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Archive for October 3rd, 2012

REAL NEWS Oct. 04 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on October 3, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : October 04, 2012



Now a Fact : Americans Can Be Indefinitely Detained: #NDAA Supported By Court


{XANIEL’S NOTE : This would be the end of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

which equally means the end of The United States of America !! }~~~Xaniel777


Americans can be indefinitely detained - NDAA supported by court

From Alexander Higgins Blog

Posted by  – October 3, 2012

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court ruled that the US government can indefinitely detain anyone under the National Defense Authorization Act.

This comes as a blow to the ruling that was given earlier this year, when US District Court Judge Catherine Forrest ruled that the NDAA was unconstitutional. So what does this mean for journalists and why was it overturned?

Note: Here’s three stories in the last 24 hours explaining why the United States government can not be allowed to have this power under any circumstance:

Related Posts :








Update: Michigan Counties Continue the Fight Against NDAA



Update: Michigan Counties Continue the Fight Against NDAA


Written by   –  01 October 2012

Soon Michigan may join the list of other states who have passed legislation checking the president’s power under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to indefinitely detain American citizens.

On Monday, September 24, constitutionalists and friends of liberty gathered at the Oakland County (Michigan) General Government Committee Meeting to support Commissioner Jim Runestad’s Liberty Preservation Resolution.

Blake Filippi of the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC) originally drafted this measure with the assistance of the Rhode Island Liberty Coalition. 

Reports to The New American from those attending the meeting indicate that many residents attended the meeting, as well, and passionately defended the right of Americans to live without the specter of an all-powerful police state looming over their every action.

One citizen, Anna Janek, stood at the meeting and recounted a childhood living in fear of government and police in communist Czechoslovakia.

A follow-up meeting to consider the anti-NDAA proposal is scheduled for Monday, October 8 and 9:30 A.M.

Apart from the noble work being done in Oakland County, State Representative Tom McMillin (R-Rochester Hills, pictured above, at left) has introduced a bill in the state legislature that would prevent the president’s power to indefinitely detain Americans from crossing the Wolverine state borders.

McMillin’s measure, HB 5768, would prevent the arrest and indefinite detention of citizens of his state under the authority of relevant provisions of the NDAA.

According to the text of the legislation

No agency of this state, no political subdivision of this state, no employee of an agency of this state or a political subdivision of this state acting in his or her official capacity,

and no member of the Michigan national guard on official state duty shall aid an agency of the armed forces of the United States in any investigation, prosecution, or detention of any person pursuant to 50 USC 1541, as provided by the federal national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2012.

The day after citizens turned out to support the cause of freedom in Oakland County, over 40 concerned Michiganders attended the Michigan State House Oversight, Reform and Ethics Committee chaired by Representative McMillin.

Led by TAC state coordinator Shane Trejo, representatives from a coalition of groups devoted to the protection of individual liberty testified in favor of McMillin’s bill and the principle of due process. The organizations present at the hearing included People Against NDAA, Campaign for Liberty, Downsize D.C., the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and the ACLU among others.

Notably, consistent defender of the Constitution Congressman Justin Amash (R-Mich.) appeared before the committee and spoke in support of HB 5768.

As readers may remember, Amash’s effort to repeal the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA for 2013 was blocked in May when by a vote of 238-182, members of the House of Representatives voted to renew the president’s power to arrest and indefinitely detains Americans suspected of posing a threat to national security.

At the committee meeting in Lansing, however,  no testimony in favor of the NDAA was heard.

In a statement, Representative McMillin recognized Amash for his aid to the cause of liberty.

“I appreciate the support from Congressman Amash, who has fought against the federal law that enables the executive branch to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone on U.S. soil using the slightest thread of evidence or suspicion,” McMillin said.

“Michigan residents should not be party to what most people consider an unconstitutional infringement on the rights of citizens by indefinitely imprisoning someone under the most ambiguous of terms,” he added. 

Other parts of Michigan are actively engaged in the good cause of fighting for liberty.

In Allegan County, County Commissioner Bill Sage is working with his colleagues and encouraging them to get behind a county resolution specifically supporting HB 5768.

Sage’s goal, according to a press release issued by People Against the NDAA (PANDA), is “to get all 83 counties to pass a county resolution in support of HB5768.”

It is primarily thanks to the tireless efforts of County Commissioner Sage that by a vote of 8-3, the Allegan County Commission passed a resolution reaffirming the principles of the McMillin bill.

