writer that is read by any more than just a scant few people. 

My subsequent message to all of you potential warriors in the liberty movement, is that you don’t have to be extraordinary in skill, but most of all you have to possess a true sense of justice and a courageous spirit and believe wholeheartedly in what you are doing.

Ten years ago, I was unaware of the extent of the globalist de-industrialization and depopulation plans for humanity.

 Today, I know that humanity is in for the fight for its collective lives. 

I have come to realize that I am having a small impact on waking up and mobilizing some people to action.

However, mankind needs all of you who are reading these words to carry the torch of liberty.

And for goodness sakes, do not tell me that you cannot do it.

If I can do this, anyone can. 

For it is only when all of us rise up together to say “no more” to the globalists, will humanity preserve its future.

Please take the first step and use your God-given talent to increase your sphere of influence. 

This country needs a 100 million Paul Reveres’ to rise up and warn the rest of our slumbering countrymen about the treacherous roads which lie ahead as we fight for our freedom and ultimately our survival.

Do not wait, like I did, until you have a crisis which forces you into the fight.

At some point in history, all of us will be called to fight anyway.

You might as well make it a fight of your own choosing.


If your heart is in the right place, divine circumstances will show you a way that you can use your talents in order to further the cause of liberty.

When that moment arrives, as it is for so many other like minded Americans, you will soon realize that you are where you are in relationship to our fight,  not because of your talent and an omnipresent need to satisfy your ego’s need for attention,

but you will come to realize that you have been placed in this position by powerful spiritual forces and ultimately circumstances beyond your control.

As result, you will develop a self-awareness that you are part of a special mission for which your creator has chosen for you to perform.

As we witness the rising tide of our liberty movement which has already begun, I cannot wait for the day when our efforts culminate in a counter-critical tsunami which will sweep across the planet 

and will result in the taking back of our rightful heritage from those who have temporarily absconded with our fortunes, our freedoms and the collective future of humanity.

You can start by simply convincing one person per day that their lives depends on their participation.

This movement does not have to totally consume your life.

However, it does require a regular time investment.

Please do it now, because evil never takes a holiday and mankind already has its back up against the wall and ultimately, your life, and the lives of your loved ones depends upon your participation.








The New World Order is Dead On Arrival



Light will Bring the End of the New World Order

From Stuart Wilde.com

by Stuart Wilde – October 10, 2012

The idea of the New World Order is dead on arrival.

The proponents of the idea, like little boy Tony Blair, are too corrupt and immature.

The others are into the power and greed.

That sets up antagonistic forces, which lust for the same power that the little boys have.

What order would an inane degenerate like George Bush, whose been implicated in the 9/11 murders, bring to the world? It’s not going to happen.

Belligerence is infectious.

The Turks are set to war with Syria, the Chinese are in a feud with Japan, the Jews want to bomb Iran, the Arabs want to rub out Israel, Russia has sent 90,000 troops to Syria, India fights with Pakistan, Greece is tearing itself apart, Spain is in turmoil, Catalonia wants to leave and become independent, and the world is smothered in a tsunami of debt.

The New World Order is the dream of silly old men, impotent men, with little perception or real value. It’s all their illusion.

 I’ve said before, the first time a bullet goes through the window of the Federal Reserve, the illusion of their feigned grandeur will pop like a soap bubble.

It is very possible that the population will not allow themselves to be crushed by lies, and the corruptions of old men.

The desire to control and dominate is a demonic force, deep down it is sexual perversion, like pedophilia (see below), the macho male thrusting himself upon the feminine spirit, attempting to own her and dominate.

Obama’s campaign ad saying women should vote for him as if their private parts depended on it, illustrates my point.

The lust for political power and importance is sexual, no one realized that before.

Kissinger admitted it when he said, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

Seventy year old Silvio Berlusconi in Italy, fell when he was exposed for having sexual intercourse with a minor, and running parties with prostitutes at his house. It’s the reign of perverts.

There is a link below at the end of this article that lists all the court convictions of the all pedophiles in the British government.

There are lots of cases. 

Obama’s insulting ad http://www.stuartwilde.com/2012/10/obama-campaigns-insulting-ads-vote-like-your-lady-parts-depend-on-it/

Beyond the last copulation of an old man’s flaccid, drooping male member, comes a feigned self-importance, a desperate attempt by his ego to hold himself erect, and from that comes his cruelty and the vengeance of control as a sexual release or substitute.

Sometimes it’s a manifestation of his vengeance against women, his anger.

The demonic possession these men exhibit is triggered by impotence or an impending impotence. See the hidden link? Interesting eh?

There is a Fifth Force, an inner light, a vast light, it is not a military light per se, but it is part of the feminine spirit and as it washes over the world’s macho—the male darkness—the tyrants fall to accidents, disease, assassinations, military coups and other troubles.

Essentially they are rubbed out from within first, like I said before, Gaddafi fell in those inner worlds six months before he was toppled here. Once the tyrants fall in the inner world they are removed in our world, very few people know much about the workings of the Fifth Force.

The reign of these violent perverts is a non-starter, their karma will catch up with them a long time before they establish a New World Order, in fact, we are quite obviously entering an age of a great global disorder.

The New World Order has zero chance of survival, which is why I feel it’s accurate to say, it’s dead on arrival.~~ Stuart Wilde

p.s. I would write of what I’ve seen of the Fifth Force in detail, but I doubt many would believe me. But I can try a bit. (See next article, The Fifth Force).

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.

This site below tracks pedophilia convictions of government officials in Britain, there are a lot of cases on the site http://labour25.com/








(Fair Use Notice):

This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

©2009/2010/2011/2012 Danimartextras

Posted in Alternative News | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

REAL NEWS Aug 08, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 7, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : August 08, 2012


Nevada Delegation to Nominate Ron Paul




August 07, 2012

-Ron Paul Forums

For those concerned about whether or not NV would nominate Ron Paul at this years RNC…

Over this past weekend, I signed the official document needed to nominate Ron Paul (from the Nevada delegation).

My signature was the 15th signature… which is the final signature needed for plurality.

(continues)(Daily Paul)(reddit)








US Government Proposes Law Making It Illegal For Them To Kill You



From Zero Hedge

Tyler Durden's pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2012

by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog

Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to ‘prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens’ by the federal government.

In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn’t give one reason to pause and consider the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization, I don’t know what will.

Think about it:

  • Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they perceive to be an enemy of the state?

  • Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies, each with the authority to deprive a man of his life, liberty and property in their sole discretion?

  • Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws, codes, rules, regulations, and policies which effectively criminalize nearly every aspect of one’s existence?

  • Does a free society lead the world in prison population?

  • Does a free society hunt down criminals and terrorists by treating its citizens like criminals and terrorists?

  • Does a free society tell its citizens what foods they are / are not allowed to consume?

  • Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs that they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?

  • Does a free society debase its currency and plunder the purchasing power of its citizens?

  • Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations they never signed up to bear?

  • Does a free society award near total control of the economy, the money supply, and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?

  • Does a free society brainwash its citizens into believing that they live in a free society? (at least the Chinese know they’re not free…)

Ask yourself, are you really living in a free society?

Are you free? 

If not, why not?

What else could possibly be more important?

It takes courage to answer honestly.

But once you realize the truth and begin to see the system for what it is, it can be a liberating and life-changing experience.

You’ll find that there are places where you can live free in this world.

There are ways to preserve your dignity, your privacy, your livelihood.

You’ll find that you can build great camaraderie and mutual trust with like-minded souls because you share the same values, not the same color passport.

My guess is that you’re reading this because you’ve already started down the road to freedom.

But you might feel alone… intellectually isolated in a sea of automatons.

You’re not alone.

More and more people are waking up every day and beginning to realize the incredible fraud that has been perpetrated against them.

When enough of them figure it out, this system will be finished.

That’s why I fundamentally believe that today is one of the most exciting times to be alive since the French Revolution.

And we’re just getting warmed up.

If you have any friends or loved ones who still exemplify that self-deluded, bombastic serf mentality, I encourage you to pass this along to them… and challenge them to answer honestly.








Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans


(AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards)

(AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards)


August 07, 2012

The White House has filed an appeal in hopes of reversing a federal judge’s ruling that bans the indefinite military detention of Americans because attorneys for the president say they are justified to imprison alleged terrorists without charge.

Manhattan federal court Judge Katherine Forrest ruled in May that the indefinite detention provisions signed into law late last year by US President Barack Obama failed to “pass constitutional muster” and ordered a temporary injunction to keep the military from locking up any person, American or other, over allegations of terrorist ties.

On Monday, however, federal prosecutors representing President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta filed a claim with the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in hopes of eliminating that ban.

The plaintiffs “cannot point to a single example of the military’s detaining anyone for engaging in conduct even remotely similar to the type of expressive activities they allege could lead to detention,” Obama’s attorneys insist.

With that, the White House is arguing that as long as the indefinite detention law hasn’t be enforced yet, there is no reason for a judge to invalidate it.

