DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘SECURITY’

REAL NEWS Oct. 10 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 9, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 10, 2012



Let This Be A Warning America: When the Riots Start the Government’s Response Will Be Brutal



From PrisonPlanet.com

Mac Slavo
Oct 9, 2012

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

July 4, 1776

Last week, when hundreds of thousands of people in Madrid, Barcelona and throughout Spain protested, rioted, rebelled and called for the forced resignation of every one of their parliamentary representatives and the formation of a new government, the silence from global mainstream media was deafening.

With jobless rates for those between the ages of 20 and 35 exceeding 50%, further social spending measures promised by the government, and tens of billions in handouts being transferred to large financial institutions in the broader Eurozone  those impoverished by the economic collapse of the last four years would not be silenced.

They took the streets in droves.

They rushed their parliament building, forcing representatives to barricade themselves inside.

They confronted their government head on.

And for their transgressions, they were indiscriminately fired upon, beaten, and bloodied by riot police; men, women, young, old, it mattered not to the policing arm of the global elite.

Let this be a warning, America, because these riots will soon be making their way across the Atlantic ocean to our shores.

Video compliments of Alexander Higgins (with narration by Judge Andrew Napolitano) via Above Top Secret:

The people of Europe have not yet seen the full brunt of their government’s capabilities. Neither have Americans.

We need only look to the middle east for a taste of what is to come should things really go critical.

As we noted during the Egyptian uprising last year, it is best to stay home once the rioting starts (graphic video), because bullets will be flying and government enforcement officials will stop at nothing to regain control.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that police or military personnel will take the side of the American people. Some may.

But history and current events suggest otherwise – of course they will fire on American citizens.

And if you’re caught out in the open, you’ll be on your own.

We know the US government considers those attending any anti-government gatherings, whether they be Occupy or Tea Party protests, to be activities related to domestic terrorism.

For now, the police have been subdued compared to the actions of their counterparts in Europe, but so too have America’s protesters.

But when those 100 hundred million Americans dependent on government re-distributions have their benefits cut as has been done throughout Europe recently, or prices for essential goods like food and gas reach levels that make them impossible to acquire by the majority, we can fully expect a total breakdown of law and order, especially in America’s major metropolitan areas.

What’s different about America compared to Europe, however, is that our government is actively preparing for this contingency, having introduced laws through legislative action,

as well as by executive order, that are specifically designed to stifle free speech in public areas, detain indefinitely and re-educate those who act against the national interests of the United States, and eliminate permanently those who cannot be pacified.

Government plans for mass casualty events are being enacted as we speak, and domestic policing forces are stocking up on riot gear and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition.

They know it’s coming.

Are we ready for it?











From BIGEYE.com

October 09, 2012

“I want to be around to see what happens when Americans repudiate what TV and a controlled press have obliged viewers to believe happened on September 11, 2001.”

Ye Are Many. They Are Few.

“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part,

and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it,

to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”Mario Savio

Mario Savio was a UC-Berkeley philosophy student whose voice and actions energized the Free Speech Movement that kicked off a generation of youth protest and activism.

In today’s critical time, every one of us must become a Mario Savio. –– YOU CAN’T CLEAN A HOUSE FROM THE OUTSIDE.

“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.



* Shut Down Wall St. Investment Scam Firms

* Replace all Federal Banking Companies

* End the Federal Income Tax

* End the Federal Reserve System

* End political lobbies (bribers), (e.g., AIPAC)

* Terminate or Indict paid-off politicians

* Restore Currency Control to the US Congress

* Put airwaves & TV News Into Public Domain

* Prosecute Domestic War Criminals

* Bring American Troops from Overseas

* Bring US Corporations from Overseas

* Restore The Bill of Rights in Courts

* Demilitarize Local Law Enforcement

* Remove Federal Government From Local Schools

* Elect and Support Dr. Ron Paul & His Team


The entire world is watching, praying, and hoping that Americans WAKE UP.

Our nation, mankind’s great opportunity for managing self-government, is in jeopardy.

We must not permit Mr. Jefferson’s “great experiment” to fail.

Let us again struggle together to structure a more just, more humane, and a stronger Republic for ourselves and future generations.










Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips



AFP Photo/Philippe Marle

AFP Photo/Philippe Marle

From RT News

October 09, 2012

A school district in Texas came under fire earlier this year when it announced that it would require students to wear microchip-embedded ID cards at all times.

Now students who refuse to be monitored say they are feeling the repercussions.

Since October 1, students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School in San Antonio  Texas have been asked to attend class clasping onto photo ID cards equipped with radio-frequency identification chips to keep track of each and every pupil’s personal location.

Educators insist that the endeavor is being rolled out in Texas to relax the rampant truancy rates devastating the state’s school and the subsequent funding they are failing to receive as a result, and pending the program’s success the RFID chips could soon come to 112 schools in all and affect nearly 100,000 students.

Some pupils say they are already seeing the impact, though, and it’s not one they are very anxious to experience.

Students who refuse to walk the schoolhouse halls with a location-sensitive sensor in their pocket or around their neck are being tormented by instructors and being barred from participating in certain school-wide functions, with some saying they are even being turned away from common areas like cafeterias and libraries.

Andrea Hernandez, a sophomore at John Jay, says educators have ignored her pleas to have her privacy respected and have told her she can’t participate in school elections if she doesn’t submit to the tracking program.

To Salon, Hernandez says subjecting herself to constant monitoring by way of wearing a RFID chip is comparable to clothing herself in the “mark of the beast.” 

When she reached out to WND.com to reveal the school’s response, though, she told them that she was threatened with exclusion from picking a homecoming king and queen for not adhering to the rules.