Allegan County’s resolution explicitly rejects the exercise in that jurisdiction of the NDAA’s indefinite detention provisions.

The resolution reads:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Allegan County Board of Commissioners condemns in no uncertain terms Sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 NDAA as they purport to:

1)  Repeal Posse Comitatus and authorize the President of the United States to utilize the Armed Forces of the United States to police the United States of America,

2)  Indefinitely detain persons captured within the United States of America without charge until the end of hostilities as purportedly authorized by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force,

3)  Subject persons captured within the United States of America to military tribunals, and

4)  Transfer persons captured within the United States of America to a foreign country or foreign entity

In a letter to the editor of the Allegan County News, Sage explained to readers the purpose of the resolution:

In order to protect these [constitutional] rights, it is time for Michiganders to speak up against this unconstitutional federal law.

On July 26, I presented the Allegan Liberty Preservation Resolution to the Allegan County Board of Commissioners with the intent of passing support for State Rep. Tom McMillin’s Michigan Liberty Bill, HB 5768,

which makes it illegal in the state of Michigan for any official of the state, be they National Guard or any other official, to assist in the investigation or arrest of any citizen of Michigan in connection to sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA.

The resolution also states that all agencies of Allegan County up to and including the Allegan County Sheriff Department and all police departments in the jurisdiction of Allegan County are instructed to decline requests from federal agencies acting under detention powers of Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA that could infringe upon county residents’ constitutional rights.

It should be of the first priority of all our elected officials, from the governor, U.S. Senate, Congress, states senate, state representatives, right down the line to the board of commissioners, to aggressively defend our country and constitution in every avenue possible.

All Americans should be encouraged by the efforts underway in Michigan and elsewhere to enforce the Tenth Amendment and to prevent the unchecked growth of the power of the federal government.

The Tenth Amendment mandates:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In the statement issued by PANDA, Dennis Marburger of Bloomfield, Michigan, explained the critical role of the Tenth Amendment in safeguarding the sovereignty of the states from the constant usurpations of Washington:

Thomas Jefferson called this the cornerstone of the Constitution.

When Freedom of Speech was under attack by President Adams in 1798, Jefferson went to Kentucky in order to fight back through his Kentucky resolves where he enunciated the concept of Nullification, which he called the “rightful remedy” to D.C.’s lawlessness and violations of the Constitution.

James Madison went to Virginia and and wrote the Virginia Resolves calling for state interposition between the people and Feds when the latter unconstitutionally endanger the former.

Thus was born “the Spirit of ’98”.

The State of Michigan joined other Northern states in employing noncompliance / Nullification to resist the Fugitive Slave Act and government sanctioned kidnapping in the 1850’s.

Finally, in a statement to The New American, Dan Johnson, the founder of PANDA, praised the people and lawmakers of Michigan for their commendable work on behalf of freedom.

“We are very excited about what is happening in Michigan right now and, with leaders like Dennis Marburger, Bill Sage and Ray Kirkus, we fully expect Rep. Tom Mcmillin’s bill to pass out of committee and onto a full floor vote in Michigan,” Johnson said.

By passing similar anti-NDAA resolutions, counties and states across American can proudly join several other state and local authorities in taking a stand against the federal government’s use of the NDAA to abolish centuries old due process and habeas corpus protections.

The New American will continue to report on all efforts nationwide to oppose the unconstitutional indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.

Photo: Rep. Tom McMillin is joined at the State of the State Address by Gary Glenn of the American Family Association 








US intel effort named citizens, not terrorists



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 3, 2012 by Admin

WHLT 22 

 WASHINGTON (AP)  A multi billion dollar information-sharing program created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001 has improperly collected information about innocent Americans and produced little valuable intelligence on terrorism, a U.S. Senate report concludes.

It portrays an effort that ballooned far beyond anyone’s ability to control.

What began as an attempt to put local, state and federal officials in the same room analyzing the same intelligence has instead cost huge amounts of money for data-mining software, flat screen televisions and, in Arizona, two fully equipped Chevrolet Tahoes that are used for commuting, investigators found.

“The … investigation could identify no reporting which uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could it identify a contribution such fusion center reporting made to disrupt an active terrorist plot,” the report said.

When the program did address terrorism, it sometimes did so in ways that infringed on civil liberties.