Reuters reports this week that the government believes they are justified to have the authorization to lock alleged belligerents up indefinitely because cases involving militants directly aligned against the good of the US government warrants such punishment.

Separate from Judge Forrest’s injunction, nine states have attempted to, at least in part, remove themselves from the indefinite detention provisions of included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, or NDAA.

In section 1021 of the NDAA, the president’s authority to hold a terrorism suspect without trial, until the end of the hostilities” is reaffirmed by Congress.

Despite an accompanying signing statement voicing his opposition to that provision, President Obama quietly inked his name to the NDAA on December 31, 2011.

In May, however, a group of plaintiffs including notable journalists and civil liberty proponents challenged section 1021 in court, leading to Judge Forrest to find it unconstitutional one month later.

“There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment,” Forrest wrote in her 68-page ruling. “There is also a strong public interest in ensuring that due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment are protected by ensuring that ordinary citizens are able to understand the scope of conduct that could subject them to indefinite military detention.”

At the time Judge Forrest made her injunction, attorney Carl Mayer told RT on behalf of the plaintiffs that, although he expected the White House to appeal, “It may not be in their best interest.”

“[T]here are so many people from all sides of the political spectrum opposed to this law that they ought to just say, ‘We’re not going to appeal,’ Mayer said. “The NDAA cannot be used to pick up Americans in a proverbial black van or in any other way that the administration might decide to try to get people into the military justice system. It means that the government is foreclosed now from engaging in this type of action against the civil liberties of Americans.”

The original plaintiffs, who include Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges, have asked Judge Forrest to make her injunction permanent. Oral arguments in the case are expected to begin this week.








No to war with Iran! Yes to dialogue!


Scoop - Independent News

From Scoop

Tuesday, 7 August 2012, 3:42 pm
Press Release: Gush Shalom

Today, Monday, 6 August 2012 at 19:00, we will demonstrate outside the Defense Ministry, with the call: Do not bomb. Talk.

Rather than continuing the rhetoric of intimidation, it is time that the State of Israel will agree to join the regional talks, due to be held later this year in Helsinki, where Iran will participate.

Monday is also the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. On this day, the call is made all over the world read: No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki!

We join this call and add: the safest way to end the nuclear arms race in the Middle East is to make the Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction.

No attack on Iran. Yes to dialogue!



The Israeli Committee for Mordechai Vanunu
And for a Middle East free of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms


On 6 August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Today, Monday, 6 August 2012, at 19.00 we will demonstrate outside the Defense Ministry on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, We will call for the dismantling of Israel’s nuclear weapons as part of a controlled process of making the whole Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction.

We will call for closure of the the old and dangerous nuclear reactor in in Dimona.

We will warn the government not to be tempted into the adventure of a war with Iran, whose consequences might be disastrous.

Also, we will call for cessation of the abuse of Mordechai Vanunu, and demand that he be allowed to leave Israel and start a new life.

All those who aspire to a life which is not overshadowed by a nuclear mushroom are called upon to take part in the demonstration.

The Israeli Committee for a Middle East
East free of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms.


© Scoop Media








Giant Drone’s Laser Cannon Nixed by Congress



By Noah Shachtman and Spencer Ackerman – Email Author – August 3, 2012

If your idea of the military’s future involves a laser cannon and a giant, hydrogen-powered drone, Danger Room has some bad news for you.

Despite the best efforts of the Missile Defense Agency and its allies in the House of Representatives, the Pentagon will not be giving Boeing a multi-million dollar contract to equip its king-sized, experimental “Phantom Eye” unmanned aerial vehicle with a directed energy weapon.

Not if the Senate’s moneymen have anything to say about it.

In its markup of next year’s defense budget, the committee flagged an odd request from the Missile Defense Agency: $44.5 million dollars for a new “directed energy research program” — mil-speak for laser weapon development.

MDA has a long, ignoble history of funding such ray gun efforts. But this ray gun seemed more ignoble than most.

Not only ”are currently no less than five separate directed energy science and technology programs ongoing in the Department of Defense, none of which have clearly defined and funded transition plans into programs of record,” the senators noted, but “the committee now understands that the Missile Defense Agency intends to award a noncompetitive, sole-source contract” for the energy weapon.

In other words, the agency was on the verge of a no-bid deal for a flying ray gun.

Which, in these times of relative budgetary austerity, did not please the senators at all.

The committee softened the blow to the MDA.

The agency is getting a $500 million budget increase, which includes new missile interceptors and radars.

But should the full Senate back the committee and kill the laser-strapped Phantom Eye, it would cap an awful month for the anti-missile shop.

In early July, the Pentagon’s inspector general revealed MDA chief Lt. Gen. Patrick O’Reilly to be one of the Defense Department’s biggest jerks, a bully who routinely belittled and verbally abused his staff.

The good vibes weren’t exactly increased when MDA executive director John James Jr. was forced to warn his staff to stop “accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images.”

And now: no massive, sky-riding lasers.

As it happens, it wasn’t long ago that the U.S. military actually had a flying missile-zapper: a tricked-out 747 with a ray gun attached — which proved to be better at evading the budgetary axe than it was at stopping incoming missiles.

The so-called Airborne Laser Test Bed, or ALTB, was supposed to be — in the words of a former Missile Defense Agency chief — America’s first lightsaber.” 

Unfortunately, the ALTB didn’t work very well, despite 16 years of effort and billions of dollars devoted to it.

In fight tests, the ALTB only managed to fry a single missile.

Other targets emerged unscathed

Ellen Tauscher, now the State Department’s senior-most arms control official, derided the long-overdue $4 billion program as “the definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and over despite failing each time.”

Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates pared the program way back. And in February, the Missile Defense Agency announced the last flight of the flying lightsaber.

The ALTB was dispatched to the Air Force’s Arizona “boneyard” for dead planes.

A few months later, however, it looked like the ghost of the ALTB might continue to haunt the military.

The House Armed Services Committee’s Strategic Forces panel pushed for $75 million to preserve the skilled workforce that was involved in the Airborne Laser Test Bed program and to accelerate experimentation with next generation directed energy system development.”

Odder still, the subcommittee ordered the experimentation to include the “planned testing of the Phantom Eye system.”

That’s the experimental, 150 foot-wide hydrogen-powered drone that’s eventually stay aloft for four days straight at a height of 65,000 feet.

The Boeing aircraft had its first flight in June, soaring at a relatively-modest 4,000 feet for 28 minutes. 

Before the subcommittee’s note, no one had publicly mentioned the Phantom Eye as any kind of a weapon.

Privately, however, there were different plans. That no-bid, laser weapon contract just blocked by the Senate Appropriations Committee?

It was for the “integration of the yet-to-be-developed directed energy capability onto a high altitude long endurance platform that itself is currently under development.”

In other words: the Phantom Eye — outfitted with a laser weapon that doesn’t even exist yet.

That sounds like insanity to the Senate moneymen.

“The Committee questions both the operational relevance of this scientific program,” it stated, “as well as the overall acquisition strategy during times of fiscal restraint.”

That puts one of the military’s most dysfunctional agencies on notice against resurrecting an unfeasible laser and stitching it, like Frankenstein’s monster, to an experimental drone.

But the history of these so-called flying lightsabers suggests that it might come back from the dead — again.








Globalists Gutting America, Head for the New World Hills


Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions


Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 – by Zen Gardner

Ever wonder why so much American manufacturing would be moved overseas?

How about why in the world these top politicians would award major construction contracts to China instead of struggling American companies with unemployment skyrocketing?

And why are elites moving their accounts offshore while international banks soak up what’s left of America’s liquidity?

It’s a deliberate implosion, while they’re preparing for the aftermath.

The elites are preparing for the destruction of the world’s last great bastion of ferocious liberty lovers, whose symbol of  independence and personal liberty stands in the way of a global takeover.

And beefing up their manufacturing replacements is an obvious sign of their intent.

It’s that clear.

The Stinking Truth

We have to see past these localized staged events by these hoodlums.

Mass shootings to push their gun control agenda? That’s not all.

They want civil war, they want conflict, they want Americans fighting each other.

All while they walk away scott free into their new world kingdom being carefully set up in other parts of the world while the US meets its engineered demise.

Everyone’s divested.

Corporations have long since been global, big banks are clearly international.

Even individual power brokers are divested.

Any sense of state or national sovereignty is anathema to their paradigm of control.

They’re just waiting for the old structures to collapse and all its adherents to change….or die.

While they stand back in the box seats of their international coliseum toasting to their bloody victory.

Know this.

They’re not just causing America’s destruction, they’re preparing to keep things going after the US descends into martial law, civil war and total chaos.

That will explain a lot.

Now trace the money and economic decisions.

Why Else? Be Aware…

Why else would 90% of these dastardly decisions be made? Nationalize and kill General Motors for example, then move manufacturing overseas?

Mega construction projects importing thousands of Chinese and their resources?

Opening the Mexican border floodgate to not just immigration, but massive economically crippling compromises?

Never mind having the country’s wealth hijacked into oblivion by global bankster enterprises.