“I had a teacher tell me I would not be allowed to vote because I did not have the proper voter ID,” Hernandez told WND.I had my old student ID card which they originally told us would be good for the entire four years we were in school. He said I needed the new ID with the chip in order to vote.”

Even after Hernandez politely refused to wear an RFID chip, Deputy Superintendent Ray Galindo offered a statement that suggests that both the student’s religious and civil liberty-anchored arguments will only allow her some leeway for so long.

“We are simply asking your daughter to wear an ID badge as every other student and adult on the Jay campus is asked to do,” Galindo wrote to the girl’s parents, WND reports.

If she is allowed to forego the tracking now, he continued, it could only be a matter of time before the school signs off on making location-monitoring mandatory and the repercussions will be more than just revoking voting rights for homecoming contests.

“I urge you to accept this solution so that your child’s instructional program will not be affected. As we discussed, there will be consequences for refusal to wear an ID card as we begin to move forward with full implementation,” Galindo continued.

The girl’s father, Steve Hernandez, tells WND that the school has been somewhat willing to work with the daughter’s demands, but insists that her family “would have to agree to stop criticizing the program” and start publically supporting it.

“I told him that was unacceptable because it would imply an endorsement of the district’s policy and my daughter and I should not have to give up our constitutional rights to speak out against a program that we feel is wrong,” Mr. Hernandez responded.

By reversing the poor attendance figures, the Northside Independent School District is expected to collect upwards of $2 million in state funding, with the program itself costing around one-quarter of that to roll out and another $136,005 annually to keep it up and running.

The savings the school stands to make in the long run won’t necessarily negate the other damages that could arise: Heather Fazio, of Texans for Accountable Government tells WND that for $30 she filed a Freedom of Information Act request and received the names and addresses of every student in the school district.

“Using this information along with an RFID reader means a predator could use this information to determine if the student is at home and then track them wherever they go. These chips are always broadcasting so anyone with a reader can track them anywhere,” she says.

Kirsten Bokenkamp of the ACLU told the San Antonio Express-News earlier this year that her organization was expecting to challenge the board’s decision this to roll out the tracking system, but the school has since gone ahead anyway.

Steve Hernandez tells WND that he approached the ACLU for possible representation in his daughter’s case, but Rebecca Robertson of a local branch of the organization said, “the ACLU of Texas will not be able to represent you or your daughter in this matter,” saying his daughter’s case in particular fails to meet the criteria they use to pick and choose civil liberties cases to take on.



Students walk through campus between classes at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, California April 4, 2012 (Reuters/Bret Hartman)Students in Texas to be monitored with microchips

If it’s good enough for a dog, it’s good enough for a kid, right? A school district in Texas will be watching over its students a lot more closely, but not with the aid of extra teachers. Instead each pupil will be monitored with microchips.








Reminder of H.R. 6566: “Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act”



From The Intel Hub

By Alec Scheer
October 8, 2012

Contributed byWeAre1776.org

House Resolution (H.R.) 6566, introduced by Ms. Richardson, state,s at the beginning of Section 1, “This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act’’.

A bill, which is having a federal agency prepare for “mass fatalities” sparks the sentiment of the government knowing of a potential “mass fatality event.” 

Read the bill text for yourself, therefore allowing yourself to form your own opinion:


Congress finds the following:

(1) Emergency preparedness often plans for how to prepare and provide for survivors of a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster, but fails to plan for how to prepare for and respond to mass fatalities that result from such an incident.

(2) Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster.

(3) Different religions have different customs surrounding death; for example, the Jewish and Muslim religions call for burial of the deceased not later than 48 hours after death.



Note from theintelhub.com Editor Alex Thomas: Many have claimed that this is simply the loving government making sure we are ready to deal with natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

The fact of the matter is almost every single terror attack or terror arrest in the last 12 years has been staged by elements of the government!

If they are putting forward amendments that update mass fatality planning the very real possibility remains that that is just want they are expecting.



By Shepard Ambellas
September 6, 2012

If you can imagine, factions of your own government, in conjunction with elements of FEMA and Homeland Security, have been preparing for your very own demise.

What do I mean by that you might say?

Photo Credit: Shepard Ambellas (theintelhub.com)

For years the plans have been in the works — programs like REX 84 (Readiness Exercise 1984), World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Guidelines, and globalist backed agendas all designed for the american and primary world populations.

This fact was exposed in March of 2009 when I reported on the Alex Jones Show, live on the scene in Phoenix Arizona, about how the Military Industrial Complex was preparing mass graves for the American people and yes we as taxpayers footed the bill.

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Recently Paul Joseph Watson (Infowars.com) reported that;

The United States Congress has passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare for “mass fatality planning” and funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries being “overwhelmed” in the aftermath of a mass terror attack, natural disaster or other crisis.

The bill, H. R. 6566 or the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, was posted on the govtrack.us website this morning having been approved by the House on September 28.

The legislation amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct FEMA to “provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning, and for other purposes.”

Noting the necessity for emergency preparedness in relation to terror attacks, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the bill instructs FEMA to be sensitive to the fact that Jews and Muslims require bodies to be buried within 48 hours of death.

“Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster,” states the legislation.

Then of course there is all of the FEMA coffins readied for a major catastrophe to happen within the CONUS (Continental United States).

So what is all of this about?

What is it all for?

Who are they for?

These are the questions one must ask.

Is a major event heading our way or are the globalist just profiteering and hoping these bills will further push a fear based society in which we now find ourselves in?








Experts: Food Prices Will Soar Leading To Political, Civil Unrest



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 6, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

American Free Press  The worst U.S. drought since 1936 has devastated crops and livestock across the country and opened the floodgates to opportunists hawking genetically modified (GM) seed products.

