DaniMartExtras, Too


Posts Tagged ‘occupy’

REAL NEWS Nov.20 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on November 20, 2012

The Occasional REAL NEWS in ‘ MY NOW OCCASIONAL ‘ attempt to awaken the Sheeple : November 20, 2012


Occupy World Government

…or how i learned to stop worrying, and joined the largest SOC (Self Organizing Collective), on the planet….


{XANIEL’S NOTE :  WARNING : Some Profanity, but of which I find appropriate, all things considered ! }~~~Xaniel777  


From Half Past Human.com

By Clif High – November 20, 2012

With respect……the f#ckers** are out to get your ass.

They want you tipping your hat, bending your knee, and averting your eyes when they pass. They want you abjectly servile.

They are not content with merely stealing your life’s work and energy, they want you quivering in slavish gratitude for your chains.

Or they want you dead.

Either way works for them. In their collective vision, you are their resource.

You are as owned by them as are their oil fields, their silver mines, their rail lines, their nuke plants, their newspapers, their corporations, their politicians, their governments, their military, in short…their planet.

Face it, to the power elite, there is only the difference in the number of legs and teats between you and the rest of the grazing herd on their farm.

They sheer you daily, so what makes you think they wont take you when they harvest the rest of the sheep?

They will take you. They own you.

In fact, they state explicitly that they own your body, soul, and the product of your life in dozens of ways daily.

It starts from the minute that they convince your ignorant parents (not their fault, they were ‘schooled’, and not educated, and are likely sheep themselves) to ‘register’ your birth.

The claim of need is that you are not a ‘person’ until documented, and would not be able to receive ‘service’ from ‘your government’.

If you really wish to educate yourself to what the registration of your ‘live birth’ means to them, and less importantly to you (as you are truly less important than you think to your life, at least to them), please visit the Frank O’Collins link off the main halfpasthuman page.

The ‘elites’, aka the f#ckers**, have stated repeatedly over the last few decades that they are going to push the planet into a “new world order”.

From the f#ckers viewpoint, the need for the NWO is obvious… to better manage their herds.

We have seen this push towards New World Order as a work in progress these last 200 years, with the creation of the EU as a microcosmic fractal of the work as a whole.

The ‘elites’ have bribed, beaten, killed, mashed, squeezed, displaced, shoved, shoveled, buried, twisted, threatened, lied, hoaxed, manipulated the former ‘sovereign states’ of Europe into the super state of the EU.

In short they have fucked 350 million people for the needs of the few ‘royals’, or ‘elites’ at the top.

And how well has this worked out for us regular humans?

Ok, so what is a poor bald guy to do?

Once he has shaken off the wool suit they slip on you at birth in the hospital, and tossed away the sheep goggles placed on us by the school system, then what?

You may have awakened to discover you are a human, but in looking around, you find that you stand naked and alone in the midst of a huge planet wide sheeple farm.

Well, time to educate yourself, and to learn to face the universe in your new status as a self actualizing, self responsible, self governing human being.

Once you transition via the education, and the attitude change from sheeple to human, you will find that you are not alone.

In fact, you are so not alone, that the self declaring, awake human population of this planet is over 1 million people and growing by the minute.

And these are just those humans who have reached the stage of being ‘official’ about declaring their rights and position on this planet.

As have i. Yes, i have finally, after decades in the sheeple farm, and a few dozen years as a human, have decided that there is a real point to being ‘official’ about my status.

Mostly i don’t give a crap about documents. This attitude comes from being defined by too many documents as a military brat.

Your life was defined by your ‘201 file’ which followed you, and was your ‘permanent record’.

Oh, the horror of it should some officialdom person threaten to ‘post a report in your 201’!

It was all just too much, so naturally, as a young sheep i rebelled, and adopted a screw documentation attitude that persisted for a number of decades.

That has now changed.

The change came about due to the current state of the planet, the rise of openly fascists and abusive behavior by government/corporations, and my thinking of just what the hell to do about it all?

So, after thinking deep into the issues for a whole lot of years (ok, so i am slow witted…), i came to the conclusion that THE expression of the problem is coming through the ‘nation state’.

Being an aikidoka***, i recognize the limitations inherent in contention/combat and choose to not engage my enemies (the f#ckers who use nation-states to abuse humans and the planet) on their terms….as that is only a way to lose.

So, thinking about it a lot more, i came to the conclusion that my best response is to follow the words of genius, and take Buckminster Fuller’s admonition to heart: don’t bother to fight them, invent the system that replaces them.

It makes sense to me.

You see, i had come to the conclusion that the way to defeat the New World Order and their One World Government was to employ a strategy i have used to good effect in the past in our linguistics work, that is, to ‘get there ahead of them’.

At that point i started doing research into the various forms of language around my ideas to replace the f#ckers, and was nearly instantly rewarded with discovering that i was indeed a slow witted fellow, and that millions of people had already built my solution.

That is, the largest self organizing collective on the planet already existed, and it was devoted to ‘self sovereign individuals collectively creating their world government’.

They have done it.

A vegetarian**** warrior in 1948 reached the same series of conclusions that i had, and started working then to create world government composed of self proclaimed world citizens as a meta-government for the planet.

It already exists.

Self declared (like all nation states, kingdoms, fiefdoms, and theocracies), the world government of world citizens is a valid approach to self sovereign status in the last days of the nation states.

And it really kicks the ‘authority’ out from under all the f#ckers.

What is the ‘Queen of England’ to me? Nothing, but a criminal.

i am a citizen of the world, and a participating member of the world government…she is merely a badly dressed old pedophile hiding behind a tradition built on lies to steal and steal and steal.

Her ‘realm’ is limited to specific spaces that she claims to own (about 1/6th of all of earth) and her specific claims of ownership of the people who submit to being her property.

My claim is to the planet earth, our world, and all places upon it.

The hell of it is, ‘they’, the ‘f#ckers’, not realizing the import of their actions, and thinking that they were merely throwing words at the annoying human rights claims,

provided the ‘authority’, and ‘legitimacy’ for the world government of self declaring world citizens in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s with a series of United Nations Declarations on Human Rights.

From 1948 until today, the f#ckers supra-state organization, the United Nations (note that this is the UNION of Nation-State-controllers, and does nothing for humans), have affirmed that their power to govern originates with, and is controlled by the contract BETWEEN people…..not nations.

ALL government originates as a contract between individuals.

The f#ckers come along later as self proclaimed ‘kings’, ‘queens’, and ‘popes’ with an agenda to seize the power of government for themselves.

They use various tools including ‘banking (money lent for interest that can never be repaid is a zionist weapon invention),

‘schooling’ (we teach you what we want you to think),

‘political system’ (a class of human endeavor which favors consummate liars, and other forms of psychopathy in which the goal is the control of the masses for the benefit of the few – the politicians and their masters),

and ‘religion’ (a class of human activity in which mind control is exerted to the point that the participants lives are dominated by a fear of an invisible, off-world alien named ‘god’ that demands endless repetition of mind control rituals).


{Xaniel’s Note : Clif refers to the Advance Life Forms that came to our planet eons ago and were seen as ‘ gods ‘. He is not saying that there is no ‘ GOD ‘ , or more to the point, the source and energy of ‘ALL’ things visible and invisible that make up us and our universe that many refer to  ‘ AS THE ONE TRUE GOD ‘ !}~~Xaniel777


But know this….at the core of the f#ckers power is a single expression of human activity…..documents.

When the realization struck me that they, the bastard bankster child molester politicians and their masters have made all their tools of control dependent on a single expression of human activity,

i.e. the recording of words, on paper and electronically, i saw the path clearly as though shown a vision by that off-world fictional creation of the f#ckers that they call ‘god’.