Hey, I’m not a nationalist, but this handwriting has been on the wall for a long time.

What we have to realize is they’re jumping ship like rats at this point, while siccing us on each other.

Police and military against their own countrymen in a fight picked by whom?

The engineers.

And they don’t care how many of either side get taken out, these elitist engineers will be long gone to other places, and have been for some time on your dime, readying for the world to come they’ve been designing for decades.

Wake Up and Smell the Already Prepared New World Order

Wanna know where the rats are scurrying to?

Oh, believe me, bastards like these politicians and corporate stooges don’t sell out for nothing.

They’ve been promised stuff – riches now and gobs of power in the new world order to come!

Of course amongst thieves there is no honor, so let’s see what happens to these dupes.

Are they in for a surprise!

And What New World?

Here’s some poignant insights by someone I trust that will tell you a heck of  a lot more about what’s going on in this respect:

—As another example of a new world capital see also HERE.

Not to be easily explained away either.


Point is, it’s pre-determined in their minds, and they’ve prepared accordingly.

The true playout is yet to be seen.

But we MUST be aware of these clearly delineated hints and warnings that will help us handle what’s coming at us, the most consciously and responsibly for ourselves and those around us.

It’s disturbing, when you grasp the extent of all of this. I agree.

But it’s empowering at the same time.

Be aware, be prepared.

We are in a spiritual as well as physical warfare.

One thing for sure, these elitist freaks are hit and run bastards.

And cowards don’t win out.

See it for what it is and you’ll be better prepared.

And always follow your heart.

Love always,











Kmart Offers Free Flu Shots to General Populace


The New Spokesman for Vaccines say’s,


From The Intel Hub

By Shepard Ambellas
August 7, 2012

It’s a known fact that eugenics driven oligarchs have long been poisoning the general populace through various depopulation programs.

From GMO foods, to famine, drought, starvation, and financial control the puppet masters who control us can cause a whirlwind of havok wherever, whenever, on whatever they desire.

No, this is not some urban legend as weather modification programs, geoengineering, and chemtrailing operations are well documented.

Depopulation of the third world has also been documented and even touched on in Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), and other white papers.

View SHADE the Motion Picture Trailer – A Film on Global Depopulation(Ad)

But what about blatant depopulation in America through vaccines?

BeWellBuzz.com reports 10 reasons why flu vaccines are not safe (here are 5);

The verdict is out on flu shots.

Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict:

1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. 

A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months foundno evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo.

Also the shots are only able to protect against certain strains of the virus, which means that if you come into contact with a different strain of virus you will still get the flu.

2.) Medical journals have published thousands of articles revealing that injecting vaccines can actually lead to serious health problems including harmful immunological responses and a host of other infections.

This further increases the body’s susceptibility to the diseases that the vaccine was supposed to protect against.

3.) Ever noticed how vaccinated children within days or few weeks develop runny noses, pneumonia, ear infections and bronchiolitis?

The reason is the flu virus introduced in their bodies which creates these symptoms.

It also indicates immuno-suppression i.e. lowering of the immunity.

The flu vaccines actually do not immunize but sensitize the body against the virus.

4.) Its a known fact that Flu vaccines contain strains of the flu virus along with other ingredients.

Now think about the impact such a vaccine can have over someone with a suppressed immune system?

If you have a disease that is already lowering your body’s ability to fight a virus, taking the flu shot will put your body in danger of getting the full effects of the flu and make you more susceptible to pneumonia and other contagious diseases.

5.) The Flu vaccines contain mercury, a heavy metal known to be hazardous for human health.

The amount of mercury contained in a multi-dose flu shot is much higher than the maximum allowable daily exposure limit.

Mercury toxicity can cause memory loss,depression, ADD, oral health problems, digestive imbalances, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and many more such serious health ailments.

However, what is most terrifying is the fact that Kmart is offering free flu shots to the general public;

Chronicle.Augusta article reads;

Kmart is offering a coupon for a free flu shot to anyone who makes a single purchase of $100 through Sunday, Aug. 12, according to Shannelle Armstrong-Fowler, director of public relations at Sears Holdings Corp.

The offer is exclusive to members of Kmart’s free Shop Your Way Rewards program. The coupon is redeemable between Sept. 23 and Oct. 20, while supplies last. Appointments must be made by Sept. 8.

The coupon is valid in-store only and prints at the register. Limit one coupon per transaction.

How nice of them. They are so loving.


Leaked Pentagon Video – Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior


{XANIEL’S NOTE : TRANSLATION : Pentagon Mind Control tailor made for the American Public.

EXCUSE FOR IT’S CREATION: War weapon against the U.S.’s enemies.

In case you have forgotten, Our Government considers ‘ WE THE PEOPLE ‘, U.S.’s enemies ! }~~~Xaniel777


Uploaded by  on Jun 15, 2011

What you are about to hear is not science fiction or conspiracy theory but a glimpse of what is going on behind the closed doors of the United States Pentagon. 

In a small auditorium labeled BC232 a man is presenting a discussion on how the military industrial complex can spread a virus and use a vaccine to extinguish what the pentagon calls undesirable human behavior.

Specifically in this case religious behavior. 

This is dark science my friends.

With all the mandatory vaccine programs in the United States do not be deceived for a moment that something like this will not or possibly hasn’t already been used on the American public. 









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REAL NEWS June 24, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 23, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : June 24,2012


Army Prepares Tanks For War On America


Published on Jun 22, 2012 by 

All over the US the military is building up for war with the American people.




[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’


“Don’t Be Alarmed”: Army Trains MPs To Drive Tanks On U.S. Streets

Sightings of vehicles provokes fears of martial law

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, June 22, 2012

St Louis City residents have been warned to not be alarmed at the sight of U.S. Army tanks rolling down residential neighborhoods after sightings of the vehicles provoked fears of martial law.

The exercise is part of a U.S. Army program run by military police from Fort Meade, Maryland focused around training MPs from St. Louis how to drive heavily armored tanks “on highways and on city streets.”

Sightings of the tanks prompted hundreds of residents to flood news channel KSDK’s Facebook page, with some expressing fears that martial law had arrived with others promising to “stop and salute” the tanks as they rolled by.

Reporting that he was told by the Army not to disclose the location of where the exercise was operating out of for “security reasons,” KSDK reporter Casey Nolan downplayed the exercise as “not such a big deal.”

U.S. Army Sergeant Cornelius Ivory discouraged citizens from taking video and photographs of the tanks and urged them not to get too close.

“They need to know to stay away from it,” Ivory told KSDK.

The exercise will run from June 21-28 in St. Louis, with the presence of the tanks being most noticeable in the area of the sixth district.

As we have exhaustively documented, the increasing shift towards domestic militarization of law enforcement is part of the acclimation process to get Americans comfortable with the idea of troops and tanks on the streets as a routine occurrence.

Earlier today we reported on how scores of paramilitary troops and soldiers appearing to be from the National Guard were deployed onto the streets of Hartford, Connecticut to break-up a recent annual Puerto Rican-American cultural event.

This is just the latest of scores of examples of how the military and National Guard is increasingly being deployed domestically to target the American people.

National Guard and U.S. Army troops are routinely involved in ‘urban warfare training’ drills.

Usually such drills take place within the confines of military bases, however, more recently heavily armed troops are increasingly seen patrolling residential neighborhoods and even the downtown areas of major US cities.

Such “invasions” are often reported on as nothing to worry about and even as “cool” by the mainstream media.

Back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.

Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”

An article published in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece for the influential Council on Foreign Relations, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno, advocates the army be “transitioned” into a more “flexible force” by deploying in situations normally reserved for domestic law enforcement officials.

He argues that by doing so, troops will be better equipped to deal with conflict elsewhere.

Domestic deployment of troops for purposes of law enforcement is a clear violation of section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act, which states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.





Military Rolls Tanks Onto St. Louis Streets…But Why?


From Alt-Market.com

By Brandon Smith

June 23, 2012

I have to say that this event, which is being labeled a “training exercise”, makes very little sense to me. 

U.S. Army troops all the way from Maryland running open exercises in armored personnel carriers on the busy streets of St. Louis? 

I know Maryland is a small state, but is there really not enough room at Ft. Detrick to accommodate a tank column and some troops? 

Are there not entire fake neighborhood and town complexes built with taxpayer dollars on military bases across the country meant to facilitate a realistic urban environment for troops to train in? 

And why travel hundreds of miles to Missouri? 

At the very least, this is a massive waste of funds.

On the other hand, such an action on the part of the Department of Defense makes perfect sense if the goal is to acclimate citizens to the idea of seeing tanks and armed military acting in a policing capacity. 

Just check out the two random idiots the local news affiliate picked to interview in St. Louis on the subject. 

Both state that they think the exercise is a “great idea”, because having the military on the streets would help to “reduce crime”:


I suspect that the news affiliate did not go out of its way to get any counter-opinions, even though they admitted to being contacted by those voicing concerns over martial law.