Worse yet, socioeconomic experts now predict that the world may be less than one year away from a catastrophic food crisis that could lead to even more political instability and civil unrest.

Meanwhile, consumers are bracing for a harsh winter as food prices begin their rise to unprecedented levels.

Meat and dairy products, which account for 52% of the world’s food basket, are expected to become far more expensive over the next several months as farmers around the globe continue to slaughter millions of hogs, dairy cows and steers because they cannot afford the corn and soybean products used to make feed.

It has gotten so bad that, in several cases, farmers have even been adding candy to cattle feed because of rising grain prices.

According to analysts at Rabobank, a leading agricultural investment house: “There will be an initial glut in meat availability as people slaughter their animals to reduce their feed bills. But by next year herds will be so reduced that there won’t be enough animals to meet expected demand, and prices will soar.”

Rabobank predicts that this herd liquidation will ultimately lead to a 14% jump in overall food prices, by June 2013. If correct, the price for a basket of food commodities will climb to a record 243 points on the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) index.

This would be a historic high, and 175% higher than any previous level reached this century.

This is not to be taken lightly. 

According to a recent report from the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI), “high global food prices are a precipitating condition for social unrest. More specifically, food riots occur above a threshold of the FAO price index of 210.”

NECSI is made up of academics from Harvard and MIT, who specialize in predicting how changes in environment can lead to chaos and upheaval, among other things.

Researchers at NECSI found that “the timing of violent protests in North Africa and the Middle East in 2011 as well as earlier riots in 2008” both coincided “with large spikes in global food prices” that sent the FAO to a high of 238.

They now say that conditions are ripe for a repeat, and predict that soaring food prices will again lead to worldwide food riots by August 2013.

“Recent droughts in the Midwestern United States threaten to cause global catastrophe,” says NECSI President Yaneer Bar-Yam in a  July 2012 report — The Food Crises: The U.S. Drought. “We are on the verge of another crisis, the third in five years.”

Not everyone is expected to suffer.

In a recent Los Angeles Times article, entitled “As drought hits corn, bio-tech firms see lush field,”

Ricardo Lopez writes: “Agricultural biotechnology companies have been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into developing plants that can withstand the effects of a prolonged dry spell.

 Monsanto, based in St. Louis, has received regulatory approval for DroughtGard, a corn variety that contains the first genetically modified trait for drought resistance.”

Fortunately, the article went on to point out: “Skeptics of GMO crops say Monsanto and other firms may cause more harm than good, particularly to the environment. Studies have shown superweeds have begun choking millions of acres of farmland.

These weeds have developed resistance to certain herbicides—much like the genetically manipulated corn and soybean varieties that dominate the seed market.”

Global food traders are also cashing in.

In August, Chris Mahoney, the multi millionaire director of agricultural trading at Glencore International plc, a commodities trading company, outraged many when he said that that the U.S. drought was “good” for business.

“The environment is a good one,” said Mahoney. “High prices, lots of volatility, a lot of dislocation, tightness, a lot of arbitrage opportunities.”

If there is any silver lining to the impending crisis, it is that Americans may soon learn to value corn as a food staple rather than a fuel product. 

Currently, almost 40% of all corn harvested in the U.S. is used to produce ethanol.

This would not be the case were it not for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS).

Each year, the RFS requires petroleum blenders to dilute their gasoline products with ever-increasing amounts of ethanol.

For 2012, this includes 13.2B gallons of corn-derived ethanol.

“The math is fairly straightforward,” says Pete Sepp, executive vice president of the National Taxpayers Union.

“Growing ethanol mandate plus dwindling ethanol crop equals shortage of whatever’s left over. The bottom line is potentially major price hikes on everything from tortilla chips to turkeys.

In fact, a study from three Purdue University economists suggests that cutting back on the fuel mandates could reduce food prices by as much as 20% in the year 2013.”

Making ethanol from other plants besides corn certainly makes sense.

There are many alternatives, such as certain other grasses, hemp and algae, that are higher in sugar and can produce ethanol more cheaply than corn.

Keith Johnson is an independent journalist and the editor of Revolt of the Plebs, an alternative news website. Keith is also a licensed private detective.








(Fair Use Notice):

This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

©2009/2010/2011/2012 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Aug 09, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 8, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : August 09, 2012


Thank God for our Militias and All Who Contribute – Thomas Jefferson was Militia – Need I say More?



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on August 8, 2012 by Mark Schumacher

It’s been one hell of a wake up call for me at least.

You see, I was one of those people who saw our militias as something of a pariah, something that was nestled in parts of our country who were outcasts, just angry people venting out at anybody that would listen.  Man, was I all wrong.

The light bulb moment came when I first started to realize that our country was turning in a direction that was complete opposite from what our forefathers intended.

I had nowhere to turn except for the internet.

I started to read different posts from people that were expert in how our country was founded.

Then I read one of Henry Shivley’s articles years ago in a blog he wrote for.

It was like I was watching a symphony orchestra being conducted by a master.

The words brought forth is what I had feared the most, that our country was being taken over by the ones within that we are supposed to trust and believe in for protection against communism.

The words were so powerful, that I reached for the Kleenex, cried a bit, and then told myself, “not in my lifetime”.

From that moment on, I told myself it was time to do everything in my power to fight this scourge and to wipe it out, quick.

Since I have had the pleasure, as many of you have, to somehow reach out and organize.

Thankfully, Henry has managed to garner millions of readers to at least read and learn how America’s militias are so damn powerful.

What many people still don’t understand or don’t want to understand is that this thing is only going to get worse, not better.

Every word we are hearing coming out of the mouths of the traitors from Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and friends is all BS.

They are only trying to protect what they have helped steal from the American people.