Yes, the slap upside my head rang my empty skull like a bell, and when it settled down, what remained was the clear vision to the control of the world…..documents.

At first, before my research, i had thought i would have to bust my butt creating a huge infrastructure to insist on my human rights to declare myself above and beyond the nation state.

That is, as a living, breathing, blood pumping human, it is up to me to declare my sovereign status, and then to act upon that declaration.

However, in order to control the ‘f#cker-factor’ of life, it would become necessary for me to have the ability to remove myself from the ‘f#ckers’ documentation machine.

Obviously the easiest way was to supercede their documents with my own…

…as it is also obvious that their claims (via documents) are in NO way more valid than my own claims via documents.

That is true. There is no ‘authority’ on earth other than humans (at the moment).

So no claim by any human, or group of humans, is in any way more valid than any other claim…

…this kicks the piss out of the ‘divine right of kings’ from which the ‘nation-state’ attempts to ‘inherit’ their authority…

…usually cited in the western world as the chain of documents that began with the magna carta (i refuse to capitalize it according to the f#ckers rules….this is my document, not theirs).

This document, the magna carta, is held as the core ‘legal’ authority for the basis of statehood.

And again, it stakes its claim to authority on the ‘divine right of kings’ which is a claim, by a human, that an off-world alien named ‘god’ is the ‘ultimate authority’,

and that further, this off-world alien told them (when no one else was around of course) that they were to be proxy for ‘god’ here on earth.

So until this ‘god’ shows up here on earth to support the claim of either kings or nation states, i am saying bullshit to the whole claim of authority, and striking out on my own….

….well, thanks to the World Service Authority, i am hardly on my own.

A great hero to humans everywhere, the previously mentioned vegetarian warrior, a man named Garry Davis, gave me, and all world citizens, a great gift.

He dedicated his life to creating and nurturing a space for the World Government of World Citizens to birth itself.

Now is the time that we can all repay him for his dedication through our actions as competent world citizens building our world government.

Garry Davis did not create the organization, it arose on its own. As it should. Organically, and structured by common law (see the O’Collins link off the main halfpasthuman page), the World Government of World Citizens is the new order of the world.

It is just NOT what the f#ckers have in mind when they use say NWO.

But they don’t matter any more….the f#ckers i mean.

Now we are off creating the system that will replace them as they thrash around in their death throes.

Yes, they are still dangerous, and need to be treated with the respect one would give to a mentally unstable, dying animal, but we need not concern ourselves with the future of the f#ckers as they have none.

All the regular humans, the world citizens, yet self declared or not, are going to be very very busy inventing our new future.

It is not up to me to educate you about World Citizen status, and what it can mean for your life, after all, a competent citizen takes care of their own education as a part of their responsibility to the rest of the world citizens.

You don’t have to accept the responsibility of world citizen status.

You can put the woolies suit back on along with the sheep goggles, and munch the provided fodder contentedly until you are harvested.

If you want to work, that is to join others in the World Government SOC* working to change your life, planet and future, the route of world citizen is a path that will work, individually and collectively.

You begin this work here at the World Service Authority.

As with any work i undertake, a certain thoroughness and intensity is involved. As a world citizen, i consider it my duty to be informed.

So i have purchased and read all of Garry Davis’ books from the site, as well as doing my own research on the contents proffered by the books. It was worth the effort.

Satisfied that all is as stated, i have applied for my World Citizen documentation, including ID card, and Passport.

Now, for the squeamish among you, note that you need not renounce any allegiance to any nation state.

It is not necessary. As a world citizen, you merely are declaring your allegiance to yourself as sovereign over your life.

The other world citizens and their work are there to make the process easier.

The ‘charge’ for this was paid by Garry Davis with his life’s actions.

As a world citizen, i will be providing my documents when i deem a request is valid.

These documents will identify me as a world citizen, resident in the local republic of Washington State.

i am not distancing myself from my local environment, in fact, by becoming a world citizen, it has made me closer to my local concerns by virtue of removing any thoughts for the demands of THE UNITED STATES (a corporation created in 1871 illegally by the Forty-First Congress).

 Further, it is not only my concerns and thoughts that are removed, but also the ability of THE UNITED STATES corporation to intrude on my life.

Some small fees for copying and overhead do apply.

For those with the resources, the World Service Authority offers a 15 year, gold embossed passport for donations to the World Fund that is used by the World Service Authority to hand out documentation to distressed, stateless humans globally (at least half will be children and women).

This is a noble effort.

And self serving…..you see, every time that a World Service Authority document is accepted anywhere on the planet for any reason, all world citizens benefit.

Each of us, in our individual actions for our own interests, strengthens all other world citizens collectively.

By way of encouraging those who read these words to pursue this course of research for their lives, i have obtained a few of the ‘i am a world citizen’ pins…

…these are the counterpart to the ubiquitous ‘flag pins’ of the politicians and minions (they use them as symbols to say that they are on your side which, of course, is bullshit).

For the first 7/seven world citizens who send me either their ID number, or passport number from the issued World Service Authority documents, Cathy and i will write a note, sign, and date it, and include it along with the pin.

For some reason, some humans are impressed by us (cathy and i), thus put value on our scribbles.

So be it, and i will use that as a method to accelerate YOUR interest in the whole subject of World Citizen status.

For the first 7/seven world citizens who get back to us with your newly issued documents, we will provide autographs, and ‘i am a world citizen’ pins.

Not that these trinkets matter. The real benefit is success at succession.

Note that there are more registered world citizens than 95 nation-states can claim as their population.

This is real ‘power to the people’.

Welcome, world citizens……


* SOC = self organizing collective

** f#ckers = globalist elite banksters and their politician/priest =pedophile minions

***aikidoka = someone who practices the principles of aikido, the way of peace.

**** vegetarian warriors = the toughest of the tough, not only warriors, but so disciplined as to impose their will on their own bodies and life. Now that is tough. Examples include the samurai.

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved. No copying without attribution and links. Fair use explicitly supported with attribution.








Slavery By Consent · Understanding The Human Farm


Posted on Nov 12, 2012 by 

Published on Aug 12, 2012 by ASimpleEquation

In 2010, the Bushwackk Channel on YouTube created a presentation called “Slavery by Consent” that succinctly outlined the deception used to enslave humanity by the global criminal class.

It was a powerful statement documenting the crimes of our ruling classes which I thought was great, but could be better.

I spent 2 weeks in the Summer of 2010 adding information to the documentary, subtitling parts in the movie that were over driven by music making them difficult to hear and creating an even more informative documentary highlighting the nature and history of our enslavement,

the absurdity of an all-powerful governing (controlling) class to a free human race and the philosophy of liberty which we all need to adopt if we are to ever be a free species on this planet living in balance with the natural world.

I renamed the documentary, “Slavery by Consent: Understanding the Human Farm & Breaking Free of the Invisible Prison for Your Mind,” put the expanded video onto DVD and gave it out to many people who watched it and finally began to awaken to reality because of the message and soft approach to the information.

A few days ago, I decided to update it once more and upload it to YouTube since I am now able to do it in one full and uninterrupted file and share it with the rest of the world.

Below is a listing of the chapter titles and the times at which they begin.

Thanks go out to Bushwackk for the initial and inspiring presentation,

Stefan Molyneux for his deeply philosophical insight and common sense,

Daniel Taylor of OldThinkerNews.com,

The International Society for Individual Liberty,

Ken Schoolland and Kerry Pearson for their tireless efforts in educating the world and promoting the ideals of freedom and individual liberty and Alex Jones for exposing the crimes and modus operandi of the elitist ruling class for 17 years and counting.