Even so, it’s sad and simultaneously terrifying that there are plenty of mindless dupes out there who do not understand the dangers of the Army crossing the Rubicon and acting in a civil law enforcement capacity, never mind that they are completely ignorant of the fact that it violates the Posse Comitatus Act. 

One of the interviewees even points out that in some countries they don’t use police at all; only military. 

This is true.  We call those countries “tyrannies”

Add to the mix the reality that the DOD refuses to respond to any further inquiries by the press concerning details of the training, and you get yet another suspicious instance of behavior on the part of the establishment that seems preparatory for domestic action. 

I believe that the high frequency at which these activity reports have been coming in over the past year is certainly cause for alarm…





2012 “Zion” Olympic False Flag: Nuclear Attack, WW3, or Alien Invasion?


Published on Jun 22, 2012 by 

This is a preview. To listen to the full interview, subscribe at http://www.veritasradio.com.





Panic in the New World Order


From the Trenches

Posted on June 23, 2012 by Admin

Lew Rockwell – by Gary North  For the first time in my career, I see the international establishment, sometimes called the New World Order, facing a crisis so large that its very survival is at stake. For the first time, these people are scared.

There are not many of them. In his book, Superclass, author David Rothkopf estimates that there are only about 6000 people at the top of the pyramid of world power and influence.

They are mostly males, and at least a third of them have attended America’s most prestigious universities.

Most of the others have attended comparable universities in Europe.

The crisis in Europe is clearly beyond anything that this generation of establishment leaders has ever seen.

The last time that anything like this faced the European establishment, it led to World War II.

During the entire postwar period, the United States has been the dominant force in the West.

The United States government through the Marshall Plan wrote the checks to keep the European governments afloat, and it funded most of NATO, the mutual defense system that was set up to constrain the expansion of the Soviet Union.

The United States is no longer in a position to bail out anybody.

It is running a massive trade deficit, and is running a massive federal deficit. Europe realizes now that, from an economic standpoint, it is on its own.

If there are solutions to the European economic crisis, these solutions are going to have to be generated inside the eurozone.


Today, the entire banking system of Europe is at risk.

The banks are highly leveraged, and they have made enormous investments at low-interest rates in bonds issued by governments that are technically insolvent.

There is no possibility that any of these bonds will ever be repaid.

They were never designed to be repaid.

They were designed to keep the taxpayers of all European countries in permanent bondage to the banking system.

Now, in a complete reversal of fortune, the banks are increasingly dependent on the governments.

The governments are now the lenders of next-to-last resort to the commercial banks.

The central bank, of course, is the lender of last resort.

But today, the European Central Bank has moved into neutral.

It does not want to take action to bail out Greece, Spain, or Italy.

The PIIGS governments that wrote the IOUs to the banks in northern Europe are technically insolvent.

When Greece defaults, which it will, there will be enormous losses sustained by some northern European banks.

When Spain defaults, which it will, these losses will get far worse.

When Italy defaults, which it will, the entire banking system of Europe will be busted.

The only things that can save European banking system today are the European Central Bank, which has the power to create money out of nothing, and the taxpayers of Germany, whose national leaders are relentless in their desire to expand the power of the eurozone over all of Europe.

These politicians are willing to write IOUs on behalf of German taxpayers in order to extend this consolidation.


The problem is, the Northern European governments do not have any money to serve as lenders to Greece, Spain, or Italy.

They are borrowing money at rates not seen before in peacetime Europe.

These governments are expected to intervene and lendmoney to the Greek government.

But every northern European government is now faced with the additional responsibility of being the lender of next-to-last resort to the large commercial banks inside its own borders.

Who is going to lend northern European governments enough money to bail out southern European governments?

Which lenders think this is a good idea today? At today’s rate of interest, not that many.

That is why interest rates are going to rise.

But when long-term interest rates rise, that will lower the present market value of all of the bonds in the portfolios of the lenders.

So, on the one hand, investors have to pony up the money to lend to the governments, and the governments need the money to recapitalize the banks in their own borders.

This leads to the next problem: in order for the lenders to lend money to a government, they have to write checks on their bank accounts.

What happens if their banks should go under? Who will lend money to the governments?

In this daisy chain of fiat money, credit, and debt, the European Central Bank is the lender of last resort.

It is the lender of last resort because it has the legal authority to create money out of nothing.

It can buy IOUs issued by governments, and it can lendmoney to banks, so that the banks can buy the IOUs of governments.


The entire political system that we know as the European Union is dependent upon a system of fractional reserve banking which has overextended itself, and now faces a day of reckoning.

Actually, it faces two days of reckoning.

First, there is a day of reckoning in the PIIGS countries, when depositors withdraw funds.

The second day of reckoning is going to be imposed by the insolvent governments who have been borrowing hundreds of billions of euros from the banks.

The arrival of a bank run threatens the ability of the Greek government to borrow money from anybody.

The Greek government is dependent upon the Greek banking system to collect taxes.

If the Greek banking system goes belly-up, the Greek government goes belly-up.

In this system, only the European Central Bank has the authority to bail out the system.

Every other potential source of euros is dependent on the solvency of the European banking system.

But that is exactly what is at risk today.

This is why all fractional reserve banking must ultimately rest on the monopoly granted by government to a central bank.

The central bank, above all, is the guarantor of the solvency of the largest banks.

The central bank is the economic agent of the owners of the largest commercial banks.

These owners are now facing bankruptcy.

They holdshares in multinational banks whose lending officers had no understanding of basic economics.

They wrote checks to the PIIGS.

In this scenario, the only way to save the system is to risk destroying it.

The only way to save the euro is to risk destroying it.

This is because there are only two ways to save the largest commercial banks.

The first way is by hyperinflation.

This will enable the banks to keep their doors open, but the borrowers will be able to pay off their loans by selling a handful of hard assets, which will raise enough money to pay off the loans with worthless euros.

The second way to save the banks, which is what the European Central Bank is attempting to do, is to avoid hyperinflation, and to inflate the money supply only to thedegree that the largest banks can be bailed out by making low-interest loans available to them.

They in turn must lend out the money, if they can find solvent borrowers, and if those borrowers are willing to borrow.

If the European Central Bank adopts the second approach, this is going to lead to a depression.

The bank has inflated. The commercial banks have lent money to insolvent governments.

These governments are going to default if there is a recession, but by refusing to expand the money supply, the European Central Bank will produce a recession.

The boom that it fostered in the Greenspan years has blown up on European banks, in the same way that the boom in the United States has blown up on America’s banks.

There is no equivalent of the FDIC in the European banking system.

There is no single government that has the assets or the legal authority to lend to any and all of the other governments.

There is no common fiscal system, which means that all the governments can run massive deficits.

This means that the governments are in constant competition with each other to borrow enough money to fund their deficits.

So, the system is stretched to the limits.

The few remaining lenders with capital who have enough money in their banks to write checks to insolvent governments are now refusing to write the checks.

This is why Spain is paying over 7% to get lenders to fork over their money.

Lenders who do this are going to wind up like the saps who loanedmoney to the Greek government prior to 2010.

They are going to see the value of theirinvestments collapse as interest rates go to double digits in Spain, which they are going to do unless the European Central Bank intervenes and makes fiat money loans to Spain’s government.


There is now at least one monthly emergency weekend meeting of the political authorities, accompanied by their bureaucrats from the ministries of finance.

They come together on a Saturday to talk about how they can save the system.

They issue a press release on Sunday. The press release is always short on specifics.

Within a month, the crisis has escalated again, and there is another weekend summit meeting.

Every time there is a summit meeting, the investing public that has sufficient money to invest waits with bated breath to see if there is some solution offered on Sunday afternoon.

There never is a solution offered, so the stock market drops for the first day or two after the meeting.

It is clear by now to everybody that there is no solution forthcoming.

There is no agreement politically, especially between Germany and France, as to who is going to write the checks to bail out the next PIIGS government to hit the brick wall.

I can remember almost 40 years ago listening to a speech by a young hotshot economist at Yale, who informed us that there would be a new currency system established in Europe by the year 2000.

This was an accurate forecast. It was established in 1999.

The hotshot later moved to Harvard. He has generally disappeared from public view.

But it was clear from his enthusiastic speech that he was convinced that this new currency system would create a completely new economic order in Europe.

Boy, was he right!

The new economic order in Europe is now disintegrating.

The establishment politicians, bureaucrats, and spokesmen are looking in horror as the system which their predecessors designed to work permanently is disintegrating.

Not to put too fine a point to it, but this is reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s promise about the thousand-year Reich.

It lasted 13 years. This year, the euro had its 13th birthday. So far, it has not had a happy birthday.


The leaders of the European establishment have never had to deal with any crisis on a scale like this one.

They keep talking of the need for firewalls.

Until they have firewalls, nobody is willing to yell “Fire!” Yet the fire is now raging.

What kind of firewall can be created that keeps a default by one government from becoming a default by another government?

What firewall is there for a large multinational bank that has just lost half of the value of the bonds that it purchased at a rate of 3%, now that the interest rate is 7%?