They talk the talk, while they reap millions of dollars a year for spreading dangerous propaganda.

Many of these cowards are starting to recite from Henry Shivley’s own words.

These people know who Henry Shivley is, but don’t have the courage to debate with him.

They are cowards, the kind of coward that would hide under their mother’s skirt when the lead starts to fly.

Yet, these scum bags make millions of dollars a year.

These people are nothing special, only professional gum flappers who, for whatever reason, make big money.

They have millions of people conned into thinking that their word is gospel.

Our militias around the country are, for the most part, what is going to save America from disaster, not some Kenyan born phony named Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama or his kissing cousin Mitt Romney and company.

These people are nothing more than Soviet socialists, intent on killing off our rights, so they can fill their pockets with what rightfully belongs to you and I, our natural resources.

Some facts to think about and how obvious it is that we have been systematically taken apart from the enemy within.

  • National debt $16.3 Trillion

  • Total Gross National Product $15.5 Trillion

  • Total unfunded liabilities $84 Trillion

Starting to get the picture people?

We are screwed, no help in sight and the idiots who run this rat hole country of ours want us to believe that we are coming out of this mess, slowly but surely.

Are these people nuts? No, they are the enemy.

Thank God for our militias and thank God for sites such as Henry Shivley’s, because this is where you will read the honest truth, and how to keep your sanity.

The older generation had it made. 

During their tenure on this planet, they were able to build and live the lie.

Their generation was all this charade was meant to last. Now, as the next generation comes into the picture, it will be a different ballgame.

 We will have to deal with the illegal Globalization, and the continued theft of our natural resources.

And most problematic of all, dealing with the illegal debt thrust upon us from the past 50 years of lies and deceit.

Our militias will stop the insanity…… Please show your support to this site by way of money contributions and your excellent articles that are coming in daily.

This site will need all the help it can get in the coming months and years to be effective.  

Henry needs a new computer to deal with all of the memory problems, lets help him get it.









DHS Orders Over A Half Ton Of Terrorist Explosives



My best guess is,  that there are a whole lot more people awake and alert to all of the Governments lies, 

propaganda  and false-flag attempts,  then even I had once thought.

And that is why the Government is having a tough time convincing anyone with their ‘ Deadly Staged Spin ‘ of things.

My second guess is,  that DHS is NOW going to escalate even more false-flag events all over the Nation.

In order to sell their continued lie of needed gun control, and in return for that control, they will stop doing false-flag events.



Their actions have become so blatant and in our faces,

that these traitors to The U.S. and her people,  have become almost daily predictable.

STILL,  be on the look out for anything.

As their next victims for the ‘ Gun Control Grab ‘,  may very well be you and/or your family ! 

Look at how many innocent people have died already in their so-called  ‘ Lone Wolf Attacks ‘,

that have been staged by the Government so far.

And let’s also be very, very, clear on something else here,

and that is, they WILL answer for those murders !

( They may downplay it later when their finally caught [as if that makes it alright] by calling their own actions :

 Acceptable Collateral Damage, to accomplish their [evil] agenda )

But leave no doubt, that it was all unacceptable, and it was deliberate MURDER !! }~~~Xaniel777


From Alexander Higgins Blog

Alexander Higgins Posted by  – August 8, 2012 

The DHS has placed an order for 700 lbs of Ammonium Nitrate – which oddly is used for makeshift terrorist bombs and not quite a military grade explosive.

DHS Ammonium Nitrate Security Program

Editor’s Note: Ammonium Nitrate is they key ingredient used in makeshift terrorist bombs and there are really better grade military alternatives.

For example, the World Trade Center Bombing, Oklahoma City, The Norway Bombing and countless other bombings used fertilizer with high concentrations of ammonia nitrate soaked in diesel fuel.

In fact, the Department of Homeland Security even has a page on their site dedicated to Ammonia Nitrate and legislation to regulate it, as shown in the screen shot  which links to their page.

This makes it all the more alarming that they ordering  ‘civilian/terrorist grade’ explosives when a could simply order RDX, C4 or some other military grade explosive.

By James Smith
August 8, 2012

A solicitation placed today at the Government marketplace shows that the Department of Homeland Security, via the Transportation Safety Administration has requested 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX, with a deliver date by 31 August 2012. 

That is less than 4 days before the start of the Democrat National Convention.

Why would the DHS/TSA order such material? From their Statement of Work:

Name of Requisitioning Office: National Canine Program (NCP)/ Canine Explosives Section (CES)


Scope of the Product, Service, or Outcome:
The CES requires the 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX to provide Canine Explosive Training Aids (CETAs) to NCP participants. The supplier must be able to meet the exact requirements by August 31st, 2012. Substituions for this product are not acceptable

SECTION III: Background

The CES is required to provide NCP participants with CETAs. The CES has selected to use High Density Ammonium Nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX as it will provide NCP participants with a more realistic training aid and compliment the current aids provided.

This all comes on the heels of a solicitation for sheet style high powered plastic explosives that we reported on earlier in the week.

The problem is very clear. As stated in the ATF Law Enforcement Guide to Explosives Incident Reporting document:

In order to detonate ammonium nitrate, the use of a booster is required. Commercially, Pentolite and RDX are used as a booster, while the military will often use TNT as the booster.

Instead of using a poor quality analog (aka hamburger) for Ammonium Nitrate to train dogs, they are requesting High Density, or the Kobe Beef of Ammonium Nitrate (AN).

And in order to detonate the AN, RDX is used.

The Department of Homeland Security is requesting BOTH components of a binary explosive compound to be delivered to a government facility in downtown Atlantic City, New Jersey.

To put the amount of explosives into perspective, Timothy McVeigh used 5,000 pounds of AN and motor racing fuel.