Slowly, the world awakens from the nightmare of debt slavery and illegitimate authority imposed on us for nearly 6000 years which has violated the natural, universal laws made to govern us and our interaction with each other and all other species on this planet by the Creator of the universe… 

Enjoy. =)

Chapter Titles

01. 00:00:00 Introduction: Does Slavery Still Exist?
02. 00:07:40 Law: The Purpose of Certificates
03. 00:12:31 All ‘Capital’: We Are Merely Assets
04. 00:22:31 Human Chattel: The Money Sold Abroad Is YOU
05. 00:27:53 The Sin: We Were Captured at Birth
06. 00:36:46 Modern Slavery: History of The Human Farm
07. 00:49:16 Usury: In Whose Interest?
08. 00:56:54 Government & The Corporation: Unholy Alliance of Fascism
09. 01:05:45 Phase 3: War and Media Control
10. 01:15:57 True Freedom: The Philosophy of Liberty
11. 01:23:59 Humanity Held Captive: The Story of Your Enslavement
12. 01:37:10 Perception vs. Reality: Plato’s Allegory of The Cave
13. 01:45:03 Be The Change You Want To See: The Love Police (w/ Subtitles)
14: 01:54:47 Reason vs. Superstition: Statism is Dead
15. 01:58:02 Breaking Free: I Do Not Consent
16: 02:08:23 Globalist Agenda: The Scientific Dictatorship & The Future of Humanity
17: 02:14:32 Non-Conformity: The Peaceful Revolution

*** Copyright Disclaimer *** Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.








In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bio terrorism (Full Version)

From Underground Documentaries

This feature length documentary about medical madness, cloaked in bio terrorism preparedness, will awaken the brain dead.

It exposes health officials, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for conducting a “War of Terror” that is killing millions of unwitting Americans.

It was produced by award-winning humanitarian, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a world-renowned authority in public health education, covert intelligence agency operations, and emerging diseases investigations.

He is the author of three American bestsellers, including Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? and Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse.

This monumental film exposes the agents and agencies behind: Hollywood films and the media creating a profitable culture of bio terror; the “War on Terrorism” used to control populations; the most lucrative war in history—the “War on Cancer;”

the onslaught of dozens of new immunological diseases and deadly flus; the “War on AIDS” triggered by contaminated vaccines; the anthrax mailings resulting in restricted freedoms, and sales of toxic drugs, deadly vaccines, and more.

This urgent life-saving DVD comes without copyright restrictions.

Every viewer is encouraged to reproduce and distribute copies to others.

Donations to Tetrahedron Films to cover costs and produce more films like this are greatly appreciated online at http://www.inlieswetrust.com or by calling toll free 1-888-508-4787.

You can screen the film on behalf of local charities.








Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold


From Charleston Voice

Monday, November 19, 2012

Posted by Charleston Voice

Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold

All the buzz in the aftermath of the last election is that secession is in the air.

Despite the improbable prospects that the globalists, that control the federal government, would allow the upstart masses to leave the dominion of Disunion States, it is promising that the country builds critical mass for dissolution. 
 Secession in this day is not your call to arms in the defense of home.

Honest Abe’s version of despotism caused many politicians to “Wave the bloody shirt”, but today’s crop of brave leaders just asks you to sign a petition to beg for a cordial severance.

Just imagine the response from the unprincipled governmental career class.

The re-education FEMA facilities are ready to become today’s Camp Douglas detention centers.

The League of the South list Ten Reasons For Secession and offers this assessment.

“What is behind this increasing support for secession and independence? Perhaps the answer is this: hard reality has finally trumped the myth of a sacred, indivisible union. In other words, many citizens are beginning to see the hand writing on the wall, and the message is alarming.”

Notwithstanding, the sentiments of the Old South, the contemporary motivation to reject the arrogant and oppressive dictates of the central government is taking hold for a myriad of reasons.

One of the stronger reasons appears in the article, Pluralism Leaves No Other Option – LIBERTY Demands Secession

“It is absolutely crucial to view the concept of America not as a country, and certainly not as a government.

The uniqueness in the notion of the 1776 revolution lies within the shot heard round the world. Equity – adjudication of the inadequate common law, supplant natural law with chancery courts.

“Equity follows the law” is the claim, but the practice is that the law becomes arbitrary, that which men desire.

Secession is the moral course. Yes, you will reply that the government will never allow such a wild proposal.

Surely, you would be correct, the nature of the federal system is to control people, and would not give up the power to dominate citizens.

But, that evaluation does not dispel the validity of the ethical case.

So much for the prospect of Liberty in a free society.”

Set aside the fear of federal retribution and coercive retaliation.

Is it justified to seek dissolution of the failed empire that has long ago buried the essence of a constitutional republic?

The great departed Joseph Sobran in Secession, Anyone?, urges you to search your conscience and be true to your immortal soul. 

“A few readers think I’m writing with tongue in cheek when I propose secession.

Well, though I see the humor of it, I’m not exactly joking.

I know it’s unlikely to happen, for the time being, but the idea has value as a thought-experiment.

It can help free our minds of the illusion that the present political status quo was, and is, “inevitable.”

How would such a movement proceed?

The essay, Representation, Secession and Taxation, illustrates unbearable circumstances and practical steps to ratchet up populace pressure.

As discontent rises and practical solutions evaporate, that dirty historic sentiment begins to bubble to the surface, SECESSION

Russell D. Longcore provides a standard, when secession is a vital and justified option that many would accept. 

“Secession should be solemnly deliberated by the elected representatives and the state citizens.

Secession should be initiated at the moment that any state reaches the point at which it will no longer accept the despotic tyranny and laws coming from the US Federal Government in Washington, DC.

Or, secession should be initiated upon a collapse of the Dollar, or the imposition by Washington DC of martial law in the event of social upheaval.”

Charleston Mercury, December 1860

The initiative, Petitions to secede are filed for 23 states since election, as previously reported by the Washington Times explains the procedure.

“The White House may have to take the requests seriously. According to the website, any petition receiving 25,000 online “signatures” on the “We the People” page within 30 days of posting will receive a review by the appropriate executive department and a response from a White House staffer. 

As of Monday, the Texas petition had already exceeded the 25,000-signature threshold, and the Louisiana petition was fast approaching the cutoff with more than 18,000 signatures.

Most of the petitions were posted online Nov. 10, which means they have until Dec. 10 to qualify for a response.”

A further update appears on U.S. Citizens In Over 40 States File Petitions For Secession, which also lists the states and the proposed response.

“The Obama administration explains on the website,

“If a petition meets the signature goal within the designated period, the White House will respond to that petition in a timely fashion.”


Continued>> Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold








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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this website. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777

©2009/2010/2011/2012 Danimartextras

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REAL NEWS Sept 18 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on September 18, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : September 18, 2012



UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off coast of San Francisco


{XANIEL’S NOTE : This story was pointed my way by Half Past Human.com.

That said, I would also point out that Clif High, myself,

and many, many others have long been warning of a false flag event involving a U.F.O./Alien Invasion scenario.

This, if taken seriously by the public,

would help ‘ The Elite ‘ take whatever is left of our freedoms in exchange for their so-called protection.

Protection from WHAT  they themselves are causing in order to instill fear in everyone who doesn’t know any better.

(in other words, their planting weeds just so that they can pull them later and be seen as heroes to a grateful but naive world)

Although there may be some kind of truth to this, (of which I highly doubt),

be careful of becoming victim to ‘ The Elite’s ‘  latest ‘ BOOGYMAN ‘ !

Invented by them, (and using back engineered ‘ Alien Technology ‘, [ REMEMBER ROSWELL, N.M.-July 1947], to help pull this off),

probably because they are losing their Regime Change War in Syria which was nothing more than a stepping stone to war with Iran.