The fusion centers have made headlines for circulating information about the American Civil Liberties Union, activists on both sides of the abortion debate, war protesters and advocates of gun rights.

One fusion center cited in the Senate investigation wrote a report about a Muslim community group’s list of book recommendations. Others discussed American citizens speaking at mosques or talking to Muslim groups about parenting.

The bipartisan report is a scathing evaluation of what the Department of Homeland Security has held up as a crown jewel of its security efforts.

The report underscores a reality of post-9/11 Washington: National security programs tend to grow, never shrink, even when their money and manpower far surpass the actual subject of terrorism. Much of this money went for ordinary local crime-fighting.

Homeland Security says the report is outdated, inaccurate and too focused on information produced by the program, ignoring benefits to local governments from their involvement with federal intelligence officials.

Because of a convoluted grants process set up by Congress, Homeland Security officials don’t know how much they have spent in their decade-long effort to set up so-called fusion centers in every state.

Government estimates range from less than $300 million to $1.4 billion in federal money, plus much more invested by state and local governments. Federal funding is pegged at about 20 percent to 30 percent.

Despite that, Congress is unlikely to stop the funding. That’s because, whether it stops terrorists, the program means politically important money for state and local governments.

A Senate Homeland Security subcommittee reviewed more than 600 unclassified reports over a one-year period and concluded that most had nothing to do with terrorism.

No evidence of criminal activity was contained in those reports.

The government did not circulate them, but it kept them on government computers.

The federal government is prohibited from storing information about First Amendment activities not related to crimes.

“It was not clear why, if DHS had determined that the reports were improper to disseminate, the reports were proper to store indefinitely,” the report said.

Homeland Security Department spokesman Matthew Chandler called the report “out of date, inaccurate and misleading.”

He said that it focused entirely on information being produced by fusion centers and did not consider the benefit the involved officials got receiving intelligence from the federal government.

The report is as much an indictment of Congress as it is the Homeland Security Department.

In setting up the department, lawmakers wanted their states to decide what to spend the money on.

Time and again, that set-up has meant the federal government has no way to know how its security money is being spent.

Inside Homeland Security, officials have long known there were problems with the reports coming out of fusion centers, the report shows.

“You would have some guys, the information you’d see from them, you’d scratch your head and say, ‘What planet are you from?’ an unidentified Homeland Security official told Congress.

Until this year, the federal reports officers received five days of training and were never tested or graded afterward, the report said.

States have had criminal analysis centers for years.

But the story of fusion centers began in the frenzied aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The 9/11 Commission urged better collaboration among government agencies. As officials realized that a terrorism tip was as likely to come from a local police officer as the CIA, fusion centers became a hot topic.

But putting people together to share intelligence proved complicated. Special phone and computer lines had to be installed.

The people reading the reports needed background checks.

Some information could only be read in secure areas, which meant construction projects.

All of that cost money.

Meanwhile, federal intelligence agencies were under orders from Congress to hire more analysts.

That meant state and local agencies had to compete for smart counterterrorism thinkers.

And federal training for local analysts wasn’t an early priority.

Though fusion centers receive money from the federal government, they are operated independently.

Counterterrorism money started flowing to states in 2003.

But it wasn’t until late 2007 that the Bush administration told states how to run the centers.

State officials soon realized there simply wasn’t that much local terrorism-related intelligence.

Terrorist attacks didn’t happen often, but police faced drugs, guns and violent crime every day.

Normal criminal information started moving through fusion centers.

Under federal law, that was fine.

When lawmakers enacted recommendations of the 9/11 Commission in 2007, they allowed fusion centers to study “criminal or terrorist activity.”

The law was co-sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman, the driving forces behind the creation of Homeland Security.

Five years later, Senate investigators found, terrorism is often a secondary focus.

“Many fusion centers lacked either the capability or stated objective of contributing meaningfully to the federal counterterrorism mission,” the Senate report said.

“Many centers didn’t consider counterterrorism an explicit part of their mission, and federal officials said some were simply not concerned with doing counterterrorism work.”

When Janet Napolitano became Homeland Security secretary in 2009, the former Arizona governor embraced the idea that fusion centers should look beyond terrorism.

Testifying before Congress that year, she distinguished fusion centers from the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Forces that are the leading investigative and analytical arms of the domestic counterterrorism effort.

“A JTTF is really focused on terrorism and terrorism-related investigations,” she said. “Fusion centers are almost everything else.”