RDX has a much greater explosive capacity than racing fuel, and McVeigh was a party to mass murder and destruction that would be on par with these materials being detonated.

If a dog needed only 1 ounce of each material in order to be trained and tested, there is enough material for 11,200 dogs at the same time.

Source:The Intel Hub

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Ben Swann: Huge Developing Delegate Story


From the Trenches World Report

Posted on August 7, 2012 by Admin

Ben Swann Facebook  I’ve told you for months about the GOP establishment’s efforts to control the Republican National Convention… here is more unbelievable proof of how far they are willing to go.

In the state of Maine, it is well documented that 21 of the 24 delegates are strong supporters of Congressman Ron Paul.

Those 21 delegates plan to go to Tampa later this month and cast a vote for Dr. Paul to receive the nomination.

A little over a week ago, 20 of those 21 delegates were told that their credentials were being challenged by Mr. Peter Cianchette (who headed the Romney campaign in Maine).

The grounds for the challenge… that 20 of these 21 delegates were illegally elected to represent Maine.

As a result, the RNC planned to not seat the entire Maine delegation at the RNC in Tampa.

Now, here is where it gets really interesting. This weekend, the RNC, via Maine Republican Party Chairman Charlie Webster offered a “compromise”… take a look:

1. A majority of the delegates sign a statement agreeing that, if Ron Paul is not on the ballot, they will vote at the Convention for Mitt Romney.

2. Instead of Brent Tweed, Charlie Webster or Paul LePage would serve as the spokesperson for the delegation and announce the votes cast for president. That spokesperson would also handle all media on behalf of the Maine delegation.

3. There will be nothing negative said about Mitt Romney or positive said about Obama (especially to media)

4. The Delegation will be admitted to the Convention, and to all committee assignments, without barrier.

5. The Contest brought by Jan Staples and Peter Cianchette will be withdrawn

Tonight at 10:00 PM.. Reality Check is going to break down all the details of this.. as well as two unrelated efforts to block Gov. Romney from receiving the Republican nomination.

For now, you can read the official response from the Maine delegation to the RNC “Compromise” here:

Just scroll to the bottom to read the PDF’s for yourself.

Reality Check: GOP refuses to seat Maine delegation unless they agree to “Compromise”?








Third Party Delegate Lawsuit Dismissed; Paul Campaign Still Challenging State Delegations


From the Trenches World Report

Posted on August 8, 2012 by Admin

The Unconventional Conservative  “In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.”  Thomas Jefferson

The lawsuit filed by Richard Gilbert on behalf of a group of Ron Paul‘s national delegates has been dismissed in the Central District of California.

The lawsuit, which alleges voter fraud, was primarily based on the question of whether delegates should be able to vote by their conscience at the Republican National Convention, rather than adhering to state binding laws.

Apparently, the court believes that the Voting Rights Act of 1971 cannot be interpreted as such, and that the law deals with racial discrimination, not the general population.

The document can be viewed here:

Order Granting Motion to Dismiss

The ruling says that the plaintiffs’ (delegates) claims of fraud were “often too vaguely described to be intelligible.”

The plaintiffs’ alleged that the Republican National Committee unlawfully used State bylaws, intimidated and harassed delegates, altered ballot results, threatened delegates with violence and assault, and denied them their right to vote for who they wanted to.

While some of this has happened, the judge did not feel that the allegations were clear enough.

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), a complaint must be dismissed when the allegations fail to set forth a set of facts that, if they were true,  would entitle the complainant to relief. 

The pleadings have to be beyond speculation; a plaintiff must provide “more than labels and conclusions, and a formulaic recitation of the elements of a cause of action will not do.”

The RNC had argued that the original complaint was not a pleading, and that the GOP‘sFirst Amendment rights would be violated if the court accepted the plaintiffs’ interpretation of the Voting Rights Act of 1971.

The RNC claims that the plaintiffs’attorney did not Meet and Confer as per the ADR requirement, nor did the objections address the merits of their motion to dismiss.

Gilbert’s opposition alleged that there was conflict of interest between the RNC counsel and the defendants.

This argument does not work. Gilbert’s team would have needed to prove that the counsel had not met the burden of compliance, and they did not do so.

From the ruling:

“With one exception, Plaintiffsallegations are not sufficiently intelligible
for this Court to even analyze whether they can state a claim.”

The court felt that there were no actual pleadings, just conclusions, and they were not entitled to the assumption of truth. (Ashcroft v. Iqbal)

The ruling also stated that the plaintiffs’ did not cite a single case that dealt with the Voting Rights Act of 1971 or any election law on the First Amendment, though the complaint did allude to the section regarding private right of seeking an injunction and declaratory relief.

The RNC counsel did not dispute that.

However, the DVDs that Gilbert’s team submitted weren’t admissible because they couldn’t be verified and they weren’t submitted correctly.

They would have needed to be submitted before the RNC filed the motion to dismiss, as part of the original complaint.

They were not submitted until afterward.

The court also said that the plaintiffs’ claims lacked plausibility and that it was difficult to discern what harm had been done.

From the ruling:

These allegations are all riddled with the same error. For example, Plaintiffs’ vague reference to “State Bylaws” gives this Court no inkling as to which of the 50 states and which of the millions of pages of bylaws Plaintiffs refer. 

Similarly, Plaintiffs’ use of the passive voice renders it impossible to discern who broke the bones of whom, who pointed a gun at whom, andwhether any of the more than 100 Defendants were even involved.

Finally, Plaintiffs’ vague allegations of voting ballot fraud occurring somewhere at sometime and apparently committed simultaneously by all “Defendants” lacks plausibility.