(..and of course, for whatever Syrian resources ‘ The Greedy Elite Asses ‘, can plunder)

And because all of the  Internationally Illegal Regime Change Farce ‘,  isn’t working out for them so much,

they have decided to ‘ FINALLY ‘ play, (as I’ve waited a long time for this B.S. spin on the public),

their last desperate card in the form of a False Flag Alien Invasion,

in the hopes of  waging a new kind of  ‘ War on For Your Mind ‘ and thus,

hang on to what little power and control they still wield !!

If there really is an Alien Force, they are probably here to help us free ourselves from ‘ The Elite and Minion Enslavement Shackles ‘ !

That’s something ‘ The Elite ‘ REALLY DON’T WANT ,

and would use all matter of propaganda, lies, and dumbed down military forces available to them in order to stop.

” Short of that, I wouldn’t take any of this ‘ Latest Elite Crap ‘ too seriously, but that’s just me !! ”  

Besides, if any of this were true,

wars and conflicts around the world would cease and everyone would set aside their differences, 

in order to form a ‘ Massive World Defensive Army ‘ to battle this ‘ SO-CALLED ‘ Hostile Alien Threat.


And what luck, as Zionist controlled HollyFRAUD, just released their movie ‘ Battleship ‘ not long ago. Perfect timing right ?

Just coincidence,

or just another ‘ Elite Mind F#ck Tool ‘  to get you to see things in the perspective that they want you to see them ???  }~~~Xaniel777 


Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat

From Veterans Today

Chinese Naval forces off California said to be on Joint UFO Suppression Mission

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

September 17, 2012

This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied. 

Now an Asian intelligence agencies reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”

Kerry Cassidy was an early source on this and should be credited. 

Here initial suspicions were inaccurate but her information has been confirmed.

The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmation from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore. 

The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.


  • Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.

  • Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as “tested” have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force Base.  These are armed with energy weapons.

  • UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nano-technology with microscopic sensors being used to detect behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files.  (all Fox oddly enough)

The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only the following:

  • Opposition is extrterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly

  • The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin

  • China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real threat.

  • Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.

Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent in a highly deniable form out of personal interest. 

Others in the US have better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.

As to this being a total “hose job,” I don’t see any advantage in it.

For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the UFO issue. 

One real sighting had been made over South Korea.

After than, the internet had been flooded, yes, Google’s “YouTube” with manufactured phony UFO videos, some of “beyond next generation” quality.

All information given on how UFO video or photos are analyzed is totally false, childishly so, especially that from the UFO “networks.” 

They are professionally “self discrediting.”

About 6 weeks ago, a “study group” was appointed out of NATO and another one in Asia to look at the pattern of UFO videos. 

A decision was made to aggressively investigate one or more groups.

Being aggressively investigated on such an issue is not recommended.

I would love to be more entertaining, invent things, speculate or, perhaps, include some fascinating videos.

I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as purposefully leaking something that makes no sense. 

My suggestion is that readers follow other stories for verfications or information that would help in some way, add it to the comment section and see if we can get a better grip on what may well be an extremely dangerous situation.








Occupy Wall Street Begins “Year II”



From 12160.info

Posted by James Φοίνιξ on September 16, 2012

Occupy Wall Street demonstration on September 15 down Broadway to Zuccotti Park, New York City.

Occupy Wall Street demonstration on September 15 down Broadway to Zuccotti Park, New York City. (Photo: PaulSteinJC)

“The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!” cried voices across Zuccotti Park on Wednesday night as 30 people sat with their arms interlocked, surrounded by cameras and sympathetic onlookers.

NYPD officers were positioned some distance away at the concrete barricades that had begun surrounding the park.

Confronting the sit-in with mock dispersal orders were Sam Corbin and Logan Price, OWS Direct Action trainers tasked with helping to prepare participants for the People’s Wall, a nonviolent civil disobedience action in the Financial District planned for the morning of Monday, September 17.

September 17 (S17) is of course the one-year anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park, a reclaiming of public space that galvanized the political imagination of the country and the world with its proclaimed opposition between the 99 percent and the 1 percent,Occupy Wall Street Begins “Year II” With Call to Debt Resistance.








U.N. Small Arms Treaty Passes – What Is Next?



From the Trenches World Report

Posted on September 17, 2012 by # 1 NWO Hatr

Keys to Liberty

I’m sure the television news told you all about the U.N. Small Arms Treaty being passed. (See Last Post)

No??? The Rothschild Zionist network at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX and MSNBC were busy following the Protocol 12; Control the Press to the point that even newspapers didn’t report the event on the last page.

The reason television news and newspapers are not informing the American citizens is to prevent the militias of the several states from forming and beginning to train.

A very cleaver idea; don’t you think?

They want to keep you in the dark until it is too late.

The old argument that the Senate will not ratify this treaty, can easily be debunked, when you remember that the Senate did not pass the U.N. Agenda 21.

In fact they refused to pass it, but it got passed by an Executive Order of Bill Clinton.

The same will be true with this treaty and it really doesn’t matter who wins the presidential election.

You cannot enter into negotiations on a treaty and not sign the results of the consensus.

It’s an old trick of the globalists to get the opposition into negotiations. 

It works at the local level and the global level. 

The United States entered into the negotiations on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty and now we are stuck with it.

With the passage of the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, what can be expect in the future?

The globalists have 6 years to disarm us, at two year intervals.

Expect legislation, more false flag operations and continued dumbing down of America’s youth, and the world’s youth, to accept the yoke of global government.

Enter H.R. 6241 and S. 3458, identical bills in both houses that are currently in committee; titled Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2012 .

When passed, in person sales of ammunition will be required, as well as registration of amounts exceeding 1,000 rounds, or 1,000 rounds over a week period.

The idea behind this legislation is to make you pay more in the future for ammunition and to register sales.

It will also limit your selection to what ever is available at a local store.

Another bill before Congress, sitting in committee is Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2011. 

It is H.R. 591, in the House and S.35 in the Senate. It would permanently ban Gun Shows if passed.

In a disgusting display of needed donations, Gun Owners of America has this one listed as an ex post-facto Bill, which it is not.

It is H.R. 308 in the House and S. 32 in the Senate.

It is titled Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act . 

It would prohibit the transfer or possession of a semi-auto clip that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

When this Bill passes, clips that hold more than 10 rounds will have a serial number and be sold strickly for police, the government agencies and military.

Right now the gun rights groups: N.R.A., G.O.A and National Gun Rights Org. are looking for money.

They think they can outspend Rothschild, Soros and the RockefellerFund to secure your rights.

That is impossible, spend your money to stock up while you still can.

All firearms groups know it their last ‘Hoorah’ for fund raising and they know it, they have not even admitted they have lost.

Here is another one held up in committee, Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011.

This one penalized states that don’t report enough violators to the National Instant Criminal Background Checks.

In the Senate it is S. 436.

Doing a search for ‘assault weapons’ this Bill came up, titled Child Gun Safety And Gun Access Prevention Act Of 2011.

 This one raises the age of ‘Juvenile’ to ‘under 21′ with penalties for transfer of guns, ammunition, high capacity clips to anyone under 21 who might commit a crime.

This one is bound to pass, because of the New Speak in the title.  

The socialists will love it.

Here is an article that you will probably enjoy, titled The RNC declaration of war, and the coming revolution.

 The author and I would be friends, because he fully understands how controlled the press is and comments about Roman Circuses on the television.

He is willing to fight at age 63 and possibly die, over his oath and unwillingness to allow any more transgression against our Bill of Rights.

There is a lesson to be learned here from this gentleman’s resolve.

Death would be preferable to what tyranny our government has planned for the future.

There is no limit once our firearms are gone.








Obama’s Lawyers Appeal Court Ordered Block Against NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision



Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post

September 17, 2012

US District Court Judge Katherine Forrester ruled earlier this year that the indefinite detention provision in the National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA) is unconstitutional and ordered a block on its enforcement by federal agencies for those “suspected” to have “substantially supported” al-Qaeda, the Taliban or “associated forces”.