Every time the interest rate doubles, the market value of the bonds decreases by 50%, minimum.

There is no firewall.

The financial system of Europe is interrelated by way of the euro.

Everybody uses the same currency in 17 countries.

Everybody is dependent upon the same central bank, and that bank is not exercising leadership.

The head of the bank keeps saying that the governments have to step up to the plate and take responsibility.

Every time he says this, I am reminded of what Ben Bernanke keeps telling Congress.

The heads of the two largest central banks in the world keep complaining that the politicians have got to take responsibility for solving the crisis. But this is exactly what the politicians do not want to do.

The politicians have always understood that the central bank would bail them out of their crisis, merely by creating new money and buying the IOUs of the government.

This has always been the public justification of central banking.

The politicians seem blind to the real reason for the existence of central banking, namely, to bail out the largest commercial banks under its jurisdiction.

The European Central Bank faces an enormous problem: it has under its jurisdiction the largest banks in every country in the eurozone, other than Great Britain.

It has to intervene to save any large bank that is under its jurisdiction, because if it does not, there will be bank runs in that nation.


Depositors can go down to their banks and have money transferred to a bank outside the country.

Usually, this is going to be a German bank.

Legally, the recipient bank can refuse to take a deposit, but what bank would dare not take deposits?

Any bank that would say that it was not taking deposits from any other bank would be sending a signal to the media that the other bank is bordering on insolvency.

That is the last thing that any bank in northern Europe wants to do with respect to any bank in Greece, Spain, or Italy.

The European Central Bank is sitting on a powder keg.

The fuse has already been lit. That fuse is connected to the Greek banking system.

If the Greek banking system blows up, by which I mean implodes, that will light another fuse.

The other fuse leads to Spain. I could be wrong.

There may be two fuses, one leading to Spain, and the other leading to Italy.

There is no firewall. The only firewall would be for banks in northern Europe to refuse to take new accounts from people who were closing out their accounts in southern Europe.

But if they do not stop the bank runs from taking place in Greece, the Greek government is going to default on its debt and pull out of the eurozone. It will have no choice.

If its banks are collapsing, how will it be able to fund its debt? How will it be able to collect taxes?

You can see what is at stake here. A small-scale bank run has been going on for at least a year in Greece, and it is now threatening to escalate into a full-scale run.

Northern European banks could refuse to take new deposits in euros from existing depositors in Greece.

But they would all have to do this at once.

If only one or two major banks in northern Europe refuse to accept new accounts from Greeks, this will send a message to all the other Greeks: “You had better get your money out of your bank, fast, and get it into a northern European bank that has not yet closed off new deposits.”

The bank run escalates.

Because not all of the banks are under the same banking laws, and because no regulatory agency can tell them what to do, Europe has a system in which depositors in PIIGS nations can create massive bank runs against the banks in their own nations.

There is no firewall against this. The bank runs have begun in Greece.

Banks outside of the eurozone can refuse to take on new deposits, but banks inside the eurozone cannot do this without threatening the survival of the entire banking system.

Furthermore, if they do not create a firewall, the collapsed banks of Greece, Spain, and Italy will lead to the bankruptcy of their respective governments, and that in turn will lead to massive losses in northern European banks.

You do not see a detailed discussion of this in the mainstream press, for very good reason: the mainstream press is afraid of being blamed for triggering a bank run out of Greek banks.

Everybody in authority knows a Greek bank run has begun, but this is not front page news.

It is certainly not a story on the evening television news shows.

Maybe “The PBS News Hour” will bring in two or three experts to discuss it, who will offer rival views, but the network news will not talk about the Greek bank run until it is in its terminal stage.

So, the people who run the new European order sit there, helpless, completely dependent upon decisions made by depositors in Greek banks. At any time, a wave of fear could spread through Greece, and a majority of depositors will start lining up to get their money.

If they take out their money in currency, this collapses the local bank, which has to sell assets to buy the currency from the European Central Bank in order to hand the currency to the depositor.

That kind of bank run is bad for a single bank, but usually depositors spend the money.

When a depositor spends the money, the business that receives the money re-deposits the money in its bank. So, a bank run into currency is not a huge threat to the Greek banking system as a whole.

In contrast, however, is a bank run in the form of the transfer of digital money out of the country.

All of the Greek banks are facing this threat today. Once the euros leave the Greek banking system, they are not redeposited in the Greek banking system.

What we are seeing is the collapse of the Greek banking system.

Unless the European Central Bank intervenes again, by the end of the year, there is not going to be a Greek banking system.

All of the banks will be busted.

There is nothing that the Eurocrats can do about this.

The only agency that has the power to stop this is the European Central Bank, which can do whatever it wants to do, ultimately, which means lending money to Greek banks based on any collateral they want to put up, especially IOUs issued by the Greek government.


Angela Merkel can scream, yell, and hold her breath until she turns blue, but ultimately she has no power over the European Central Bank.

Ultimately, no politician has any power over it.

No politician really wants power over it.

Why not? Because that politician would then be responsible for coming up with the money that the European Central Bank was about to come up with, but which was stymied by the politician.

This is why the European Central Bank is going to inflate, inflate, and inflate.

The head of the bank can make all the comments he wants about the responsibility of politicians to intervene to keep the structure going, but he is ultimately the bagman of the system.

He is the guy who has control over the printing press. He is the only person, along with his colleagues, who is in a position to keep the system afloat.

There is no firewall.

There is only the ability of the European Central Bank to create money, and to do so by lending it to commercial banks or directly to governments.

It does not matter what kind of rules and regulations are in place that were supposed to prohibit this back in 1999.

In the midst of a conflagration, nobody in power is going to point a finger at the European Central Bank when the bank intervenes to bail out a government that is about to default on its debt.

The reason is clear, or at least is clear to me: no politician wants to be responsible for coming up with the money to bail out the largest banks in his country, all of which will be threatened with insolvency because of the default of Greece and Spain, because that will produce a domino effect by all of the PIIGS governments.





Secret Illuminati Video Leaked (Illumicorp Training Videos) Part1


Uploaded by  on Mar 22, 2011

I’m not sure how this leaked out but yeah, it’s crazy!





The People Behind terror. The Illuminati and the New World Order


Uploaded by  on Mar 5, 2011





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REAL NEWS June 12, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on June 11, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : June 12, 2012


The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

From Cosmic Convergence 2012

May 31, 2012

Is there any doubt that the United States of America is the military arm of the New World Order (NWO), as it has been since World War I?

Just as the City of London has functioned as the world headquarters for the financial arm of the NWO, and Vatican City has functioned as the religious headquarters for the NWO, Washington, DC has functioned as the military headquarters for the NWO.

Surely you have read or heard by now that each of these city states was set up as an autonomous political entity so that no one could control them except their masters within the Global Control Matrix (GCM).

When you understand this reality, you can clearly understand all that has taken place with the US of A for the past hundred years.

Viet Nam (What on earth were we ever doing there?), Korea (Why was MacArthur willing to drop an atom bomb there?),

Argentina and Chile (The CIA plot to assassinate Allende was also about what?),

Iraq (Twice!!),

Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran (Economic warfare and stealth bombings),

Cambodia and Laos, Cuba and Grenada, Nicaragua and El Salvador, Honduras and Panama, East Timor and Suharto’s Indonesian, Serbia and Bosnia, Somalia and Yemen, Libya and Syria, etc. etc., etc.

Will the bellicose behavior ever end?!


US Military Deception And Psychological Operations

From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins

Posted by  – June 11, 2012

US Military Deception And Psychological Operations

US Military Deception and Psychological Operations manual reveals deception tactics used to manipulate targets to promote US nation interests.

“I make the enemy see my strengths as weaknesses and my weaknesses as strengths while I cause his strengths to become weaknesses and discover where he is not strong . . . I conceal my tracks so that none can discern them; I keep silence so that none can hear me.”

Sun Tzu
The Art of War, c. 500 BC

The US Military Deception and Psychological Operations manual outlines some of the deception tactics and information operations used to psychologically manipulate a target into doing or not doing certain things.

The tactics are used to get inside of decision makers heads and makes it difficult for the “enemy” to establish an accurate perception of reality prompting the enemy to take specific actions or inaction.

Furthermore the deception operations uses full array of civil and technological capabilities along with technical means to control and manipulate any and all communication systems during a deception operation.

Gaining complete control of the EM spectrum can be achieved through the deliberate radiation, alteration, absorption, or reflection of energy or the emission or suppression of nuclear particles.

Using the EM spectrum, they can disrupt communication and intelligence systems to insert deceptive information coupled with traditional psychological operations using Multi-media (radio, television, sound broadcasting, or computers) or even tactics such as the emission or suppression of chemical or biological odors.

These are just some of the many Military Deception (MILDEC) operation tactics outline in the manual and are applied using four basic deception techniques: feints, demonstrations, ruses, and display.

Principles Of Military Deception



  • Provides a General Overview of Military Deception

  • Outlines the Relationship of Information Operations to Military Deception

  • Discusses the Roles, Coordination, and Training for Military Deception

  • Summarizes the Military Deception Planning Process

  • Details the Execution of Military Deception Operations

Military deception (MILDEC) is applicable across the range of military operations.