While Plaintiffs make an oblique reference to a voting machine somewhere in Arizona, the lack of clarity in this allegation is insufficient to raise it to a level above mere speculation.

Thus, this Court does not accept these allegations as true.”

It was also confirmed by the court that parties have the right to exclude people from membership and leadership roles under the First Amendment.

The GOP also has the right to “choose a candidate-selection process that will in [the party’s] view produce the nominee who best represents its political platform.” 

The ruling does explain that the right of free association is not an absolute:

Of course, [n]either the right to associate nor the right to participate in political activities is absolute.” Democratic Party of United States v. Wisconsin, 450 U.S. 107, 124 (1981).

For example, a political party’s right to exclude does not protecta party’s demand of ideological fealty from its members where such a demand violates other constitutional rights, such as the Fifteenth Amendment. “

The court did not feel that these rights were violated, and that the plaintiffs did not cite any case law or make any argument of “what government interest their interpretation of Section 1971(b) serves.” 

 The ruling further clarifies that signing a pledge or being bound does not fall under the Voting Rights Act.

The most important part of the ruling, and the most telling, is this:

“To avoid this decision being misused, the Court emphasizes what this case is not.

This is not a case in which Defendants’ conditioning of delegate status is based on a racial motive or has a disparate impact on minority voters.

This is not a case alleging abuse of government officials’ authority.

This is not a case where Defendants’ acts were accomplished through
violence or economic coercion, given that Plaintiffs’ allegations regarding broken bones and guns are inadequately pled.

Finally, this is not a case alleging a violation of a specific law (other
than 42 U.S.C. § 1971(b)) or specific party rule, given that Plaintiffs’ allegations regarding unspecified “State Bylaws” are unintelligible.

Thus, the Court’s extremely narrow holding in this case leaves unscathed both the Voting Rights Act and political parties’ First Amendment right of association.”

While the case was dismissed, the court did so without prejudice and is allowing a third and final attempt at filing a complaint, on or before August 20th.

The Motion to Expedite was also denied.

Gilbert posted these messages on Twitter, under the username USA_Patriot_Press, to reassure those who were deeply involved in the case, as well as other Paul supporters who have been following the suit:

USA_Patriot_Press ‏@USA_Free_Press

“The Court requires an Amended Complaint We will both file an Amended Complaint as well as file an Appellate Writ”

“We shall at the same time to seek the guidance of both Courts. Do not be confused by the technical language of granting the motion”

“The case survives”

The Paul campaign is still challenging delegations in MA, LA, and OR through the Republican National Committee. 

Those challenges must be resolved by the Credentials Committee prior to the convention.

While this dismissal comes as a blow to the delegates’ hopes, the Paul campaign may still have a shot at seating delegates who have been ousted from their seats.

The fat lady isn’t singing yet.

“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. “

Thomas Jefferson








Grab My Gun? Get a Grip!


From Activist Post

August 08, 2012

Holly Deyo, Contributor
Activist Post

Stan and I are Second Amendment proponents. Full stop.

If people choose not to avail themselves of this right and find themselves in a bloody knot, then likely they’ll have a “gun toting” neighbor to thank for help.

Due to financial and staff cutbacks, plus increasing calls for assistance, police take too long to respond.

It’s up to civilians to protect their own.

A couple of months ago much to our shock, a “Stan fan” showed up on our doorstep, unannounced, uninvited at 9 p.m. on a Friday night.

This was weird and unnerving especially in light of recent home invasions in neighboring Colorado Springs.

The only defense between these two unknown men and me was a newly installed secured storm door – and a firearm in Stan’s hands.

Peering through the door’s wrought iron, they were clearly no one we knew.

Behind my back I frantically motioned to Stan to come to the door to see what they wanted.

The younger person, a clean-cut, handsome and well-built blonde man said he’d come to help Stan with his research.

(Really? Seriously? Don’t know you from a bar of soap and you come here at night?)

After a short interchange, Stan walked outside to talk with them and found that this man hailed from Dallas and he’d gotten a wild hair – with no money whatsoever – to board a bus and land on our doorstep.

They weren’t leaving, so I called the police.

Two hours later, all 4 were still in our driveway with cops unsure how to proceed since the man had no $.

They didn’t know where to take him. The second man, we later discovered, was his taxi driver.


More frequently in local news, we hear of forced break-ins and home invasions.

Make no mistake, if someone chooses to do this in our home, I’ll have zero qualms about dropping them should they try to harm family – that includes 4-legged members.

Ditto for Stan.

Intruders obviously aren’t the Welcome Wagon so if they barge in intending harm, continuing without retreat despite fair warnings… hmmm well, women have pretty good aim.

They didn’t have any business or right breaking in in the first place.

Things are entirely too crazy these days, and when the expected soon-to-occur economic implosion hits, panic, fear, chaos, anger, frustration and blow back will surface against those who appear to “have” what they do not.

Of all impending scenarios, an economic breakdown will have the most wide-ranging, the most impactful and hurtful consequences in the shortest amount of time.

Remember during the Great Depression all the people who took swan dives when suddenly their financial portfolio registered “0”.

Because we are a global economy – for the present – multiply that scenario around the world and throughout the United States.

People will be shocked, devastated – and angry. Very angry.

We saw this brink-poised implosion coming for years now and opted out of the stock market more than a decade ago.

It doesn’t make people as much money, but as the saying goes, some of something is better than all of nothing.

We aren’t stock brokers or financial advisors, but encourage you to take those funds and invest them in hard goods – things you can eat or use when everything is in the dumper.


While having some precious metals is a good interim hedge, you can’t eat them, wear them, drink them or use them as medicines or shelter.

The most often overlooked problem of precious metals is how do you know what you’re holding is real?