While Obama’s lawyers have been fighting against this ruling with appeals, there has been installed a permanent injunction against the US government enforcing Section 1021 of the NDAA under “Homeland Battlefield” provisions.

Section 1021 says that the US President may “use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), including “the authority of the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons.”

The explanation of a “covered person” includes “a person who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”

Under wartime, individuals can be detained without due process “under the law of war” until such conditions of hostility end as “authorized by the AUMF.”

Obama’s attorneys would have the US District Court believe that Section 1021 of the NDAA is vital to maintaining national security, and therefore the executive branch is entitled to utilize the provision at their discretion.

Forrester stated that this provision does not preclude “that such conduct – which, by analogy, covers any writing, journalistic and associational activities that involve al Qaeda, the Taliban or whomever is deemed “associated forces” – does not fall within § 1021(b)(2).”

Forrester indicated that the Section 1021 of the NDAA has already caused harm to journalists such as Chris Hedges.

She also questioned the legal definitions of the terms “substantially supported,” “directly supported,” and “associated forces” as stated in Section 1021, pointing to the lack of prior case law and “respective meanings of the terms at issue”.

Forrester continued to explain that Section 1021 is a vague definition which translates to a gross violation of

an individual’s core liberties. The due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment require that an individual understand what conduct might subject him or her to criminal or civil penalties.

Here, the stakes get no higher: indefinite military detention–potential detention during a war on terrorism that is not expected to end in the foreseeable future, if ever.

The Constitution requires specificity–and that specificity is absent from § 1021(b)(2) . . .

Hedges’ complaint centered on the “nebulous terms” that are subject to interpretation by federal agencies that are the power behind the indefinite detention of an American.

The US government’s classification of any American as an enemy combatant on a simple suspicion without proof guarantees that a multitude of US citizens could and would most likely become victims of detainment in a military facility without cause to use habeas corpus.

The US government’s blatant disregard for the 1st Amendment with regard to writers, journalists, political activism prompted Forrester to suggest that Congress to revise the provision to reflect a Constitutional acceptance of the rule of law governing our Republic while satisfying the desires of the US government to defend national security.

This decision confirms that regardless of the Fascist nature of our US government, there are unalienable rights afforded us by the UN Constitution that cannot be undone by order of the executive branch.

Simply to claim allegation of involvement with suspected terrorists is not enough to detain an American without due process and evidence brought to facilitate defense of the accused.

Without delay, less than 24 hours later, Obama’s lawyers filed an appeal of Forrester’s decision facilitating Constitutional rights to journalists, news reporting and political activists. 

The new appeal will be heard by another judge, and may be supported by an Orwellian like-minded individual who will aid the Obama administration in retaining the right to have anyone they want disappeared into a FEMA camp under the guise of “supporting” CIA-sponsored and manufactured terrorist organizations.

While this legal battle is being waged, the US government has been using another form of indefinite detention of Americans – specifically US veterans being carted away to psychiatric wards for speaking out against the Fascist element having hijacked the executive branch of our Constitutional Republic.

By using a manipulated version of the Baker Act, US veterans and political dissidents are disappearing into mental wards to be forcibly evaluated and subjected to threats of unwarranted psychotropic medications for not supporting the path of the current administration.

To ensure that Obama can further demonize US veterans, he signed an executive order earlier this month that allocates the Department of Defense (DoD) the authority over the mental healthcare of our returning service men and women through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA).

Simply put: the DoD is empowered to oversee how US veterans “transition” back into “civilian life.”

The US government’s goal is to identify these veterans and label them with a progressive, unstable and degenerative disease so that they can refer them to mental hospitals for further evaluation and/or admittance.

While this plan of action is being realized, the Obama administration is fighting in the court system for the right to indefinitely detain any American for any reason with or without cause, with the catch-all accusation of supporting terrorists.

Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.








The Secret Government (Full Version)



From Underground Documentaries

This aired on PBS in 1987.  Moyers interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies.

His documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the cold war (including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Viet Nam and Chile).

He features such people as Ralph McGeehee and Phil Retinger (both former CIA agents), Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque (Ret. U.S.N.), Theodore Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank Church and many others.


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This web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. A click on a hyperlink is a request for information. Consistent with this notice you are welcome to make ‘fair use’ of anything you find on this web site. However, if you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. You can read more about ‘fair use’ and US Copyright Law at the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. This notice was modified from a similar notice at Information Clearing House.} ~~~ Xaniel777


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REAL NEWS Aug 15, 2012

Posted by Xaniel777 on August 14, 2012

TODAY’S NEWS : August 15, 2012


Richard Gilbert Takes On Romney’s Felony Crime Of Foreign Contributions


 {XANIEL’S NOTE : You really need to hear the whole video to truly appreciate it ! }~~~Xaniel777


From 12160.info

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on August 14, 2012


Published on Aug 13, 2012 by 

Top Comments :

  • Very good, Mr. Gilbert. Will you be submitting felony complaints with the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office? The Hillsborough Country Sheriff would then be compelled to arrest and incarcerate Mitt Romney and could arrest Mitt Romney’s security staff, including Secret Service agents, for obstruction of justice, should they resist.



  • Respect the message, ignore the hair 🙂



see all

All Comments (14)








Getting Prepared Month 11: Stock Up on Disposables & Build a Neighborhood Contact List


From Activist Post

Gaye Levy, Contributor
Activist Post – August 14, 2012

In North America, we are enjoying the final months of summer.

This is a time for family activities, picnics, BBQs with friends and perhaps a weekend camping trip.

There is also the usual rash of summer chores: mowing the lawn, washing the car, weeding the garden and the more mundane tasks of laundry and housecleaning.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be enjoying the fun in the sun than serious prepping this month.

For that reason, this month we are going to do things that are a natural outtake from our summer activities.

That said, we are not going to slough off and disregard the tasks at hand as frivolous.

For even though they seem rather menial, they are as important and as necessary as the prepping tasks in each of the previous months – and in some ways even more.

And for those of you that are just joining us? Last September, I laid out a calendar of preparedness tasks entitled 12 Months of Prepping, One Month at a Time.

Each month since then, I have outlined a reasonable and doable number of tasks to accomplish during the monthly period with the intent of gradually building up to a point of self-reliance in the event of a major disaster or crisis.

Even though we are now at month 11, you can still use this month as a starting point or, if you prefer, you can go back to the beginning and start with the first month in the series Getting Prepared Month 1: Supplies, Gear and Tasks to Get You Started.

Whatever you decide, I hope you will follow along and do what you can be prepared.

Are you ready to get started?

Let’s go to work on getting prepared in month #11.


  • Package of paper plates

  • Package of napkins

  • Package of eating utensils

  • Package of paper cups

  • Garbage bags and ties for disposal of used items

As much as I hate to use disposables, there is a strong likelihood that water for cleaning will become quite precious following a disaster.

Even if you normally shun paper goods, it is prudent – in fact necessary – to put aside a supply of paper plates, napkins, cups an plastic eating utensils for emergency purposes.

And what better time to do so than during the summer months when these items are likely to be on sale?

You are also going to want to purchase a supply of garbage bags so that you have someplace to store the garbage and the used and dirtied items until things get back to normal.

Personally, I prefer tall, kitchen type bags but others may prefer the large, garbage can sized bags.

Whatever you decide, be sure to take the time now to look around your home and property and to identify a location where you can store excess garbage if normal collection methods are shut down for awhile.

These are the basics.

And although we have covered these items in the past, double check that you do indeed have a manual can opener, a sharp, all purpose knife and some paper towels as well.

But there is more.

For extra credit, think about what you would need if you had to cook outdoors.

Perhaps a rocket stove or grill that burns wood or biomass?