Congress, including the committee that authored the report, supports that notion. And though the report recommends the Senate reconsider the amount of money it spends on fusion centers, that seems unlikely.

“Congress and two administrations have urged DHS to continue or even expand its support of fusion centers, without providing sufficient oversight to ensure the intelligence from fusion centers is commensurate with the level of federal investment,” the report said.

And following the release of the report, Homeland Security officials indicated their continued strong support for the program.








OK So Far



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on October 3, 2012 by Sheila and Dan

On our survivalist web site we get lots of questions from people considering becoming Preppers/Survivalists. 

In the course of these contacts we’ve met lots of different types of people and that gives me hope for the future.  

We’ve been amazed how many people are waking up, as compared to 25+ years ago – when there was no one we could talk to!

Some people who have contacted us are sincerely looking for information on how to prep, while others are looking for an excuse not to prep. 

Then there is another type of person considering prepping.

These people remind me of an old story about the Empire State Building.

As the story goes, a man rode the elevator to the outdoor observation platform of the Empire State Building.  

Once there, he climbs over the fence and jumps off the platform, 101 stories up.  As he passed their window, people standing at the 50th floor windows could plainly hear the jumper say, “I’m OK so far!”

And that’s how it is for most people.  

As long as the problem is down the road, it’s not something to worry about today.

That is why we call people like that the “I’m OK so Far” crowd.

Time and again we have heard  from people who tell us that their plan is to retire in 2015 and then they will look into  getting some storage foods and a bug out place.

You see, their plans are based on their comfort zone,   not on reality.

With all the worries the world holds for us today, we need to be cautious of being too complacent when it comes to our preparations for what is soon coming down the pike.

We all have our favorite pundits –   for some of us that would be Gerald Celente, for others Alex Jones, some follow Steve Quayle and others. None of the pundits are predicting a rosy future.

Food Riots, Dollar Collapse and War are just a few of the concerns that face us in the near future.  

 Take a look at these headlines (Caution: if this stuff is news to you, it will probably piss you off):

Food Shortages

Dollar Collapse


For many people, understanding the rationale of global war is where their minds fall into cognitive dissonance, that is, the inability to deal with the reality of a specific situation, such as, “I know the government would never start an unjust war.” 

It is this cognitive dissonance that keeps some from taking their foot off third base so that they can get to home plate.

Why would any rational, sane mind want global nuclear war with millions – possibly billions – dead????


The elite are into death cults, and they are nostalgic for the days when they, TPTB,  used to place a dead animal in the village well to kill off the surplus population. 

Now these mad men have nuclear weapons and can do a lot more damage than placing a dead rat in a well.

Their stated goal is to kill off all but 500 million people, who will then have the honor of acting as their serfs/slaves.

The food shortage is a constructed crisis.  Making gasoline from  corn was a good method of making corn prices skyrocket.

 Add to that a manufactured drought (HAARP/Chemtrails induced), and now there is no corn to speak of in the USA. 

Cows at feedlots are now being fed spoiled candy and pastries due to the extreme drought and loss of the corn crop in the Midwest. 

Many other crops are failing all over the world as well. 

It’s an established fact that famine in coming to our near future.

And when it comes to the dollar collapse, the evidence is very clear to anyone who is watching.

  Even Max Keiser said yesterday on Alex Jones that he predicts a 70% inflation rate by next Spring. 

Let’s put that into perspective.

Eggs $2.50 per dozen now, after 70% inflation by Spring will cost $4.25

Gas at $3.90 will cost $6.63

and $50 worth of clothing will cost $85

The simple fact  is that most Americans will not be able to cope with our financial future. 

Precious few are coping today!  If you don’t already have a supply of good, wholesome storage foods, get some now

If you live in a high population density area and don’t have a place to get away to,  find that place now!

The truth is that our immediate future is not rosy. 

Still we have hope for  a brighter future after the chaos and hope very much that many of the “I’m OK so far” and “Survival Tourist” types  and others will join us in the future world. 

But the need to begin prepping is real and it is now.

I want to offer this invitation to you to contact us. 

If you have any questions that we may be able to help with, please drop us a line. 

Time is short.