When it gets down to bare minimums, pretty as gold is, it won’t save your life or fill your belly.

It will be just another hunk of metal.

Further, if the Internet goes down, let alone other communication services, how would you sell it?

People often make the mistake thinking that when things go south, life will still function normally.

Full implications of “normalcy down” haven’t penetrated.

That is reality disconnect.

In the mid- to late-1800s, people bit gold coins and if it left a tooth impression, they were pretty much assured the metal was real.

That’s not the case today.

Clever people drill out gold bars, keep the precious metal and fill them with tungsten, knocking down their value by 75% while socking innocent buyers for the full amount.

OR, they simply plate tungsten bars with a thin layer of gold.

Unless you have assay equipment at your fingertips, how would you know?

How could you check?


Firearms will be worth their weight in gold and then some.

When the SHTF, people who have stockpiled goods for their households, yet have no self-defense, are most at risk.

You might as well lie down and die because you will be dead shortly and so will your family without protection.

When things get desperate, people act crazy.

Cops will be overloaded with calls and you likely won’t be on the top of the heap.

This isn’t NEOCON rhetoric or right-wing, cling-to-your-Bible mania (thank you Obama for that little quip-ism).

It is fact. It is survival.

Photo: Eyewitness Jacob Stevens, 18, hugs his mother Tammi Stevens after being interviewed by police outside Gateway High School where witnesses were brought for questioning Friday, July 20, 2012 in Aurora, Colo. A gunman wearing a gas mask set off an unknown gas and fired into the crowded movie theater killing 12 people and injuring at least 58 others, authorities said. (The Denver Post, RJ Sangosti)


While residing in Perth, Stan and I lived through this exact same massacre scenario most recently replayed in Aurora, Colorado.

In 1996, this nightmare hit Hobart, Australia.

Like nothing else, it should prod every Unisom-induced slumber-loving American wide awake, with ears on fire.

On April 28, 1996, 28-year-old Martin Bryant, shot and killed 35 people and injured another 21, most at an outdoor cafe in Tasmania.

Geographically, Tasmania is an island state directly south of Victoria about 380 miles over water or 1 hour 15 minutes by air.

Here’s what happened:

Just north of the township Bryant entered the home of a local couple he knew.

Inside, he shot and killed them both. He then drove to and ate a meal on the deck of the Broad Arrow Café.

He re-entered the café, which was crowded with lunchtime customers, took a rifle from his bag and began shooting.

In the first 90 seconds, 20 people died and 12 were injured. 

The man then moved into the adjacent car park, where he shot and killed 4 more people and wounded a number of others. 

After shooting indiscriminately at people in the grounds of around Port Arthur, he got into his car and drove up the former main entrance road to the original toll booth.

In this area, 7 more people were killed in 2 separate incidents, during which he stole a victim’s car and abandoned his own. 

The man then drove north. Outside the General Store he killed 1 person and took another hostage.

He drove back to the house where the first killings had taken place, firing random shots at vehicles along the route and injuring a number of people. 

At the house, Bryant set fire to the stolen car, then took his hostage inside.

Through the afternoon and night, shots were fired at police officers on the scene. At some point during this time, Bryant killed the hostage.

In the morning, he set fire to the house and was captured by police as he fled from the burning building. 

After initially pleading ‘Not Guilty’ to all 72 charges, some days later Martin Bryant changed his plea to ‘Guilty’ to all charges.

He was therefore sentenced to life imprisonment with no eligibility for parole on all 72 charges, including 35 charges of murder.

State and Federal Governments passed new gun control laws that are among the strictest in the world. 1

Like the Aurora Colorado shooter, Martin Bryant was lonely and isolated, and frequently bullied.

He, also, did not state a motive.

To date, no one knows what went on in the Aurora shooter’s mind or in Bryant’s.

As horrid and devastating as this event was, and I’ve presented it as real as possible so you don’t think it’s being glossed over, do not confuse a single incident with how normally sane people behave.

This was a one-off circumstance.

When gun control and gun confiscation go into effect, it is forever.

The taking of lives, as abhorrent and evil-inspired as it is, is but a brief moment in time.

Your right of self-protection, though, if relinquished in a rash of conscience/fear/guilt is forever banished.

It’s like taxes and abandonment of freedom; once in place, you’ll never see relief or personal rights reestablished.


Within 6 MONTHS – nearly to the day – the Australian government pushed through the gun buyback plan (doesn’t that sound so much nicer than gun confiscation? – same difference as it was mandatory, except for money exchange), which took effect Sept. 30 in that same year.

Citizens, faced with the horror of this massacre, were more than acquiescent and handed over their weapons like zombie-robots.

People even turned in collectors’ firearms that had been in families for decades.

One neighbor down our dirt farm road did just that even though his guns were probably exempt.

If Stan and I had had weapons, we’d have told them to go pound sand.

Still the penny didn’t drop. Mind boggling. Australians were set up, conditioned, disarmed and now – vulnerable.

God help them when the Indonesians invade.

Stan and I stood with mouths agape chewing over the shortsightedness of Aussies.

These good-hearted souls didn’t consider that the “bad guys” would still have weapons.

It just looked safer to them, the right thing to do.

Australians were some of the first can-do people beginning as a penal colony in the late 1700s, so they had to “do it” for themselves or else.

They were social outcasts and left by the Brits to die or survive with nothing but their ingenuity and clothes on their backs.

They were the original independents and of the “screw you government” mentality.

England had dumped them on vacant land about the size of CONUS and they had no one but themselves to depend on.

Sink or sail, they survived and thrived.

Now they are a part of the socialist “give-me” programs like many Americans.

What the heck happened?

If you think this is far-fetched, look what is happening in America.

It is happening here, now!

Wake up!