How about some waterproof matches or a zippo lighter?

We will get in to these in greater detail down the road, but if you have the budget, think about these things now, and perhaps add them to your month 11 purchases.

Shall we move on to tasks?


Exchange work, home and emergency contact phone numbers and email addresses with neighbors for use during an emergency

Neighbors helping neighbors is an important part emergency and disaster preparedness.

This is not to say that you are going to have to provide for your neighbors – after all, they need to provide for their own basics such a food, water and first aid supplies.

On the other hand, when something bad happens – you will want to get in touch with your neighbors and of course, you would want them to get in touch with you as well.

Think about this: You are at work and you receive a news alert indicating that there is a fire in what appears to be your neighborhood.

Who do you call?

Is it your house?

Is it the house next door?

What about your pets?

Are they safe?

Although this is a simplistic (yet still dreadful) example, having neighbors that are able to contact you directly or that can pass your contact information on to first responders will go a long way toward keeping panic and fear at bay.

Your only task this month is to contact your neighbors so that you can exchange emergency contact information for use in an emergency.

Telephone numbers, cell phone numbers and email addresses should be gathered and stored in a safe place in both printed and electronic format on a hard disk, smart phone (if you have one) or flash drive.

Now I know that these days, with OPSEC and all, the idea of neighbors helping neighbors is becoming unpopular.

I challenge you, though, this month, to look at this from the standpoint of YOU being the one in need.

Wouldn’t you want someone to contact you?

The Final Word

Although the purchases and tasks this month seem like no-brainers, they are critical to putting together a complete preparedness plan for you and your loved ones.

Disasters can and do happen to ordinary folks.

They happen to anyone and everyone, rich or poor, young or old.

The best we can do is take steps now to prepared for the unexpected.

Remember: You are responsible for your own preparedness.

No one else will do it for you.

Read other articles by Gaye Levy here.

In case you missed any of the articles in this series :

Month 1: Supplies, Gear and Tasks to Get You Started

Month 2: First Aid, Personal Hygiene and Home Safety

Month 3: Special Foods, Fire Drills and Home Safety

Month 4: Prescription Medicine, Cash, and Things to Keep Us Warm

Month 5: Sanitation Supplies and Establishing a Community of Like-Minded Folks

Month 6: Fitness, Energy Bars and Face Masks

Month 7: Gear, Tools, and Skills to Save Lives

Month 8: Adding Supplies, Tasks, and an Emergency Preparedness Kit for Your Vehicle

Month 9: Duct Tape and Drills

Month 10: Practice Going Off Grid

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

You can support this information by voting for it on Reddit HERE

Gaye Levy, the SurvivalWoman, grew up and attended school in the Greater Seattle area.

After spending many years as an executive in the software industry, she started a specialized accounting practice offering contract CFO work to emerging high tech and service industries.

She has now abandoned city life and moved to a serenely beautiful rural area on an island in NW Washington State.

She lives and teaches the principles of a sustainable, self-reliant and stylish lifestyle through emergency preparation and disaster planning through her website at BackdoorSurvival.com.

SurvivalWoman speaks her mind and delivers her message with optimism and grace, regardless of mayhem swirling around us.  Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation! 








Letter From Satan: Dear Brother Corzine


From The Daily Bail

August 14, 2012

Dear Brother Corzine:

Here’s an early Christmas present even though I find that holiday so loathsome, as you know.  It’s a federal court of appeals decision that came out last week.

I trust you’ll find it as comforting as I do.



“Instead of maintaining customer assets in segregated accounts as required by law, Sentinel had pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in customer assets to secure an overnight loan at the Bank of New York, now Bank of New York Mellon.

This left the bank in a secured position on Sentinel’s $312 million loan but its customers out millions.

After filing for bankruptcy, Sentinel’s liquidation trustee brought a variety of claims against the bank to dislodge its secured position.

After extensive proceedings, including more than two weeks of trial over the course of more than a month, the district court rejected the claims.

This appeal raises concerns about Sentinel’s business practices and the degree to which the bank knew about them, but based on the district court’s factual findings, we affirm.”

Yours in Untrammeled Malevolence,



UPDATE – Satan Clarifies His Letter

To be clear about my minions’ fine work in punishing innocent account holders by rewarding evildoers with the contents of those accounts: the court freely acknowledges, in the 1st sentence of the opinion, that Sentinel’s transfer of those accounts–to the Honorable Jon Corzine’s colleagues at Bank of New York Mellon (“Bank”)–was illegal.

Clinging to the notion that the rule of law has any place in my Kingdom of Evil, the account holders tried to prove they were entitled to their own money, even after it was stolen, under a theory of “equitable subordination,” under which Bank’s claim to the purloined funds would have been subordinated to those naive account holders.

Too succeed under the dead letter of law, the account holders had to prove that the Bank acted inequitably, that is, with conduct that was egregious.

As a humorous demonstration of my raw dark power, I dispatched to court several officials of the Bank–all pathological liars–whose own email correspondence demonstrates to a certainty that they knew that the $300 million transferred could not possibly have belonged to Sentinel, but must instead have belonged to the fools banking there.

Predictably, the Bank officials perjured themselves repeatedly at trial.

It is on the following basis that I will appoint all three appellate court panel members to an Executive Suite in Hell.

 What follows is a perversion of justice so remarkably devious that I’m inclined to strike the judicial triumvirate dead this instant so that we may enjoy cocktails together before dining on slaughtered puppies this evening:

“Instead of finding that their testimony justified a finding of egregious bank behavior, the district court essentially found that the bank officials were such artless liars that they couldn’t have been concealing deliberate wrongdoing.  

Instead, the bank officials were simply trying to cover up their own incompetence.”


Keep on Rocking in the Free World, HAHAHA….


The Devil Himself


P.S. – This court ruling is not good news for those who want to see you in prison…

Corzine congressional testimony:

Dec. 08 2011 – In testimony to congress, former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine apologized but said he did not know what happened to the missing customer funds.

Editor’s Note – It’s $1.6 trillion, not $1.2 trillion.

And Corzine is lying.  Read the following links.


COURTS GIVE WALL STREET LICENSE TO STEAL – “Ann Barnhardt – A Matter of Record”








 Ex-CIA Analyst Tells Us The Real Reason Israel Wants To Strike Iran Before The US Election




August 14, 2012 –  by Michael Kelley

Ehud barak

For months senior Israeli officials have said the “window of opportunity” for attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities is before the U.S. presidential election in November because Iran’s nuclear facilities will soon be in fortified underground bunkers out of the reach of Israeli bombs. 

But former CIA analyst Ray McGovern believes that delaying Iran’s nuclear capabilities is not the primary concern of a military strike, but simply the pretext.

“The Israelis want to pretend the Iranians are building up their nuclear capabilities, want to zap them between now and November 6, and the chances are at least even that they will try to do that thinking the U.S. will come in with both feet,” McGovern told us.

McGovern thinks that “Israel does not fear a nuclear weapon in Iran’s hands” because Israel already has a nuclear arsenal and the threat of Iran having a couple of nukes “would not be all that credible except in a limited, deterrent way.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak

That deterrent would be important, however, because “since 1967 the Israelis have been able to pretty much do whatever they want in that area” and a nuclear Iran would bring a different strategic situation because, for the first time, Israel would have to look over their shoulder.”

So even though Israel’s leaders don’t truly fear imminent nuclear annihilation, McGovern says they “would like to end any possibility, however remote, that anytime soon Iran could have that kind of very minimal deterrent capability.”

McGovern believes that Israel’s primary goal is to have Iran bloodied the same way we did to Iraq so that Iran “would no longer be able to support Hamas and Hezbollah in Gaza, Lebanon, and elsewhere.”