Dan and Sheila are the authors of  Surviving Survivalism – How to Avoid Survivalism Culture Shock and hosts of the free podcast, Still Surviving with Dan and Sheila”, both available at  http://survivingsurvivalism.com/ 

For information about their survival community, or for other questions, they can be reached at surviving@lavabit.com








Printable Gun Revolution Moving Forward Despite Corporate Second Amendment Fears



From PrisonPlanet.com

Adan Salazar
Prison Planet.com
October 3, 2012

The company that rented out the 3D printer that was to be used in the testing and design phase of a group’s revolutionary gun manufacturing concept took their equipment back last week, however, a persistent Cody Wilson explains he and his organization aren’t deterred in their efforts to bring the idea to fruition.

Printable Gun Revolution Moving Forward Despite Corporate Second Amendment Fears tumblr mazu1pNt361rfbrr0o1 1280Stratasys’ letter to Wilson. 

Their idea is nothing short of a slap in the face to gun legislation everywhere: an open-source site where gun enthusiasts from around the world convene to share and download gun design blueprints and files.

When Stratasys Inc, the 3D printer manufacturing company that leased the printer, caught wind of what Cody Wilson and his organization Defense Distributed were planning to use their printer for, they issued an email last week stating they would need to confiscate their printer prior to it even being used.

“They came for it straight up…I didn’t even have it out of the box,” Wilson told Wired’s Danger Room.

Wilson, a 2nd year University of Texas law student, and his group raised $20,000 last month to fund an operation known as the Wiki Weapon Project.

The project’s goal was to produce a firearm solely using a 3D printer to manufacture all parts. Once the plans are tested and finalized, the group would then upload the files to the Internet for literally anyone to download, print and ultimately assemble.

The email was addressed to Wilson himself and came on behalf of Stratasys’ Legal Counsel, stating:

“It is the policy of Stratasys not to knowingly allow its printers to be used for illegal purposes. Therefore, please be advised that your lease of the Stratasys uPrint SE is canceled at this time and Stratasys is making arrangements to pick up the printer.”

“The only protest I had, the only exchange back I had was, “Well, legal counsel, our opinion is if these weapons are title I weapons, we don’t need registration, we don’t need license, we don’t need anyone’s approval to do this. This is totally legal, this is America,” you know? Patriotism,” Wilson told Infowars.com.

“That wasn’t good enough for them, and they emailed me back and they said “Look, we’re not gonna get into a legal debate about it. We want it back,” and so fine.”

Stratasys legal counsel may very well be in the wrong.

As CNET’s Rick Brown explains, it matters what type of gun you’re planning to produce, and whether or not you’re planning on selling your services as a gunsmith or the manufactured weapons.

“If you aim to sell your services as a gunsmith (e.g., “I charge $50 an hour to make a gun”) or you intend to sell the weapon once you’ve made it (e.g., “I charge $500 for this particular gun”), you need to obtain a federal manufacturer’s license. [1140] If the weapon is for personal use, no manufacturing license is required.”

Since 3D printed firearms manufacture is still in its infancy, actually in its conception phase, it still falls into a sort of legal gray area, however, Wilson believes Stratasys has been disingenuous in their statements to other media.

“So Stratasys is saying and suggesting to other people, “Well, they can follow the law like anyone else.” The suggestion is that we weren’t going to. They’re pretending and hiding behind the law, when really they just don’t want to associate with the project. That’s disingenuous and they mistreated us and fine, I’m not in some personal vendetta against them, it’s just… they’re pretending.”

Printable Gun Revolution Moving Forward Despite Corporate Second Amendment Fears kt1911rCompanies like KTordnance.com sell unfinished frames to start a custom built firearm.

Indeed, the idea that a company can overbearingly control what people do with their product is bordering on an old world manufacturer mentality in which industries would control what people did with their technologies to the point of managing channels of distribution and production.

“No that’s not what this machine is. This machine’s about doing anything with the machine,” Wilson says.

The printer abduction was nothing to write home about.

Wilson says Stratasys hired third party couriers to retrieve their equipment.

Previously, Defense Distributed ran into trouble when their first open donation site Indiegogo canceled their account and refunded all donations a mere 22 days after its open.

Indiegogo sent Defense Distributed an email saying its funds had been frozen due to “unusual account activity,” and followed up with an explanation that it had violated Indiegogo’s terms of service, which don’t allow the sale of “ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories.”

Wilson contends he read the terms and doesn’t believe he violated them. “My reading of their terms is we didn’t give anyone the option to sell or buy firearms. The exchange was they give us money, we give them information. That’s the project. Not firearms, not ammunition.”