As I commented on a story linked on our site Friday, some nutty Chinese guy killed 9 people with a knife.

When there’s a will, they’ll find a way.

Removing guns does nothing except aid the perpetrator as he/she will find the means.

You, the law abiding citizen, will not.


Gun stats cited by many over the last decade are likely those from a World Net Daily article.

At the time, when we still lived in Perth, those stats were mined exactly 1 year after the Port Arthur incident, 1997, by their equivalent to the NRA, Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia.

It is not recent data. Some of these stats applied specifically to Victoria, not the entire country.

Others did.

That said, it does NOT negate their importance or implication.

When guns were recalled / confiscated in Australia, violent crime shot up in Victoria and throughout the country.

You can see these 1997 numbers here.

As we were members of the SSAA, I still have the original document showing those firearm stats.

Despite Australia’s best efforts, look how crime skyrocketed in subsequent years.

Australia managed the buyback at a cost of nearly $500M – and for what?

The exception is homicide, which even after the buyback in 1996, continued to climb and hover at elevated numbers through 2003. How does the government explain that?


From a woman’s and secondarily a man’s point of view, does it matter whether you’re raped or assaulted at gun or knife point?


If someone slams you overhead with a boulder, jabs you with an AIDS-infested needle or slashes you with a boning knife, you still end up just as dead.

The best defense a firearm gives a would-be victim is the advantage of distance.

Even the best pepper spray still puts an attacker within 10 feet; and in that short a distance, they can be on you in a heartbeat.

Often just fixing that little red dot on a possible assailant is enough to send them running.

So thank-you, I’ll keep my gun.


Take the proved-position of a good defense is a good offense or MAD – mutual assured destruction – you kill me, I’ll kill you.

Fifty-fifty odds are a better bet than 100 to nothing.

That will be the case when weapons are taken away from citizens.

We’d have little defense against intruders and assaults.

There will be no defense against a military, ours or foreign, being conditioned to take arms from and turn against civilians, those who are not Oathkeepers and believe government’s lie and mind control.

Who in their right mind would ever fire on unarmed fellow Americans?

If you don’t think the United Nations doesn’t have their big fat toe in this, think again.

 They did in Australia, just as they’re trying to do with the Global Gun Ban Treaty waiting for a second attempt in a year-end vote in America. It’s yet another case of what politicians say, vs. what they mean.

UN Global disarmament is a long-range plan and they are patient like Islamists waiting, waiting to achieve their objective. 

The UN Gun Ban Treaty was narrowly defeated ‘when a bipartisan group of 51 Senators signed a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton opposing any treaty that infringes on our rights.

The letter stated:

As the treaty process continues, we strongly encourage your administration not only to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, but to ensure–if necessary, by breaking consensus at the July conference–that the treaty will explicitly recognize the legitimacy of lawful activities associated with firearms, including but not limited to the right of self-defense.

As members of the United States Senate, we will oppose the ratification of any Arms Trade Treaty that falls short of this standard.’ 2

Just 130 of the 435 House members strongly opposed this UN arms ban.

All it needs is another tragedy or two and the next likely vote, conveniently after elections, may push it through.

If Obama is re-elected, kiss your 2nd Amendment rights goodbye as well as many others.

With Romney, there is much less chance of passage.

Weigh that as carefully as the jobs issue when at the ballot box.


Could it be too convenient that someone shot 6 people dead at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin?

The perpetrator, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page and Army veteran is possibly a “white supremacist” based on tattoos.

Officials quickly labeled the act “domestic terrorism”, which clamps down on information published.

Control the information, direct the spin.

David Rockefeller jabbed his finger squarely on it stating, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

Quoting the SSAA, “79% of gun deaths are not caused by another person – they are self-inflicted.”3 

Gun removal has less to do with crime, but is all about control and making people vulnerable.

Don’t buy into it, not for a second! Lose your rights, lose your life.

You can support this information by voting on Reddit HERE

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Holly Drennan Deyo is the author of three books: bestseller Dare To Prepare (4th ed.), Prudent Places USA (3rd ed.) and Garden Gold (2nd ed.) Please visit her and her husband’s website: standeyo.com and their FREE Preparedness site: DareToPrepare.com.


1 A Brief Outline Of Events, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, 28 April 1996,http://www.portarthur.org.au/index.aspx?base=2594

2 NRA Stops U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

3 SSAA ACT facts on firearms and suicide, http://www.ssaa.org.au/research/1998/1998-08-11_ssaa-act-facts-firearms-and-suicide.html










Uploaded by  on Dec 1, 2011


This little girl was taken out of the arms of her mother who didn’t want her vaccinated, forcibly given vaccines, and ended up in critical condition that very day!

It is NOT the law that you must vaccinate your children (no matter what the doctor or schools tell you), and you can sign a form to make your child exempt.

The law states that schools must accept your children under 1 of 3 possible exemptions, depending on your state:

1. Religious – Vaccines are against your religion, no matter what religion your practice. You do not need to list a religion.

2. Philosophical – You don’t believe in vaccines, you don’t think they’re safe, you don’t think they’ve been tested enough, etc.

3. Medical – Your child has an autoimmune disease or had a negative reaction to a vaccine in the past.

Under such conditions it is dangerous to vaccinate a child and it states in the vaccine insert not to vaccinate under these circumstances, but doctors and nurses are NOT taught this so you must be firm!

Vaccinations are a school policy, NOT the LAW. If you choose not to vaccinate, the law is on your side.

For more info on this medical topic and many others, visit my blog:

Red Pill Reich

I am a nurse who is exposing the Illuminati’s use of modern medicine to drug, poison and control millions in their pursuit of a New World Order.

Vaccination exemption forms for all 50 US states:









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