And the reason Nov. 6 is an important date, McGovern wrote in a recent article, is that “a second-term Obama would feel much freer not to commit U.S. forces on Israel’s side” and “might use U.S. leverage to force Israeli concessions on thorny issues relating to Palestine.”

There is serious doubt that Israel could handle a full-fledged war with Iran, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted that he would prefer the U.S. and its superior firepower lead any attack

A potential loss of leverage after Nov. 6 would explain the current drumbeat of war being played by Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

BI contributor ForexCrunch points out that Netanyahu was recently granted greater powers within the government, a text message system is being tested in case of retaliation to an attack, the Bank of Israel is preparing the financial system for an Israeli strike in Iran, France is preparing to evacuate its citizens from Israel, and the Israeli media have published a flurry of articles suggesting a military strike is imminent

“Netanyahu feels, with good reason, that he’s got Obama in a corner for these next three months,” McGovern said. “If he’s right about Obama jumping in with both feet—and I think Obama would do that—even though Israeli generals are advising that it could be a disaster, [then] Netanyahu is willing to try it.”

For its part the Obama administration has been doing everything it can—short of saying that it would not back an Israeli strike—to delay an attack. Beyond offering firepower in exchange for waiting until after the election, U.S. officials informed Israel that staunch American ally Saudi Arabia vowed to take down any Israeli jet flying in its airspace.

And five senior officials—including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta—have visited Israel this month to insist there is still time for diplomacy, in the form of talks and heavy sanctions, to prevent a physical attack.

But, as McGovern notes, it may not be up to the U.S. at this point.

“We are at war with Iran right now—not only the cyber attacks, but the special forces inside Iran and the assassination of the Iranian scientists,” McGovern said. “The only question is whether that will extend to an attempt to destroy their nuclear-development facilities, and that’s up to Israel.”








  FBI raiding homes of Occupy activists




by Jacque Fresco – August 14, 2012

FBI raid wall street protestors

A US newspaper has revealed that the FBI has been raiding the houses of anti-Wall Street protesters in Oregon and Washington in what the agency describes an “ongoing violent crime investigation.”

The Oregonian newspaper reported that heavily-armed domestic terrorism units of the FBI have been raiding the homes of activists in Seattle and Olympia, Washington and Portland, Oregon over the last month.

The report said that at least six homes have been raided in the two states since July 10.

The FBI has described the raids as part of an ongoing violent crime investigation, linked to last year’s Occupy May Day protests, during which a number of minor acts of vandalism allegedly took place.

In one of the raids, eyewitnesses reported as many as 80 agents in body armor, wearing military fatigues, and armed with assault rifles participated in the raid.

“I just heard lots of pounding at 6 o’clock, and I got up and I saw the whole thing,” said one of the eyewitnesses, adding, “I saw them screaming to get in. They were using the battering ram, and then finally the door just opened.”

FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele told the newspaper, “The warrants are sealed… and I anticipate they will remain sealed.”

The paper said the agents were searching for “anti-government or anarchist literature or material” and “documentation and communications related to the offenses, including but not limited to notes, diagrams, letters, diary and journal entries, address books, and other documentation in written or electronic form.”

The Occupy Wall Street movement began when a group of demonstrators gathered in New York’s financial district on September 17, 2011 to protest against corruption, the unjust distribution of wealth in the country, and the excessive influence of big corporations on US policies.

Wall street protesters vs bankers

Source: PressTV








Disinformation: How It Works


From Information Clearing House

By Brandon Smith – August 13, 2012  

— There was a time, not too long ago (relatively speaking), that governments and the groups of elites that controlled them did not find it necessary to conscript themselves into wars of disinformation.

Propaganda was relatively straightforward.

The lies were much simpler.

The control of information flow was easily directed.

Rules were enforced with the threat of property confiscation and execution for anyone who strayed from the rigid socio-political structure.

Those who had theological, metaphysical or scientific information outside of the conventional and scripted collective world view were tortured and slaughtered.

The elites kept the information to themselves, and removed its remnants from mainstream recognition, sometimes for centuries before it was rediscovered.

With the advent of anti-feudalism, and most importantly the success of the American Revolution, elitists were no longer able to dominate information with the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun.

The establishment of Republics, with their philosophy of open government and rule by the people, compelled Aristocratic minorities to plot more subtle ways of obstructing the truth and thus maintaining their hold over the world without exposing themselves to retribution from the masses.

Thus, the complex art of disinformation was born.

The technique, the “magic” of the lie, was refined and perfected.

The mechanics of the human mind and the human soul became an endless obsession for the establishment.

The goal was malicious, but socially radical; instead of expending the impossible energy needed to dictate the very form and existence of the truth, they would allow it to drift, obscured in a fog of contrived data.

They would wrap the truth in a Gordian Knot of misdirection and fabrication so elaborate that they felt certain the majority of people would surrender, giving up long before they ever finished unraveling the deceit.

The goal was not to destroy the truth, but to hide it in plain sight.

In modern times, and with carefully engineered methods, this goal has for the most part been accomplished.

However, these methods also have inherent weaknesses.

Lies are fragile.

They require constant attentiveness to keep them alive.

The exposure of a single truth can rip through an ocean of lies, evaporating it instantly.

In this article, we will examine the methods used to fertilize and promote the growth of disinformation, as well as how to identify the roots of disinformation and effectively cut them, starving out the entire system of fallacies once and for all.

Media Disinformation Methods

The mainstream media, once tasked with the job of investigating government corruption and keeping elitists in line, has now become nothing more than a public relations firm for corrupt officials and their Globalist handlers.

The days of the legitimate “investigative reporter” are long gone (if they ever existed at all), and journalism itself has deteriorated into a rancid pool of so called “TV Editorialists” who treat their own baseless opinions as supported fact.

The elitist co-opting of news has been going on in one form or another since the invention of the printing press.

However, the first methods of media disinformation truly came to fruition under the supervision of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who believed the truth was “subjective” and open to his personal interpretation.

Some of the main tactics used by the mainstream media to mislead the masses are as follows:

Lie Big, Retract Quietly: Mainstream media sources (especially newspapers) are notorious for reporting flagrantly dishonest and unsupported news stories on the front page, then quietly retracting those stories on the very back page when they are caught. In this case, the point is to railroad the lie into the collective consciousness.

Once the lie is finally exposed, it is already too late, and a large portion of the population will not notice or care when the truth comes out.

Unconfirmed Or Controlled Sources As Fact: Cable news venues often cite information from “unnamed” sources, government sources that have an obvious bias or agenda, or “expert” sources without providing an alternative “expert” view.

The information provided by these sources is usually backed by nothing more than blind faith.

Calculated Omission: Otherwise known as “cherry picking” data. One simple piece of information or root item of truth can derail an entire disinfo news story, so instead of trying to gloss over it, they simply pretend as if it doesn’t exist.

When the fact is omitted, the lie can appear entirely rational.

This tactic is also used extensively when disinformation agents and crooked journalists engage in open debate.

Distraction, And The Manufacture Of Relevance: Sometimes the truth wells up into the public awareness regardless of what the media does to bury it.

When this occurs their only recourse is to attempt to change the public’s focus and thereby distract them from the truth they were so close to grasping.

The media accomplishes this by “over-reporting” on a subject that has nothing to do with the more important issues at hand.

Ironically, the media can take an unimportant story, and by reporting on it ad nauseum, cause many Americans to assume that because the media won’t shut-up about it, it must be important!

Dishonest Debate Tactics: Sometimes, men who actually are concerned with the average American’s pursuit of honesty and legitimate fact-driven information break through and appear on T.V.

However, rarely are they allowed to share their views or insights without having to fight through a wall of carefully crafted deceit and propaganda.