Military deception (MILDEC), conducted at strategic, operational, and tactical levels, is defined as being those actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary decision makers as to friendly military capabilities, intentions, and operations, thereby causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of the friendly mission.

MILDEC can be conducted during all phases of military operations.

Use of MILDEC during any phase of an operation should help to mislead adversaries as to the strength, readiness, locations, and intended missions of friendly forces.

In later phases of an operation, prior to termination, MILDEC should support the transition of responsibility to civil control or other authority and must focus on national objectives and end state, not just the military termination.

During this time, the joint force commander (JFC) focuses on synchronizing and integrating all elements of national power to bring operations to a successful conclusion.

Six principles of MILDEC are:

(1) focus — the deception must target the adversary decision maker capable of taking the desired action(s);

(2) objective — the deception must cause an adversary to take (or not to take) specific actions, not just to believe certain things;

(3) centralized planning and control—MILDEC operations should be centrally planned and directed in order to achieve unity of effort;

(4) security — friendly forces must deny knowledge of a force’s intent to deceive and the execution of that intent to adversaries;

(5) timeliness — a deception operation requires careful timing; and

(6) integration — fully integrate each military deception with the operation that it is supporting.

MILDEC employs physical means to convey or deny selected information to an adversary.

Technical means are those military material resources and their associated operating techniques used to convey or deny selected information to an adversary.

Administrative means include resources, methods and techniques designed to convey or deny oral, pictorial documentary, or other physical evidence.

Information Operations

Information operations (IO) involve the integrated employment of the core, supporting, and related activities and operations to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp human and automated decision making.

Collectively, MILDEC targets decision makers to affect their information, information systems, and decision making processes.

Conduits consist of all the systems, organizations, and individuals through which information reaches the adversary.

Military planners rely on deception to mask the real objectives of military operations.

Capabilities in MILDEC operations vary with the mission type, adversary, location, assets available, and even the political climate. 

Technological advances now enable joint forces to employ a larger range of deception techniques.

Proper planning with regard to time, resources, accurate intelligence, cultural awareness and other factors is essential to a successful MILDEC operation.

In addition, risk is a key factor that must be reexamined during every phase of planning and execution.

Commanders must understand the risks associated with basing the success of any operation on the assumed success of a deception.

The MILDEC plan must be able to clearly delineate both the goal and the objective of the MILDEC.

The ability to do so provides the commander with a solid understanding of how the deception supports the overall operation and establishes a firm foundation for planning and executing MILDEC operations .

MILDEC often requires substantial investments in effort and resources that would otherwise be applied against the adversary in a more direct fashion.

Consequently, it is important for the commander to first envision the deception goal in terms of its specific contribution to accomplishing the designated mission.

The MILDEC objective is a concise statement of what the MILDEC will cause the adversary to do or not do.

The objective of the MILDEC is expressed in terms of the target’s action or inaction that directly leads to the purpose or condition stated in the MILDEC goal.

An example of a MILDEC objective is: “Cause the adversary to misdirect reconnaissance and surveillance assets away from the friendly attacking force and to defend the wrong sector.”

Further MILDEC objectives may include:

  1. Cause the adversary commander to employ forces and assets in ways that are advantageous to the joint force.

  2. Cause the adversary to reveal strengths, dispositions, and intentions.

  3. Cause the adversary to withhold strategic reserves until friendly forces have achieved mission success.

  4. Condition the adversary to particular patterns of friendly behavior to induce adversary perceptions that are exploitable at a time chosen by the joint force.

  5. Cause the adversary to waste combat power with inappropriate or delayed actions.

The functions of MILDEC include:

a. Causing ambiguity, confusion, or misunderstanding in adversary perceptions of friendly critical information, which may include: unit identities, locations, movements, dispositions, weaknesses, capabilities, strengths, supply status, and intentions.

b. Causing the adversary to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and material resources in ways that are advantageous to the friendly force.

c. Causing the adversary to reveal strengths, dispositions, and future intentions.

d. Conditioning the adversary to particular patterns of friendly behavior to induce adversary perceptions that can be exploited by the joint force.

e. Causing the adversary to waste combat power with inappropriate or delayed actions.

Levels of Military Deception

a. Strategic MILDEC. 

Strategic MILDEC attempts to influence adversary strategic decision makers’ capability to successfully oppose US national interests and goals.

Strategic MILDEC is conducted to undermine adversary national leaders and senior military commanders’ ability to make accurate decisions.

The desired result is adversary strategic objectives, policies, and operations that favor friendly interests.

b. Operational MILDEC. 

Operational MILDEC seeks to influence adversary operational level decision makers’ ability to successfully conduct military operations.

The objective of operational MILDEC is to undermine adversary operational commanders’ ability to make decisions and conduct campaigns and major operations.

Operational MILDEC influences the decisions of adversary commanders before, during, and after battle so the tactical outcome can be exploited at the operational level.

c. Tactical MILDEC. 

Tactical MILDEC focuses on the ability to affect adversary tactical commanders’ ability to make accurate and timely decisions.

The objective of tactical MILDEC is to influence the adversary commander’s capability to make decisions on the conduct of battles and engagements.

These deceptions manipulate adversary commanders before and during combat.

Tactical MILDEC serves to exploit the immediate tactical situation confronting the commander and should both take advantage of and support operational MILDEC efforts.

Military Deception Means, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

MILDEC employs three basic means : physical, technical, and administrative.

Employ these means independently or in collaboration depending on the situation.

(1) Physical Means.

Activities and resources used to convey or deny selected information to an adversary.

Physical means include operational activities and resources such as:

(a) Movement of forces.

(b) Exercises and training activities.

(c) Dummy and decoy equipment and devices.

(d) Tactical actions.

(e) Logistics actions, and location of stockpiles and repair facilities.

(f) Test and evaluation activities.

(g) Reconnaissance and surveillance activities.

(2) Technical Means.

Those military material resources and their associated operating techniques used to convey or deny selected information to an adversary.

As with any use of US military material resources, any use of technical means to achieve MILDEC will strictly comply with domestic and international law.

A variety of technical means include:

(a) Deliberate radiation, alteration, absorption, or reflection of energy.

(b) Emission or suppression of chemical or biological odors.

(c) Emission or suppression of nuclear particles.

(d) Multi-media (radio, television, sound broadcasting, or computers).

(3) Administrative Means.

Administrative means include resources, methods and techniques designed to convey or deny oral, pictorial, documentary, or other physical evidence.

MILDEC Tactics. 

The applications of tactics vary with each operation depending on variables such as time, assets, equipment, and objectives and are assessed for feasibility accordingly.

The tactics of MILDEC may:

(1) Mask an increase in or redeployment of forces or weapons systems spotted by the adversary.

(2) Shape the adversary’s perception and/or identification of new forces or weapons being introduced into combat.

(3) Reinforce the adversary’s preconceived beliefs.

(4) Distract the adversary’s attention from other activities.

(5) Overload adversary ISR collection and analytical capabilities.

(6) Create the illusion of strength where weakness exists.

(7) Desensitize the adversary to particular patterns of friendly behavior to induce adversary perceptions that are exploitable at the time of friendly choosing.

(8) Confuse adversary expectations about friendly size, activity, location, unit, time, equipment, intent, and/or style of mission execution, to effect surprise in these areas.

(9) Reduce the adversary’s ability to clearly perceive and manage the battle.

MILDEC Techniques. 

MILDEC operations apply four basic deception techniques: feints, demonstrations, ruses, and displays.

(1) Feints.

A feint is an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action.

(2) Demonstrations.

A demonstration is a show of force where a decision is not sought and no contact with the adversary is intended.

A demonstration’s intent is to cause the adversary to select an unfavorable course of action (COA).

(3) Ruses.

A ruse is a cunning trick designed to deceive the adversary to obtain friendly advantage.

It is characterized by deliberately exposing false or confusing information for collection and interpretation by the adversary.

(4) Displays.

Displays are the simulation, disguising, and/or portrayal of friendly objects, units, or capabilities in the projection of the MILDEC story. Such capabilities may not exist, but are made to appear so (simulations).

The entire document has much more detail.

Military Deception and Pyschological Operations Manualhttp://www.scribd.com/embeds/96704040/content?start_page=1&view_mode=list

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International Aid Convoy Enters Gaza

From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins

 Posted by  – June 11, 2012

International Aid Convoy Enters Gaza

A delegation of about a hundred pro-Palestine activists from several countries has arrived in the Gaza Strip in support of the besieged Palestinian people.

Press TV – The convoy, which is part of the “Miles of Smiles Aid Convoy 13″, entered the coastal enclave via the Egypt-controlled Rafah Crossing on Sunday and was received by Palestinian officials.

The activists, some of whom had visited Gaza in previous aid missions, appealed to the international community to help reduce the sufferings of the Palestinians in the impoverished coastal sliver.