Ever the tenacious micro-entrepreneur, Wilson didn’t let the account cancellation thwart his group’s drive to succeed.

They raised their $20,000 goal last month, circumventing Indiegogo by inserting Paypal and Bitcoin donation widgets on their original site.

Since Wilson was running into dead ends, he figured he had nothing to lose by going to Austin’s ATF branch to once and for all absolve himself of any criminal wrongdoing.

“And they were more than happy to talk to me, but they said, “Actually, it’s interesting you came because we were looking for you” and that’s not something you want to hear,” laughed Wilson.

Printable Gun Revolution Moving Forward Despite Corporate Second Amendment Fears atf crest

“The ATF involvement was mostly at my direction. A lot of people say, “Why go to them?” but at this point I can’t get any answers from our lawyers. I’m not getting anywhere in reading the law myself.

Everything’s intentionally kinda vague and ambiguous. And the technology’s really kind of outpaced the regulations…And so began a sort of quasi-interrogation.

They were writing things down and asking me who I was. I told them who I was and what the project was. And I explained 3D printing to them, and so it went from imposing to really friendly.”

Ultimately, Wilson took away he’d have to do something he’d been avoiding; turn his company into a legal entity and get licensed.

“ We’re gonna have to do the license because that’s the world we live in, apparently. And I think that’s unfortunate and I think it’s silly. Maybe it’s not so silly because this is firearms we’re talking about.

But look, this speaks to the attitude toward micro-entrepreneurs and the attitude towards ideas in general in this country. You can’t do anything without somebody’s permission.

I believe that. You interested in the natural world? You want to do something with chemicals? People are gonna look at you like you’re suspect.

Like you’re some kind of drug dealer. You can’t do anything of any consequence with any curiosity in this country without being weighed, measured, forced into some institution or system that ties to register everything.

I’ll be in every database from now until the end of time because I was simply curious.”

Wilson adds, “I want to be sure that people know that there are no right answers to this. Is it Title I is it Title II? Well that’s a test case, and I’m not gonna be that guy in front of some article III judge saying, “But I thought it was fine.”

Another hurdle that’s in the near future is the Undetectable Firearms Act which makes it unlawful to manufacture a firearm that is not detectable by a walk-through metal detector or x-ray machines, but Wilson isn’t giving up his secret on how he’s planning to bypass this piece of legislation: “ We’ve been pretty public about telling people what we’re doing but I’m not sure I want to give away the legal strategy here. Let’s keep it a secret. Bottom line, we’re gonna follow the law.”

Printable Gun Revolution Moving Forward Despite Corporate Second Amendment Fears Cody Wilson Defense Distr 010

Getting another printer after the seizure won’t be a problem as various people have already contacted Wilson, but he says his top priority at this time will be to take care of the legal side of things as a preventative effort to any prosecutors who may choose to exercise too much discretion.

The precedent that would be established in offering open-source blueprints for 3D printable guns would definitely be detrimental to any effort geared towards disarming the population.

Riding the wave of recent domestic terror incidents, the gun-grabbing lobby is in an all-out frenzy to portray gun owners and gun legislation as murderous and contradictory to the good of the people.

Largely ignored, however, is the fact that a population left helpless and dependent on the state and their police is exactly what the founding fathers were trying to prevent in crafting the Second Amendment.

It remains to be seen if a printed gun will actually work, and Wilson admits even he’s a little skeptical.

“People say, well people didn’t know you could print guns with this technology. I don’t know if you can. That’s what this whole thing’s about. We’re willing to try, you know? How’s that so controversial? And it seems the closer I get, the further I am away from trying.”

One thing’s certain; if Defense Distributed succeeds in their efforts, as long as there’s a free Internet and someone has a 3D printer, all you’ll really need is ammo.

Below is the video Defense Distributed released in July:








20,000+ Supporters to Ron Paul: Please Run as an Independent or Libertarian!



From Ron Paul.com Fan Site

by RonPaul.com on October 3, 2012

Dear Ron Paul,

You are at the right place and at the right time not only to educate Americans about the principles of personal liberty, sound money, free markets and a sensible pro-America foreign policy, but also to continue the Revolution and lead us to victory.

We the undersigned don’t want to change the GOP — we want to change America.

We pledge to “write in” your name on the presidential ballot this November 6th no matter what happens until then.

Please consider quitting the GOP and officially announcing your candidacy as an Independent.

We pledge to assist you in every way we can.


The Undersigned








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