Because the media know they will lose credibility if they do not allow guests with opposing viewpoints every once in a while, they set up and choreograph specialized T.V. debates in highly restrictive environments which put the guest on the defensive, and make it difficult for them to clearly convey their ideas or facts.

TV pundits are often trained in what are commonly called “Alinsky Tactics.”

Saul Alinsky was a moral relativist, and champion of the lie as a tool for the “greater good”; essentially, a modern day Machiavelli.

His “Rules for Radicals” were supposedly meant for grassroots activists who opposed the establishment and emphasized the use of any means necessary to defeat one’s political opposition.

But is it truly possible to defeat an establishment built on lies, by use of even more elaborate lies, and by sacrificing one’s ethics?

In reality, his strategies are the perfect format for corrupt institutions and governments to dissuade dissent from the masses.

Today, Alinsky’s rules are used more often by the establishment than by its opposition.

Alinsky’s Strategy: Win At Any Cost, Even If You Have To Lie

Alinsky’s tactics have been adopted by governments and disinformation specialists across the world, but they are most visible in TV debate.

While Alinsky sermonized about the need for confrontation in society, his debate tactics are actually designed to circumvent real and honest confrontation of opposing ideas with slippery tricks and diversions.

Alinsky’s tactics, and their modern usage, can be summarized as follows:

1) Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.

We see this tactic in many forms.

For example, projecting your own movement as mainstream, and your opponent’s as fringe.

Convincing your opponent that his fight is a futile one.

Your opposition may act differently, or even hesitate to act at all, based on their perception of your power.

How often have we heard this line: “The government has predator drones.There is nothing the people can do now…”  

This is a projection of exaggerated invincibility designed to elicit apathy from the masses.

2) Never go outside the experience of your people, and whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.

Don’t get drawn into a debate about a subject you do not know as well as or better than your opposition.

If possible, draw them into such a situation instead. Go off on tangents.

Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty in your opposition.

This is commonly used against unwitting interviewees on cable news shows whose positions are set up to be skewered.

The target is blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.

In television and radio, this also serves to waste broadcast time to prevent the target from expressing his own position.

3) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

The objective is to target the opponent’s credibility and reputation by accusations of hypocrisy.

If the tactician can catch his opponent in even the smallest misstep, it creates an opening for further attacks, and distracts away from the broader moral question.

4) Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

“Ron Paul is a crackpot.”

“Gold bugs are crazy.”

“ Constitutionalists are fringe extremists.”

Baseless ridicule is almost impossible to counter because it is meant to be irrational.

It infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

It also works as a pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

5) A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

The popularization of the term “Teabaggers” is a classic example; it caught on by itself because people seem to think it’s clever, and enjoy saying it.

Keeping your talking points simple and fun helps your side stay motivated, and helps your tactics spread autonomously, without instruction or encouragement.

6) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

See rule No. 5. Don’t become old news.

If you keep your tactics fresh, it’s easier to keep your people active.

Not all disinformation agents are paid. The “useful idiots” have to be motivated by other means.

Mainstream disinformation often changes gear from one method to the next and then back again.

7) Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance.

As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

Never give the target a chance to rest, regroup, recover or re-strategize.

Take advantage of current events and twist their implications to support your position.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

8) The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself

This goes hand in hand with Rule No. 1.

Perception is reality.

Allow your opposition to expend all of its energy in expectation of an insurmountable scenario.

The dire possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.

9) The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

The objective of this pressure is to force the opposition to react and make the mistakes that are necessary for the ultimate success of the campaign.

10) If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

As grassroots activism tools, Alinsky tactics have historically been used (for example, by labor movements or covert operations specialists) to force the opposition to react with violence against activists, which leads to popular sympathy for the activists’ cause.

Today, false (or co-opted) grassroots movements and revolutions use this technique in debate as well as in planned street actions and rebellions (look at Syria for a recent example).

11) The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

Today, this is often used offensively against legitimate activists, such as the opponents of the Federal Reserve.

Complain that your opponent is merely “pointing out the problems.”

Demand that they offer not just “a solution”, but THE solution.

Obviously, no one person has “the” solution.

When he fails to produce the miracle you requested, dismiss his entire argument and all the facts he has presented as pointless.

12) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.

Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.

The target’s supporters will expose themselves. Go after individual people, not organizations or institutions.

People hurt faster than institutions.

The next time you view an MSM debate, watch the pundits carefully, you will likely see many if not all of the strategies above used on some unsuspecting individual attempting to tell the truth.

Internet Disinformation Methods

Internet trolls, also known as “paid posters” or “paid bloggers,” are increasingly and openly being employed by private corporations as well governments, often for marketing purposes and for “public relations” (Obama is notorious for this practice).

Internet “trolling” is indeed a fast growing industry.

Trolls use a wide variety of strategies, some of which are unique to the internet, here are just a few:

1. Make outrageous comments designed to distract or frustrate: An Alinsky tactic used to make people emotional, although less effective because of the impersonal nature of the Web.

2. Pose as a supporter of the truth, then make comments that discredit the movement: We have seen this even on our own forums — trolls pose as supporters of the Liberty Movement, then post long, incoherent diatribes so as to appear either racist or insane.

The key to this tactic is to make references to common Liberty Movement arguments while at the same time babbling nonsense, so as to make those otherwise valid arguments seem ludicrous by association.

In extreme cases, these “Trojan Horse Trolls” have been known to make posts which incite violence — a technique obviously intended to solidify the false assertions of the think tank propagandists like the SPLC, which purports that Constitutionalists should be feared as potential domestic terrorists.

3. Dominate Discussions: Trolls often interject themselves into productive Web discussions in order to throw them off course and frustrate the people involved.

4. Prewritten Responses: Many trolls are supplied with a list or database with pre-planned talking points designed as generalized and deceptive responses to honest arguments.

When they post, their words feel strangely plastic and well rehearsed.

5. False Association: This works hand in hand with item No. 2, by invoking the stereotypes established by the “Trojan Horse Troll.”

For example: calling those against the Federal Reserve “conspiracy theorists” or “lunatics”; deliberately associating anti-globalist movements with racists and homegrown terrorists, because of the inherent negative connotations; and using false associations to provoke biases and dissuade people from examining the evidence objectively.

6. False Moderation: Pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an argument with obvious and defined sides in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true into a “grey area” where the truth becomes “relative.”

7. Straw Man Arguments: A very common technique.

The troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if he does not, and then attacks that point of view.

Or, the troll will put words in the mouth of his opposition, and then rebut those specific words.

Sometimes, these strategies are used by average people with serious personality issues.

However, if you see someone using these tactics often, or using many of them at the same time, you may be dealing with a paid internet troll.

Stopping Disinformation

The best way to disarm disinformation agents is to know their methods inside and out.

This gives us the ability to point out exactly what they are doing in detail the moment they try to do it.

Immediately exposing a disinformation tactic as it is being used is highly destructive to the person utilizing it.

It makes them look foolish, dishonest and weak for even making the attempt.

Internet trolls most especially do not know how to handle their methods being deconstructed right in front of their eyes and usually fold and run from debate when it occurs.

The truth is precious.

It is sad that there are so many in our society who have lost respect for it; people who have traded in their conscience and their soul for temporary financial comfort while sacrificing the stability and balance of the rest of the country in the process.

The human psyche breathes on the air of truth.

Without it, humanity cannot survive.

Without it, the species will collapse, starving from lack of intellectual and emotional sustenance.

Disinformation does not only threaten our insight into the workings of our world; it makes us vulnerable to fear, misunderstanding, and doubt: all things that lead to destruction.

It can drive good people to commit terrible atrocities against others, or even against themselves.

Without a concerted and organized effort to defuse mass-produced lies, the future will look bleak indeed.

You can contact Brandon Smith at: brandon@alt-market.com

This article was originally published at Alt-Market








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