“We are here to share the pain and inshallah help to relief the pain. We brought some aid from Malaysia, from the people of Malaysia,” Mousa Nordin, the chairman of Viva Malaysia, told Press TV.

Activists say they are inspired by the resistance of the Palestinian people who have been enduring hardships under Israel’s decades-long occupation.

Convoy members managed to bring some symbolic amount of much needed medical aid and educational tools in order to build links with the Gazans.

The activists are scheduled to stay for four days to see firsthand the situation on the ground and meet officials, and to talk to people affected by the siege.

The Tel Aviv regime has denied the nearly 1.7 million residents of Gaza their basic rights, including the freedom of movement and the right to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

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Amnesty Int’l: Israel guilty of torture, unfairly detains Palestinians

JTA NewsFrom JTA News

The Global News Service of the Jewish People

June 08, 2012

(JTA) — Amnesty International says Israel is guilty of torture and human rights violations.

The nongovernmental organization’s report, “Starved of justice: Palestinians detained without trial by Israel,” states that Israel must end its policy of detaining Palestinian prisoners without charge or trial.

The report said that the Israeli Prison Services punished Palestinian hunger strikers by placing them in solitary confinement, claiming that holding the action was against prison regulations, Haaretz reported.

Israel denied the charges and said torture is forbidden in Israel.

Spokeman Mark Regev also said administrative detention is used only to hold those who present an immediate security threat.

“If we get information from someone whose neighbor is making explosives for suicide bombers and that evidence is presented in court, then terror groups will take violent action against him and his family,” Regev said, according to The Associated Press.  

He also said that international law allows for adminstrative detention, and that Israel detains suspected Jewish extremists as well.

NGO Monitor, meanwhile, has accused Amnesty International of hiring a researcher with an “extensive background in anti-Israel activism,” the London Jewish Chronicle reported.

NGO Monitor says Deborah Hyams previously had volunteered as a human shield in Palestinian villages.

She also had written that Israel was a “terrorist state” guilty of “ethnic cleansing” before she began working for the charity in 2010.

“When you hire someone like Deborah Hyams there’s no leg to stand on in claiming to have no bias,” NGO Monitor President Gerald Steinberg said, according to the Chronicle.

““NGO Monitor repeatedly attacks A.I. and other organizations that report on Israel. We do not give any credence to their comments,” Amnesty International said in a statement.

 Don’t miss out! Get the JTA Daily Briefing delivered FREE to your inbox!


Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food

From Chelsea Green Publishing

Posted on Thursday, May 21st, 2009 at 5:22 am by dpacheco

Once you hear what Jeffrey Smith has to say, you may want to think twice about eating that genetically modified corn you bought at the supermarket.

More and more doctors are telling their patients to avoid genetically modified foods whenever possible, based on some very disturbing scientific evidence.

Lab animals fed GM foods, for example, showed higher rates of infertility and immune problems, accelerated aging, problems regulating insulin, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.

And that’s not the worst of it.

The article below appeared originally online at Responsible Technology:

Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food

By Jeffrey M. Smith

On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.”

[1] They called for a moratorium on GM foods, long-term independent studies, and labeling.

AAEM’s position paper stated, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.

They conclude, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation,”as defined by recognized scientific criteria.

“The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies.”

More and more doctors are already prescribing GM-free diets. Dr. Amy Dean, a Michigan internal medicine specialist, and board member of AAEM says, “I strongly recommend patients eat strictly non-genetically modified foods.”

Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles says “I used to test for soy allergies all the time, but now that soy is genetically engineered, it is so dangerous that I tell people never to eat it.”

Dr. Jennifer Armstrong, President of AAEM, says, “Physicians are probably seeing the effects in their patients, but need to know how to ask the right questions.”

World renowned biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava goes one step further. After reviewing more than 600 scientific journals, he concludes that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a major contributor to the sharply deteriorating health of Americans.

Pregnant women and babies at great risk

Among the population, biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute warns that “children are the most likely to be adversely effected by toxins and other dietary problems” related to GM foods.

He says without adequate studies, the children become “the experimental animals.”


The experience of actual GM-fed experimental animals is scary.

When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeks—compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy.

[3] The GM-fed babies were also smaller, and later had problems getting pregnant.[4]

When male rats were fed GM soy, their testicles actually changed color—from the normal pink to dark blue.

[5] Mice fed GM soy had altered young sperm.[6] Even the embryos of GM fed parent mice had significant changes in their DNA.[7]

Mice fed GM corn in an Austrian government study had fewer babies, which were also smaller than normal.[8]

Reproductive problems also plague livestock.

Investigations in the state of Haryana, India revealed that most buffalo that ate GM cottonseed had complications such as premature deliveries, abortions, infertility, and prolapsed uteruses.

Many calves died. In the US, about two dozen farmers reported thousands of pigs became sterile after consuming certain GM corn varieties.

Some had false pregnancies; others gave birth to bags of water.

Cows and bulls also became infertile when fed the same corn.


In the US population, the incidence of low birth weight babies, infertility, and infant mortality are all escalating.

Food designed to produce toxin

GM corn and cotton are engineered to produce their own built-in pesticide in every cell.

When bugs bite the plant, the poison splits open their stomach and kills them.

Biotech companies claim that the pesticide, called Bt—produced from soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis—has a history of safe use, since organic farmers and others use Bt bacteria spray for natural insect control. Genetic engineers insert Bt genes into corn and cotton, so the plants do the killing.

The Bt-toxin produced in GM plants, however, is thousands of times more concentrated than natural Bt spray, is designed to be more toxic,[10] has properties of an allergen, and unlike the spray, cannot be washed off the plant.

Moreover, studies confirm that even the less toxic natural bacterial spray is harmful.

When dispersed by plane to kill gypsy moths in the Pacific Northwest, about 500 people reported allergy or flu-like symptoms. Some had to go to the emergency room.


The exact same symptoms are now being reported by farm workers throughout India, from handling Bt cotton.[13] In 2008, based on medical records, the Sunday India reported, “Victims of itching have increased massively this year . . . related to BT cotton farming.”[14]

GMOs provoke immune reactions

AAEM states, “Multiple animal studies show significant immune dysregulation,” including increase in cytokines, which are “associated with asthma, allergy, and inflammation”—all on the rise in the US.

According to GM food safety expert Dr. Arpad Pusztai, changes in the immune status of GM animals are “a consistent feature of all the studies.”

[15] Even Monsanto’s own research showed significant immune system changes in rats fed Bt corn.[16]

A November 2008 by the Italian government also found that mice have an immune reaction to Bt corn.[17]

GM soy and corn each contain two new proteins with allergenic properties,[18] GM soy has up to seven times more trypsin inhibitor—a known soy allergen,[19] and skin prick tests show some people react to GM, but not to non-GM soy.[20]

Soon after GM soy was introduced to the UK, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50%.

Perhaps the US epidemic of food allergies and asthma is a casualty of genetic manipulation.

Read the whole article here.


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REAL NEWS May 30, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on May 29, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : May 30, 2012


Defense Department Seeks Legal Authority to Deploy Reservists onto American Streets



From Occupy Corporatism

By Susanne Posel

Occupy Corporatism

May 26, 2012


Thanks to Posse Comitatis, the US military are forbidden from responding on the streets of America whenever the whim is announced.

The Posse Comitatus Act, Section 1385, states that only under “circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress” can the military presence on American streets is allowed.

Yet, if the Defense Department has their way, a new authorization act will give them the power to order the armed forces to be used against the American public.

Air Force reservists are slated to be the new response team for domestic disturbances.

Disseminated from Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) and other reserve agencies, these men and women could be called to be first response to natural disasters within the US. The legislation would extend mobilizations for indeterminate periods of time.

The AFRC affirms that reservists are traditionally not used in “homeland disaster response”. The governors of individual states can request the National Guard’s assistance during a natural disaster when local law enforcement becomes overwhelmed.

Our reservists have been asked and often volunteer to assist after disasters hit the homeland,” said Lt. Gen. Charles E. Stenner Jr., chief of Air Force Reserve and AFRC commander. “Mobilizing needed reservists will help sustain their support for longer periods and make operations more efficient. We mobilize reservists to handle contingencies overseas, so it makes sense that we do that to take care of our own country.”

Because of the specialized training that reservists are given in dealing with disasters, the US government has decided they would be perfect as a first response team.

Earlier this month, in Crookston Minnesota, there were armed US National Guardsmen that were patrolling a residential neighborhood .

These functions are called “urban operations training” where military personnel carry armed weapons with the command not to “utilize armory or pyrotechnics”.

Within the Air Force Reserve, there are other specialized units such as response personnel, supplies and equipment focused on disaster scenarios.

As recent as 2008 saw our National Guard unit in America under NORTHCOM as “domestic security”.

Stenner proclaims that this new authority will allow the armed forces to make greater contributions to Americans should there be a natural disaster. He is referring to the frustration chiefs of reservist experience because they are “unable to help their communities.”

The push for over-reaching authority allocated to the armed forces will negate local reservist’s purpose by Title 10, which gives them federal power that supersedes state authority in Title 32.

” Armed Forces chiefs claim that there were reserve-component Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who were close at hand with the capabilities needed, but they didn’t have the authority to act,” said Army Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, chief of Army Reserve. “Finally, we got the law changed. This new legislation says that now we can use Title 10 reserves.”

Without a declaration of emergency or disaster from the President, these armed forces could not act. With this new ability, they can . . . whenever and for whatever purpose they are ordered to.

The law specifies that local law enforcement is still mandated to provide initial response; yet if needed, the National Guard will become the first step requested by a state governor.

And then there is the matter of scenario that allows reservists to be deployed for a promised 120 days, which could be extended based upon request. “We just have to make sure we have the procedures and processes worked out,” Stultz remarked about the specifics that are now being worked out to avoid confusion of authority later on.

Stultz is very anxious to have this power at his fingertips. “Let’s not wait until a hurricane hits to say, ‘How do we do it?’”
These reservists are going to be the response team for any future (and assured) “overseas contingencies”.

As operations in the Middle East are winding down, Stultz can now refocus his attention on militarizing America.






Letter from America: The ‘Amen Corner’ in the Capitol Hill



From the Asian Tribune

May 27, 2012

By Dr. Habib Siddiqui


With the U.S. presidential election only five months away, the Capitol Hill is behaving more and more like a cheer-leading ‘Amen Corner’ for the rogue state of Israel these days than a body of wise law-makers that care about what is best for the USA and her people.

 Two weeks ago, the House of Representatives passed a resolution H. Res.568 that was designed to tie the president’s hands on Iran policy. The vote was 401 in favor with only 11 opposing.

Amongst the brave ones that voted against this Resolution were: Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Among the cowards that decided to remain abstain were Keith Ellison and John Conyers.

The resolution was the usual boilerplate denouncing the Islamic Republic of Iran as a “state sponsor of terrorism” that is on the road to nuclear weapons capability, and “urges the President to reaffirm the unacceptability of an Iran with nuclear-weapons capability and opposition to any policy that would rely on containment as an option in response to the Iranian nuclear threat.”

This was like telling the president that any U.S. response to that “threat” other than war was unacceptable.

Just reflect on the audacity of the resolution. Everyone knows that America cannot afford another war now. And these senators at the Capitol Hill ought to know better than ordinary Joe, Dick or Harry.

Thus, why this madness to rush to another war, and at whose behest?

The answer is: AIPAC.

The all-powerful pro-Israeli Jewish lobby has been trying hard to push the USA to start a war with Iran since the fall of the Shah.

It was behind the war against Iraq. And now the target has shifted to Iran but its very methodology – the scaremongering tactics mixed with lies and deceptions – has remained virtually the same.

Through its mouthpieces in the Capitol Hill (and there are too many of these parrots), back in 2002, just months before invasion of Iraq, we were told, “Saddam Hussein is not far from developing and acquiring the means to strike the United States, our friends and our allies with weapons of mass destruction. Thus, if we do not act now, when?” (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Oct. 9, 2002)

And as we know, Ileana, like her many pro-Israeli hawks, was wrong.

{ Xaniel’s note : And the only reason that they ‘ were wrong ‘ is because they just flat lied about it! }~Xaniel777

Now she would like us to believe that “The Iranian regime continues to pose an immediate and growing threat to the United States, to our allies, and to the Iranian people. We are running out of time to stop the nightmare of a nuclear weapons-capable Iran from becoming a reality…We must meet our responsibility to the American people and protect the security of our Nation, our allies, and the world from this threat of a nuclear capable Iran.” (May 15, 2012)

Why should America believe her kind?

Ten years ago, Howard Berman (D-CA), another puppet and unabashed supporter of the rogue state of Israel, said, “But under today’s circumstances, the best way to give peace a chance and to save the most lives, American and Iraqi, is for America to stand united and for Congress to authorize the President to use force if Saddam does not give up his weapons of mass destruction. Confront Saddam now, or pay a much heavier price later.”

And he misled the country on Iraqi-WMDs.

On May 15, 2012 Berman said, “What better time for this body to send an unambiguous message that Iran must never be allowed to achieve a nuclear weapons capability and that its nuclear weapons program must end once and for all?”

The list of these AIPAC-parrots for the state of Israel is too long to waste our time realigning about what they said. (An interested reader may like to browse the collections of Nima Shirazi.)

They can lie without feeling ashamed. That is how bad and evil they are.

So, I was not too shocked to see that the pro-war Resolution passed in the House with a vote of 401 in favor with only 11 opposing. Amongst the brave ones that voted against this Resolution were: Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Among the nine cowards that decided to abstain were Keith Ellison and John Conyers.

As Nima noted, it is better to be a coward than to be in the pocket of the AIPAC.

Well, that sums it up well for all of us as to where the Capitol Hill has descended down to in the moral compass. One can only pity these spineless and warmongering members of the ‘Amen Corner.’

A sad day in deed for all those who voted them into the Capitol Hill!

– Asian Tribune –








From DesertPeace

May 29, 2012

Admission of guilt or whitewash?

According to sources in the Turkish foreign ministry who spoke to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, Israel had not presented the offer to them directly. The source said that the principle of damages was accepted by Turkey but the obstacle was Israel’s admission of guilt which Turkey insists upon.

“Israel is opposed to declaring publicly that it apologises and Turkey is not prepared to accept a wording of regret that does not include taking responsibility, that is required in an expression of apology,” the sources said.

Mark Regev, the spokesman for Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, declined to comment.

The following report appeared in the Guardian a few days ago as well as THIS IBA News Bulletin which appeared on their Internet site.

Israel offers compensation to Mavi Marmara flotilla raid victims

£4m paid to Jewish foundation in Turkey, which will distribute the money to the victims and their families
By Conal Urquhart and agencies

The Israeli government has offered £4m in compensation to the families of Turkish activists killed by Israeli commandos who stormed a ship taking part in an aid flotilla in May 2010, according to a lawyer representing the victims.

Ramzan Ariturk said the money would have been paid to a Jewish foundation in Turkey for distribution and would be followed by a statement of “regret” for the raid by the Israeli government on the Mavi Marmara, which was bound for the Gaza Strip.

The lawyer, one of several representing 465 victims and relatives of the dead and injured on board the Mavi Marmara, said that the Israeli government had made a proposal to him through an intermediary foreign ambassador in Ankara.

Turkey cooled diplomatic relations with Israel after nine of its citizens were shot dead by Israeli commandos who landed on the Mavi Marmara to prevent its passage to Gaza.

Protesters on the ship repelled the first wave of lightly armed commandos, but then the Israeli soldiers used lethal force against the unarmed passengers to end their resistance.

Ariturk said he told the ambassador a month ago that he did not think the offer was appropriate or moral. “I also discussed the issue with the victims and their friends and they also stated that they could not accept this,” he said.

He declined to disclose the nationality of the intermediary or the name of the Jewish organisation that would distribute the compensation but said the Turkish foreign ministry agreed with his decision, saying Israel should have contacted it directly.

According to sources in the Turkish foreign ministry who spoke to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, Israel had not presented the offer to them directly. The source said that the principle of damages was accepted by Turkey but the obstacle was Israel’s admission of guilt which Turkey insists upon.

“Israel is opposed to declaring publicly that it apologizes and Turkey is not prepared to accept a wording of regret that does not include taking responsibility, that is required in an expression of apology,” the sources said.

Mark Regev, the spokesman for Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, declined to comment.

On Wednesday an Istanbul prosecutor submitted an indictment seeking life sentences for four former Israeli military commanders in connection with the raid, including the chief of general staff at the time.

The United Nations report on the raid last September concluded that Israel had used unreasonable force but that its blockade of Gaza was legal.






Bilderberg 2012: May 31-June 3, Chantilly, VA; shaping the 1%’s crimes, lies


From examiner.com

May 29, 2012

Carl Herman's photo

 Nonpartisan Examiner


The Bilderberg Group (and here) is an annual meeting among current and future leaders in government, money, and media. Their members are secretive, but we can see their chosen policies:

  1. The wars are Orwellian unlawful because war lawmakes armed attack illegal unless first attacked by another nation’s government. 

  2. Using debt as a so-called money supply is economic criminal fraud because it creates ever-increasing aggregate debt that can never be repaid (because that’s what we use for money). This is just one cartel of many that shift trillions of the 99%’s wealth to the 1%.

  3. The crimes and lies are only possible through corporate media’s complicity.

The above policies kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions. As such, the 99% have an interest to occupy Bilderberg and expose its members as the architects of these criminal policies. Click here for Infowars’ live coverage of the Bilderberg conference.

The endgame is the surrender or arrests of “emperor has no clothes” obvious War Criminals and debt-slave drivers.






Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance (Full Version)


Published on May 2, 2012 by 

Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them.

The money system is the head of the snake.

Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die.

There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance.

Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences.

Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.

It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion.

There IS NO division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this.

It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.

Stop complying with it and you will shut it down.

Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems.


max igan






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